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Individual legal entity components

Create an individual legal entity resource using Onboarding components.

To integrate the individual legal entity components, the minimum required library version is 3.32.0.

You can speed up the process of creating legal entity resources for your users with Adyen's web components. You only need to create a legal entity using the POST /legalEntities request with the minimum required information, then integrate the legal entity components into your marketplaceā€™s user interface (UI).

After you have integrated the components, your users can enter other necessary verification information themselves. The component will then send this information to Adyen for verification checks and show your users their verification status.

This page provides information on:

  • The available individual legal entity components, which include the Create Individual component and the Manage Individual component.
  • The steps needed to integrate these components into your marketplace's UI.

Create Individual component

The Create Individual component enables your users to:

  • Enter their personal details and upload any additional documents required for onboarding.
  • Submit the entered information to Adyen for verification.

Manage Individual component

The Manage Individual component enables your users to see their current verification status when used as a standalone component. You can also link the Manage Individual component to the Create Individual component by using a callback function to enable users to update their information if needed.


Before integrating the components, make sure that you:

User flow and callback functions

You can use each component independently to serve its primary purpose, such as to enable users to enter and submit their information and view their verification status.

Alternatively, you can integrate the two components into a single user flow by using the following callback functions:

  • When integrating the Create Individual component, you can include an onSubmitSuccess callback function. This function is triggered when the user submits their personal details, and it loads the Manage Individual component to show the verification status of the provided information.
  • When integrating the Manage Individual component, you can include an onClick callback function that loads the Create Individual component. This shows the user's prefilled personal details and any outstanding errors when they select their profile. The user can then update and submit the new information in the component.

See the example data for the onSubmitSuccess callback function below.

How it works

Follow these steps to integrate the individual legal entity components:

  1. Create an authentication session token
  2. Install and import the component library
  3. Initialize the components
  4. Customize the components

Step 1: Create an authentication session token

To ensure secure communication between your server and front end, a session token is required. You first need to create an individual legal entity with the minimum required information. You then pass the generated legal entity ID in your session request to authorize the user and while initializing components.

To create a session token:

  1. From your server, make a POST /legalEntities request using version 3 of the Legal Entity Management API. In your request, specify the following minimum required information.

    Parameter Required
    firstName -white_check_mark- The individual's first name. Must not be blank.
    lastName -white_check_mark- The individual's last name. Must not be blank. -white_check_mark- The two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
  2. From the response, save the generated legalEntityId.

  3. From your server, make a POST request to the /sessions endpoint of the Session authentication API using the API key that you set up for the Legal Entity Management API.

    1. Use the following URLs for this API:

      Environment API URL
    2. In the request body, specify these parameters:

      Parameter Required
      allowOrigin -white_check_mark- The URL where the component will appear. Must follow the format of or https://*, where is the actual web address of your marketplace.
      On live, only the HTTPS protocol is supported.
      An asterisk (*) cannot be used as a literal value for the parameter.
      product -white_check_mark- The type of component. Set this to onboarding.
      policy -white_check_mark- An object that contains:
      • resources: An object that contains:
        • legalEntityId: The unique identifier of the legal entity associated with the user that has a contractual relationship with your marketplace and whose data you want to collect using the components. Set this to the legal entity ID value you created in Step 1.1.
        • type: The type of resource. Set this to legalEntity.
      • roles: The role(s) required to use the component(s). Set this to createIndividualComponent and/or manageIndividualComponent.

      Here is an example request for creating a session token.

  4. Note the API response. Later, when initializing the components, you need to create and call a function that passes the entire session object from the response to your front end. Additionally, you need to pass the token value to the sdkToken parameter.

Step 2: Install and import the component library

Use the Adyen KYC Components library in your front-end application as follows:

  1. Install the node package.

    npm install @adyen/kyc-components --save
  2. Import the node package and the style sheet. To customize the component styling, see Step 4.

    import AdyenKyc from '@adyen/kyc-components';
    import '@adyen/kyc-components/styles.css';

Step 3: Initialize the components

To initialize components:

  1. Gather the following information to be passed when initializing the library and its components.

    1. Gather these parameters to initialize the library.

      Parameter Required
      locale -white_check_mark- The language of the component. See the list of supported languages. Use en-US for English.
      country -white_check_mark- The two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of the legal entity. Use US for the United States of America.
      environment -white_check_mark- The URL of the environment for the component integration. Use for the test environment and for the live environment.
      sdkToken -white_check_mark- The token received from the create session token API response.
      getSdkToken -white_check_mark- The function callback for refreshing/extending the current session.
    2. Gather these parameters to initialize each component.

      Select the tab for the component you want to use:

  2. Create a DOM element on your UI page where you want the component to be rendered and assign it a unique and descriptive ID. This unique ID is important to avoid any misconfigurations when integrating multiple components into your UI.

    Select the tab for the component you want to use:

  3. Add a function that calls your API to generate a new authentication session token.

    Select the tab for the component you want to use:

  4. Initialize the library, then create and mount the component to the container you created. At this step, you can localize the components by setting a preferred language.

    Select the tab for the component you want to use:

    If you use callback functions to integrate the two components into a single user flow, refer to the following example implementation:

Step 4: (Optional) Customize the components

You can customize the appearance of components by overriding the default CSS styles of colors, fonts, borders, and more. For the best user experience when customizing components, we recommend the following:

  • Choose color combinations that complement each other well and provide enough contrast for readability, especially for text and navigation elements.
  • Follow accessibility guidelines to ensure that the color palette is inclusive and usable for individuals with visual impairments.
  • Test your customizations before implementing them live.

To override the default CSS values of the component:

  1. Identify the CSS variable you want to change. Select the corresponding tab to view the available CSS variables and their default values for fonts, background color, outline color, and border settings.

  2. Set a new value for this CSS variable at the root level. Select the corresponding tab to view the examples.

See also