Adding cards to a digital wallet, such as Google Pay or Apple Pay, is a convenient way to make transactions with Adyen-issued cards. However, before your cardholder can start using digital wallets, Adyen needs to authenticate them.
To support this scenario, you must include the cardholder's authentication data when issuing a card.
Add cards to digital wallets
If you want to allow your cardholders to add their cards to a digital wallet, their mobile phone number or email must be linked to their card. You can add their mobile phone number or email when you create or update their card.
When they add the card to a wallet, Adyen sends a one-time password to their phone number or email. Once validated, their card is successfully added to their wallet.
For a list of supported digital wallets, reach out to your Adyen contact.
Send authentication data
When creating or updating the card, include the authentication object containing a phone object that includes the number
and type
set to mobile, or the email.
Here is an example of how you can create a card with authentication data (mobile phone number) for wallets.
curl \ -H 'x-api-key: ADYEN_BALANCE_PLATFORM_API_KEY' \ -H 'content-type: application/json' \ -X POST \ -d '{ "type": "card", "issuingCountryCode": "NL", "balanceAccountId": "BA3227C223222B5CTBLR8BWJB", "status": "inactive", "card": { "formFactor": "physical", "brand": "mc", "brandVariant": "mcdebit", "cardholderName": "Sam Hopper", "authentication": { "phone": { "number": "31611223344", "type": "mobile" } }, "deliveryContact": { "address": { "city": "Amsterdam", "country": "NL", "stateOrProvince": "NH", "street": "274 Brannan Street, Suite 600", "houseNumberOrName": "50", "postalCode": "1020CD" }, "name": { "firstName": "Sam", "lastName": "Hopper" } }, "configuration": { "configurationProfileId": "YOUR_CONFIGURATION_PROFILE_ID" } }, "description": "YOUR_DESCRIPTION" }'
You can also add the object at a later time or change the card user's phone number by sending a PATCH /paymentInstruments/{id} request to update the card.
curl{id} \ -H 'x-api-key: ADYEN_BALANCE_PLATFORM_API_KEY' \ -H 'content-type: application/json' \ -X PATCH \ -d '{ "card": { "authentication": { "phone": { "number": "31611223344", "type": "mobile" } } } }'