The Received Payments Report has been deprecated. Use the Accounting Report instead.
The Received Payments Report shows all the payments made during the selected day, and their final state.
Because it can take some time for payments to reach a final state, we recommend that you generate a Received Payments Report two weeks after the day for which you want that report. For example, to reconcile the payments from June 15th, you should generate the report in July. This way you can ensure that payments that were in Authorised state are now in their final state, for example, Captured or Expired.
You can generate a Received Payments Report automatically based on a schedule, or manually for a specific day or consecutive days in your Balance Platform Customer Area.
Download a sample BalancePlatform Received Payments Report for examples of the included data.
Based on your platform settings, the report you generate in your account can contain additional data or columns that are not included in the sample report.
Report structure
Every row in the Received Payments Report represents one payment with its final state reached when the report was generated.
The first three rows of the report contain the following information.
BalancePlatform Received Payments as at YYYY-MM-DD Payments
The header row is in the fourth row and contains the following information.
# | Column | Data type | Description |
1 | Balance Platform | Unicode Text | Name of your Balance Platform account. |
2 | Account Holder | Unicode Text | Unique identifier of the account holder that owns the balance account. |
3 | Balance Account | Unicode Text | Unique identifier of the balance account associated with the payment instrument. |
4 | Transaction Id | Alpha text (16-character limit) |
Unique transaction id in Adyen's accounting systems. |
5 | Journal Type | Unicode Text | The latest available status of the payment. When the report is generated 2 weeks after the report date, expect only final states (Captured, Refused, Expired, Cancelled, and Refunded). When the report is generated less than 2 weeks after the report date, expect also non-final states, for example, Authorised. |
6 | Authorisation PSP Reference | Alpha text (16-character limit) |
Adyen's 16-character unique reference associated with the authorization request. |
7 | Payment Instrument Type | Unicode text | The type of the payment instrument used in the payment. |
8 | Payment Reference | Unicode Text (16-character limit) |
Unique identifier of the payment instrument used in the payment. |
9 | Authorisation Date | Date field + Time field | Timestamp of the date and time of the payment. |
10 | Authorisation TimeZone | Alpha text (4-character limit) |
Time zone of the Authorisation Date column. |
11 | Transaction Date | Date field | Timestamp indicating when the transaction was created in Adyen's accounting systems. |
12 | Transaction TimeZone | Alpha text (4-character limit) |
The time zone of the Transaction Date. |
13 | Original Currency | Alpha text (3-character limit) |
The currency of the payment amount as received from the acquirer. Its value is a three-character ISO 4217 currency code. |
14 | Original Amount | Fixed point number | The payment amount in the currency defined in Original Currency. |
15 | Instructed Currency | Alpha text (3-character limit) |
The currency of the amount deducted from the balance account for this payment. |
16 | Instructed Amount | Text field numeric (16-character limit) |
The amount deducted from the balance account, in the currency defined in Instructed Currency. |
17 | Description | Unicode text | A unique description generated for the payment. |
18 | Entrymode | Unicode text | The point-of-sale entry mode as reported by the acquirer. Possible values: MANUAL , CHIP , MAGSTRIPE , MAGSTRIPE_FALLBACK , CONTACTLESS , CONTACTLESS_MAGSTRIPE , COF , TOKEN , E_COMMERCE , SERVER , BARCODE , OCR , UNKNOWN . |
19 | Auth Code | Text field numeric | A unique authorisation code generated for the payment. This code should be included when canceling or refunding a payment. |
20 | Shopper Interaction | Alpha text (30-character limit) |
Transaction type. Possible values: Ecommerce , ContAuth , POS , Moto . |
21 | Counterparty Name | Unicode text | The name of the merchant that initiated the payment. |
22 | Counterparty Address | Unicode text | The address of the merchant that initiated the payment. |
23 | Counterparty City | Unicode text | The city of the merchant that initiated the payment. |
24 | Counterparty Country | Unicode text | The location of the merchant that initiated the payment. Its value is a three-character ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code. |
24 | MCC | Text field numeric | The merchant category code of the merchant that initiated the payment. |
25 | Counterparty iban | Unicode text | The IBAN of the merchant that initiated the payment. |
26 | Counterparty bic | Alpha text | The BIC of the bank of the merchant that initiated the payment. |
27 | Counterparty Account Number | Unicode Text | The account number of the merchant that initiated the payment. |
28 | Beneficiary Balance Account | Unicode Text | The unique identifier of the beneficiary balance account associated with your platform. |
29 | Reserved2 | - | Reserved for future enhancements |
30 | Reserved3 | - | Reserved for future enhancements |
31 | Reserved4 | - | Reserved for future enhancements |
32 | Reserved5 | - | Reserved for future enhancements |
33 | Reserved6 | - | Reserved for future enhancements |
34 | Reserved7 | - | Reserved for future enhancements |
35 | Reserved8 | - | Reserved for future enhancements |
36 | Reserved9 | - | Reserved for future enhancements |
37 | Reserved10 | - | Reserved for future enhancements |