Release notes

On this page, you can find the release notes for the following Adyen plugins:

For Adobe Commerce, from v9.9.1 onwards, we document our releases exclusively on GitHub:

There is no fixed time period between our plugin releases. We release if we have an urgent fix, or when we have accumulated a certain amount of changes to release. We recommend upgrading your plugin when we release to benefit from new features and bug fixes.

For technical details about our Salesforce Commerce Cloud, and Shopware 6 releases, refer to the release notes on GitHub.

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Magento 2
March 2025
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Magento 2 v8.21.0
  • You can now customize your log format by defining your preferred structure in the di.xml configuration.
  • When a shopper has products without a price in their cart, the number_format parameter is no longer set to null. Previously, this caused a PHP 8 error.
  • For multiple partial refunds, statuses are now included in the adyen_creditmemo table.
  • For MOTO refunds, an error message used to appear when creating a credit memo even if the refund was processed. This issue is now fixed.
  • For recurring payments initiated from the admin back-end, UnscheduledCardOnFile and Subscription token types are now correctly filtered.
  • For Google Pay, shoppers can now place an order when the billing address field is empty.

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Magento 2 v8.20.0
  • The plugin now supports tokenization for Apple Pay with the recurringProcessingModel types Subscription and UnscheduledCardOnFile.
  • New unit tests for the CancelOrRefundWebhookHandler class.
  • For payments with multiple partial captures, the adyen_creditmemo table is now correctly updated.
  • The missing API Key message no longer appears after installation when the plugin does not find an API Key.

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Magento 2 v8.19.0
Known issues
  • For SVS gift card payments, Adyen does not send an OFFER_CLOSED webhook for expired payments and offers are not closed automatically if shoppers abandon the payment session.
  • Payment offers for SVS gift card payments are now closed automatically if shoppers abandon the payment session by selecting the Previous button on the payment page. This is a partial fix for the known issue in this version.
  • New unit tests for the AuthorisationWebhookHandler helper class.

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Magento 2 v8.18.0
  • The plugin now supports Click to Pay.

    Click to Pay is available as a pilot feature. To join the pilot program, reach out to your Adyen contact.

  • The allowRecurringonPaymentMethod function no longer throws an exception when no payment method is selected for recurring payments with alternative payment methods. The function now returns false when no payment method is selected to tokenize.
  • For country codes that have different values in the Adyen API and Adobe Commerce, country code mapping is added to resolve conflicts.
  • Shoppers can now pay with their Mastercard standard debit cards.
  • The Google Pay component now shows the merchant account on the checkout page.
  • Webhook notifications that reach the maximum error count (5) are now handled set to done.

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Magento 2 v8.17.0
  • You can now configure max_order_total and min_order_total values for all payment methods.
  • For Magento Vault payments, shoppers are now required to enter their CVC.

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Magento 2 v8.16.0

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Magento 2 v8.15.0
  • Added the option to use queue or cron (default) for notification webhook processing.
  • New unit tests for the CreditMemo and Management helper classes.
  • CodeQL analysis scanning.
  • The REPORT_AVAILABLE webhook no longer fails when the merchant_reference field is missing. Instead, an error message is logged for the unsupported webhook.
  • For headless integrations, the donation token is now returned correctly. Previously, the response was not parsed correctly and blocked Adyen Giving.
  • Moved Adyen Payments plugin to RECOMMENDED SOLUTIONS section.
  • Moved webhook processor configuration to Advanced Settings.

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Magento 2 v8.14.0
  • You can now test your webhook configurations from the Management API by sending a test notification with the AUTHORISATION event code.
  • Introduced new Unit tests in CaseManagement.php to increase the test coverage of our code base.
  • Level 2 and 3 data is only sent for credit card payments instead of every payment method.
  • After the shopper gets redirected to the success page, they no longer get redirected to the payment method page again.

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Magento 2 v8.13.0
  • For headless integrations, you can specify recurringProcessingModel in the /payment-information Magento 2 REST API request to override default values in the plugin configuration.
  • Cloud API labels and placeholders are renamed to POS Terminal Payment in the plugin interface.
  • For POS installment payments, the configuration for the same minimum amount is fixed.
  • For alternative payment methods, the brand_code parameter is removed. Previously, this parameter caused headless Klarna payments to fail.
  • Implemented API logging in the module for requests and responses.

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Magento 2 v8.12.0
  • You can now store Klarna payment details as recurring tokens. You can use the stored payment details for Subscription and UnscheduledCardonFile payments.
  • In the Magento admin panel, you can now download the live Apple Pay domain association file.
  • The open invoice function now supports Walley payment method.
  • Adyen Pay by Link now works for virtual products.
  • For Amazon Pay payments with the US country code, the payment form also includes a field for region code or state.

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Magento 2 v8.11.0
  • For debit combo card payments, the fundingSource parameter is added to avoid conflicts. Previously, card type and brand were overridden which was vulnerable to conflicts.
  • Fixed the credit memo creation condition for partial refunds initiated from the Adyen Customer Area.
  • Added checkout_frontend_region configuration in the StoreConfig object in GraphQL.
  • Removed credit card type selector from the plugin. Instead, the card types are fetched from the Adyen Customer Area.
  • For multishipping credit card component, available credit card brands are now fetched from the /paymentMethods response.
  • Updated checkout component to v.5.29.0.

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Magento 2 v8.10.0
  • Open Invoice function now supports Atome payment method.
  • Notification IP address validation is now optional.
  • When there is no order found, the getOrderByIncrementId function no longer returns false instead of null.
  • An empty array will be returned now if a webhook has no additonalData. Previously, calling the updateOrderPaymentWithAdyenAttributes function that requires an array caused an issue.
  • When exceptions are caught, webhooks are no longer processed.
  • An error no longer occurs when multiple payments are made for an order.
  • When a shopper wants to save card details for 3D Secure 2 payments, the vault_payment_token is now generated correctly.
  • Shoppers are no longer asked to fill billing and shipping address fields twice when they select the Affirm payment method.
  • Added missing environment variables for end-to-end tests.
  • If a shopper selects click and collect for shipping, the openinvoicedata.merchantData field can now include this information.
  • For Klarna payments using Pay by Link, the required invoice information is now included in the payment request.
  • It is now possible to differentiate between multiple credit memos when shoppers make partial refunds.
  • New unit tests are added for the Invoice helper class.

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Magento 2 v8.9.0
  • The ORDER_CLOSED notification webhook can now be processed.
  • The comparison between notification value and order amount no longer fails. Previously, the plugin added a decimal for specific currencies and caused mismatch errors with currencies that do not have decimal digits like JPY.
  • New Refund Data Builder files are introduced that have a single purpose of fetching merchant account information depending on whether the refund was initiated from MOTO or non-MOTO merchant account. Previously, separate Refund Data Builder files caused logic duplication.
  • The plugin now uses Web Components v5.28.2
  • Updated the More Information link of card tokenization.
  • Removed the Close button from payment action modal.
  • Updated street number and house number parsing so that more options can be parsed.

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Magento 2 v8.8.0
  • You can now refund Magento payments in your Adyen Customer Area.
  • You can now create a Pay By Link order with an API request.
  • Support for Twint recurring payments of the type Subscription and UnscheduledCardOnFile.
  • You can now offer installments for POS payments on merchant initiated orders. Enable this in your POS configuration.
  • Shoppers in Brazil and Mexico with combo cards can now choose if they pay with debit or credit.
  • Express Checkout support for Apple Pay and Google Pay.
  • Added the Twint logo.
  • For MOTO payment methods, the plugin now gets MOTO accounts that match the store ID.
  • The plugin now automatically adds 3 digits to each shopperReference. Previously, a shopperReference with less than 3 digits caused an error in the API request.
  • Authorized payments no longer trigger the OFFER_CLOSED notification webhook.
  • The timeout for API requests is now 120 seconds.

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Magento 2 v8.7.0
  • For in-person payments, shoppers can now pay with more than one card.
  • You can now manually configure the HMAC key.
  • Recurring payments for new payment methods.
    • Google Pay: supports the CardOnFile, Subscription, and UnscheduledCardOnFile recurring payment types.
    • PayPal: supports the Subscription and UnscheduledCardOnFile recurring payment types.
    • Magento Vault card: supports the CardOnFile and UnscheduledCardOnFile recurring payment types.
  • Shoppers can now delete their stored payment details.
  • Unit tests for Adyen Order Payment helper.
  • End-to-end workflow for integration tests.
  • For payments that go through 3D Secure 2 authentication, the shopper can no longer select the Close button in the browser or esc key on their keyboard to cancel the payment. The shopper can instead select the Cancel or Go Back button.
  • In the test environment, you can now configure the plugin without webhook settings and an HMAC key.
  • Address validation in the payment form now accepts more address formats.

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Magento 2 v8.6.0
  • The plugin can now handle capture requests triggered from Customer Area.
  • To comply with new regulations in India to store data in Indian servers, the plugin now makes request to endpoints hosted in the India-based date center.
  • Continuous integration tests now include the MOTO flow.
  • In the test environment, full requests and responses are included in the log.
  • All lines in the notification.log file contain the following identifiers:
    • PSP reference
    • Merchant reference
    • UID
  • The plugin now sets and uses region-based endpoints.
  • For virtual products, the plugin now makes the payment method request when the shopper goes to checkout. Previously, the plugin failed to make payment method requests for virtual products because of missing shipping address information.
  • The log no longer includes full request and response information.

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Magento 2 v8.5.0
  • When creating admin orders, you can now select the terminal payment method for point-of-sale payments.
  • For all requests from a headless integration to get Adyen payment methods, the payment method names are now translated based on the shopperLocale value.
  • In the Required Settings section, tooltips and descriptions have been updated to provide more information.
  • For Apple Pay, txVariants are now more descriptive and are returned if the payment method is not named in the payment method list. For example, elodebit_applepay, visa_applepay, and mc_applepay.
  • Added support for Magento v2.4.5 to integration and functional tests.
  • The Multishipping success page now has a check to verify if an Adyen payment method was used.
  • Log files are no longer duplicated.
  • When Capture delay is set to Manual, and Use auto-capture for OpenInvoice payments is enabled, the /payments request to Adyen now includes captureDelayHours = 0.

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Magento 2 v8.4.0
  • In required settings, you can now set Configuration Mode to Automated: when set, automated IP address checks happen when setting up webhooks.
  • MOTO flow implementation. You must enable this even if you previously processed MOTO payments.
  • Unsupported webhook notifications are no longer processed.
  • For Boleto, CNPJ identification numbers are now supported. Previously, only CPF numbers were supported.
  • Payment method logos are now updated.
  • For Pay By Link payment links, there is a counter for failed payment attempts. After five failed payment attempts, an order is closed.
  • The plugin now uses Adyen API library for PHP v13.0.1.
  • The plugin now uses Web Component v5.21.0.
  • Log files are no longer duplicated.
  • Information in log files are formatted for easier readability.
  • The PHP library no longer has duplicate and reuse manual capture list.

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Magento 2 v8.3.0
  • Rate limiting notifications mitigate brute force attacks when webhook password or username authentication fails.
  • We added a separation line between the Credit Card payment method and the next payment methods to improve the clarity of the checkout page.
  • The plugin now uses Web Components v5.16.0.
  • The iDEAL issuer selector dropdown menu now does not overlap with the Order Summary section.
  • When an order does not include an Adyen payment method, the plugin will not update the Magento order status.
  • When a shopper clicks on the Back to Shop button when using Dotpay Bank Transfer, the plugin no longer throws an error.
  • There are now no conflicts if the plugin is used with Braintree.

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Magento 2 v8.2.0
  • The Clone quote on failed payment configuration field is removed from the Magento Checkout Experience panel. The quote is now restored by default in a more secure manner.
  • Customers now only get a confirmation mail of their order when the full payment amount has been authorized.
  • If an order that is paid with a coupon is canceled due to a refused 3DS flow, the coupon is no longer counted as used.
  • We fixed an error where Klarna would display the payment amount in a currency different from the base currency.
  • The plugin now first checks if a payment method supports recurring payments before adding the recurring payment method information. Note that when upgrading, the Store alternative payment methods field will be automatically set to No. This is done to ensure that once enabled, the admin will have to choose the type of token to be created.
  • When receiving an AUTHORISATION notification and the amount is fully authorized, the amount is now updated in the Magento table sales_order_payment.
  • The plugin now enforces the correct states when multiple states are assigned to a status.

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Magento 2 v8.1.0
  • We added details to billing information in customer view.
  • Polish addresses with special characters are now parsed properly.
  • We fixed an issue with case management when auto capture is enabled.
  • Multishipping is now working properly for payment methods outside of the Adyen plugin.
  • Partial captures are now handled correctly for both partial payments and regular payments.
  • The stateData is now stored temporarily (per request) on the server side and in a browser session for multi page flows.

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Magento 2 v8.0.0
Breaking Changes
  • This new major version includes breaking changes for merchant with headless integrations. If your integration is using endpoints from the webapi.xml file be aware that some technical adjustments are needed in order to upgrade to 8.0.0.
  • It is now possible to add a custom return URL for redirect methods.
  • We have added a new feature called Adyen Giving. Merchants can offer Adyen Giving in the success page for shoppers using supported payment methods.
  • There is a new configuration layout. The grouping of configuration fields has been simplified and a new section Configure payment methods has been added to include all methods. The order status configuration fields have been moved to Adyen payments > Advanced settings > Magento Order Processing.
  • We added the amount for number of installments to the checkout component in the Magento admin panel.
  • We implemented the webhook module to receive notifications.
  • Pay by Mail has been removed as Pay by Link is now available.
  • We removed AfterPay as an option for auto capture.
  • The total amount in the installment's section is now shown correctly and includes taxes.
  • After receiving an authorization webhook, a status is now given to an order indicating that it will undergo manual review.
  • Split Payments has been renamed as Partial Payments
  • We moved the order status configuration fields from Required Settings to Magento Order Processing.

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Magento 2 v7.3.0
  • Pay By Link payment method was added for admin orders. If the link is not paid, the expired link scheduled task will close the order.
  • We created a new cron functionality to clear the state data
  • We added multi-shipping support for Local Payment Methods
  • We restored originKey API endpoint and paymentStatus params and method
  • We removed the Pay By Mail configuration
  • We updated tool tips for new customer area UI
  • Now the invoices are created as pending during async capture and change the state with the notification
  • Fixed support of partial payments
  • The new amount is now visible in wallet payment methods when a shopper applies or cancels a discount code
  • Tokens are now saved when using 3DS1
  • The URL for redirects is corrected for multiple store views

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Magento 2 v7.2.0
  • This release adds support for the Cards payment method in the multishipping checkout flow. Please be aware that this is only adding support for Card payments and not local payment methods yet.
  • In response to increasing requests, the new release now supports Amazon Pay. This payment method has been added at the end of the checkout along with the other payment methods.
  • A new State Data webapi endpoint that receives a quote_id and a state data JSON to be stored in a new BD entity. This could be used in custom checkout flows and multishipping.
  • We brought back the pre-fill of the house number address field for AfterPay NL/BE.
  • Removed AddressAdapterInterface type declaration that was not allowing the checkout to go through if the address did not match the requirements
  • By using the current order status on addStatusHistoryComment now the order will not change the status when leaving an info-only history comment.
  • The Capture builder now uses the subject amount instead of the order amount for the capture request. The subject amount could be the full order or a set of items.
  • Fixed the error message on the Apple Pay payment method when the shopper selects a shipping method with the price higher than 0.
  • For OFFER_CLOSED notifications the order cancel was removed if the payment method is not a credit card to avoid the rejection of all the wallet payment methods.
  • GiveX gift card integration was fixed.
  • We had introduced a toggle for 3DS2 which has now been deprecated. 3DS2 will be triggered via Native flow only.
  • We updated checkout component to 4.5.0. Please make sure you are also upgrading to the component version 4.5.0 in case you are managing your own frontend. Refer to docs for more information on web components integration.

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Magento 2 v7.1.0
  • We added a toggle to hide/show the credit card holder name field in the card component configuration.
  • The bug-fix prevents an error with the Klarna payment method when the shopper makes a refund and sets the value to 0 items.
  • The bug-fix prevents the ghost credit memos from being created when the refund is created.
  • In the configuration object on your payment page, choosing the locale for China or Taiwan was fixed to match Adyen's codes.
  • The 3DS2 challenge for OneClick payment method was being mounted behind the checkout loading screen. The bug-fix moved it to the modal window just like in credit card payments.
  • We added * to the allowlist, so that Magento Content Security Policy does not block Adyen resources.
  • We fixed he calculations of discounts and shipping costs for open invoice payment methods.
  • The adyenLogger dependency to ConnectedTerminals.php
  • Boleto payment method is now only available with the shopper being present.
  • The merchant can now send the email after a purchase that contains a link to download a copy of the barcode generated in the flow for Boleto.
  • After payments with non-3DS, 3DS1 and 3DS2 the payment details are now saved in the vault and the token can be used for payment.
  • This release specified that we only support SEPA tokenization at the moment as an alternative payment method tokenization.
  • We updated the credit card payment form for admin orders to use the latest version of the web components library

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Magento 2 v7.0.0

Refer to the migration guide for more information on migrating to this major version.

Breaking Changes
  • When configuring the plugin, you now need to set up a client key. The plugin uses this to show the input fields for card details.
  • Google Pay and Apple Pay have been removed as standalone payment methods and are now part of the alternative payment methods group.
  • The plugin now uses Checkout API v67.
  • You can now change the currency used for Adyen payment processing.

  • New supported payment method: Twint.

  • Added Progressive Web Application (PWA) support for cards (including 3D Secure 1 and 3D Secure 2 authentication) and local payment methods. For more information, refer to our Magento headless integration guide.

  • We fixed the issue with the 3D Secure 1 flow for Magento and PWA.

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Magento 2 v6.7.0
  • New supported payment method: MB WAY.
  • New 3D Secure 1 flow with termUrl and redirectResult. The new configuration field allows setting the 3D Secure 1 flow to Manual (default) or Auto for POST and GET redirect back from the issuer page respectively. This setting can only be changed via Adyen Support. For more information, refer to Set up the plugin in Magento.
  • Added a new configuration field Clone quote on failed payment that enables cloning the quote so that the following order has a different quote ID.
  • Added a new configuration field Address street line used for the house number input allows choosing between Street line 1 to 4 to use as a dedicated house number field.
  • Fixed a bug with tokenization when it would store credit card details even when the shopper didn't select it.
  • Fixed an issue with shopperReference being too short for Checkout API v66.
  • Fixed an issue with the Terms and Conditions checkbox not working for redirect local payment methods.

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Magento 2 v6.6.0
  • The plugin now supports SEPA Direct Debit tokenization.
  • If 3D Secure 2 is not supported, the plugin now falls back to the 3D Secure 1 flow.
  • The IP and HMAC checks for notifications are now completely independent. When we introduced the change in version 6.5.0, the checks in the code were still dependent on each other even after separating the settings.
  • We have excluded adyen.js and adyen.css files from being minified in the configuration.
  • Fixed an issue where the Google Pay button was shown regardless of validation results. We validate if the shopper has agreed to the terms and conditions and if Google Pay is available for them. The checkout page now only shows the Google Pay button when the validation is successful.
  • Fixed an issue where Vault tokens were not saved for 3D Secure 2 credit cards.
  • Fixed an issue where the shopper is redirected to the wrong storefront after 3D Secure authentication.
Known issues
  • There are known issues with the 3D Secure 1 flow for Magento and PWA. We do not recommend using the PWA integration until these issues are fixed in the version 7.0.0 release in March 2021. If you would still like to use PWA before these issues are fixed, you will need to build a workaround.

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Magento 2 v6.5.0
  • New supported payment method: Swish.
  • Guest shopper card data is now tokenised as well, if you enabled guest tokenisation in your Magento environment.
  • There is now a Payment Origin URL field for PWA storefront integrations. Add your frontend URL to this field to connect your Adyen Web Components to your frontend server.
  • Origin keys now persist in your local storage when you clear the cache to make a configuration change.
  • For notifications you receive, you can now separately enable:
    • HMAC key validation.
    • IP address validation for the notification sender.
  • Pay by mail now fetches the country code correctly.
  • The Chrome SameSite cookie security settings no longer affect users redirected after 3DS1 authentication.
Known issues
  • There are known issues with the 3D Secure 1 flow for Magento and PWA. We do not recommend using the PWA integration until these issues are fixed in the version 7.0.0 release in March 2021. If you would still like to use PWA before these issues are fixed, you will need to build a workaround.

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Magento 2 v6.4.0
Known issues
  • There are known issues with the 3D Secure 1 flow for Magento and PWA. We do not recommend using the PWA integration until these issues are fixed in the version 7.0.0 release in March 2021. If you would still like to use PWA before these issues are fixed, you will need to build a workaround.

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Magento 2 v6.3.0
  • The plugin now supports Swish.
  • We fixed an issue with loading the POS Payment method; this was a bug introduced in release 6.1.0.

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Magento 2 v6.2.0
  • We improved the security of notification webhooks by adding HMAC signature validation. To protect your server from unauthorised notifications, we strongly recommend that you set up an HMAC key.
  • Fixed an issue where an unauthenticated user could cancel an ongoing point-of-sale transaction.
  • Fixed an issue where an unauthenticated user could perform side-channel attacks to obtain notification credentials and affect the transaction notification flow.
  • Fixed an issue where an unauthenticated user could perform a brute forcing attack to obtain notification credentials and affect the transaction notification flow.
Known issues
  • There are known issues with the 3D Secure 1 flow for Magento and PWA. We do not recommend using the PWA integration until these issues are fixed in the version 7.0.0 release in March 2021. If you would still like to use PWA before these issues are fixed, you will need to build a workaround.

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Magento 2 v6.1.0

Refer to our technical release notes on GitHub for more information on the 3D Secure 2 setup for PWA integrations.

  • We have introduced a new feature that you can use to sync the configuration between environments. For example, you can use this to sync the configuration between a developer's local instance and a testers test environment before you go live.
  • You can now manually adjust the cancellation of orders based on notifications. As this is not a very common scenario, you can only make manual adjustments using the database.
  • Added the Visa/Dankort logo.
  • When we do not receive a return URL in the 3D Secure 1 response, we no longer cancel the order. Instead, we look at the notifications to see what should happen with the payment, as these are more reliable.
  • Your shoppers can now click the Pay button and complete a checkout without providing a billing address.
  • Fixed a Google Pay bug and several other bugs.
Known issues
  • There are known issues with the 3D Secure 1 flow for Magento and PWA. We do not recommend using the PWA integration until these issues are fixed in the version 7.0.0 release in March 2021. If you would still like to use PWA before these issues are fixed, you will need to build a workaround.

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Magento 2 v6.0.0

Refer to our technical release notes on GitHub for information on backwards compatibility changes.

  • The Adyen API Library for PHP is updated from version 5 to 6.
  • For PWA storefront integrations, we introduced a new API endpoint to retrieve the current payment status of an order. The documentation will be updated soon.
  • The Checkout Component is updated from version 3.0.0 to 3.4.0.
  • Support for dual-branded Mexican cards and payments in Mexican peso (MXN).
  • In modification requests, we now pass the store ID from the order. Previously we passed the default store ID. For merchants with multiple stores this wasn't always what they expected.
  • We didn't directly provide the order ID in the Magento payment-information API response. This caused other Magento plugins to not always work.
  • Recurring payments with Apple Pay didn't work.
  • Apple Pay was shown as available payment method on browsers that do not support it.
  • The local language that was set in the Configuration panel didn't always match the language of the webshops.
  • Merchants on Magento version 2.2.7 weren't able to download and configure the Adyen Magento plugin.
  • Klarna discount lines had positive amounts instead of negative amounts.
  • In a PWA storefront integration, the session wasn't always available when retrieving the payment methods.
Known issues
  • There are known issues with the 3D Secure 1 flow for Magento and PWA. We do not recommend using the PWA integration until these issues are fixed in the version 7.0.0 release in March 2021. If you would still like to use PWA before these issues are fixed, you will need to build a workaround.

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Magento 2 v5.4.0
  • You can now see an overview of all Adyen notifications on the Magento admin page.
  • The fashioncheque gift card logo has been added.
  • Google Pay is working on the production environment again.
Known issues
  • There are known issues with the 3D Secure 1 flow for Magento and PWA. We do not recommend using the PWA integration until these issues are fixed in the version 7.0.0 release in March 2021. If you would still like to use PWA before these issues are fixed, you will need to build a workaround.

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Magento 2 v5.3.0
  • If a refund fails, a notification will be shown on the admin panel.
Known issues
  • There are known issues with the 3D Secure 1 flow for Magento and PWA. We do not recommend using the PWA integration until these issues are fixed in the version 7.0.0 release in March 2021. If you would still like to use PWA before these issues are fixed, you will need to build a workaround.

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Magento 2 v5.2.0
  • In some scenarios, an order was not being created after a payment request was processed using guest checkout.
  • Google Pay button didn't appear as a payment method at checkout.
Known issues
  • There are known issues with the 3D Secure 1 flow for Magento and PWA. We do not recommend using the PWA integration until these issues are fixed in the version 7.0.0 release in March 2021. If you would still like to use PWA before these issues are fixed, you will need to build a workaround.

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Magento 2 v5.1.0
  • Added support for Combo Cards in Brazil. A shopper can choose whether they want to pay with debit or credit by using a drop-down menu.
  • Credit cards were not appearing in the list of available payment methods in the Magento PWA Storefront.
  • In some scenarios, stock levels were incorrect after an order was canceled.
  • In some scenarios, shoppers weren't able to pay using Afterpay Touch.
Known issues
  • There are known issues with the 3D Secure 1 flow for Magento and PWA. We do not recommend using the PWA integration until these issues are fixed in the version 7.0.0 release in March 2021. If you would still like to use PWA before these issues are fixed, you will need to build a workaround.

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Magento 2 v5.0.0
  • You now have the option to store the shopper's payment details for recurring payments when initiating backend orders (MOTO).
  • The checkout form additionally supports logos for the following payment methods:
    • Klarna Pay Now
    • Direct Debit (Great Britain)
    • Boekenbon Gift Cards
    • VVV Cadeaubon Gift Cards
  • Web Drop-in and Components updated to version 3.2.0. Refer to the Web Drop-In and Components release notes to learn more about the changes.
  • We now record individual steps of the payment request process in the log files.
  • The option of initiating backend orders (MOTO) is now permanently enabled.
  • In some scenarios the order was not being created after the payment request was processed.
  • In some scenarios, 3D Secure payments were not working.
  • When shoppers updated their billing address at checkout, the old address was being sent with the payment request.
  • Returning shoppers using previously stored card details were unable to complete the purchase after a failed 3D Secure 2 challenge.
  • We now send the shopperInteraction field in recurring payment requests using billing agreements.
  • We now include the shopperIP in payment requests.
Known issues
  • The 3D Secure 2 popup wasn't initiated for guest checkout.

    A fix for this issue is available in version 5.0.2.

  • There are known issues with the 3D Secure 1 flow for Magento and PWA. We do not recommend using the PWA integration until these issues are fixed in the version 7.0.0 release in March 2021. If you would still like to use PWA before these issues are fixed, you will need to build a workaround.

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Magento 2 v4.5.0
  • Apple Pay additionally supports the following card brands:

    • Maestro
    • vPay
    • JCB
    • Elo
  • You can now build a Progressive Web App shop. For more information, see Magento headless integration.

  • You can now see which Adyen API key you are using for live and test payments. To view these in your Magento admin panel, go to:

    • Stores > Configuration.
    • In the menu, go to Sales > Payment Methods > Adyen All-In-One Payment Solutions > CreditCard API integration.
      The last four digits of your stored API key for Test and API key for Live are visible.
  • The email address of a guest shopper will now appear in your Customer Area > Transactions > Payments.


In this release we fixed the following issues:

  • In some scenarios, billing agreements were not being stored.
  • The Shopper IP usage frequency risk check would be triggered incorrectly.

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Magento 2 v4.4.0
  • Added support for Google Pay.
  • Added support for point-of-sale installments.
  • Improved plugin support for Magento 2.3.2.

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Magento 2 v4.2.0

In version 4.2.0 we added native 3D Secure 2, the latest authentication technology.

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Magento 2 v4.1.0

Adyen can only offer support for the Magento 2 Adyen plugin version 4.1.0 or later.


In version 4.1.0, we replaced Adyen Hosted Payment Page (HPP) integration with Alternative payment methods. The styling for alternative payment methods changed from skins to CSS.
This means that alternative payment methods such as iDEAL, Boleto, or Klarna, are now processed with our newest APIs, improving the shopper's experience by limiting the number of redirects.