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Top up balance accounts

Set up a pull sweep to trigger a direct debit from a verified transfer instrument.

The funds in your users' balance accounts usually come from payments from their customers. However, you can also increase the balance in these accounts by allowing your users to top up their balance accounts. A top-up refers to an incoming transfer of funds, funded by your user from an external source, that increases the balance in their balance account.

If needed, you can also fund top-ups to your liable balance account.

You can top up your users' balance accounts in two ways:

  • On a schedule: you set up a schedule that automatically triggers the top-up based on timing and amount.
  • On demand: you manually top up your users' balance accounts when needed, outside of the scheduled top-ups.

Use cases

It is useful to top up funds in balance accounts when:

  • You want to cover for possible negative balances, caused by refunds and chargebacks.
  • Your user's balance account has insufficient funds.

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