Release notes

Learn about the latest updates to our API, and Drop-in/Components for web, iOS, and Android.

This page contains the release notes for Pay by Link, Checkout API, and Drop-in/Components for web, iOS, Android, React Native, and Flutter starting from 2020.

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Checkout API v64

Checkout API v64 is now available in API Explorer.

  • All endpoints

    • If an API request contains a field that is not recognized, or if the format is not valid, we now return an error message with error code 702 instead of dropping the field. The error message contains information about why the validation failed, for example:
      Copy code
      "status": 400,
      "errorCode": "702",
      "message": "Structure of PaymentRequest contains the following unmapped fields exampleErrorField",
      "errorType": "validation"
  • POST /payments

    • For Boleto Bancário, when a shopperEmail is provided, we now send an email with the Boleto code to the shopper.
  • POST /paymentLinks

  • POST /payments
    • For Bancontact mobile and WeChat Pay, when making a request with paymentMethod.type bcmc_mobile_QR or wechatpayQR, the response now returns Pending instead of PresentToShopper result code. This result code is now consistent with other QR code payment methods such as BLIK and Swish.
  • POST /paymentMethods

    • The response for Amazon Pay, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and PayPal now contains a configuration object. Example for Google Pay and Apple Pay:
      Copy code
      "name":"Google Pay",
      "configuration": {
      "merchantDisplayName": "Merchant Name",
      "merchantIdentifier": "1000"
      "name": "Apple Pay",
      "type": "applepay"
  • POST /payments

  • POST /payments

    • In the response, we have marked a number of fields as deprecated. Although they are deprecated, these fields have not yet been removed from the response and you can still use them.

      In a future version of the API, the deprecated fields will be removed and replaced by fields in the action object. We recommend that you start using the fields in the action object in the response.

      This applies to the following fields:

      Response field Solution
      authentication Use the action object instead to get the values to be used in further calls to the /payments/details endpoint. Applies to 3D Secure 2 payments.
      details [InputDetail] Use the action object instead to get all the fields needed to submit in the /payments/details call.
      outputDetails Use the action object instead to get the details that will be presented to the shopper.
      paymentData Use action.Paymentdata instead.
      redirect Use the action object instead to get information about the redirect URL for payment flows that require a redirect.