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Click to Pay

Offer one-off card payments.

Click to Pay is a payment feature that allows shoppers to make secure card payments without having to enter their card details. There are over 70 million Click to Pay shopper accounts worldwide.

To use Click to Pay, shoppers can create an account either through the Mastercard and Visa portals, or directly with their issuing bank if it is supported. The card scheme is responsible for securely storing the cardholder data and issuing tokens.

Shoppers with Click to Pay accounts are recognized during checkout and can select their preferred card details from their Click to Pay account to complete the payment.

Currently, our Click to Pay integration doesn't support recurring payments, meaning you cannot offer it for subscriptions and automatic top-ups. To offer recurring payments, use our regular Card Component or Drop-in instead.


Click to Pay offers you the following benefits:

  • Higher authorization rates: Click to Pay increases card authorization rates through the use of Network Tokens.
  • Faster checkout and higher conversion: Click to Pay eliminates manual card detail entry, speeding up checkout times and boosting conversion rates.
  • Secure: all Click to Pay payments are made from a recognized device, or are authenticated through a one-time password, making them more secure than regular card payments.
  • No additional fees: Click to Pay payments are processed as Network Token card payments, meaning you do not incur additional costs.

How it works

  1. During your checkout, we identify whether your shopper has a Click to Pay account, by recognizing either their device or email address.
  2. If your shopper has a Click to Pay account, they can pay with their stored card details. Else, the shopper can pay through manual card detail entry.
  3. Your shopper receives a one-time password via email and phone, and they authenticate themselves. This step is skipped if the shopper is using a recognized device.
  4. Your shopper's stored Click to Pay cards are shown.
  5. Your shopper selects their preferred card and confirms the purchase.


Before you begin to integrate Click to Pay, make sure you have integrated with one of the following:

To add Click to Pay to your account, contact our Support Team or your Account Manager.

Step 1: Configure your integration

How you configure Click to Pay depends on your integration:

  • If you have a Drop-in integration, Click to Pay is shown with card payments when available.
  • If you have a Card Component integration, integrate Click to Pay as part of the card component.
  • If you have a custom card integration, integrate Click to Pay as a standalone component.

If you have a Drop-in integration, add configuration for cards to your Drop-in configuration.

Set clickToPayConfiguration.merchantDisplayName to your merchant name. Depending on the authentication flow, this name may be displayed to the shopper.

Add Click to Pay configuration to Drop-in
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const checkout = await AdyenCheckout({
paymentMethodsConfiguration: {
card: {
clickToPayConfiguration: {
merchantDisplayName: 'YOUR_MERCHANT_NAME'
const dropin = checkout.create('dropin').mount('#dropin-area')

Step 2: Recognize the Click to Pay user

There are two ways in which your integration can recognize an existing Click to Pay user:

  1. A Click to Pay account is registered with your shopper's email address.
  2. A Click to Pay cookie is stored in your shopper's browser.

If at least one of these conditions is met, the Card Component/Drop-in shows Click to Pay.

To recognize whether a Click to Pay account is registered with your shopper's email address, do either:

If your integration uses the /sessions request, pass the shopperEmail, id, and sessionData parameters from the /sessions response to your AdyenCheckout configuration. Otherwise, add shopperEmail to the card configuration.

Pass the session object to AdyenCheckout
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const checkout = await AdyenCheckout({
session: {
sessionData: session.sessionData,
shopperEmail: session.shopperEmail

Test and go live

To test Click to Pay, create a Click to Pay account for:

Then add one of the following cards to your account:

  • For Mastercard, see their Testing documentation.
  • For Visa:

    PAN CVV Expiry date
    4147049980002268 053 12/25
    4147049980002276 182 12/25
    4147049980002284 602 12/25
    4147049980002292 352 12/25
    4147049980002300 713 12/25
    4147049980002318 382 12/25
    4147049980002326 360 12/25
    4147049980002334 497 12/25
    4147049980002342 279 12/25
    4147049980002359 235 12/25

Additional information

Because Click to Pay payments are processed as card payments, the following applies:

  • The usage of Click to Pay is compatible with 3D Secure, meaning that transactions may or may not require 3D Secure authentication, based on regular 3D Secure decision-making.
  • Your shoppers can issue chargebacks, which you can defend.
  • You can configure your risk settings for custom risk management.