The Payment Instrument Report shows all the payment instruments in your platform, including details about the card and its status.
You can generate a Payment Instrument Report automatically based on a schedule, or manually for a specific day or consecutive days in your Balance Platform Customer Area.
Download a sample BalancePlatform Payment Instrument Report for examples of the included data.
Based on your platform settings, the report you generate in your account can contain additional data or columns that are not included in the sample report.
Report structure
Every row in the Payment Instrument Report represents one payment instrument with its current status at the time the report is generated.
The first two rows of the report contain the following information:
BalancePlatform Payment Instrument Report on payment instruments
The header row is in the third row and contains the following information.
# | Column | Data type | Description |
1 | Balance Platform | Unicode Text | Name of your Balance Platform account. |
2 | Payment Instrument id | Unicode text | Unique identifier of the payment instrument. |
3 | Payment instrument external reference | Unicode text | Your reference to the payment instrument. |
4 | Payment instrument description | Unicode text | The description provided for the payment instrument in POST /paymentInstruments. |
5 | Form factor | Enum | The form factor of the card. Possible values: virtual, physical. |
6 | Created date | Date field | The date of the payment. |
7 | Cardholder name | Unicode text | The name of the cardholder. |
8 | First six digits of the PAN | Fixed point number | The first six digits of the Primary Account Number. |
9 | Last four digits of the PAN | Fixed point number | The last four digits of the Primary Account Number. |
10 | Sequence number | Fixed point number | Indicates the logical order in which the same PAN has been issued. |
11 | Expiry date | Date field | The date when the payment instrument expires. |
12 | Status | Enum | The status of the payment instrument. Possible values: active, inactive, suspended, closed. |
13 | Status reason | Unicode text | The detailed explanation for the status of the payment instrument. Possible values: lost, stolen, damaged, suspectedFraud, other. |
14 | Issuing country code | Alpha text | Location where the payment instrument is issued. Its value is a two-character ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code. |
15 | Currency | Alpha Text (3-character limit) |
The currency of the card. Its value is a three-character ISO 4217 currency code. |
16 | Brand variant | Unicode text | The brand variant for the payment instrument. For example: mcdebit, visaprepaid. |
17 | Account holder id | Unicode text | Unique identifier of the balance account's account holder associated with the payment instrument. |
18 | Account holder reference | Unicode text | Your reference for the account holder. |
19 | Account holder description | Unicode text | Your description for the account holder. |
20 | Balance account id | Unicode text | The unique identifier of the balance account. |
21 | Balance account reference | Unicode text | Your reference to the balance account. |
22 | Balance account description | Unicode text | Your description for the balance account. |
23 | Reserved1 | - | Reserved for future enhancements |
24 | Reserved2 | - | Reserved for future enhancements |
25 | Reserved3 | - | Reserved for future enhancements |
26 | Reserved4 | - | Reserved for future enhancements |
27 | Reserved5 | - | Reserved for future enhancements |
28 | Reserved6 | - | Reserved for future enhancements |
29 | Reserved7 | - | Reserved for future enhancements |
30 | Reserved8 | - | Reserved for future enhancements |
31 | Reserved9 | - | Reserved for future enhancements |
32 | Reserved10 | - | Reserved for future enhancements |