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Dispute reason codes and defense requirements

Learn about dispute reason codes and which documents to provide to defend different types of disputes.

Below you will find the reason codes for the dispute events Chargeback, Request for Information (RFI), and Notification of Fraud (NOF). Select a tab to see the possible reason codes for each dispute event category, divided by scheme.

For an overview of the dispute stages, see Dispute process and flow.


This tab lists the most common chargeback reason codes per scheme.

For each scheme, you can see reference tables separated by chargeback type, for example Fraud, Processing error, or Consumer disputes. Each table shows descriptions of the chargeback reason codes, if you can defend the chargeback, and if so within what timeframe of receiving the Notification of Chargeback (NoC). If applicable, there is a link to the defense requirements.

ACH Direct Debit

Reason code Reason Description
Reason code Reason Description
R01 Insufficient funds You can retry the transaction up to two times within 30 days of the original authorization date.
R02 Account closed Retrying the transaction is not allowed. Initiate a new transaction using an external validation service.
R03 No Account/Unable to locate account The provided account information is incorrect. Retrying the transaction is not allowed. Initiate a new transaction using an external validation service.
R04 Invalid account number The provided account number is incorrect. Retrying the transaction is not allowed. Initiate a new transaction using an external validation service.
R05 Unauthorized debit to consumer account A corporate transaction was charged to a consumer account and was disputed by the customer. Suspend any recurring payments and resolve the issue with the customer. If you are going to debit the same account for a new transaction, make sure the customer's bank stops blocking transactions from your company to this account.
R06 Returned per ODFIs request Your bank asked the customer's bank to reverse the transaction. Retrying the transaction is not allowed. Contact your bank.
R07 Authorization revoked by customer The customer informed their bank they revoked authorization for the transaction. Suspend any recurring transactions and resolve the issue with the customer. If you are going to debit the same account for a new transaction, make sure the customer's bank stops blocking transactions from your company to this account.
R08 Payment stopped or stop payment on item The customer instructed their bank to not honor a payment they previously authorized. Resolve the issue with the customer. When initiating a new transaction (using an external validation service), get new proof of authorization from the customer. If you are going to debit the same account, make sure the customer's bank stops blocking transactions from your company to this account.
R09 Uncollected funds Insufficient funds. You can retry the transaction up to two times within 30 days of the original authorization date.
R10 Customer Advises Originator is Not Known to Receiver and/or Originator is Not Authorized by Receiver to Debit Receiver’s Account The customer disputed the transaction. Retrying the transaction is not allowed. Resolve the issue with the customer. If you are going to debit the same account for a new transaction, make sure the customer's bank stops blocking transactions from your company to this account.
R11 Customer Advises Entry Not in Accordance with the Terms of the Authorization The customer informed their bank that the payment is not in accordance with the authorization terms. Suspend any recurring transactions and resolve the issue with the customer. You can retry the transaction within 60 days of the original settlement date.
R12 Branch sold to another DFI The customer's account has migrated to another financial institution. Ask the customer to update their account details in your system.
R13 Invalid ACH routing number The provided routing number does not belong to any bank in the ACH network. Ask the customer for the correct routing number, or contact your bank if you are sure the number is correct.
R15 Beneficiary or account holder deceased Contact the bank of the deceased account holder or account beneficiary.
R16 Account frozen Contact your customer to obtain a different form of payment. The bank account cannot be used while it is frozen. This return code should be a red flag for your business. If you see this code, do your due diligence around verifying the identity of your customer.
R17 File record edit criteria The customer's bank had a technical problem with processing the ACH transaction.
R20 Non-transaction account The provided bank account cannot be used for ACH payments. Ask the customer for permission to charge a different, ACH-enabled bank account.
R29 Corporate customer advises not authorized The company you tried to charge has disputed the transaction. Retrying the transaction is not allowed. Resolve the issue with the other company. If you are going to debit the same account for a new transaction, make sure the other company's bank stops blocking transactions from your company to this account.
It is possible the issue is resolved if the other company adds the Adyen ACH Company ID for payments to the allowlist of their business account.
R31 Permissible return entry The business account holder or their bank has asked to reverse the transaction. Contact your bank for more information. Contact the customer to resolve the issue.
R51 Item is ineligible, notice not provided, signature not genuine To determine what to do, you need to find out the underlying reason why the payment was returned. Contact Adyen if you need help.

American Express

Based on the region in which you have set up American Express, you will receive reason codes from one of these columns:

  • Reason Code North-America: Canada and United States of America
  • Reason Code: All other countries/regions


Reason Code Reason Code North-America Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Reason Code North-America Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
4527 F10 Missing Imprint The cardholder denies participation in a charge that was not processed using Magnetic Stripe or Chip Card Data. -white_check_mark- 14 days from receiving the NoC Missing imprint
4534 F24 No Card Member Authorization/Multiple ROCs (Record of Charge) The cardholder denies participation in the charge submitted, and you have failed to provide proof that the cardholder did participate in the transaction. -white_check_mark- 14 days from receiving the NoC No card member authorization/Multiple ROCs
4540 F29 Card Not Present (fraud) The cardholder denies participation in a card-absent environment such as Mail Order/Telephone Order (MOTO) or online transaction. -white_check_mark- 14 days from receiving the NoC Card not present
4763 FR2 Full recourse The cardholder challenged the charge, and you have been placed in the Fraud Full Recourse Program. -x- -x- -x-
4798 F30 Fraud Liability Shift – Counterfeit The cardholder claims that they did not authorize or participate in a transaction that you processed. -white_check_mark- 14 days from receiving the NoC Fraud liability shift - counterfeit
4799 F31 Fraud Liability Shift – Lost/Stolen/Non-Received The cardholder claims that they did not authorize or participate in a transaction that you processed. -white_check_mark- 14 days from receiving the NoC Fraud liability shift – Lost/Stolen/Non-Received
- FR4 Placed in Immediate Chargeback Program The cardholder challenged the charge, and you have been placed in the Immediate Chargeback Program. -x- -x- -x-
- FR6 Placed in the Partial Immediate Chargeback Program The cardholder challenged the charge, and you have been placed in the Partial Immediate Chargeback Program. -x- -x- -x-


Reason Code Reason Code North-America Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Reason Code North-America Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
4521 A01 Incorrect Transaction Amount Presented - Charge Amount Exceeds Authorization Amount The charges submitted were either incorrect or exceeded the authorized amount. -white_check_mark- 14 days from receiving the NoC Incorrect transaction amount presented
4521 A02 No Valid Authorization The payment could not be authorized. -white_check_mark- 14 days from receiving the NoC No valid authorization
4755 A08 Authorization Approval Expired - No valid Authorization The payment could not be authorized because the transaction expired. -white_check_mark- 14 days from receiving the NoC Authorization approval expired

Processing errors

Reason Code Reason Code North-America Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Reason Code North-America Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
4507 P05


Incorrect Transaction Amount Presented

Non-matching Card Number

Charges were incorrectly submitted by using an incorrect amount.

The card number used for the transaction is not assigned to a valid account nor to the cardholder.



14 days from receiving the NoC

14 days from receiving the NoC

Incorrect transaction amount presented

Non-matching card number

4512 P08 Multiple Processing/Duplicate Charge A charge was incorrectly submitted more than once to the cardholder's account. -white_check_mark- 14 days from receiving the NoC Multiple processing/Duplicate charge
4523 P01 Invalid/Incorrect Card Number - Unassigned Card Number The card number used for the transaction is not assigned to a valid account or to the cardholder. -white_check_mark- 14 days from receiving the NoC Invalid/Incorrect card number
4530 P23 Currency Discrepancy The cardholder was advised that the charge is in a currency that differs from what they originally agreed upon. -white_check_mark- -white_check_mark- Currency discrepancy
4536 P07 Late presentment/Late submission The transaction was not captured within the timeframe. -x- -x- -x-
4752 P03 Credit / Debit Presentment Error The cardholder was debited for a transaction that should have been a credit. -white_check_mark- 14 days from receiving the NoC Credit not processed as a charge
4752 P04 Credit / Debit Presentment Error The cardholder was credited for a transaction that should have been a debit. -white_check_mark- 14 days from receiving the NoC Charge not processed as a credit
4758 F22 Expired/Not Yet valid card The transaction completed with an expired card. -x- -x- -x-

Consumer disputes

Reason Code Reason Code North-America Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Reason Code North-America Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
4513 C02 No Credit Received/Credit not Processed A credit has not been applied to the cardholder's account for either of the following reasons:
  • Goods/services canceled.
  • You have made an advance deposit or payment.
  • A no show reservation.
-white_check_mark- 14 days from receiving the NoC No credit received/credit not processed
4513 C04 Goods and Services not Received/Refused The cardholder claims that the goods or services they purchased at your business were not received or refused. -white_check_mark- 14 days from receiving the NoC Goods and services not received/refused
4513 C05 Goods Returned/Canceled The cardholder claims that the goods/services they ordered were canceled. -white_check_mark- 14 days from receiving the NoC Goods returned/canceled
4513 C18 No Show or Canceled CARDeposit (card deposit) / Lodging reservation canceled or a credit for a CARDeposit charge was not received The cardholder claims that they have canceled a lodging reservation or they did not receive a credit for a CARDeposit transaction. -white_check_mark- 14 days from receiving the NoC No show or canceled CARDeposit
4515 C14 Paid through Other Means The cardholder provided proof of payment by another method. -white_check_mark- 14 days from receiving the NoC Paid through other means
4532 C32 Damaged and/or Defective Goods/Services The cardholder disputes the quality of the merchandise or services. -white_check_mark- 14 days from receiving the NoC Damaged and/or defective goods/services
4544 C28 Cancellation of Recurring Goods/Services The cardholder claims that their account continues to be billed for recurring goods or services they have previously canceled or revoked. -white_check_mark- 14 days from receiving the NoC Cancellation of recurring goods/services
4553 C31 Not as Described The goods or services received from your business were either not as described by your business or the price should be lower than that claimed by your business. -white_check_mark- 14 days from receiving the NoC Not as described
4554 C08 Goods/Services Not Received or Only Partially Received. The cardholder claims that they did not receive the goods/services or only partially. -white_check_mark- 14 days from receiving the NoC Goods/Services not received or only partially received
4750 M10 Vehicle Rental - Damages, Theft, or loss of Use/ Car Rental Charge in Dispute The cardholder claims that they have been incorrectly billed for damages, theft, or loss of use. -white_check_mark- 14 days from receiving the NoC Car rental charge in dispute

Retrieval chargebacks

Reason Code Reason Code North-America Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Reason Code North-America Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
4516 R13 No Reply / No Response for Inquiry Provided American Express did not receive a response to a previous inquiry within the specified timeframe. -white_check_mark- 14 days from receiving the NoC No reply
4517 Request for Support Illegible/Incomplete The documents received from you were insufficient and/or did not link the transaction to the cardholder. -white_check_mark- 14 days from receiving the NoC Request for Support
4571 R03 Complete support and/or Documentation not Provided/ Insufficient Reply Documentation is missing and not provided as requested. -white_check_mark- 14 days from receiving the NoC Complete support and/or documentation not provided
4754 M01 Authorization to process Chargeback Received/ Chargeback Authorization American Express has received authorization to process the chargeback. -white_check_mark- 14 days from receiving the NoC Chargeback authorization

India domestic chargebacks with BillDesk

The reason codes for RuPay and UPI are listed below. To manage the disputes for the other card payments, check the reason codes for American Express, Diners, Mastercard, or Visa.


Reason Code Acquirer type Reason Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Acquirer type Reason Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
128 UPI Chargeback on Fraudulent Transaction -white_check_mark- 7 days from receiving the NoC BillDesk defense requirements
1104 RuPay Cardholder does not recognize the transaction -white_check_mark- 7 days from receiving the NoC BillDesk defense requirements
1141 RuPay Fraudulent card present transaction -white_check_mark- 7 days from receiving the NoC BillDesk defense requirements
1142 RuPay Fraudulent card not present transaction -white_check_mark- 7 days from receiving the NoC BillDesk defense requirements
1143 RuPay Fraudulent multiple transactions -white_check_mark- 7 days from receiving the NoC BillDesk defense requirements
3510 RuPay Unauthorized Signature -white_check_mark- 7 days from receiving the NoC BillDesk defense requirements


Reason Code Acquirer type Reason Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Acquirer type Reason Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
108 UPI Remitter account debited but beneficiary account not credited -white_check_mark- 7 days from receiving the NoC BillDesk defense requirements
109 UPI Remitter bank customer still disputes that beneficiary account is not credited -white_check_mark- 7 days from receiving the NoC BillDesk defense requirements
121 UPI TCC (Transactions credit confirmation) has been raised but customer still complaining that Beneficiary account is not credited -white_check_mark- 7 days from receiving the NoC BillDesk defense requirements
1065 1 RuPay / UPI Transaction failed but remitter account debited -white_check_mark- 7 days from receiving the NoC BillDesk defense requirements
1121 RuPay Transaction received declined authorization response -white_check_mark- 7 days from receiving the NoC BillDesk defense requirements
1122 RuPay Transaction not authorized -white_check_mark- 7 days from receiving the NoC BillDesk defense requirements
1123 RuPay Transaction was processed with invalid card number and authorization was not obtained or credit is processed with invalid card number -white_check_mark- 7 days from receiving the NoC BillDesk defense requirements
2353 RuPay A Cardholder was charged for unsuccessful/ Invalid/ Incomplete transaction -white_check_mark- 7 days from receiving the NoC BillDesk defense requirements
3504 RuPay BIN not valid -white_check_mark- 7 days from receiving the NoC BillDesk defense requirements
3505 RuPay Card Acceptor Business Code should be from standard table -white_check_mark- 7 days from receiving the NoC BillDesk defense requirements
3506 RuPay Invalid value of POS entry mode -white_check_mark- 7 days from receiving the NoC BillDesk defense requirements
3507 RuPay Invalid value of POS condition code -white_check_mark- 7 days from receiving the NoC BillDesk defense requirements
3508 RuPay Invalid value of POS data code -white_check_mark- 7 days from receiving the NoC BillDesk defense requirements
3514 RuPay Wrong Merchant establishment Category Code (MCC) -white_check_mark- 7 days from receiving the NoC BillDesk defense requirements

1If you accept the chargeback, but do not refund the transaction amount to the cardholder within 5 days of accepting the chargeback, the issuing bank will charge a penalty of Rupees 100 per day.

Processing errors

Reason Code Acquirer type Reason Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Acquirer type Reason Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
1063 RuPay / UPI Paid by alternate means -white_check_mark- 7 days from receiving the NoC BillDesk defense requirements
1081 RuPay / UPI Transaction not settled within the specified timeframes -white_check_mark- 7 days from receiving the NoC BillDesk defense requirements
1082 RuPay Credit posted as Debit -white_check_mark- 7 days from receiving the NoC BillDesk defense requirements
1083 RuPay Transaction amount incorrect -The account number or transaction amount utilized in the transaction was incorrectly entered -white_check_mark- 7 days from receiving the NoC BillDesk defense requirements
1084 RuPay / UPI Duplicate Processing / Multiple transactions -white_check_mark- 7 days from receiving the NoC BillDesk defense requirements
1085 UPI Card holder was charged more than the transaction amount -white_check_mark- 7 days from receiving the NoC BillDesk defense requirements
2301 RuPay Cardholder was charged less than the actual amount -white_check_mark- 7 days from receiving the NoC BillDesk defense requirements
2303 RuPay Settlement not received for goods/services provided -white_check_mark- 7 days from receiving the NoC BillDesk defense requirements
2351 RuPay Duplicate Transaction -white_check_mark- 7 days from receiving the NoC BillDesk defense requirements
2352 RuPay A Cardholder was charged more than the actual amount -white_check_mark- 7 days from receiving the NoC BillDesk defense requirements
2357 RuPay Paid by other means -white_check_mark- 7 days from receiving the NoC BillDesk defense requirements
3501 RuPay Amount should not be greater than Original Transaction amount -white_check_mark- 7 days from receiving the NoC BillDesk defense requirements
3502 RuPay Additional amount should be less than transaction amount -white_check_mark- 7 days from receiving the NoC BillDesk defense requirements
3503 RuPay Transaction currency code should be same with original transaction -white_check_mark- 7 days from receiving the NoC BillDesk defense requirements

Consumer disputes

Reason Code Acquirer type Reason Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Acquirer type Reason Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
1061 RuPay / UPI Credit not processed for cancelled or returned goods and services -white_check_mark- 7 days from receiving the NoC BillDesk defense requirements
1062 RuPay / UPI Goods and Services not as described / defective -white_check_mark- 7 days from receiving the NoC BillDesk defense requirements
1064 RuPay / UPI Goods or Services Not Provided / Not Received -white_check_mark- 7 days from receiving the NoC BillDesk defense requirements
1097 UPI Customer is still claiming that services are not delivered -white_check_mark- 7 days from receiving the NoC BillDesk defense requirements
2355 RuPay Goods Returned by the Cardholder -white_check_mark- 7 days from receiving the NoC BillDesk defense requirements
2356 RuPay Services cancelled by the Cardholder -white_check_mark- 7 days from receiving the NoC BillDesk defense requirements


Reason Code Acquirer type Reason Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Acquirer type Reason Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
1101 RuPay Illegible fulfilment -white_check_mark- 7 days from receiving the NoC BillDesk defense requirements
1102 RuPay Retrieval Request not fulfilled -white_check_mark- 7 days from receiving the NoC BillDesk defense requirements
1103 RuPay Invalid fulfilment -white_check_mark- 7 days from receiving the NoC BillDesk defense requirements
2302 RuPay Reversal Processed for successful transaction -white_check_mark- 7 days from receiving the NoC BillDesk defense requirements
2354 RuPay To nullify wrongly raised debit adjustment -white_check_mark- 7 days from receiving the NoC BillDesk defense requirements
3509 RuPay Others -white_check_mark- 7 days from receiving the NoC BillDesk defense requirements
3511 RuPay Split Transaction -white_check_mark- 7 days from receiving the NoC BillDesk defense requirements
3512 RuPay Cardholder Letter Required for Legal Purposes -white_check_mark- 7 days from receiving the NoC BillDesk defense requirements
3513 RuPay Illegible fulfilment - Unable to provide legible Transaction supporting documents (TSD) copy -white_check_mark- 7 days from receiving the NoC BillDesk defense requirements
3515 RuPay Copy of Transaction supporting documents (TSD) for Legal Proceeding or Law Enforcement Investigation -white_check_mark- 7 days from receiving the NoC BillDesk defense requirements
3516 RuPay Improper return and submission of a Fees -white_check_mark- 7 days from receiving the NoC BillDesk defense requirements

Cartes Bancaires


Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
16 PIN Not Controlled The transaction was carried out without checking the PIN code of the card. -x- -x- -x-
23 Missing imprint The transaction was carried out without taking an imprint of the card, reading the magnetic stripe, or reading the microcircuit. -x- -x- -x-
45 Disputed transaction The cardholder claims that the transaction was invalid because they did not authorize or participate in the transaction. -x- -x- -x-
A1 Multiple payment transaction disputed The cardholder claims that the card details were stolen, and one or more fraudulent payments were made although the card was in their possession. -x- -x- -x-

Consumer disputes

Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
27 Credit not Processed You did not credit the cardholder, or did not send the cardholder a receipt for a cancelled transaction. -x- -x- -x-
A0 Credit fund transfer declined The credit owned to the cardholder was rejected. -x- -x- -x-


Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
12 Transaction not authorized by issuer on card with systematic authorization The transaction was carried out without the correct authorization. -x- -x- -x-
13 Forcing The transaction was carried out without the correct authorization. -x- -x- -x-
14 Issuer declined authorization The authorization for the payment was declined by the issuing bank. -x- -x- -x-
15 Guarantee by card, by day, by siret The transaction was carried out without the correct authorization. -x- -x- -x-
18 Certificate not auditable The transaction was carried out without the correct authorization. -x- -x- -x-
21 Expired card The charge was submitted by you after the card expired. -x- -x- -x-
25 Maximum transaction amount exceeded The transaction, carried out via an automated terminal, was for an amount exceeding 1500 EUR. -x- -x- -x-
40 Cancelled card The transaction was carried even though the cardholder’s card was canceled. -x- -x- -x-
62 Transaction not allowed The transaction was carried out without the correct authorization. -x- -x- -x-

Processing errors - Point of Interaction errors

Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
17 Invalid SIRET Your SIRET number is invalid. -x- -x- -x-
22 Late Presentment The transaction was not processed/captured within the required time-limit. -x- -x- -x-
28 Credit posted as a purchase The cardholder was debited for a transaction that should have been a credit. -x- -x- -x-
42 Duplicate processing The cardholder claims that the same transaction was processed more than once and they were debited twice. -x- -x- -x-
43 Unknown card number The transaction did not receive authorization and was processed using an account number that does not match any on the issuer's master file. -x- -x- -x-
44 Disputed amount The cardholder claims that the amount they agreed to pay, differs from the amount charged. -x- -x- -x-
61 Merchant suspended or struck off The transaction was carried out even though Cartes Bancaires suspended you. -x- -x- -x-
99 Nonvalid open Payment Partial Guarantee The partial guarantee open payment transaction was not eligible for partial guarantee, or did not meet the partial guarantee application conditions -x- -x- -x-

Cash App Pay

Reason code Reason Description
Reason code Reason Description
FR10 The customer has no knowledge of the payment. Adyen receives a notification, but you do not need to do anything.
FR11 The customer has no knowledge of the payment and the liability has shifted to you due to collusion, fraud monitoring program thresholds, or any other reason. To defend, see Fraud-Card absent transaction.
PE10 The payment was processed twice. To defend, see Duplicate processing/Paid by other means.
PE11 The payment amount differs from the agreed amount.
PE12 The customer paid by other means. To defend, see Duplicate processing/Paid by other means.
CD10 Canceled services. To defend, see Canceled merchandise/services.
CD11 The goods or services differ from what was agreed on for the payment. To defend, see Goods not as described/defective.
CD12 The goods or services were not received. To defend, see Services not provided/Merchandise not received.
CD13 The purchase was canceled or returned, but the refund has not been processed. To defend, see Credit not processed.



Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
C41 Fraud - Card Present Transaction The cardholder did not authorize or participate in a card-present transaction. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC Fraud–Card present transaction
C42 Fraud - Card Not Present Transaction The cardholder did not authorize or participate in a transaction conducted in a card-absent environment such as online, Mail Order/Telephone Order (MOTO), or other options. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC Fraud-Card absent transaction
C46 Multiple Charges at Service Establishment Fraudulent Transaction The cardholder acknowledges participating in at least one transaction but denies participating in one or more other charges at the same service establishment. -x- -x- -x-
C53 Fraud – Chip Card Counterfeit Transaction The cardholder claims that they did not authorize or participate in a transaction that you processed. -x- -x- -x-
C54 Fraud – Lost or Stolen Chip and PIN Card Transaction The cardholder did not authorize or participate in a card-present transaction -x- -x- -x-


Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
A02 Authorization Processing Errors The payment could not be authorized because of errors. -x- -x- -x-
A06 Unissued Account Number The account number does not correspond to the account numbers the issuer has on file for this cardholder. -x- -x- -x-

Processing errors

Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
B24 Late Presentation The transaction was not sent to Diners within the timeframe. -x- -x- -x-
B25 Duplicate Charge The cardholder claims that a single transaction was processed more than once. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC Duplicate processing
B26 Alternate Settlement Currency Incorrect Exchange Rates The cardholder claims that the converted amount of charge on an international transaction is incorrect. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC Incorrect currency
B27 Incorrect Currency You sent a transaction that was processed with an incorrect currency code. The cardholder was not advised or did not agree that Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) would occur. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC Incorrect currency
D61 Altered Amount The cardholder claims that the amount they agreed to pay differs from the amount charged. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC Incorrect amount
D67 Cardmember Paid by Other Means The cardholder claims that they paid for the merchandise or service by other means such as cash, check, another card, or other options. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC Paid by other means

Consumer disputes

Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
D62 Non-Receipt of Goods or Services The cardholder claims that they did not receive the goods or services they purchased at your business. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC Services not provided/Merchandise not received
D66 Credit not Processed A credit has not been applied to the cardholder's account for either of the following reasons:
  • Goods/services canceled.
  • You have made an advance deposit or payment.
  • A no show reservation.
-white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC Credit not processed
D69 Canceled Recurring Transactions The cardholder claims that their account continues to be billed for recurring goods or services they have previously canceled or revoked. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC Canceled recurring transaction
D70 Card member Does Not Recognize The cardholder does not recognize the transaction and claims that they did not authorize the charge to their credit card. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC Cardholder does not recognize

Direct Debit Great Britain (BACS)

Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
0 Insufficient funds; refer to payer The insufficient funds can arise for one of the following reasons:
  • Adyen was not able to retrieve the funds from the account holder's account.
  • The account holder's account has been frozen due to a Garnishee order or an arrestment on their account.
-x- -x- -x-
1 Instruction cancelled; refer to payer The account holder, the issuing bank, or Adyen cancelled the transaction. -x- -x- -x- -x-
2 Payer Deceased The account holder is deceased. -x- -x- -x-
3 Instruction transferred to another bank/building society or Account Transferred The account holder's account was transferred to a new bank or a building society. -x- -x- -x-
4 Advance notice dispute The account holder questions the time, the amount, and/or the frequency of the payment(s) and requested a reversal. -x- -x- -x-
5 No account (or wrong account type) The account number is not recognized at the account holder's bank. -x- -x- -x-
6 No DDI Instruction There was no Direct Debit Instruction (DDI) attached with the account holder’s bank to enable you to collect direct debit. -x- -x- -x-
7 Amount differs/DDI Amount not Zero The dispute can happen for one of the following reasons:
  • The account holder states that the amount of the direct debit is different from the amount agreed.
  • The validation has detected field 8 is not zero, or is filled with a blank space.
-x- -x- -x-
8 Amount not yet due The account holder states the date of debit is earlier than the due date specified in the advance notice to them. -x- -x- -x-
9 Payer states presentation overdue The overdue happens for one of the following reasons:
  • The account holder claims that the date of presentation is more than three working days after the due date specified in the advance notice to them.
  • The representation of the Unpaid Direct Debit is more than one month from the original direct debit processing date.
-x- -x- -x- -x-
A Service User differs The identity of the service user differs from the Direct Debit Instruction (DDI). -x- -x- -x-
B Account closed The account holder has closed their account for an unknown reason. -x- -x- -x-
C Account/Instruction transferred to a different branch of the bank/building society The account holder's account was transferred to a new bank, a different branch of the bank or building society. -x- -x- -x-
D Advance notice disputed The account holder questions the time, the amount, and/or the frequency of the payment(s) and requested a reversal. -x- -x- -x-
E Instruction amended There are new account details provided to you. -x- -x- -x-
F Invalid account type The issuing bank or Adyen does not allow direct debits on this type of account. -x- -x- -x-
G Bank will not accept Direct Debits on account The issuing bank or Adyen does not allow direct debits on this account. -x- -x- -x-
H Instruction Expired You attempted to convert a Direct Debit Instruction (DDI) that is shown as expired on Adyen's database. -x- -x- -x-
I Payer reference is not unique The issuing bank or Adyen has matched the Direct Debit Instruction (DDI) to an existing one with a similar reference that has more or fewer characters. -x- -x- -x-
K Instruction cancelled by bank The issuing bank or Adyen has canceled the Direct Debit Instruction (DDI). -x- -x- -x- -x-
L Incorrect payer's account details The incorrect details can happen for one of the following reasons:
  • The sort code or the account number has failed the modulus check.
  • The sort code does not exist.
  • The account number is not all numeric or is all zeros.
  • The account type is not valid.
-x- -x- -x-
M Transaction code/User status incompatible The transaction code or the user status is incompatible. -x- -x- -x-
N Transaction disallowed at payer's branch Adyen disallowed the setup of Direct Debit Instructions (DDI) at the branch in field 1 of the transaction. -x- -x- -x-
O Invalid Reference The reference in field 10 of the Direct Debit Instruction (DDI) record does not comply with the Automated Direct Debit Instruction Service (AUDDIS) rules. -x- -x- -x-
P Payer's name not present The validation has detected field 11 as blank. The account holder’s name should always be entered. -x- -x- -x-
Q Service User name blank The validation has detected field 9 as blank. The service user’s company or trading name should always be entered. -x- -x- -x-
R Instruction re-instated The issuing bank or Adyen can re-instate a cancelled Direct Debit Instruction (DDI) up to two months from the cancellation. -x- -x- -x-



Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
4752 Does not Recognize The cardholder claims that they do not recognize the transaction and states that they did not authorize the charge to their credit card. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC Fraud–Card present transaction
4866 Fraud Chip Card Counterfeit Transaction The cardholder claims that they did not authorize or participate in a transaction that you processed. -x- -x- -x-
4867 Fraud Chip Card and PIN Transaction The cardholder claims that they did not authorize or participate in a transaction that you processed. -x- -x- -x-
7010 Fraud Card Present Transaction The cardholder claims that they did not authorize or participate in a key-entered or unattended transaction conducted in a card-present environment. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC Fraud–Card present transaction
7030 Fraud Card Not Present Transaction The cardholder claims that they did not authorize or participate in a transaction conducted in a card-absent environment such as online, Mail Order/Telephone Order (MOTO), or other options. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC Fraud-Card absent transaction


Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
4753 Invalid Cardholder Number The account number does not correspond to the account numbers the issuer has on file for this cardholder. -x- -x- -x-

Processing errors

Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
4534 Duplicate Processing  The cardholder claims that a single transaction was processed more than once. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC Duplicate processing
4542 Late Presentation The transaction was not sent to Discover within the timeframe. -x- -x- -x-
4550 Credit/ Debit Posted Incorrectly  An account is posted as debit in place of a credit by mistake. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC Credit/Debit posted incorrectly
4586 Altered Amount The cardholder claims that the amount they agreed to pay differs from the amount charged. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC Incorrect amount
4865 Paid by Other Means  The cardholder claims that they paid for the merchandise or service by other means such as cash, check, another card, or other options. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC Paid by other means

Consumer disputes

Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
4541 Recurring Payment The cardholder claims that their account continues to be billed for recurring goods or services they have canceled or revoked. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC Canceled recurring transaction
4553 Cardholder Disputes Quality of Goods or Services The cardholder is not happy with the quality of the merchandise or service. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC Goods not as described/defective
4755 Non-Receipt of Goods or Services  The cardholder claims that they did not receive the goods or services they purchased at your business. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC Merchandise not received
8002 Credit Not Processed  A credit has not been applied to the cardholder's account for either of the following reasons:
  • Goods/services canceled.
  • You have made an advance deposit or payment.
  • A no show reservation.
-white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC Credit not processed



Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
71 No Authorization Obtained/Cardholder does not Recognize The cardholder states that neither they, nor anyone authorized by them, engaged in the transaction. -x- -x- -x-
83 Card Absent Fraud The cardholder did not authorize or participate in a transaction conducted in a card-absent environment such as online, Mail Order/Telephone Order (MOTO) or other options. -white_check_mark- 18 days from receiving the NoC Fraud-Card absent transaction

Consumer disputes

Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
30 Services Not Rendered The cardholder claims that they did not receive the goods or services they purchased at your business. -white_check_mark- 18 days from receiving the NoC Merchandise not received
41 Cardholder Canceled Recurring Transaction The cardholder claims that their account continues to be billed for recurring goods or services that they had previously canceled or revoked. -white_check_mark- 18 days from receiving the NoC Canceled recurring
53 Defective Merchandise/Goods Not As Described The cardholder claims the goods were not as described or disputes the quality of the merchandise or service. -white_check_mark- 18 days from receiving the NoC Goods not as described/defective

Processing errors

Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
72 Declined Authorization The payment could not be authorized because it was above the floor limit, or was not authorized by the cardholder due to the down time. -x- -x- -x-
74 Late Presentment The transaction was not sent to ELO within the timeframe. -x- -x- -x-
77 Non Matching Account Number The account number does not correspond with the account number the issuer has on file for this cardholder. -x- -x- -x-
80 Processing Error An error occurred when processing the transaction on the terminal. -x- -x- -x-
82 Duplicate Processing The cardholder claims that a single transaction was processed more than once. -white_check_mark- 18 days from receiving the NoC Duplicate processing
85 Credit Not Processed A credit has not been applied to the cardholder's account for one of the following reasons:
  • Goods/services canceled.
  • You have made an advance deposit or payment.
  • A no show reservation.
-white_check_mark- 18 days from receiving the NoC Credit not processed


You can defend a JCB chargeback only through the Adyen disputes team. For an overview of the process, see Dispute process and flow.


Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
527 No Imprint The sales draft does not contain a JCB Card imprint, the transaction data read from the magnetic stripe, or IC chip of the JCB Card. -white_check_mark- 40 days from receiving the NoC Fraud–Card present transaction
534 Unauthorized Multiple Transaction Two or more transactions took place at one location, and the cardholder claims that they authorized or participated in only one. -white_check_mark- 40 days from receiving the NoC Fraud–Card absent transaction
546 Unauthorized Purchase The cardholder did not authorize or participate in the transaction. -white_check_mark- 40 days from receiving the NoC Fraud–Card absent transaction


Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
501 Non-JCB Card The card information that was provided does not conform to card specifications for JCB. You did not obtain authorization from the issuer. -x- -x- -x-
503 Expired JCB Card A transaction completed with an expired card. -x- -x- -x-
522 Authorization Declined An authorization request was declined. -x- -x- -x- -x-
523 Incorrect Card number The account number does not correspond to the account numbers the issuer has on file for this cardholder. -x- -x- -x-
547 Card on Stop List The JCB card presented for payment was listed on a Stop List that was effective at the time of sale. -x- -x- -x-

Processing errors

Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
507 Incorrect Transaction Amount The cardholder claims that the amount they agreed to pay, differs from the amount charged. -white_check_mark- 40 days from receiving the NoC Incorrect amount
510 Mispost The account was posted as debit in place of a credit by mistake. -white_check_mark- 40 days from receiving the NoC Credit posted as a purchase
512 Duplicate Processing The cardholder claims that a single transaction was processed more than once. -white_check_mark- 40 days from receiving the NoC Duplicate processing
524 Addition Error The cardholder's copy of the sales draft or other transaction record shows an error in adding, which causes the total amount to be incorrect. -white_check_mark- 40 days from receiving the NoC Incorrect amount
525 Altered Amount The cardholder claims that the amount they agreed to pay, differs from the amount charged. -white_check_mark- 40 days from receiving the NoC Incorrect amount
536 Late Submission The transaction was not sent to JCB within the timeframe. -x- -x- -x-
541 Illegible Item The issuer of an account requested a copy of a transaction receipt on behalf of the cardholder but did not receive a readable copy. -x- -x- -x-
581 Split Sale The transaction that required an authorization decision was split into two or more card sales to avoid authorization, and if the entire sale was submitted for authorization as one transaction, it would have been declined. -x- -x- -x-
583 Paid by Other Means The cardholder claims that they paid for the merchandise or service by other means such as cash, check, other card, or other options. -white_check_mark- 40 days from receiving the NoC Paid by other means

Consumer disputes

Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
502 Cardmember Dispute The cardholder claims that the goods or services they purchased at your business did not arrive, were defective, or were not as described. -white_check_mark- 40 days from receiving the NoC Services not provided/Merchandise not received
513 Credit Not Received A credit has not been applied to the cardholder's account for either:
  • Canceled goods/services.
  • You have made an advance deposit or payment.
  • A no show reservation.
-white_check_mark- 40 days from receiving the NoC Credit not processed
516 Non-Receipt of Requested Item The cardholder claims that they did not receive the goods or services they purchased at your business. -white_check_mark- 40 days from receiving the NoC Services not provided/Merchandise not received
517 Requested Copy Illegible The issuer requested a copy of a transaction receipt on behalf of the cardholder but did not receive a readable copy. -white_check_mark- 40 days from receiving the NoC Requested Copy Illegible
537 No show dispute The cardholder claims that they were not clearly informed about the no-show or cancellation policy at the time of the reservation. -white_check_mark- 40 days from receiving the NoC Addendum dispute
538 Advance Deposit The cardholder claims that they were not clearly informed about the cancellation policy at the time of the reservation. -white_check_mark- 40 days from receiving the NoC Canceled merchandise/services
544 Canceled Recurring Transaction The cardholder claims that their account continues to be billed for recurring goods or services they have canceled or revoked. -white_check_mark- 40 days from receiving the NoC Canceled recurring transaction
554 Non-Receipt of Merchandise/Non-Receipt of Cash at ATM The cardholder did not receive merchandise at the agreed location. -white_check_mark- 40 days from receiving the NoC Services not provided/Merchandise not received



Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
4837 No Cardholder Authorization The cardholder states that they, nor anyone authorized by them, engaged in the transaction. -white_check_mark- 40 days from receiving the NoC No cardholder authorization
4840 Fraudulent Processing of Transactions The cardholder claims that a fraudulent purchase was made while the card was in the cardholder's possession at the time of the transaction. -x- -x- -x-
4849 Questionable merchant activity The acquirer processed a transaction that was later listed in a Mastercard Global Security Bulletin for violating GMAP, QMAP, or reported to SAFE. -x- -x- -x-
4863 Cardholder does not recognize – Potential Fraud The cardholder claims that they do not recognize the transaction and did not authorize the charge to their credit card. -x- -x- -x-
4870 Chip Liability Shift The cardholder claims that they were in possession of a valid card on the date of transaction, but they did not authorize or participate in the transaction. -x- -x- -x-
4871 Chip/PIN Liability Shift The cardholder claims that they were not in possession of a valid card on the date of transaction, and they did not authorize or participate in the transaction. -x- -x- -x-
4999 Domestic Chargeback Dispute (Europe region only) The issuer can supply this message for a domestic chargeback that doesn't meet another chargeback categorization. -white_check_mark- 40 days from receiving the NoC Merchandise not received


Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
4802 / 4808 Requested /Required Authorization not obtained The payment could not be authorized. -x- -x- -x-
4807 Warning Bulletin File The payment could not be authorized. -x- -x- -x-
4812 Account Number Not on File The account number does not correspond to the account numbers the issuer has on file for this cardholder. -x- -x- -x-
4835 Card Not Valid or Expired A transaction completed with an expired card. -x- -x- -x-

Processing errors - Point of Interaction error

Following the Mastercard dispute guidelines, processing error chargebacks are filed under reason code 4834 - Point of Interaction Error. This reason code covers the following scenarios:

Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
4834 Point of Interaction error Duplicate Processing: The cardholder paid twice for the same transaction using two different forms of payment. -white_check_mark- 40 days from receiving the NoC Duplicate transaction - Different forms of payment
4834 Point of Interaction error Duplicate Processing: The cardholder's account has been debited more than once for the same transaction using the same form of payment. -white_check_mark- 40 days from receiving the NoC Duplicate transaction - Same form of payment
4834 Point of Interaction error Transaction Amount Differs: The cardholder was billed an incorrect amount. -white_check_mark- 40 days from receiving the NoC Transaction Amount Differs
4834 Point of Interaction error ATM Disputes: Cash was not properly dispensed by an ATM. -white_check_mark- 40 days from receiving the NoC ATM Disputes - Incorrect cash
4834 Point of Interaction error ATM Disputes: The cardholder's account has been debited more than once for the same ATM transaction. -white_check_mark- 40 days from receiving the NoC ATM Disputes - Account debited more than once
4834 Point of Interaction error Loss, Theft, or Damages: The cardholder was billed for loss, theft, or damage in the same transaction as the underlying initial service. -white_check_mark- 40 days from receiving the NoC Loss, theft, or damages
4834 Point of Interaction error You sent a transaction that was processed with an incorrect currency code. Often the cardholder was not advised or did not agree that Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) would occur. -white_check_mark- 40 days from receiving the NoC Dynamic currency conversion
4834 Point of Interaction error The cardholder was billed an unreasonable amount (intra-EEA Transactions, domestic transactions in EEA countries/regions, transactions between an EEA country/region and Gibraltar or the UK, Gibraltar domestic transactions, and UK domestic transactions) -white_check_mark- 40 days from receiving the NoC Unreasonable amount
4834 Point of Interaction error The cardholder paid an improper merchant surcharge (intra-European and inter-European transactions only). -white_check_mark- 40 days from receiving the NoC Improper merchant surcharge
4834 Point of Interaction error You processed a credit (instead of a reversal) to correct an error which resulted in a currency exchange loss for the cardholder. -white_check_mark- 40 days from receiving the NoC Currency exchange loss
4834 Point of Interaction error Late Presentment: The acquirer presented a transaction past the applicable time frame. -white_check_mark- 40 days from receiving the NoC Late presentment

The following reason codes can still be used, but will disappear in the future:

Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
4831 Transaction amount differs The cardholder claims that the amount they agreed to pay differs from the amount charged. -white_check_mark- 40 days from receiving the NoC Transaction amount differs
4842 Late Presentment The transaction was not sent to Mastercard within the timeframe required. -x- -x- -x-
4846 Correct Transaction Currency Code not provided The cardholder claims that the converted amount of charge on an international transaction is incorrect, or you didn't let them choose the currency. -x- -x- -x-
4850 Installment Billing Dispute - Credit Posted as a Purchase An account is posted as a debit instead of a credit by mistake. -x- -x- -x-

Consumer disputes

Following the Mastercard dispute guidelines, consumer dispute chargebacks are filed under reason code 4853 - Cardholder Dispute. This reason code covers the following scenarios:

Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
4853 - Legacy code 4855 Services not provided/Merchandise not received The cardholder claims that the merchandise or services they ordered were not received, or they canceled the order because they didn't receive the merchandise or services within the expected delivery date (or merchandise was unavailable for pick-up). -white_check_mark- 40 days from receiving the NOC Services not provided/Merchandise not received
4853 - Legacy code 4841 Canceled recurring transaction A recurring transaction was processed after it was canceled, or the cardholder's account was closed. -white_check_mark- 40 days from receiving the NoC Canceled recurring transaction
4853 Goods not as described/defective The goods or services were either not as described or defective. The goods either arrived broken or could not be used for the intended purpose. -white_check_mark- 40 days from receiving the NoC Goods not as described/defective
4853 Counterfeit merchandise The merchandise was identified as counterfeit by the customer or a third party, for example, a customs agency. The goods were not produced by the authorized manufacturer and infringe on intellectual property rights. -white_check_mark- 40 days from receiving the NoC Counterfeit merchandise
4853 - Legacy code 4859 Addendum dispute or “no-show” hotel charge was billed The cardholder claims that they have been charged for a no show after they canceled the service. -white_check_mark- 40 days from receiving the NoC Addendum dispute
4853 - Legacy code 4855 Purchase transaction did not complete The cardholder claims that they didn't use the merchandise/service as they believed the transaction was not processed. -white_check_mark- 40 days from receiving the NoC Purchase transaction did not complete
4853 - Legacy code 4860 Credit posted as a purchase

Credit not processed

The cardholder claims that the credit was processed as a debit.


The cardholder contacted their issuer claiming one of the following:
  • You agreed to provide a refund but failed to process that.
  • You didn't disclose your refund policy at the time of the transaction and didn't accept returns or cancellation of the goods or services.
  • You didn't respond to the return or cancellation of the goods or services.
  • You posted a credit for a reduced amount without proper disclosure to the cardholder.
  • You didn't issue a Value Added Tax Credit.


40 days from receiving the NoC

40 days from receiving the NoC

Credit posted as a purchase

Credit not processed

The following reason codes can still be used, but will disappear in the future:

Reason Code Reason Description
Reason Code Reason Description
4841 Cancelled Recurring Transaction A recurring transaction was processed after it was canceled or that the cardholder's account was closed.
4854 Not Elsewhere Classified (U.S. region only) The cardholder claims they are unhappy with the goods or services provided and that they have been unable to resolve the situation.
4855 Non receipt of merchandise The cardholder claims that merchandise or services that they ordered were not received or that the cardholder canceled the order as the result of not receiving the merchandise or services by the expected delivery date (or merchandise was unavailable for pick-up).
4860 Credit not Processed The cardholder's bank received a notice from the cardholder claiming that they received a credit or voided transaction receipt that has not been processed.
6305 Cardholder does not agree with amount billed The cardholder claims that the amount they agreed to pay differs from the amount charged.

Mexico domestic


Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe
Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe
63A CHIP (EMV) - No EMV and not recognized by the Cardholder The cardholder is claiming that they did not authorize or participate in a transaction that you processed. The terminal was not EMV compliant. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
63B CHIP (EMV) - No EMV values The transaction was not authenticated by the EMV process. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
63C CHIP (EMV) - EMV & not authorized by the Cardholder The transaction was authenticated, however, the cardholder did not authorize. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
63D CHIP (EMV) - EMV & PIN - not authorized by the Cardholder The transaction was authenticated but the PIN code was not authorized. When the cardholder entered the pin, it was declined. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
68A / 68B / 68C / 68D Fraudulent telephone/mail/internet transaction - not recognized by the Cardholder The cardholder claims that they did not authorize or participate in a transaction that you processed. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
89A Signature not authorized The signature did not match and the transaction was not authorized by the cardholder. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC

Potential fraud

Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe
Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe
57A / 57C Unauthorized Transaction Multiple transactions were not authorized by the cardholder - In-person payments only. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
57B Unauthorized Transaction Multiple transactions were not authorized by the cardholder - Ecommerce, not applicable for 3D Secure. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
57D Unauthorized Transaction Multiple transactions were not authorized by the cardholder - Manual transaction. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
75A / 75B False authorization The acquirer sent a false authorization code. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
76A / 76C Highway Tolls - Cardholder does not recognize Multiple transactions were processed in less than five minutes. The cardholder recognizes the first few transactions, but does not recognize one or more of the subsequent transactions. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
76B / 76D Highway Tolls - Cardholder does not recognize The cardholder does not recognize one or more than one transactions. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
86A / 86B Alterated amount The receipt was altered without the consent of the cardholder. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
87A Pre-elaborated receipt The transaction was not authorized by the cardholder. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC

Processing errors

Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe
Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe
57E Unauthorized Transaction Single or multiple transactions were not authorized by the cardholder - PIN entered. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
74A / 74C Late Presentment - Out of Time The transaction was not processed within the required timeframe. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
74B Late Presentment - Debit Card Cancelled The transaction was not processed within 9 to 30 days and the card was canceled or suspended by a court order. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
74D Late Presentment - Billing Process The transaction was processed after a retry and the cardholder made a complaint to the issuer. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
77A Invalid Account Number The transaction was processed with an invalid card number. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
80A Error in Process - Incorrect Account The transaction was processed with a wrong card number and data. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
80B Error in process - Credit as a Purchase A credit transaction was processed as debit. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
80C Error in process - Wrong Documentation Support An error was made when processing the transaction. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
81A Lack of Receipt The receipt was printed without the card number and no authorization. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
82A / 82C Duplicated Process - Same Acquirer The transaction was processed by the same acquirer on different dates. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
82B / 82D Duplicated Process - Different Acquirer The transaction was processed more than one time by different acquirers. The second acquirer will receive the chargeback. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
82E Duplicated Process - Same Acquirer Same Day The transaction was processed by the same acquirer on the same day. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
82F Duplicated Process - Same Acquirer The transaction was processed by the same acquirer. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
82G Duplicated Process - Same Documentation Support The acquirer sent the same documentation for two or more Requests for Information. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
88A Partial Transaction Two or more transactions were processed which were within the threshold when considered as individual transactions, but together they exceeded the limit. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
94A / 94E Guaranteed reservation cancelled, late charges and/or paid by other methods The cardholder was charged after the cancellation was made. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
94B / 94F Guaranteed reservation cancelled, late charges and/or paid by other methods The cardholder did not request or authorize the reservation. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
94C Guaranteed reservation cancelled, late charges and/or paid by other methods The cardholder used the services, but it was charged a no-show. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
94D Guaranteed reservation cancelled, late charges and/or paid by other methods The cardholder used the services or products and paid the bill by other methods. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
94G Guaranteed reservation cancelled, late charges and/or paid by other methods The cardholder used the services, but it was charged a no-show. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
94H Guaranteed reservation cancelled, late charges and/or paid by other methods The cardholder used the services or products and paid the bill by other methods. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
94I Guaranteed reservation cancelled, late charges and/or paid by other methods The cardholder complained because the transaction took too long to be processed. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
95A Deposit in advance The cardholder was charged for a deposit in advance when they canceled the reservation. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
95B Deposit in advance The cardholder was charged for a deposit in advance, but they used partial services. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
95C Deposit in advance The cardholder was charged for a deposit in advance but was not informed about the cancellation policy. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
95D Deposit in advance The cardholder was charged for a deposit in advance without an authorization. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC

Invalid transaction

Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe
Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe
64A / 64B Manual Transaction in electronic terminal - Invalid data (Card not present) The card was never swiped. The card number was manually typed onto the terminal. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
71A / 71B Authorization declined - forced transaction The transaction was processed after the authorization was declined. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
72A / 72C Transaction that exceeds the authorized amount The transaction was processed with a higher amount than approved by the issuer. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
72B / 72D Transaction without authorization The transaction was not authorized. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
73A / 73B Expired card - Without authorization The payment could not be authorized. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC

Consumer disputes

Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe
Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe
41A / 41G Recurring payment Cancelled or not requested The recurring payment was canceled or requested without an authorization from the cardholder or without any service contract. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
41B / 41H Recurring payment Cancelled or not requested The charge continued after the payment was canceled. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
41C / 41I Recurring payment Cancelled or not requested There was no contract or the renewal was unauthorized. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
41D Recurring payment Cancelled or not requested The transaction was processed without any recurrent payment indicator. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
41E Recurring payment Cancelled or not requested The TAG transaction, a system which automatically collects the toll, was not recognized. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
41F Recurring payment Cancelled or not requested The cardholder is without a TAG contract, a system that automatically collects the toll. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
84A Missing signature and/or signature on file - Travel Agency The transaction was not authorized by the cardholder. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
84B Missing signature and/or signature on file - without cardholder authorization The transaction was without a signature and not authorized by the cardholder. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
84C Missing signature and/or signature on file - COF The transaction was without a signature. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
84D Missing signature and/or signature on file - Travel Agency The transaction was with a signature but without an authorization (wrong signature). -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
84E Missing signature and/or signature on file - without cardholder authorization The documentation was completed without a signature and not authorized. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
84F Missing signature and/or signature on file - QPS The documentation was sent with the description "Authorized without signature". -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
85A Refund not processed/failed sale The refund was not done within the agreed 10 days time limit. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
85B Refund not processed/failed sale The refund was not processed. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC

Other - Mostly common for POS related disputes

Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe
Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe
60A Original or copy received illegible, with incomplete data or does not correspond - Illegible Original or copy of the receipt cannot be read, with incomplete data. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
60B Original or copy received illegible, with incomplete data or does not correspond - Missing data Original or copy of the receipt is missing data. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC
60C Original or copy received illegible, with incomplete data or does not correspond - Invalid documentation support Original or copy of the receipt cannot be read, with incomplete data or does not correspond. -white_check_mark- 25 days from receiving the NoC



Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
CC Chip Counterfeit The cardholder claims that they did not authorize or participate in a transaction that you processed. -x- -x- -x-
UF Unauthorized Fraud The cardholder claims that they did not authorize or participate in a transaction. -white_check_mark- 30 days from receiving the NoC Fraud-Card absent transaction


Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
A2 Account not available The account number does not correspond with any of the account numbers that the issuer has on file for this cardholder. -x- -x- -x-
CF No AVS provided The cardholder claims that they did not provide their billing address for the transaction. -x- -x- -x-

Processing errors

Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
A5 Transaction Amount Differs The cardholder claims that the amount they agreed to pay differs from the amount charged. -white_check_mark- 30 days from receiving the NoC Incorrect amount
A6 Duplicate Transaction The cardholder claims that a single transaction was processed more than once. -white_check_mark- 30 days from receiving the NoC Duplicate processing

Consumer disputes

Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
A1 Cardholder Dispute The cardholder disputes the transaction -white_check_mark- 30 days from receiving the NoC Cardholder denies transaction
A3 Merchandise not received The cardholder claims that they did not receive the goods or services they purchased at your business. -white_check_mark- 30 days from receiving the NoC Merchandise not received
A4 Merchandise not described The goods or services received from your business were either not as described by your business or the price should be lower than that claimed by your business. -white_check_mark- 30 days from receiving the NoC Not as described
A7 Credit not received A credit has not been applied to the cardholder's account for either:
  • Canceled goods/services.
  • You have made an advance deposit or payment
  • A no show reservation.
-white_check_mark- 30 days from receiving the NoC Credit not processed



Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
4537 Fraud - Card Present Transaction The cardholder claims that they did not authorize or participate in a card-present transaction. -white_check_mark- 30 days from receiving the NoC Fraud–Card present transaction
4752 Transaction Not Recognized The cardholder does not recognize the transaction and claims that they did not authorize the carge to their card. -white_check_mark- 30 days from receiving the NoC Cardholder does not recognize
4866 Fraud - Chip Card Counterfeit transaction The cardholder claims that they did not authorize or participate in a transaction that you processed. -white_check_mark- 30 days from receiving the NoC Counterfeit card
4867 Fraud - Lost/Stolen Chip Card Transaction The cardholder claims that they did not authorize or participate in a transaction that you processed. -x- -x- -x-
4868 Fraud - Card Not Present Transaction The cardholder claims they did not authorize or participate in a transaction conducted in a card-absent environment such as online, [Mail Order/Telephone Order (MOTO)] (/get-started-with-adyen/payment-glossary#mail-ordertelephone-order-moto), or other option. -white_check_mark- 30 days from receiving the NoC Fraud–Card absent transaction


Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
4512 Invalid Cardholder Number The account number does not correspond with any of the account numbers that the issuer has on file for this cardholder. -white_check_mark- 30 days from receiving the NoC Invalid/Incorrect card number
4590 Non-Receipt of Cash from ATM The cardholder claims that they did not receive cash or only received partial cash at an ATM withdrawal machine. -x- -x- -x-

Processing errors

Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
4532 Duplicate Processing The cardholder claims that a single transaction was processed more than once. -white_check_mark- 30 days from receiving the NoC Duplicate processing
4542 Late Presentation The transaction was not sent to PULSE within the timeframe. -x- -x- -x-
4550 Credit/Debit Posted Incorrectly An account is posted as debit in place of a credit by mistake. -white_check_mark- 30 days from receiving the NoC Credit/Debit posted incorrectly
4586 Altered Amount The cardholder claims that the amount they agreed to pay differs from the amount charged. -white_check_mark- 30 days from receiving the NoC Incorrect amount

Consumer disputes

Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
4541 Canceled Recurring Transaction The cardholder claims that their account continues to be billed for recurring goods or services they have canceled or revoked. -white_check_mark- 30 days from receiving the NoC Canceled recurring transaction
4553 Cardholder Disputes Quality of Goods or Services The cardholder is not happy with the quality of the merchandise or service. -white_check_mark- 30 days from receiving the NoC Goods not as described/defective
4555 Non-Receipt of Goods or Services The cardholder claims that they did not receive the goods or services they purchased at your business. -white_check_mark- 30 days from receiving the NoC Merchandise not received
4560 Credit ot Processed A credit has not been applied to the cardholder's account for either of the following reasons:
  • Goods/services canceled.
  • You have made an advance deposit or payment.
  • A no show reservation.
-white_check_mark- 30 days from receiving the NoC Credit not processed
4865 Paid by Other Means The cardholder claims that they paid for the merchandise or service by other means such as cash, check, another card, or other options. -white_check_mark- 30 days from receiving the NoC Paid by other means


General reason codes

Reason code
Reason Description Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason code
Reason Description Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
AC01 Incorrect Account Number The account identifier or number is not valid or incorrect. For example, the IBAN is not valid, or the account number does not exist. -x- -x- -x-
AC04 Closed Account Number The account with this number has been closed. -x- -x- -x-
AC06 Blocked Account The account with this number has been blocked. -x- -x- -x-
AG01 Transaction Forbidden Direct Debit or Credit Transfer is forbidden on this account for regulatory reasons. -x- -x- -x-
AG02 Invalid Bank Operation Code The operation code, transaction code or sequence type is incorrect, or contains an invalid file format. -x- -x- -x-
AM04 Insufficient Funds There are insufficient funds on the account. -x- -x- -x-
AM05 Duplication This is a duplicate payment. -x- -x- -x-
CNOR Creditor Bank Is Not Registered The Creditor PSP is not registered under this BIC in the Clearing and Settlement Mechanism (CSM). -x- -x- -x-
DNOR Debtor Bank Is Not Registered The bank is not registered under this BIC in the Clearing and Settlement Mechanism (CSM). -x- -x- -x-
FF01 Invalid File Format The operation or transaction code is incorrect, or contains an invalid file format. -x- -x- -x-
MD07 End Customer Deceased The account holder is deceased. -x- -x- -x-
MS02 Not Specified Reason Customer Generated The account holder rejected the payment when they received the pre-notification for the payment. -x- -x- -x-
MS03 Not Specified Reason Agent Generated The reason is not specified. This can be used only when the national legislation (such as data protection law) does not allow the use of AC04, AM04, MD07, RR01, RR02, RR03, and RR04. -x- -x- -x-
RC01 Bank Identifier Incorrect The BIC of the cardholder is not correct. -x- -x- -x-
RR01 Missing Debtor Account Or Identification There are some missing details about the debtor account or identification. -x- -x- -x-
RR02 Missing Debtor Name Or Address The specification of the debtor’s name and/or address needed for regulatory requirements is insufficient or missing. -x- -x- -x-
RR03 Missing Creditor Name Or Address The specification of the creditor’s name needed for regulatory requirements is insufficient or missing. -x- -x- -x-
RR04 Regulatory Reason This can only be used for regulatory reasons other than RR01, RR02, or RR03. -x- -x- -x-
ED05 Settlement Failed Adyen authorized the transaction but the transaction failed because the cardholder's account did not have enough funds. -x- -x- -x-
AC13 Invalid Debtor Account Type The debtor account is a consumer account. -x- -x- -x-
BE05 Unrecognised Initiating Party The identifier of the creditor is incorrect. -x- -x- -x-
MD01 No Mandate There is an unauthorised transaction, the mandate is not valid, or no mandate is available to obtain the mandate confirmation from the debtor. -x- -x- -x-
MD02 Missing Mandatory Information In Mandate The mandate data is missing or incorrect. -x- -x- -x-
MD06 Refund Request By End Customer The authorized transaction is disputed by the account holder. -x- -x- -x-
SL01 Specific Service offered by Debtor Agent The debtor PSP offers only some specific services. -x- -x- -x-



Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
6000 Fraud - Cardholder did not Authorize/Participate The cardholder claims that they did not authorize or participate in a transaction that your business processed. -white_check_mark- 30 days from receiving the NoC Fraud - Card Absent Transaction or Fraud - Card Present Transaction
6500 Fraud - Chip Card Counterfeit Transaction The cardholder claims that they did not authorize or participate in a transaction that your business processed. -white_check_mark- 30 days from receiving the NoC Counterfeit Card


Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
2000 Transaction Amount Differs The cardholder claims that the amount they agreed to pay differs from the amount charged. -white_check_mark- 30 days from receiving the NoC Incorrect Transaction Amount Presented

Processing errors

Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
3000 Transaction Amount Differs The cardholder claims that the amount they agreed to pay differs from the amount charged. -white_check_mark- 30 days from receiving the NoC Incorrect Transaction Amount Presented
3000 Paid by Other Means The cardholder claims that they paid for the merchandise or service by other means, such as cash, check, another card, or other options. -white_check_mark- 30 days from receiving the NoC Paid by Other Means
3000 Duplicate Transaction The cardholder claims that a single transaction was processed more than once. -white_check_mark- 30 days from receiving the NoC Duplicate Billing

Consumer disputes

Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
4000 Goods Returned/Canceled The cardholder claims that the goods/services they ordered were returned or canceled. -white_check_mark- 30 days from receiving the NoC Credit for Returned Goods Requested
4000 Goods/Services not Received/Refused The cardholder claims that the goods/services they purchased were not received or refused. -white_check_mark- 30 days from receiving the NoC Services Not Provided / Merchandise Not Received
4000 Goods/Services Damaged/Defective The cardholder claims that the goods/services they purchased were damaged or defective. -white_check_mark- 30 days from receiving the NoC Repair / Replacement Request of Damaged / Defective Goods Received
4000 Goods/Services Not as Described The cardholder claims that the goods/services received from your business were not as described by your business. -white_check_mark- 30 days from receiving the NoC Goods Not as Described / Defective

Cancellations and returns

Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
5000 Canceled Recurring Transaction The cardholder claims that their account continues to be billed for recurring goods or services they have canceled or revoked. -white_check_mark- 30 days from receiving the NoC Canceled Recurring Transaction
5000 Transaction Amount Differs The cardholder claims that the amount they agreed to pay differs from the amount charged. -white_check_mark- 30 days from receiving the NoC Incorrect Transaction Amount Presented
5000 Goods Returned/Canceled The cardholder claims that the goods/services they ordered were returned or canceled. -white_check_mark- 30 days from receiving the NoC Credit for Returned Goods Requested
5000 No-Show Dispute The cardholder claims that they were not clearly informed about the no-show or cancellation policy at the time of the reservation. -white_check_mark- 30 days from receiving the NoC No-Show or Canceled Card Deposit

UnionPay (CUP)


Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
4514 Fraudulent Multiple Transactions Two or more transactions took place at one location, and the cardholder claimed that they authorized or participated in only one. -x- -x- -x-
4515 Cardholder Denies the Transaction The cardholder claims that neither they, nor anyone authorized by them, engaged in the transaction. -white_check_mark- 30 days from receiving the NoC Cardholder denies transaction
4562 Counterfeit Card The cardholder claims that they did not authorize or participate in a transaction that you processed. -white_check_mark- 30 days from receiving the NoC Counterfeit card
4803 Risk Merchant The acquirer processed a transaction that was listed in UnionPay’s risk list. -white_check_mark- 30 days from receiving the NoC Risk merchant


Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
4508 Exceeds Limited or Authorized Amount The chargeback amount is equal to or less than the exceeded limited or authorized amount. -x- -x- -x-
4522 Declined Authorization An authorization request was declined. -x- -x- -x-

Processing errors - Point of Interaction errors

Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
4512 Duplicate Processing The cardholder claims that a single transaction was processed more than once. -white_check_mark- 30 days from receiving the NoC Duplicate processing for UnionPay
4532 Refund/Credit Not Processed A credit has not been applied to the cardholder's account for one of the following reasons:
  • Goods/services canceled.
  • You have made an advance deposit or payment.
  • A no show reservation.
-white_check_mark- 30 days from receiving the NoC Refund/Credit not processed
4536 Late Presentment The transaction was not sent to UnionPay within the timeframe. -x- -x- -x-
4806 Paid by Other Means The cardholder claims that they paid for the merchandise or service by other means such as cash, check, other card, or other options. -white_check_mark- 30 days from receiving the NoC Paid by other means for UnionPay

Consumer disputes

Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
4502 Transaction was Settled but Cash/Goods/Services were not Received The cardholder claims that the goods or services that were purchased at your business have not been received. -white_check_mark- 30 days from receiving the NoC Goods not received
4507 Cardholder Dispute - Transaction Amount Differs The cardholder claims that the amount they agreed to pay differs from the amount charged. -white_check_mark- 30 days from receiving the NoC Transaction amount differs
4544 Canceled Transaction  The cardholder's bank received a notice from the cardholder stating that they returned the merchandise or canceled the service, but have not received credit. -white_check_mark- 30 days from receiving the NoC Canceled transaction



Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
10.1 EMV Liability Shift Counterfeit Fraud The cardholder claims that they did not authorize or participate in a transaction that you processed. The terminal was not EMV compliant. -x- -x- -x-
10.2 EMV Liability Shift Non-Counterfeit Fraud The cardholder claims that they did not authorize or participate in a transaction that you processed. The terminal was not EMV compliant. -x- -x- -x-
10.3 Other Fraud-Card Present Environment The cardholder claims that they did not authorize or participate in a key-entered or unattended transaction conducted in a card-present environment. -white_check_mark- 18 days from receiving the NoC Fraud-Card present transaction
10.4 Other Fraud-Card Absent Environment The cardholder did not authorize or participate in a transaction conducted in a card-absent environment such as internet, mail-order, phone-order, or other options. -white_check_mark- 18 days from receiving the NoC Fraud-Card absent transaction
10.5 Visa Fraud Monitoring Program Visa notified the cardholder's bank that the Visa Fraud Monitoring Program (VFMP) identified the transaction and the cardholder's bank has not successfully disputed the transaction under another dispute condition. -x- -x- -x-


Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
11.1 Card Recovery Bulletin The transaction was below your floor limit and was not authorized. -x- -x- -x-
11.2 Declined Authorization An Authorization Request was declined. -x- -x- -x-
11.3 No Authorization The payment could not be authorized. -x- -x- -x-

Processing errors

Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
12.1 Late Presentment The transaction was not sent to Visa within the required timeframe. -x- -x- -x-
12.2 Incorrect Transaction Code You sent a transaction that was processed with an incorrect transaction code. For example:
- You processed a debit instead of a credit.
- You processed a credit instead of a debit.
- A credit refund was processed instead of a reveral or an adjustment.

If you processed a debit instead of a credit, the chargeback is for double the amount of the original transaction.
-white_check_mark- 18 days from receiving the NoC Incorrect transaction.
12.3 Incorrect Currency You sent a transaction that was processed with an incorrect currency code. The cardholder was either not advised or did not agree that Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) would occur. -white_check_mark- 18 days from receiving the NoC Incorrect currency
12.4 Incorrect Account Number You either processed the transaction to an incorrect account number or did not authorise the transaction, and it was processed to an account number not on the issuer's master file. -white_check_mark- 18 days from receiving the NoC Incorrect account number
12.5 Incorrect Amount The cardholder claims that the amount they agreed to pay differs from the amount charged. -white_check_mark- 18 days from receiving the NoC Incorrect amount
12.6.1 Duplicate Processing The cardholder claims that a single transaction was processed more than once, or they paid for the merchandise or service by other means such as cash, check, other card, and other options. -white_check_mark- 18 days from receiving the NoC Duplicate processing
12.6.2 Paid by Other Means The cardholder claims that a single transaction was processed more than once, or they paid for the merchandise or service by other means such as cash, check, other card, and other options. -white_check_mark- 18 days from receiving the NoC Paid by other means
12.7 Invalid Data An authorization was obtained using invalid or incorrect data. -x- -x- -x-

Consumer disputes

Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
Reason Code Reason
Defendable Timeframe Defense Requirements
13.1 Merchandise/Services Not Received The cardholder did not receive the merchandise/services because you were unwilling or unable to provide these. -white_check_mark- 18 days from receiving the NoC Merchandise not received
13.2 Canceled Recurring A recurring transaction was processed after it was canceled or that the cardholder's account was closed. -white_check_mark- 18 days from receiving the NoC Canceled recurring
13.3 Not as Described or Defective Merchandise/Services The cardholder claims that either the goods were not as described or the quality of the merchandise or services is different. -white_check_mark- 18 days from receiving the NoC Defective merchandise or services
13.4 Counterfeit Merchandise The merchandise was identified as counterfeit by a third party. -white_check_mark- 18 days from receiving the NoC Counterfeit merchandise
13.5 Misrepresentation The cardholder's bank received a notice from the cardholder claiming that the terms of the sale were misrepresented. -white_check_mark- 18 days from receiving the NoC Misrepresentation
13.6 Credit not Processed The cardholder's bank received a notice from the cardholder claiming that they received a credit or voided transaction receipt that has not been processed. -white_check_mark- 18 days from receiving the NoC Credit not processed
13.7 Canceled Merchandise/Services The cardholder's bank received a notice from the cardholder stating that they returned merchandise or canceled services, but the credit has not appeared on the cardholder's Visa statement. -white_check_mark- 18 days from receiving the NoC Canceled merchandise/services
13.8 Original Credit Transaction Not Accepted The original credit was not accepted. -x- -x- -x-
13.9 Non-Receipt of Cash or Load Transaction Value The cardholder claims that they did not receive cash or only received partial cash at an ATM withdrawal machine. -x- -x- -x-

Defense requirements

The requirements for defending against disputes vary depending on the reason for the dispute. For all types of dispute, you must provide documents with details of transactions to help you build a strong case to challenge the dispute.

Meeting the defense requirements does not guarantee that you will win.

General requirements

When you defend a dispute, you have to upload one or more defense documents. The number of required defense documents differs per dispute type.

Supply defense documents in the following file formats:

  • JPG (maximum file size 10 MB)
  • TIFF (maximum file size 10 MB)
  • PDF (maximum file size 2 MB)

Specific requirements:

  • For Diners and Discover, the maximum file size is 3 MB.
  • For Mastercard, the maximum number of pages for a chargeback defense document is 19.
  • Klarna only accepts defense documents in PDF format.

Addendum dispute

  • Copy of an invoice.
  • Description of the goods/services.
  • Proof that a credit or reversal that you issued was not addressed by the issuer.
  • Proof that the cardholder did not cancel the service and made use of your service.
  • Proof that the cardholder's cancellation does not comply with your written policies.
  • Terms and conditions and that the consumer did not adhere to these. Include screenshots of the relevant terms and conditions and not just a link.
  • Screenshot of the checkout page that the consumer actively agreed to the terms and conditions at the moment of purchase.

Already paid

Merchandise/Services/Digital goods:

  • Proof that the cardholder did not pay you yet.
  • Proof that you refunded the customer if they have transferred the money directly to you.
  • Any form of email communication that states the customer did not pay you yet, or that any other agreement has been made.

ATM Disputes - Account debited more than once

  • Documentation of two separate ATM transactions or any document that proves that each ATM transaction was processed separately.
  • If only one withdrawal has taken place, provide the following:
    • Documentation of this single withdrawal.
    • Proof that no other transaction was processed.
    • Proof that the ATM disbursed the correct amount.
  • Proof that a refund has been provided (if applicable).

ATM Disputes - Incorrect cash

  • Proof that the ATM disbursed the correct amount.
  • Proof that a refund has been provided (if applicable).

Authorization approval expired

  • Proof that a valid authorization approval took place.
  • Proof of a refund (if applicable).

BillDesk defense requirements

You can provide only one document per defense. Supply defense documents in the following file formats:

  • JPG (maximum file size 500 KB)
  • PDF (maximum file size 500 HB)

Canceled merchandise/services


  • Proof that the cardholder received your cancellation or return policy and agreed to those at the time of the purchase, and did not cancel according to the disclosed policy. Attach the relevant policies as a screenshot or text (no links to websites).
  • Proof that the cardholder did not return the merchandise.
  • Proof that the notice of upcoming billing was sent to the cardholder 10 days before transaction.
  • Proof that the cardholder did not try to contact you to resolve the problem or cancel (screenshot of an empty email or phone queue with their details filled out.

Digital Goods:

  • Proof that the cardholder received your cancellation or return policy and agreed to those at the time of the purchase, and did not cancel according to the disclosed policy. Attach the relevant policies as a screenshot or text (no links to websites).
  • Proof that the notice of upcoming billing was sent to the cardholder 10 days before transaction.
  • Proof that the cardholder downloaded and used the digital goods.
  • Proof that the cardholder did not try to contact you to resolve the problem or cancel such as a screenshot of an empty email or phone queue with their details filled out.


  • Proof that the cardholder received your cancellation or return policy and agreed to those at the time of the purchase, and did not cancel according to the disclosed policy. Attach the relevant policies as a screenshot or text (no links to websites).
  • Proof that the services were used between the billing date and the cancellation date.
  • Proof that the cardholder requested cancellation for a different date and services were provided until this date.
  • Proof that the cardholder did not try to contact you to resolve the problem or cancel such as a screenshot of an empty email or phone queue with their details filled out.

Canceled recurring transaction


  • Proof that the cardholder received your cancellation or return policy and agreed to those at the time of the purchase, and did not cancel according to the disclosed policy. Attach the relevant policies as a screenshot or text (no links to websites).
  • Proof that the cardholder did not return the merchandise.
  • Proof that the notice of upcoming billing was sent to the cardholder 10 days before transaction.
  • Proof that the cardholder did not try to contact you to resolve the problem or cancel, such as a screenshot of an empty email or phone queue with their details filled out.

Digital Goods:

  • Proof that the cardholder received your cancellation or return policy and agreed to those at the time of the purchase, and did not cancel according to the disclosed policy. Attach the relevant policies as a screenshot or text (no links to websites).
  • Proof that the notice of upcoming billing was sent to the cardholder 10 days before transaction.
  • Proof that the cardholder downloaded and used the digital goods.
  • Proof that the cardholder did not try to contact you to resolve the problem or cancel, such as a screenshot of an empty email or phone queue with their details filled out.


  • Proof that the cardholder received your cancellation or return policy and agreed to those at the time of the purchase, and did not cancel according to the disclosed policy. Attach the relevant policies as a screenshot or text (no links to websites).
  • Proof that the services were used between the billing date and the cancellation date.
  • Proof that the cardholder requested cancellation for a different date and services were provided until this date.
  • Proof that the cardholder is still interested in the service.
  • Proof that the cardholder did not try to contact you to resolve the problem or cancel, such as a screenshot of an empty email or phone queue with their details filled out.

Canceled transaction


  • Copy of an invoice.
  • Email conversation with the cardholder.
  • DHL-signed proof of delivery, and AVS match.
  • Record of previous non-disputed payments.
  • Courier's GPS location proving delivery of the product.
  • Cardholder's IP address and the geographical location of the device at the time of the transaction.
  • If applicable, include in the defense if a CVV/CVC check was performed and passed.
  • Device ID and, if available, the name of the device or any type of verifications, such as email, mobile, or other options.
  • Cardholder's name and email address linked to the customer profile or the account.

Digital Goods:

  • Confirmation email.
  • Description of the digital goods and the date and time they were purchased and downloaded.
  • Record of previous non-disputed payments.
  • Evidence that the cardholder has accessed and successfully verified the profile or account before the transaction date.
  • Cardholder's IP address and the geographical location of the device at the time of the transaction.
  • If applicable, include in the defense if a CVV/CVC check was performed and passed.
  • Device ID and, if available, the name of the device or any type of verifications, such as email, mobile, or other options.
  • Cardholder's name and email address linked to the customer profile or the account.


  • Invoice and description of the service
  • Confirmation email that was sent to the cardholders email address
  • Documentation proving you provided the service to the cardholder (confirmation email, copy of an invoice).
  • Date the cardholder began use of the service.
  • Evidence that cardholder used the service before.
  • Record of previous non-disputed payments.
  • If applicable, include in the defense if a CVV/CVC check was performed and passed.
  • An IP address that can be connected to the billing address provided by the cardholder.
  • Device ID and, if available, the name of the device or any type of verifications, such as email, mobile, or other options.

Cancellation of recurring goods/services


  • Proof that the cardholder received your cancellation or return policy and agreed to those at the time of the purchase, and did not cancel according to the disclosed policy. Attach the relevant policies as a screenshot or text (no links to websites).
  • Proof that the cardholder did not return the merchandise.
  • Proof that the notice of upcoming billing was sent to the cardholder 10 days before transaction.
  • Proof that the cardholder did not try to contact you to resolve the problem or cancel, such as a screenshot of an empty email or phone queue with their details filled out.

Digital Goods:

  • Proof that the cardholder received your cancellation or return policy and agreed to those at the time of the purchase, and did not cancel according to the disclosed policy. Attach the relevant policies as a screenshot or text (no links to websites).
  • Proof that the notice of upcoming billing was sent to the cardholder 10 days before transaction.
  • Proof that the cardholder downloaded and used the digital goods.
  • Proof that the cardholder did not try to contact you to resolve the problem or cancel, such as a screenshot of an empty email or phone queue with their details filled out.


  • Proof that the cardholder received your cancellation or return policy and agreed to those at the time of the purchase, and did not cancel according to the disclosed policy. Attach the relevant policies as a screenshot or text (no links to websites).
  • Proof that the services were used between the billing date and the cancellation date.
  • Proof that the cardholder requested cancellation for a different date and services were provided until this date.
  • Proof that the cardholder is still interested in the service.
  • Proof that the cardholder did not try to contact you to resolve the problem or cancel such as a screenshot of an empty email or phone queue with their details filled out.

Car rental charge in dispute

  • Proof that the charge that was submitted was within the estimation of capital damages that the customer agreed to in writing, plus 15%.
  • Proof that the cardholder's claim that the insurance was covering the damage or loss such as a rental agreement evidence of the insurance documentation and that it was not enough to cover the damages.
  • Proof that the charge was valid because it was not for theft or loss of use.
  • Proof that the cardholder agreed to pay any damages or loss in writing.
  • Proof of a refund (if applicable).

Card not present

  • Proof of delivery to the cardholder's address.
  • An AVS check on the address provided by the consumer/cardholder.
  • If applicable, include in the defense if a CVV/CVC check was performed and passed.
  • Proof that the cardholder has participated in the charge. This can be done by adding billing authorization, proof of delivery to the cardholder's billing address, contracts, usage details, or other options.
  • An IP address that can be connected to the billing address provided by the cardholder.
  • Any type of verifications such as email, mobile, or other options.

Cardholder denies transaction


  • Copy of an invoice.
  • Email conversation with the cardholder.
  • DHL-signed proof of delivery, and AVS match.
  • Record of previous non-disputed payments.
  • Courier's GPS location proving delivery of the product.
  • Cardholder's IP address and the geographical location of the device at the time of the transaction.
  • If applicable, include in the defense if a CVV/CVC check was performed and passed.
  • Device ID and, if available, the name of the device or any type of verifications, such as email, mobile, or other options.
  • Cardholder's name and email address linked to the customer profile or the account.

Digital Goods:

  • Confirmation email.
  • Description of the digital goods and the date and time they were purchased and downloaded.
  • Record of previous non-disputed payments.
  • Evidence that the cardholder has accessed and successfully verified the profile or account before the transaction date.
  • Cardholder's IP address and the geographical location of the device at the time of the transaction.
  • If applicable, include in the defense if a CVV/CVC check was performed and passed.
  • Device ID and, if available, the name of the device or any type of verifications, such as email, mobile, or other options.
  • Cardholder's name and email address linked to the customer profile or the account.


  • Invoice and description of the service
  • Confirmation email that was sent to the cardholders email address
  • Documentation proving you provided the service to the cardholder (confirmation email, copy of an invoice).
  • Date the cardholder began use of the service.
  • Evidence that cardholder used the service before.
  • Record of previous non-disputed payments.
  • If applicable, include in the defense if a CVV/CVC check was performed and passed.
  • An IP address that can be connected to the billing address provided by the cardholder.
  • Device ID and, if available, the name of the device or any type of verifications, such as email, mobile, or other options.

Cardholder does not recognize

Merchandise/Digital Goods/Services:

  • Invoice and a description of the service.
  • Confirmation email that was sent to the cardholder's email address.
  • Document that proves that you provided the service/goods to the cardholder such as a confirmation email, a copy of an invoice, or other options.
  • Proof of refund if the customer was credited back.

Charge for damages/theft/loss questioned

  • Anything that clarifies the transaction, such as an invoice or billing statement.
  • Proof that the cardholder accepted terms and conditions at the time of the purchase.
  • Proof of terms and conditions.
  • Proof that the cardholder was responsible in any way, and they agreed to this responsibility.
  • Proof of refund (if applicable).

Charge not processed as a credit

  • Proof that the credit was submitted as a charge/debit.
  • Proof of a refund (if applicable).

Charge paid by another form of payment

  • Proof that there was no other payment method involved in the transaction.
  • Proof that the payment by other means was not related to the disputed transaction.
  • Proof of a refund if applicable.

Chargeback authorization

  • Proof of refund.

Chargeback documentation

  • Anything that clarifies the transaction, such as an invoice or billing statement.
  • Proof that the cardholder agreed to the transaction, booking, or reservation and received a confirmation.
  • Any additional proof such as a website, product description, cancellation and return policy, IP address, or other options.
  • Proof of delivery with delivery address and date of delivery.

C/M Does not recognize transaction

  • Anything that clarifies the transaction, such as an invoice or billing statement.
  • Proof that the cardholder agreed to the transaction, booking, or reservation and received a confirmation.
  • Any additional proof such as a website, product description, cancellation and return policy, IP address, or other options.
  • Proof of delivery with delivery address and date of delivery.

C/M needs for personal records

  • Anything that clarifies the transaction, such as an invoice or billing statement.
  • Proof that the cardholder agreed with the contract/policy at the time of the purchase.
  • Proof of the contract or policy itself.
  • Proof of delivery with delivery address and date of delivery.

C/M Requests Copy Bearing Signature

  • Anything that clarifies the transaction, such as an invoice or billing statement.
  • Proof that the cardholder agreed with the contract/policy at the time of the purchase.
  • Proof of the contract or policy itself.
  • Proof of delivery with delivery address and date of delivery.

Credit for a canceled lodging reservation or car deposit requested

  • Description of goods/service (invoice).
  • Proof of refund if applicable.
  • Proof of disclosed cancellation policy and that the customer actively agreed to the policy at the time of the purchase.
  • Proof that the cardholder did not adhere to the cancellation policy.
  • Any contact in regard to agreements made with the customer, or lack of contact such as an empty email queue that proves that the customer did not try to resolve the issue.

Credit for a charge submitted in an invalid currency requested

  • Proof that the cardholder actively chose Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC).
  • Copy of a (signed) transaction receipt.
  • Proof that a refund has already been provided (if applicable).

Credit for goods/services that were not received, requested

  • Description of goods/service (invoice).
  • Proof of refund if applicable.
  • Proof of disclosed cancellation policy and that the customer actively agreed to the policy at the time of the purchase.
  • Proof that the customer did not adhere to the disclosed policy and have no right for a refund.
  • Proof that the cardholder did not cancel the goods/service.
  • Any contact in regard to agreements made with the customer, or lack of contact such as an empty email queue that proves that the customer did not try to resolve the issue.

Credit for returned goods requested

  • Description of goods/service (invoice).
  • Proof of refund if applicable.
  • Proof of disclosed return policy and that the customer actively agreed to the policy at the time of the purchase.
  • Proof that the customer did not adhere to the disclosed policy and have no right for a refund.
  • Proof that the cardholder did not return the goods/services.
  • Any contact in regard to agreements made with the customer, or lack of contact such as an empty email queue that proves that the customer did not try to resolve the issue.

Credit not processed

  • Proof that a credit or reversal that you issued was not addressed by the issuer.
  • Proof that the cardholder did not return or did not attempt to return the merchandise.
  • Proof that the cardholder's return does not comply with your written policies.

Credit not processed as a charge

  • Proof that the charge/debit was submitted as a credit.
  • Proof of a refund (if applicable).

Credit not yet received

  • Description of goods/service (invoice).
  • Proof of delivery of goods/service with an AVS match.
  • Proof of refund (if applicable).

Credit posted as a purchase

  • Proof that a credit or a refund has been processed.

Credit/Debit posted incorrectly

Merchandise/Digital Goods/Services:

  • Description of the purchase.
  • Proof that the cardholder agreed to the purchase, such as a signed receipt.
  • Proof of a refund (if applicable).

Complete support and/or documentation not provided

  • Any additional proof related to the dispute.
  • Proof that documentation was provided within the given timeframe.
  • Proof of refund (if applicable).

Currency discrepancy

  • Proof that the cardholder actively agreed to the charged currency at the time of the purchase.
  • Proof of a refund (if applicable).

Currency exchange loss

  • Proof that a refund has been provided.

Counterfeit card

Merchandise / Digital Goods / Services:

  • Copy of a (signed) transaction receipt.
  • CCTV footage that the customer did participate in the transaction.
  • AVS check on the address provided by the consumer/cardholder.
  • Proof that the cardholder did participate in the charge. This can be done by adding billing authorization, proof of delivery to the cardholder's billing address, contracts, usage details, or other options.
  • An IP address that can be connected to the billing address provided by the cardholder.
  • Any type of verifications such as email, mobile, and other options.

Counterfeit merchandise


  • Copy of an invoice.
  • Description of the goods.
  • Neutral third-party opinion.
  • Certificate of authenticity.

Damaged and/or defective goods/services


  • Proof that the cardholder did not try to contact you to resolve the problem or returned the merchandise, such as a screenshot of an empty email or phone queue with their details filled out.
  • Proof that the merchandise was as described or was not damaged or defective, such as photographs.
  • DHL-signed proof of delivery if the merchandise was replaced/repaired.
  • Email communication with the cardholder or agreements that were made.

Digital Goods:

  • Proof that the cardholder did not try to contact you to resolve the problem, such as a screenshot of an empty email or phone queue with their details filled out.
  • Proof that the digital goods were as described or was not damaged or defective.
  • Proof that the cardholder downloaded and used the digital goods.


  • Proof that the cardholder did not try to contact you to resolve the problem, such as screenshot of an empty email or phone queue with their details filled out.
  • Proof that the service was as described.
  • Proof that the cardholder used the service.

Damaged or defective goods received

  • Description of goods/service (invoice).
  • Proof of disclosed return policy and that the customer actively agreed to the policy at the time of the purchase.
  • Proof that the customer did not adhere to the return policy.

Defective merchandise or services


  • Proof that the cardholder did not try to contact you to resolve the problem or returned the merchandise, such as a screenshot of an empty email or phone queue with their details filled out.
  • Proof that the merchandise was as described or was not damaged or defective, such as photographs.
  • DHL-signed proof of delivery if the merchandise was replaced/repaired.
  • Email communication with the cardholder or agreements that were made.

Digital Goods:

  • Proof that the cardholder did not try to contact you to resolve the problem, such as a screenshot of an empty email or phone queue with their details filled out.
  • Proof that the digital goods were as described or was not damaged or defective.
  • Proof that the cardholder downloaded and used the digital goods.


  • Proof that the cardholder did not try to contact you to resolve the problem, such as a screenshot of an empty email or phone queue with their details filled out.
  • Proof that the service was as described.
  • Proof that the cardholder used the service.

Duplicate billing

  • Proof of refund if applicable.
  • Proof of two separate transactions with transaction ID.

Duplicate processing

  • Copy of an invoice for two separate orders or proof that each transaction was processed separately.
  • If only one transaction has taken place, provide the following:
    • Documentation for this single transaction.
    • Proof that no other transaction was processed.
  • Proof that a refund has been provided (if applicable).
  • Proof that no other form of payment was used.
  • Proof that a refund has been provided (if applicable).
  • Communication with the cardholder after the payment stating any agreements that have been made.

Duplicate processing for UnionPay

Merchandise / Digital Goods / Services:

  • Copy of invoice for two separate orders or proof that each transaction was processed separately.
  • If only one transaction has taken place, provide the following:
    • Documentation for this single transaction.
    • Proof that no other transaction was processed.
  • Proof that no other form of payment was used.
  • Proof that a refund has been provided, if applicable.
  • Communication with the cardholder after the payment stating any agreements that have been made.

Duplicate processing/Paid by other means

Merchandise / Digital Goods / Services:

  • Copy of invoice for two separate orders.
  • Proof that no other form of payment was used.

Duplicate transaction - Different forms of payment

  • Copy of invoice for two separate orders or proof that each transaction was processed separately.
  • If only one transaction has taken place, provide the following:
    • Documentation for this single transaction.
    • Proof that no other transaction was processed.
  • Proof that a refund has been provided (if applicable).
  • Communication with the cardholder after the payment stating any agreements that have been made.

Duplicate transaction - Same form of payment

  • Copy of invoice for two separate orders or proof that each transaction was processed separately.
  • If only one transaction has taken place, provide the following:
    • Documentation for this single transaction.
    • Proof that no other transaction was processed.
  • Proof that no other form of payment was used.
  • Proof that a refund has been provided (if applicable).
  • Communication with the cardholder after the payment stating any agreements that have been made.

Dynamic currency conversion

  • Proof that the cardholder actively chose Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC).
  • Copy of a (signed) transaction receipt.
  • Proof that a refund has already been provided (if applicable).

Faulty goods


  • Invoice and description of the goods.
  • Proof that the cardholder received your cancellation or return policy and agreed to those at the time of the purchase, and did not cancel according to the disclosed policy. Attach the relevant policies as a screenshot or text (no links to websites).
  • Proof that the cardholder did not return the merchandise.
  • Proof that the notice of upcoming billing was sent to the cardholder 10 days before the transaction.
  • Proof that the cardholder did not try to contact you to resolve the problem or cancel, such as a screenshot of an empty email or phone queue with their details filled out.

Digital Goods:

  • Invoice and description of the goods.
  • Proof that the cardholder received your cancellation or return policy and agreed to those at the time of the purchase, and did not cancel according to the disclosed policy. Attach the relevant policies as a screenshot or text (no links to websites).
  • Proof that the notice of upcoming billing was sent to the cardholder 10 days before the transaction.
  • Proof that the cardholder downloaded and used the digital goods.
  • Proof that the cardholder did not try to contact you to resolve the problem or cancel, such as a screenshot of an empty email or phone queue with their details filled out.


  • Invoice and description of the services.
  • Proof that the cardholder received your cancellation or return policy and agreed to those at the time of the purchase, and did not cancel according to the disclosed policy. Attach the relevant policies as a screenshot or text (no links to websites).
  • Proof that the services were used between the billing date and the cancellation date.
  • Proof that the cardholder requested cancellation for a different date and services were provided until this date.
  • Proof that the cardholder is still interested in the service.
  • Proof that the cardholder did not try to contact you to resolve the problem or cancel, such as a screenshot of an empty email or phone queue with their details filled out.

Fraud analysis

  • Proof that clarifies the transaction, such as an invoice or billing statement.
  • Proof that the cardholder agreed to the transaction, booking, or reservation and received a confirmation.
  • Any additional proof, such as a website, product description, cancellation and return policy, IP address, and other options.
  • Proof of delivery with delivery address and date of delivery.

Fraud–Card absent transaction


  • Copy of an invoice.
  • Email conversation with the cardholder.
  • DHL-signed proof of delivery, and an AVS match.
  • Record of previous non-disputed payments.
  • Courier's GPS location proving delivery of the product.

Digital Goods:

  • Confirmation email.
  • Description of the digital goods and the date and time they were purchased and downloaded.
  • Record of previous non-disputed payments.
  • Proof that the cardholder has accessed and successfully verified the profile or account before the transaction date.
  • The cardholder's IP address and the geographical location of the device at the time of the transaction.
  • Device ID and, if available, the name of the device.
  • Cardholder's name and email address linked to the customer profile or the account.


  • Proof that you provided the service to the cardholder (confirmation email, copy of an invoice).
  • Date when the cardholder began using the service.
  • Proof that the cardholder used the service before.
  • Record of previous non-disputed payments.

Fraud–Card present transaction

Merchandise / Digital Goods / Services:

  • Copy of a (signed) transaction receipt.
  • CCTV footage that the customer did participate in the transaction.

Fraud liability shift - counterfeit

  • Proof that this was a fraudulent transaction.
  • Proof that the POS system processed a Chip Card Transaction.
  • Proof of a refund (if applicable).

Fraud liability shift – Lost/Stolen/Non-Received

  • Proof that this was a fraudulent transaction.
  • Proof that the POS system processed a Chip Card Transaction with the PIN validated.
  • Proof of a refund (if applicable).

Fraudulent charge

  • For Card present transaction, provide a copy of the transaction record and an imprint of the card if applicable.
  • For Card absent transaction/card not present transaction, provide a copy of the transaction record, or any contracts or other details related to the purchase.
  • Provide proof of delivery, with an AVS match for the cardholder's address.

Goods and services not received/refused


  • Proof that the cardholder received your cancellation or return policy and agreed to those at the time of the purchase, and did not cancel according to the disclosed policy. Attach the relevant policies as a screenshot or text (no links to websites).
  • Proof that the cardholder did not return the merchandise.
  • Proof that notice of upcoming billing was sent to the cardholder 10 days before transaction.
  • Proof that the cardholder did not try to contact you to resolve the problem or cancel, such as a screenshot of an empty email or phone queue with their details filled out.

Digital Goods:

  • Proof that the cardholder received your cancellation or return policy and agreed to those at the time of the purchase, and did not cancel according to the disclosed policy. Attach the relevant policies as a screenshot or text (no links to websites).
  • Proof that notice of upcoming billing was sent to the cardholder 10 days before the transaction.
  • Proof that the cardholder downloaded and used the digital goods.
  • Proof that the cardholder did not try to contact you to resolve the problem or cancel, such as a screenshot of an empty email or phone queue with their details filled out.


  • Proof that the cardholder received your cancellation or return policy and agreed to those at the time of the purchase, and did not cancel according to the disclosed policy. Attach the relevant policies as a screenshot or text (no links to websites).
  • Proof that the services were used between the billing date and the cancellation date.
  • Proof that the cardholder requested cancellation for a different date and services were provided until this date.
  • Proof that the cardholder is still interested in the service.
  • Proof that the cardholder did not try to contact you to resolve the problem or cancel, such as a screenshot of an empty email or phone queue with their details filled out.

Goods/Services not received

  • Description of the goods/services (invoice).
  • Proof of delivery of goods/service.

Goods/Services not received or only partially received


  • Description of the goods.
  • Signed proof of delivery and an AVS match.
  • Communication where the cardholder confirms possession of the goods.
  • Explanation of why the shipment was delayed (if applicable).
  • Proof that the cardholder did not try to contact you to resolve the problem, such as a screenshot of an empty email or phone queue with their details filled out.

Digital Goods:

  • Confirmation email.
  • Description of the digital goods and the date and time they were purchased and downloaded.
  • Record of previous non-disputed payments.
  • Proof that the cardholder did not try to contact you to resolve the problem, such as a screenshot of an empty email or phone queue with their details filled out.


  • Confirmation email.
  • Proof that the cardholder received the service at the agreed date and time.
  • Communication with the cardholder after the payment.
  • Proof that the cardholder did not try to contact you to resolve the problem, such as a screenshot of an empty email or phone queue with their details filled out.

Goods/Services were canceled/expired or the unsuccessful attempt to cancel

  • Description of goods/service (invoice).
  • Proof of refund if applicable.
  • Proof of disclosed cancellation policy and that the customer actively agreed to the policy at the time of the purchase.
  • Proof that the cardholder did not adhere to the cancellation policy.
  • Any contact in regard to agreements made with the customer, or lack of contact (show an empty email queue that the customer did not try to resolve the issue).

Goods/services were canceled and/or refused

  • Description of goods/service (invoice).
  • Proof of refund if applicable.
  • Proof of disclosed cancellation policy and that the customer actively agreed to the policy at the time of the purchase.
  • Proof that the customer did not adhere to the disclosed policy and have no right for a refund.
  • Proof that the cardholder did not cancel the goods/service.
  • Any contact in regard to agreements made with the customer, or lack of contact (show an empty email queue that the customer did not try to resolve the issue).

Goods returned/canceled


  • Proof that the cardholder received your cancellation or return policy and agreed to those at the time of the purchase, and did not cancel according to the disclosed policy. Attach the relevant policies as a screenshot or text (no links to websites).
  • Proof that the cardholder did not return the merchandise.
  • Proof that the notice of upcoming billing was sent to the cardholder 10 days before the transaction.
  • Proof that the cardholder did not try to contact you to resolve the problem or cancel (screenshot of an empty email or phone queue with their details filled out).

Digital Goods:

  • Proof that the cardholder received your cancellation or return policy and agreed to those at the time of the purchase, and did not cancel according to the disclosed policy. Attach the relevant policies as a screenshot or text (no links to websites).
  • Proof that the notice of upcoming billing was sent to the cardholder 10 days before the transaction.
  • Proof that the cardholder downloaded and used the digital goods.
  • Proof that the cardholder did not try to contact you to resolve the problem or cancel (screenshot of an empty email or phone queue with their details filled out).


  • Proof that the cardholder received your cancellation or return policy and agreed to those at the time of the purchase, and did not cancel according to the disclosed policy. Attach the relevant policies as a screenshot or text (no links to websites).
  • Proof that the services were used between the billing date and the cancellation date.
  • Proof that the cardholder requested cancellation for a different date and services were provided until this date.
  • Proof that the cardholder is still interested in the service.
  • Proof that the cardholder did not try to contact you to resolve the problem or cancel such as a screenshot of an empty email or phone queue with their details filled out.

Goods not as described/defective


  • Proof that the cardholder did not try to contact you to resolve the problem or returned the merchandise, such as a screenshot of an empty email or phone queue with their details filled out.
  • Proof that the merchandise was as described or was not damaged or defective, such as photographs.
  • DHL-signed proof of delivery if the merchandise was replaced/repaired.
  • Email communication with the cardholder or agreements that were made.

Digital Goods:

  • Proof that the cardholder did not try to contact you to resolve the problem (screenshot of an empty email or phone queue with their details filled out).
  • Proof that the digital goods were as described or was not damaged or defective.
  • Proof that the cardholder downloaded and used the digital goods.


  • Proof that the cardholder did not try to contact you to resolve the problem (screenshot of an empty email or phone queue with their details filled out).
  • Proof that the service was as described.
  • Proof that the cardholder used the service.

Goods not received


  • Description of the goods.
  • Invoice.
  • Signed proof of delivery and an AVS match.
  • Proof that the cardholder did not return the merchandise.
  • Communication where the cardholder confirms the possession of the goods.
  • Explanation of why the shipment was delayed (if applicable).
  • Proof that the cardholder did not try to contact you to resolve the problem (screenshot of an empty email or phone queue with their details filled out).

Digital Goods:

  • Description of the digital goods.
  • Invoice.
  • Confirmation email and other relevant personal information that links to the cardholder.
  • The date and time the goods were purchased and downloaded.
  • Proof that the notice of upcoming billing was sent to the cardholder 10 days before the transaction (in case of subscriptions).
  • Record of previous non-disputed payments by the same customer.
  • Proof that the cardholder did not try to contact you to resolve the problem, such as a screenshot of an empty email or phone queue with their details filled out.


  • Description of the service.
  • Invoice.
  • Confirmation email.
  • Proof that the cardholder received the service at the agreed date and time.
  • Proof that the notice of upcoming billing was sent to the cardholder 10 days before the transaction (in case of subscriptions).
  • Communication with the cardholder after the payment.
  • Proof that the cardholder did not try to contact you to resolve the problem (screenshot of an empty email or phone queue with their details filled out).

High risk order


  • Copy of an invoice.
  • Email conversation with the cardholder.
  • DHL-signed proof of delivery, and an AVS match.
  • Record of previous non-disputed payments.
  • Courier's GPS location proving delivery of the product.
  • The cardholder's IP address and the geographical location of the device at the time of the transaction.
  • If applicable, include in the defense if a CVV/CVC check was performed and passed.
  • Device ID and, if available, the name of the device or any type of verifications, such as email, mobile, or other options.
  • Cardholder's name and email address linked to the customer profile or the account.

Digital Goods:

  • Confirmation email.
  • Description of the digital goods and the date and time they were purchased and downloaded.
  • Record of previous non-disputed payments.
  • Proof that the cardholder has accessed and successfully verified the profile or account before the transaction date.
  • The cardholder's IP address and the geographical location of the device at the time of the transaction.
  • If applicable, include in the defense if a CVV/CVC check was performed and passed.
  • Device ID and, if available, the name of the device or any type of verifications such as email, mobile, or other options.
  • Cardholder's name and email address linked to the customer profile or the account.


  • Invoice and a description of the service
  • Confirmation email that was sent to the cardholder's email address
  • Proof that you provided the service to the cardholder, such as a confirmation email or a copy of an invoice.
  • The date the cardholder began using the service.
  • Proof that the cardholder used the service before.
  • Record of previous non-disputed payments.
  • If applicable, include in the defense if a CVV/CVC check was performed and passed.
  • An IP address that can be connected to the billing address provided by the cardholder.
  • Device ID and, if available, the name of the device or any type of verifications, such as email, mobile, or other options.

Improper merchant surcharge

  • Proof that the cardholder agreed to pay the full amount of the transaction.
  • Proof that a refund has been provided (if applicable).

Incorrect account number

  • Proof of a sales receipt or a transaction log that proves the transaction was processed correctly with the right account number.
  • Proof that the account number from the cardholder is the same account number that was used in the transaction.
  • Proof or documentation that the account number received an approved authorization before the transaction was processed.
  • Proof that a refund has been provided (if applicable).
  • Communication with the cardholder after the payment stating any agreements that have been made.

Incorrect amount

  • Proof that the cardholder agreed to pay the full amount of the transaction.
  • Proof that a refund has been provided (if applicable).

Incorrect currency

  • Proof that the cardholder actively chose Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC).
  • Copy of a (signed) transaction receipt.
  • Proof that a refund has already been provided (if applicable).

Incorrect invoice

Merchandise/Services/Digital goods:

  • Proof that the cardholder agreed to the settled amount.
  • Proof that the cardholder was advised of and agreed to additional or delayed charges.
  • Proof or any documentation containing the charged amount.
  • Proof of refund (if applicable).

Incorrect transaction

Proof of the following:

  • The transaction was settled with the correct details.
  • The transaction was processed correctly as a credit or debit to the cardholder's account, or an explanation or documentation supporting that the credit was not a result of a processing error on the original transaction.
  • For a credit processed as a debit or a debit processed as a credit, a credit or reversal has already been processed for the transaction. Include documentation of the credit or reversal that includes the following:
    • The amount.
    • The date it was processed.

Incorrect transaction amount presented

  • Proof that the cardholder agreed to the settled amount.
  • Proof that the cardholder was advised of and agreed to additional or delayed charges.
  • Proof or any documentation containing the charged amount.
  • Proof of refund (if applicable).

Incorrect transaction amount presented

  • Proof that a valid authorization approval took place for the full amount of the transaction
  • Proof of a refund (if applicable).

Invalid/Incorrect card number

  • Proof that confirms the card number.
  • Proof that an authorization approval was obtained for this card number.
  • Copy of the record of the terminal that electronically read the card number.
  • Proof of refund (if applicable).

Late presentment

  • Proof that the transaction was captured within the applicable timeframe.

Loss, theft, or damages

  • Proof that the cardholder was aware of the transaction at the time of the purchase.
  • Proof that the cardholder authorized the payment.

Merchandise not received


  • Description of the goods.
  • Signed proof of delivery and an AVS match.
  • Communication where the cardholder confirms possession of the goods.
  • Explanation of why the shipment was delayed (if applicable).
  • Proof that the cardholder did not try to contact you to resolve the problem, such as a screenshot of an empty email or phone queue with their details filled out.

Digital Goods:

  • Confirmation email.
  • Description of the digital goods and the date and time they were purchased and downloaded.
  • Record of previous non-disputed payments.
  • Proof that the cardholder did not try to contact you to resolve the problem, such as a screenshot of an empty email or phone queue with their details filled out.


  • Confirmation email.
  • Proof that the cardholder received the service at the agreed date and time.
  • Communication with the cardholder after the payment.
  • Proof that the cardholder did not try to contact you to resolve the problem, such as a screenshot of an empty email or phone queue with their details filled out.

Mismatch in submitted charge amount and agreed amount

  • Proof of refund if applicable.
  • Proof why the cardholder has no rights to a refund.

Mismatch of requested and received goods

  • Description of goods/service (invoice) and repairs/replacement.
  • Proof of disclosed replacement/repair policy and that the customer actively agreed to the policy at the time of the purchase.
  • Proof that the customer did not adhere or have right to the replacement/repair policy if applicable.
  • Proof of delivery of repaired/replaced item if applicable.
  • Proof of agreement about the goods/services/replacement between the merchant and the customer.


  • Proof that your terms and conditions were clearly communicated before the transaction was processed.
  • Proof that the cardholder acknowledged your terms and conditions, for example, a screenshot of the checkout page of your website showing that the cardholder accepted the terms and conditions by selecting a checkbox before proceeding to the payment.

Missing imprint

  • Proof that this was a fraudulent transaction.
  • Proof that the card was present by providing a record that states the imprint or shows the capture of the magnetic stripe.
  • Proof of a refund (if applicable).

Multiple processing/Duplicate charge

  • Proof that shows that the charge was valid such as something that shows two different transaction IDs.
  • Proof of refund (if applicable).

No card member authorization/Multiple ROCs

  • Proof that all transactions made by the cardholder are valid
  • Proof of a refund (if applicable)

No cardholder authorization

  • An AVS check on the address provided by the consumer/cardholder.
  • If applicable, include in the defense if a CVV/CVC check was performed and passed.
  • Proof that the cardholder has participated in the charge. This can be done by adding billing authorization, proof of delivery to the cardholder's billing address, contracts, usage details, or other options.
  • An IP address that can be connected to the billing address provided by the cardholder.
  • Any type of verifications such as email, mobile, or other options.

No credit received/credit not processed

  • Proof that a credit or reversal that you issued was not addressed by the issuer.
  • Proof that the cardholder did not return or did not attempt to return the merchandise, and they have no right to a credit.
  • Proof that the cardholder's return does not comply with your written policies.

No reply

  • Proof that documents and information were provided within the specified timeframe.
  • Proof of refund (if applicable).

No show or canceled CARDeposit

  • Proof that supports the validity of the 'no show' reservation, or the CARDeposit charge.
  • Proof of a refund (if applicable).

No valid authorization

  • Proof that a valid authorization approval took place.
  • Proof of a refund (if applicable).

Non-matching card number

  • Proof that confirms the card number.
  • Proof that an authorization approval was obtained for this card number.
  • Copy of the record of the terminal that electronically read the card number.
  • Proof of refund (if applicable).

Not as described


  • Proof that the cardholder did not try to contact you to resolve the problem or returned the merchandise (screenshot of an empty email or phone queue with their details filled out).
  • Proof that the merchandise was as described or was not damaged or defective, such as photographs.
  • DHL-signed proof of delivery if the merchandise was replaced/repaired.
  • Email communication with the cardholder or agreements that were made.

Digital Goods:

  • Proof that the cardholder did not try to contact you to resolve the problem (screenshot of an empty email or phone queue with their details filled out).
  • Proof that the digital goods were as described or was not damaged or defective.
  • Proof that the cardholder downloaded and used the digital goods.


  • Proof that the cardholder did not try to contact you to resolve the problem (screenshot of an empty email or phone queue with their details filled out).
  • Proof that the service was as described.
  • Proof that the cardholder used the service.
  • Copy of invoice for two separate orders or proof that each transaction was processed separately.
  • If only one transaction has taken place, provide the following:
    • Documentation for this single transaction.
    • Proof that no other transaction was processed.
  • Proof that no other form of payment was used.
  • Proof that a refund has been provided (if applicable).
  • Communication with the cardholder after the payment stating any agreements that have been made.

Merchandise / Digital Goods / Services:

  • Copy of an invoice.
  • Description of the goods.
  • Form of payment such as terminal, ecommerce, or other options.
  • Proof that no other form of payment was used.
  • Proof that a refund has been provided, if applicable.
  • Communication with the cardholder after the payment stating any agreements that have been made.
  • Copy of an invoice for two separate orders or proof that each transaction was processed separately.
  • If only one transaction has taken place, provide the following:
    • Documentation for this single transaction.
    • Proof that no other transaction was processed.
  • Proof that no other form of payment was used.
  • Proof that a refund has been provided (if applicable).
  • Communication with the cardholder after the payment stating any agreements that have been made.

Pandemic impact


  • Invoice and description of the goods.
  • Proof that the cardholder received your cancellation or return policy and agreed to those at the time of the purchase, and did not cancel according to the disclosed policy. Attach the relevant policies as a screenshot or text (no links to websites).
  • Proof that the cardholder did not return the merchandise.
  • Proof that the notice of upcoming billing was sent to the cardholder 10 days before the transaction.
  • Proof that the cardholder did not try to contact you to resolve the problem or cancel, such as a screenshot of an empty email or phone queue with their details filled out.

Digital Goods:

  • Invoice and description of the goods.
  • Proof that the cardholder received your cancellation or return policy and agreed to those at the time of the purchase, and did not cancel according to the disclosed policy. Attach the relevant policies as a screenshot or text (no links to websites).
  • Proof that the notice of upcoming billing was sent to the cardholder 10 days before the transaction.
  • Proof that the cardholder downloaded and used the digital goods.
  • Proof that the cardholder did not try to contact you to resolve the problem or cancel (such as a screenshot of an empty email or phone queue with their details filled out.


  • Invoice and description of the services.
  • Proof that the cardholder received your cancellation or return policy and agreed to those at the time of the purchase, and did not cancel according to the disclosed policy. Attach the relevant policies as a screenshot or text (no links to websites).
  • Proof that the services were used between the billing date and the cancellation date.
  • The cardholder requested cancellation for a different date and services were provided until this date.
  • Proof that the cardholder is still interested in the service.
  • Proof that the cardholder did not try to contact you to resolve the problem or cancel, such as a screenshot of an empty email or phone queue with their details filled out.

Purchase transaction did not complete

Merchandise/Digital Goods/Service:

  • Copy of an invoice.
  • Description of the goods/services.
  • Proof that a credit or reversal that you issued was not addressed by the issuer.
  • Proof that the cardholder did not cancel the service and made use of your service/merchandise.
  • Proof of a purchase confirmation that was sent through email/text to the cardholder.

Referenced card not present or charge(s) not recognized by C/M

  • Description of goods/service (invoice).
  • Proof of refund, if applicable, .
  • Proof why refund is not applicable.

Referenced charge should have been submitted as a credit

  • Proof that a credit or a refund has been processed.

Referenced Credit should have been submitted as a charge

  • Proof that a charge or a refund has been processed.

Refund/Credit not processed

Merchandise/Digital Goods/Services:

  • Invoice of the goods/services.
  • Proof that a credit or reversal that you issued was not addressed by the issuer.
  • Proof that the cardholder did not return or attempted to return the merchandise.
  • Proof that the cardholder's return does not comply with your written policies.
  • Proof that your terms and conditions were clearly communicated before the transaction was processed.
  • Proof that the cardholder acknowledged your terms and conditions (for example, a screenshot of the checkout page of your website showing that the cardholder accepted the terms and conditions by selecting a checkbox before proceeding to the payment).
  • Proof that the cardholder did not try to contact you to resolve the problem or returned the merchandise (screenshot of an empty email or phone queue with their details filled out).

Repair/Replacement request of damaged/defective goods received

  • Description of goods/service (invoice) and repairs/replacement.
  • Proof of disclosed replacement/repair policy and that the customer actively agreed to the policy at the time of the purchase.
  • Proof that the customer did not adhere or have right to the replacement/repair policy if applicable.
  • Proof of delivery of repaired/replaced item if applicable.

Repeat document request

  • Proof that the first Request for Information was responded to.

Request for Support

  • Proof of refund.
  • Invoice or any documentation that describes the purchase.
  • An itemization and a direct link to the cardholder for this particular transaction.

Requested Copy Illegible

Merchandise/Services/Digital goods:

  • Invoice.
  • Description of the goods/services.
  • Copy of the receipt (signed if possible).



  • Description of the goods.
  • Invoice.
  • Signed proof of delivery and an AVS match.
  • Proof that the cardholder did not return the merchandise.
  • Communication where the cardholder confirms possession of the goods.
  • Explanation why shipment was delayed (if applicable).
  • Proof that the cardholder did not try to contact you to resolve the problem (screenshot of an empty email or phone queue with their details filled out).

Digital Goods:

  • Description of the digital goods.
  • Invoice.
  • Confirmation email and other relevant personal information that links to the cardholder.
  • The date and time the goods were purchased and downloaded.
  • Proof that the notice of upcoming billing was sent to the cardholder 10 days before the transaction (in case of subscriptions).
  • Record of previous non-disputed payments by the same customer.
  • Proof that the cardholder did not try to contact you to resolve the problem, such as a screenshot of an empty email or phone queue with their details filled out.


  • Description of the service.
  • Invoice.
  • Confirmation email.
  • Proof that the cardholder received the service at the agreed date and time.
  • Proof that notice of upcoming billing was sent to the cardholder 10 days before transaction (in case of subscriptions).
  • Communication with the cardholder after the payment.
  • Proof that the cardholder did not try to contact you to resolve the problem (screenshot of an empty email or phone queue with their details filled out).

RFI defense requirements

Merchandise/Digital Goods/Services:

  • Invoice and description of the service.
  • Confirmation email that was sent to the cardholder's email address.
  • Proof that you provided the service/goods to the cardholder such as a confirmation email or a copy of an invoice.
  • Proof of refund if the customer was credited back.

Risk merchant

  • Proof of refund if applicable.
  • Proof that your business is not on UnionPay's Risk list.
  • Proof that you made an agreement with the cardholder.

Services not provided/Merchandise not received


  • Description of the goods.
  • DHL-signed proof of delivery and an AVS match.
  • Communication where the cardholder confirms possession of the goods.
  • Explanation why shipment was delayed (if applicable).
  • Proof that the cardholder did not try to contact you to resolve the problem, such as a screenshot of an empty email or phone queue with their details filled out.

Digital Goods:

  • Confirmation email.
  • Description of the digital goods and the date and time they were purchased and downloaded.
  • Record of previous non-disputed payments.
  • Proof that the cardholder did not try to contact you to resolve the problem, such as a screenshot of an empty email or phone queue with their details filled out.


  • Confirmation email.
  • Proof that the cardholder received the service at the agreed date and time.
  • Communication with the cardholder after the payment.
  • Proof that the cardholder did not try to contact you to resolve the problem, such as a screenshot of an empty email or phone queue with their details filled out.

Support and itemization requested

  • Anything that clarifies the transaction such as an invoice or a billing statement.

Transaction amount differs

  • Proof that the cardholder agreed to pay the full amount of the transaction.
  • Proof that a refund has been provided (if applicable).

Unauthorized charge

  • Confirmation email/description of goods/service (invoice).
  • Description of the goods/services, the date and time they were purchased, and proof of delivery.
  • Record of previous non-disputed payments.
  • The cardholder's IP address and the geographical location of the device at the time of the transaction.
  • Device ID and, if available, the name of the device.
  • Cardholder's name and email address linked to the customer profile or the account.

Unauthorized purchase


  • Copy of an invoice.
  • Email conversation with the cardholder.
  • DHL-signed proof of delivery and an AVS match.
  • Record of previous non-disputed payments.
  • Courier's GPS location proving delivery of the product.
  • The cardholder's IP address and the geographical location of the device at the time of the transaction.
  • If applicable, include in the defense if a CVV/CVC check was performed and passed.
  • Device ID and, if available, the name of the device or any type of verifications, such as email, mobile, or other options.
  • Cardholder's name and email address linked to the customer profile or the account.

Digital Goods:

  • Confirmation email.
  • Description of the digital goods and the date and time they were purchased and downloaded.
  • Record of previous non-disputed payments.
  • Proof that the cardholder has accessed and successfully verified the profile or the account before the transaction date.
  • The cardholder's IP address and the geographical location of the device at the time of the transaction.
  • If applicable, include in the defense if a CVV/CVC check was performed and passed.
  • Device ID and, if available, the name of the device or any type of verifications, such as email, mobile, or other options.
  • Cardholder's name and email address linked to the customer profile or the account.


  • Invoice and a description of the service.
  • Confirmation email that was sent to the cardholder's email address.
  • Proof that you provided the service to the cardholder such as a confirmation email or a copy of an invoice.
  • The date the cardholder began using the service.
  • Proof that the cardholder used the service before.
  • Record of previous non-disputed payments.
  • If applicable, include in the defense if a CVV/CVC check was performed and passed.
  • An IP address that can be connected to the billing address provided by the cardholder.
  • Device ID and, if available, the name of the device or any type of verifications such as email, mobile, or other options.

Unreasonable amount

  • Proof that the cardholder agreed to pay the full amount of the transaction.
  • Proof that a refund has been provided (if applicable).

Unrecognizable charge

  • Description of goods/service (invoice).
  • Proof of delivery of goods/service with an AVS match.
  • Proof of refund, if applicable.

See also