This page contains the release notes for Pay by Link, Checkout API, and Drop-in/Components for web, iOS, Android, React Native, and Flutter starting from 2020.
Release notes
Learn about the latest updates to our API, and Drop-in/Components for web, iOS, and Android.
We recommend you use Checkout API v67 or later.
For BACS Direct Debit, an error message appears under the payment agreement text if the shopper selects the Continue button without selecting the toggles to agree.
We recommend you use Checkout API v67 or later.
- You can now use more than one client key for your integration, for example, if you need different credentials for some merchant accounts.
- Fixed the known issue from v4.5.0 where Cartes Bancaires did not work on Apple Pay.
This release requires Checkout API v67 or later.
- The Cardholder field now accepts all characters, except digits.
- We improved accessibility for dropdown menus:
- You can now close a dropdown menu using the Esc key.
- Pressing Tab on a open dropdown moves the focus to the next element after closing the dropdown.
For Google Pay, canceling a payment no longer logs an unhandled promise
error in the console.
Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:
npm install @adyen/adyen-web@4.7.1 --save