Release notes

Learn about the latest updates to our API, and Drop-in/Components for web, iOS, and Android.

This page contains the release notes for Pay by Link, Checkout API, and Drop-in/Components for web, iOS, Android, React Native, and Flutter starting from 2020.

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March 2025
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Android Components/Drop-in v5.3.0

We recommend you use Checkout API v71 or later.

  • A new way to create a configuration using DSL to be more declarative and concise:

    Copy code
    environment = environment,
    clientKey = clientKey,
    shopperLocale = shopperLocale,
    amount = amount,
    ) {
    dropIn {
    card {
    adyen3DS2 {
  • For the Card Component, you can use the new Address Lookup functionality.

  • For voucher actions: when the url or downloadUrl is not included, the shopper has the option to select Save as image and save the voucher to the device's Downloads folder.

  • You can now set your own AdyenLogger instance with AdyenLogger.setLogger. This gives the ability to intercept logs and handle them in your own way.

  • Payment methods:

    • Multibanco. Payment method type: multibanco.
    • Pay Easy. Payment method type: econtext_atm.
    • Convenience Stores Japan. Payment method type: econtext_stores
    • Online Banking Japan. Payment method type: econtext_online.
    • Seven-Eleven: Payment method type: econtext_seven_eleven
  • When building minifyEnabled without the kotlin-parcelize plugin in your project, the build should no longer crash.
  • When handling actions, you no longer get the IllegalArgumentException: Unsupported delegate type error that causes a crash.
  • When creating a configuration, the Builder constructors with a Context is deprecated. You can now omit the context parameter.

  • PermissionException. Handle permissions through ActionComponentCallback, SessionComponentCallback, or ComponentCallback callbacks instead.

  • The styles for vouchers have been changed:

    Previous (v5.2.0 or earlier) Now (v5.3.0)
    AdyenCheckout.Voucher.Description.Bacs AdyenCheckout.Voucher.Simple.Description
    AdyenCheckout.Voucher.Description.Boleto AdyenCheckout.Voucher.Full.Description
    AdyenCheckout.Voucher.ExpirationDateLabel AdyenCheckout.Voucher.InformationFieldLabel
    AdyenCheckout.Voucher.ExpirationDate AdyenCheckout.Voucher.InformationFieldValue
    AdyenCheckout.Voucher.ButtonCopyCode AdyenCheckout.Voucher.Button.CopyCode
    AdyenCheckout.Voucher.ButtonDownloadPdf AdyenCheckout.Voucher.Button.DownloadPdf
  • Logger.LogLevel has been deprecated.

    Previous (v5.2.0 or earlier) Now (v5.3.0)
    Logger.LogLevel AdyenLogLevel
    AdyenLogger.setLogLevel(logLevel: Int) AdyenLogger.setLogLevel(level: AdyenLogLevel)
  • When creating a configuration, the shopperLocale parameter is now optional.
    • Sessions flow: when you do not set it, the shopper locale is set to the value included in the /sessions request.
    • Advanced flow: when you do not set it, the shopper local is set to the primary user locale on the device.
  • For Drop-in, all actions now start in expanded mode.
  • For the Google Pay Component, you no longer need to manually import the 3ds2 module to handle transactions that require Native 3D Secure 2 challenge.
  • If you use DropInServiceResult.Error without specifying an error message, the default has changed from Error sending payment. Please try again. to An unknown error occurred.
  • For the Sessions flow:
    • When starting Drop-in (with DropIn.startPayment) or creating a Component (with YourComponent.PROVIDER.get), the configuration parameter is now optional.
    • When using CheckoutSessionProvider.createSession to create a CheckoutSession, you can pass only environment and clientKey instead of the whole configuration.
    • Removing stored payment methods is now handled internally. You no longer need to override the onRemoveStoredPaymentMethod function.
  • Dependency versions:

    Name Version
    Kotlin 1.9.22
    AndroidX Compose compiler 1.5.8
    AndroidX Compose Activity 1.8.2
    Material Design 1.11.0
Known issues

Do not use the functions to get configurations, (such as CheckoutConfiguration.getDropInConfiguration() or CheckoutConfiguration.getCardConfiguration()). These functions will be removed in the following release.

If you use the new configuration DSL, pass the CheckoutConfiguration object as it is when starting Drop-in or Components.

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iOS Components/Drop-in v5.3.0

We recommend you use Checkout API v70 or later.

If you use Xcode 15, use v5.4.0 or later for compatibility.

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func didComplete(with resultCode: SessionPaymentResultCode, component: Component, session: AdyenSession)

Use the new didComplete method with the AdyenSessionResult object instead.

  • The countryCode property of AdyenSession.Context is now optional to allow not including it in the /sessions request. Because this property isn't meant to be read, this breaking change shouldn't cause any build errors.
  • 3D Secure 2 SDK version: 2.3.2. Includes enhancements to authentication flows and improved error handling during the in-app 3D Secure 2 challenge.
  • The Session delegate has a new didComplete method with the AdyenSessionResult object. This ensures that the callback is compatible with potential backend changes.

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    func didComplete(with result: AdyenSessionResult, component: Component, session: AdyenSession)

    This replaces the removed didComplete function.

  • For Apple Pay, ApplePayConfiguration now supports the capabilities of PKPaymentRequest. Pass PKPaymentRequest when initializing Apple Pay. For example:

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    public init(paymentRequest: PKPaymentRequest, allowOnboarding: Bool = false)
  • You can now set the formatting for monetary values. Use the locale property on LocalizationParameters.

  • You can now enforce a specific locale and formatting for monetary values regardless of the locale used by the shopper's device. Use LocalizationParameters(enforcedLocale: MY_LOCALE).

  • You can now configure the payment form to suggest billing addresses when the shopper starts to enter their address. Set the configuration.card.billingAddress.mode to .lookup(handler:).

  • For gift cards using Drop-in, you can now configure the visibility of the security code field. Set showsSecurityCodeField (boolean) in the giftcard payment method configuration.

  • When the shopper selects a country and region in the payment form, the selection is now fullscreen and includes a search input field where the shopper can enter a value to search for.
  • For cards:
    • The address input form now shows on a separate screen.
    • Icons now have accessibility labels. When the shopper selects the Pay button, and an input field is invalid, focus moves to the field.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.3.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.


For Drop-in, you can now render the Apple Pay and Google Pay buttons at the top of the payment method list.

  • For PayPal, we now support zero-auth transactions.
  • The icons in the payment method list UI have more padding in the focus state.

Dragonpay vouchers for convenience stores in the Philippines (dragonpay_otc_philippines) now only show the Dragonpay logo. Previously, an issuer logo was also shown beside the Dragonpay logo.

Known issues
  • The Cards Drop-in integration and Card Component are only available in the test environment. They will be available in the live environment on 2 Dec, 2021.
  • When using Internet Explorer 11, card input fields do not appear and work correctly. Fixed in v5.6.1.
Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.3.0 --save