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Manage stores

Learn how to manage stores for your users.

On this page, you can learn how to:

  • Retrieve the details of all stores in your merchant account.
  • Retrieve the details a specific store.
  • Update the details of a store.

Store identification

When you create a store, Adyen automatically assigns a unique ID to the store. You can also optionally provide a store reference for your reports. The store ID is unique to the entire Adyen platform, while the reference is only unique to your merchant account. To update the store, you need to know the store ID.

Retrieve store details

The Stores tab provides details for all online and physical stores linked to an account holder. To view store details, your account needs the Manage account holders and legal entities role.

To view store details in the Customer Area:

  1. Select a merchant account that is connected to their platform.
  2. Go to Platform > Account holders.
  3. On the Account holders page, select an Account holder ID.
  4. Select Stores.
  5. Select a store from the list to see the store details.

The Stores tab shows all the relevant details regarding stores, such as: Balance account ID, Merchant account ID, Sales channels, Store ID. You can choose the store details on the page by selecting the settings icon .

Update a store

To update a store, you need to know its unique store ID. In your request, include only the parameters you want to update. The same applies if the parameter is inside an object.

For example, to change the postal code and remove the third address line from the store address, the address object should include the postalCode parameter with the new value, and the line3 parameter with an empty value.

To update a store:

  1. Make sure you know the id of the store. To find this value, get a list of stores.

  2. To update the store, use the following endpoints:

    In the request body, include any of the following parameters:

    Parameter Description
    address Can contain string values for the following parameters:
    • city: The city of the store.
    • line1 line2 line3: Up to three lines can be used for the street name, street number, and other information.
    • postalCode: The postal code of the store. Must be in the same postal code format as the country of the store.
    • stateOrProvince: Required only for the United States. The state or province of the store as defined in ISO 3166-2. For example, IL for Illinois in the United States.
    It is not possible to update the country of the store.
    description Your description of the store.
    businessLineIds An array that contains unique identifiers of business lines. Must be part of the same legal entity as the merchant account.
    Business lines can only be added, not removed from a store.
    splitConfiguration An object containing the information required to automatically split transactions that are routed through this store.

    This object consists of:

    status The status of the store. You can change the status from active to inactive or from inactive to active or closed. After a store is closed, you can't change the status anymore.

    This example shows how you update a store's street address and postal code, identifying the store by ID. The first two lines of the address are changed and the third line is removed by including an empty value:

  3. Note that the response includes the full store details.

Store status

Stores can have three statuses that determine how they operate:

  • active: when you create a store, it is automatically set to active. The store can then immediately process payments.

  • inactive: when you change the store status from active to inactive, the store is blocked from accepting new transactions, but capturing outstanding transactions is still possible. When you change the store status back to active, this restriction is removed.

  • closed: before you can close a store, you must first change the store status to inactive. It is not possible to change the status anymore because a closed store cannot be reopened.

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