This page contains the release notes for Pay by Link, Checkout API, and Drop-in/Components for web, iOS, Android, React Native, and Flutter starting from 2020.
Release notes
Learn about the latest updates to our API, and Drop-in/Components for web, iOS, and Android.
We recommend you use Checkout API v71 or later.
- Payment method: Pay by Bank US. Payment method type: paybybank_AIS_DD.
Dependency versions:
Name Version Android Gradle Plugin 8.7.1 AndroidX Fragment 1.8.5 AndroidX Activity 1.9.3 AndroidX Autofill. 1.3.0-beta01 AndroidX Annotation. 1.9.1. AndroidX Compose Activity 1.9.3 AndroidX Compose BOM 2024.10.00 AndroidX Lifecycle 2.8.6 AndroidX Lifecycle ViewModel Compose 2.8.6
- For cards, the address lookup functionality no longer crashes if the shopper presses back when the postal code field is in focus.
- For Drop-in, fixed an issue where the error dialog showed loading state in some edge cases.
We recommend you use Checkout API v71 or later.
Support for Twint SDK integration through the TwintComponent
- Flag icons are removed from the UI.
- The text Country is now replaced with Country/Region.
Fixed an issue that incorrectly cancelled successful redirect payments in some cases.
This release requires Checkout API v68or later.
Support for French meal vouchers:
- Apetiz: mealVoucher_FR_natixis
- Sodexo: mealVoucher_FR_sodexo
- Up Dejeuner: mealVoucher_FR_groupeup
- For the Card Component, the focus moves to the next field when the entered card number reaches the expected length. This feature is controlled by the
prop. - Added postal code validation for the countries/regions configured in
Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:
npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.8.0 --save
For card payments in installments, if there's a single installment, Drop-in doesn't return the installments