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Use transaction rules

Evaluate transactions with predefined conditions and outcomes.

Use transaction rules to decide if a transaction must be allowed or declined using predefined conditions and outcomes. Aside from payments, transaction rules can be applied to other activities of the user, such as ATM withdrawals. We recommend that you use transaction rules if you want to make decisions based on transaction data and static conditions, such as a fixed list of countries/regions from which transactions must not be allowed.

How it works

You create a transaction rule using the Configuration API. When creating transaction rules, you must consider:

  • The outcome that must be applied when a transaction meets the conditions of a rule. This can be blocking the transaction or assigning a score.
  • The rule type, which defines whether the rule blocks transactions based on the data of the particular transaction or if it accumulates data to measure the velocity or usage over a time interval.
  • The time interval when a rule applies, such as the lifetime of a card or over a period of time.
  • The conditions and how the conditions must be interpreted.
  • The entity to which the rule applies and at which level data must be accumulated.

When a user makes a transaction with an Adyen-issued card, Adyen evaluates it against the transaction rules that you defined. If it meets the conditions of a rule, Adyen applies the outcome.

You can also combine transaction rules with relayed authorisation. When combined, Adyen evaluates transaction rules first before sending the relayed authorisation webhook to your server. This means that when a transaction is already declined by transaction rules, you will not get a relayed authorisation webhook.

How transaction rules are evaluated

You can create a rule with one or more conditions, and apply one or more rules to a card. When a user makes a transaction, Adyen evaluates all the applicable rules.

When you have multiple conditions and rules, Adyen evaluates based on the following:

  • Multiple conditions within one rule: Adyen applies the outcome if the transaction meets all conditions.
  • Multiple rules: Adyen evaluates the rules based on a hierarchy of outcome and rule type. Transaction rules with a hard block outcome are evaluated first. If a transaction is already declined, remaining rules are no longer evaluated. A transaction rule is evaluated based on the following hierarchy:
    1. A hard-block outcome with a blocklist rule type
    2. A hard-block outcome with a velocity or maximum usage rule type
    3. A score-based outcome with a blocklist rule type
    4. A score-based outcome with a velocity or maximum usage rule type

Transaction rules can be overridden. For more information, reach out to your Adyen contact.


The outcome determines what Adyen does when a transaction meets the conditions of a rule. Depending on your use case, you can configure either a hard-block or score-based outcome.

Hard-block outcome

The transaction is declined.

Score-based outcome

A score-based outcome assigns a score to a transaction. When configuring this outcome, you must specify a score between -100 and 100.

When evaluating transaction, Adyen adds up the scores of all the triggered score-based outcomes. If the total score is higher than 100, the transaction is declined.

To decide on the outcome, consider your use cases. For example, if a payment does not have a CVC but comes from a known merchant, you may want to assign a score to the payment instead of blocking it.

Rule types

The rule type defines whether a rule blocks transactions based on their individual characteristics or accumulate data from transactions over time.

The following are rule types:

  • Blocklist: decline a transaction when the conditions are met.
  • Maximum usage: add the total amount from each transaction or count the number of transactions for the lifetime of a payment instrument, and then decline a transaction when the specified limits are met.
  • Velocity: add the total amount from each transaction or count the number of transactions based on a specified time interval and other conditions, and then decline a transaction when the specified limits are met.

Time intervals

The time interval defines the period when the rule conditions apply. The interval also determines when counters are reset if the rule is accumulating data.

The following are types of time intervals:

  • Lifetime: conditions are applied to the lifetime of the card.
  • Per transaction: conditions are applied and counters are reset for every transaction.
  • Fixed intervals such as daily, weekly, or monthly: conditions are applied and counters are reset at fixed intervals based on CET.
  • Rolling interval with a custom start time and duration: conditions are applied and counters are reset based on a start time, timezone, and duration that you define.
  • Sliding interval from a specified duration up to the current time: conditions are applied based on the current time and a duration that you define. The duration can be in minutes, hours, days, weeks, or months.


Conditions determine what a transaction rule must check. We refer to these conditions as rule restrictions.

Rule restrictions consist of:

  • One or more types of conditions, such as country codes, merchant category codes, or a start time and end time.
  • An operation type, which determines how the conditions must be evaluated. You can set operations such as:
    • Match any of merchant category codes in the list.
    • Does not match any of the country codes in the list.
    • Equals the specified processing type.

See allowed combinations of rule restrictions and operations.

Entity to which the rule applies

Each transaction rule must be applied to only one resource.

You can apply a transaction rule to any of the following resources:

  • A payment instrument: the rule only applies to one card.
  • A balance account: the rule applies to all cards linked to the balance account.
  • An account holder: the rule applies to all cards of the account holder.
  • A payment instrument group: the rule applies to all cards in the group.
  • A balance platform: the rule applies to all cards in your balance platform.
  • A payment instrument group: the rule applies to all cards in the group.

If multiple rules apply to a card, Adyen evaluates all the rules. The transaction is blocked if it meets the conditions of a rule with a hard-block outcome.

Aggregating total amount or number of transactions

When accumulating the amount or number of transactions, you can also specify at which level the data should be accumulated.

You can accumulate data based on different levels:

  • The payment instrument level. This is the default.
  • The balance account level.
  • The account holder level.
  • The balance platform level.
  • The payment instrument group level.

You can only aggregate values at the same or below the level of the entity to which the rule applies. For example, if the transaction rule applies to a balance account, then you can only aggregate values for the balance account or for individual payment instruments but not at the account holder level.

When aggregating amounts, we convert all transaction amounts to the default currency of the account holder or balance platform.

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