Release notes

Learn about the latest updates to our API, and Drop-in/Components for web, iOS, and Android.

This page contains the release notes for Pay by Link, Checkout API, and Drop-in/Components for web, iOS, Android, React Native, and Flutter starting from 2020.

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March 2025
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Android Components/Drop-in v5.5.0

We recommend you use Checkout API v71 or later.

  • Support for the UPI Intent flow, where the shopper can choose a UPI app to pay through. They are redirected to and complete the payment on the selected app.
  • The new iDEAL payment flow where the shopper is redirected to the iDEAL payment page to select their bank and authorize the payment.
  • Autofill support for the following:
    • For gift cards, the gift card number and PIN fields.
    • For UPI Virtual Payments, the address field.
    • For payment methods that use them, the address input fields.
  • Drop-in navigation:
    • Added the top navigation bar.
    • Disabled the dragging gesture that caused Drop-in to be dismissed.
    • When the shopper navigates from an additional action screen (for example 3D Secure), Drop-in is dismissed.

Dependency versions:

Name Version
AndroidX Compose BoM 2024.05.00
AndroidX Lifecycle 2.8.2
Material Design 1.12.0

We recommend that you remove the following from your integration, because they no longer have an effect on the iDEAL payment method.

  • For IdealComponent:
    • isConfirmationRequired()
    • submit()
  • For iDEAL configuration:
    • setViewType()
    • setHideIssuerLogos()
    • setSubmitButtonVisible()

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iOS Components/Drop-in v5.5.0

We recommend you use Checkout API v71 or later.

  • When you offer installment payments, you can now show the number of installments and the amount of each installment in the picker. For example, 3x $20.
    • For Sessions flow, when you make a /sessions request, include showInstallmentAmount:true and installmentOptions. We use these values to show installment options in the picker.
    • For Advanced flow, in the InstallmentConfiguration object, set showInstallmentAmount to true when you initialize it.
  • Support for Library Evolution.

For cards, the address lookup feature now supports a 2-step lookup process (for example, used by the Google Maps API):

  1. Providing suggested addresses that might be incomplete.
  2. Optionally, making another API request to complete the suggestions.

You must change the callback:

5.4.1 or earlier 5.5.0
.lookup(LookupProvider) .lookup(AddressLookupProvider)
  • When the shopper's phone number is included in the shopperInformation object, the pre-filled phone number prefix on the payment form automatically updates to match the correct country code.
  • Drop-in now updates the payment method list after the shopper applies a gift card, in case the available payment methods change because of the updated payment amount.
  • When you define custom localizations in your app bundle using Localizable.strings, they are now applied correctly.
  • Bizum is no longer shown as an available payment method.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.5.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.


The PayPal Component now renders a PayLater button in countries/regions where it is available. If you do not want the PayLater button to be rendered, you can use blockPayPalPayLaterButton: true.

Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.5.0 --save
Known issues
  • Shoppers using web browsers on Android devices cannot type into the card holder name field. Fixed in v5.6.0.
  • When using Internet Explorer 11, card input fields do not appear and work correctly. Fixed in v5.6.1.