Release notes

Learn about the latest updates to our API, and Drop-in/Components for web, iOS, and Android.

This page contains the release notes for Pay by Link, Checkout API, and Drop-in/Components for web, iOS, Android, React Native, and Flutter starting from 2020.

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Checkout API v70

Follow the migration guide to upgrade your integration.

Breaking Changes
  • The /storedPaymentMethods endpoint:

    • Make a GET request to list the stored payment details for a shopper, if there are any available.
    • Make a DELETE request to disable stored payment details to stop charging a shopper with the particular recurring detail ID.
  • For /sessions and /paymentLinks requests:
    You can now include the storePaymentMethodMode parameter to set when to store the shopper's payment details.

  • For the /paymentMethods request:
    When you include the shopperReference parameter, stored payment details in the response now contain the supportedRecurringProcessingModel parameter.

  • For specific industries, such as hospitality, you can specify a reason when making a merchant-initiated transaction with stored payment details. In the /payments request, include the industryUsage parameter to specify a reason for the payment. Possible values:

    • delayedCharge.
    • noShow.
    • installment.

In the Customer Area, on the Settings > Checkout Settings page:

  • Turning on the enableRecurring toggle no longer adds the required parameters to store payment details in payment requests.
  • Turning on the enablePayout toggle no longer adds the required parameters to store payment details for payouts.
  • For /payments and /sessions requests to make payments with stored payment details:
    When you include shopperInteraction: ContAuth and recurringProcessingModel: CardOnFile, the transactions now always get processed as CardOnFile payments.

  • If you contacted our Support Team to enable filtering payment methods based on your store, when making a /paymentMethods or /sessions request including store:
    The response now includes only payment methods available for the specified store.

  • For /paymentMethods and /sessions requests including allowedPaymentMethods with scheme and card in the array:
    The response no longer includes wallet payment methods.