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Learn about pricing and the shopper journey for Pix.
Pix is a payment method for instant direct bank transfers in Brazil, which is built and owned by the Central Bank (Banco Central) and operated by Brazilian banks, digital accounts, and wallets.
Shoppers can pay with Pix when shopping online. The money is sent directly from the shopper account to Adyen's account, and then transferred once a day to the merchant's bank account.
With Pix, the payment flow is as follows:
- The shopper chooses to pay with Pix on your website or app.
- Your website or app shows a QR code or QR code data for the shopper to copy.
- The shopper opens their banking or wallet app participating in Pix.
- The shopper selects Pix, scans the QR code or pastes QR code data, and then confirms the payment.
Before approving the payment, Pix checks if the transaction follows the regulations of the Central Bank. If approved, the amount is transferred in real-time from the shopper's account to Adyen.
Note that the merchant needs to have a local entity in Brazil to accept Pix payments.
Payment type | Payment flow | Countries | Currencies | Recurring | Refunds | Partial refunds | Multiple partial refunds | Separate captures | Partial captures | Multiple partial captures | Chargebacks |
Real-time payments | Additional action | BR | BRL |
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Transaction conditions
Before approving the payment, Pix performs the following checks:
- The shopper has sufficient funds in their transactional account.
- Transaction time did not exceed the maximum time defined by the Central Bank.
- There is no suspicion of fraud or breach of regulations to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing.
- There are no authentication problems in the shopper's financial or payment institution transactional account.
- The shopper has not been excluded from their institution participating in Pix.
Adyen or the acquirer bank can reject the transaction in the following cases:
- Suspicion of fraud or breach of regulations to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing.
- Technical issue in the Pix ecosystem.
If a shopper does not recognize a Pix transaction, they can provide the reason and open a dispute with their bank within 90 days.
Shoppers can use this Pix Special Return Mechanism for suspected fraud and for cases where there was an operational failure at your business. You do not have to take any action.
You can check the status of the dispute in your Customer Area. Open the dispute, and in the dispute details, in the Dispute history:
- When a dispute is opened, the status is changed to OpenDispute.
- The status is then changed to RequestForInformation, and we send a REQUEST_FOR_INFORMATION webhook.
- Adyen auto-defends the dispute. We check if the transaction has evidence of any type of suspicious behavior. If there is, we auto-defend the dispute. If there is not, we close the RFI and send this information back to the bank. The payment status is changed to InformationSupplied, and we send you an INFORMATION_SUPPLIED webhook.