You can use the information from the Accounting Report to:
- Track the payment lifecycle by checking the statuses of rows with a shared Transfer Id.
- Track incoming and outgoing funds to and from external bank accounts.
- Create insights into your authorization rate.
You can generate the report automatically based on a schedule, or manually for a specific day in your Balance Platform Customer Area.
Transfers and Transactions
Most events on your balance platform follow the same structure. The structure contains a Transfer and Transactions.
- Transfer: Events where the credit or debit is pending and no real money movement has taken place. The payment or transfer is initiated, and then authorized or refused. Linked events share the same Transfer Id. Refunds initiate a new flow where separate received, authorised, and refunded events are created with a new Transfer Id that does not link to the original payment.
- Transactions: Events where the credit and debit are booked on the balance and real money movement has taken place. If there is no Transaction Id available, no money movement has taken place yet. You can link a transaction to a transfer by matching the Transfer Id. A status of
has a Transaction Id even though there is no real money movement. This allows you to reconcile the cancellation with the corresponding payment.
Download a sample BalancePlatform Accounting Report for examples of the included data. Based on your platform settings, the report that you generate may contain additional data or columns that are not included in the sample report.
Report structure
The Accounting Report has standard columns that are included by default in every report, and additional columns you can add to your reports from the Customer Area.
The generated report includes the balance mutations with a Booking Date for all the accounts for your balance platform between opening (00:00 AM) and closing (00:00 AM the next day) for your selected day in Central European Time (CET).
The following table shows the standard columns that are included in the Accounting Report, in their default order.
# | Column | Financial service | Data type | Description |
# | Column | Financial service | Data type | Description |
1 | Balance Platform | issuing payouts platform payments |
Unicode Text | Name of your Balance Platform account. |
2 | Account Holder | issuing payouts platform payments |
Unicode Text | Unique identifier of the account holder that owns the balance account. |
3 | Balance Account | issuing payouts platform payments |
Unicode Text | The unique identifier of the balance account. |
4 | Transfer Id | issuing payouts platform payments |
Unicode text | The unique identifier of a pending debit or credit. |
5 | Transaction Id | issuing payouts platform payments |
Unicode text | The unique identifier of a transaction, reflects a completed debit or credit. |
6 | Category | issuing payouts platform payments |
Enum | The category of the transaction. Possible values:
7 | Status | issuing payouts platform payments |
Enum | The status of the event. Example values: refunded, chargeback. |
8 | Type | issuing payouts platform payments |
Enum | The type of transfer or transaction. Example values: refund, chargeback. |
9 | Booking Date | issuing payouts platform payments |
Date field + Time field | Date of the booking. |
10 | Value Date | issuing payouts platform payments |
Date field + Time field | The date when the funds are available. |
11 | Value Date Time Zone | issuing payouts platform payments |
Alpha Text (4-character limit) |
The time zone of the location where the funds are available. |
12 | Currency | issuing payouts platform payments |
Alpha Text (3-character limit) |
The three-character ISO currency code for the balance account. |
13 | Amount | issuing payouts platform payments |
Alpha text | The amount of the transfer or transaction. |
14 | Original Currency | issuing | Alpha text (3-character limit) |
The three-character ISO currency code of the payment amount as reported by the acquirer. |
15 | Original Amount | issuing | Fixed point number | The payment amount in the currency defined in Original Currency. |
16 | Payment Currency | issuing payouts platform payments |
Alpha Text (3-character limit) |
The currency of the payment. |
17 | Received (PC) | issuing payouts platform payments |
Fixed point number (16-character limit) |
The amount (in Payment Currency) debited or credited on the Received accounting register. |
18 | Reserved (PC) | issuing payouts platform payments |
Fixed point number (16-character limit) |
The amount (in Payment Currency) debited or credited on the Reserved accounting register. |
19 | Balance (PC) | issuing payouts platform payments |
Fixed point number (16-character limit) |
The amount (in Payment Currency) debited or credited on the Balance accounting register. |
20 | Reference | issuing payouts platform payments |
Unicode text | The unique identifier of a pending debit or credit. |
21 | Description | issuing payouts platform payments |
Unicode text | The unique identifier of a pending debit or credit. When the transfer is a fee, the fee type is added before the description of the original payment. Possible fee type indications:
22 | Counterparty Balance Account Id | issuing payouts platform payments |
Unicode text | The unique identifier of the destination of the transfer. |
23 | Psp Payment Merchant Reference | platform payments | Unicode Text (16-character limit) |
The PSP merchant reference of a payment. |
24 | Psp Payment Psp Reference | platform payments | Unicode Text (16-character limit) |
The PSP reference of a payment. |
25 | Psp Modification Psp Reference | platform payments | Unicode Text (16-character limit) |
The PSP modification reference of a payment. |
26 | Psp Modification Merchant Reference | platform payments | Unicode Text (16-character limit) |
The PSP modification merchant reference of a payment. |
27 | Payment Instrument Type | issuing | Unicode text | The type of the payment instrument used in the payment. |
28 | Payment Instrument Id | issuing | Unicode text | The unique identifier of the payment instrument. |
29 | Entrymode | issuing | Unicode text | The point-of-sale entry mode as reported by the acquirer. Possible values:
30 | Auth Code | issuing | Text field numeric | A unique authorization code generated for the payment. This code should be included when canceling or refunding a payment. |
31 | Shopper Interaction | issuing | Alpha text (30-character limit) |
Transaction type. Possible values:
32 | MCC | issuing | Text field numeric | The merchant category code of the merchant that initiated the payment. |
33 | Counterparty Name | issuing | Unicode text | The name of the merchant that initiated the payment. |
34 | Counterparty Address | issuing | Unicode text | The address of the merchant that initiated the payment. |
35 | Counterparty City | issuing | Unicode text | The city of the merchant that initiated the payment. |
36 | Counterparty Country | issuing | Unicode text | The ISO country code of the merchant that initiated the payment. |
37 | Counterparty iban | payouts | Unicode text | The IBAN of the merchant that initiated the payment. |
38 | Counterparty bic | payouts | Alpha text | The BIC of the bank of the merchant that initiated the payment. |
39 | Counterparty Account Number | payouts | Unicode Text | The account number of the merchant that initiated the payment. |
40 | Counterparty Postal Code | issuing payouts |
Unicode Text | The postal code of the merchant that initiated the payment. |
41 | Interchange Currency | issuing | Unicode Text | The currency of the interchange. |
42 | Interchange | issuing | Unicode Text | The amount of interchange. |
43 | Beneficiary Balance Account | issuing | Unicode Text | The unique identifier of the beneficiary balance account associated with your balance platform. |
44 | Brand variant | issuing | Unicode text | The brand variant for the payment instrument. For example: mcdebit, visaprepaid. |
45 | Reference for Beneficiary | payouts | Unicode Text | Your reference for the beneficiary. |
46 | Platform Payment Interchange | platform payments | Fixed point number | Fee charged by the Issuing bank. If the acquirer does not provide the transaction information at the interchange level, this field is empty. |
47 | Platform Payment Scheme Fee | platform payments | Fixed point number | Fee which is charged by Visa or Mastercard. If the acquirer does not provide the transaction information at the interchange level, this field is empty. |
48 | Platform Payment Markup | platform payments | Fixed point number | Fee charged by the acquiring bank. If the acquirer does not provide the transaction information at the interchange level, this field is empty. |
49 | Platform Payment Commission | platform payments | Fixed point number | Blend fee charged by the acquiring bank. If the acquirer does not provide the transaction information at the payment level, this field is empty. |
50 | Platform Payment Cost Currency | platform payments | Alpha text (3-character limit) |
The currency of the Platform Payment Cost fields. |
51 | Account Holder Description | issuing payouts platform payments |
Unicode Text | Your description for the account holder. |
52 | Account Holder Reference | issuing payouts platform payments |
Unicode Text | Your reference for the account holder. |
53 | Balance Account Description | issuing payouts platform payments |
Unicode Text | Your description for the balance account. |
54 | Balance Account Reference | issuing payouts platform payments |
Unicode Text | Your reference for the balance account. |
55 | Reserved 1 | - | - | Reserved for future enhancements. |
56 | Reserved 2 | - | - | Reserved for future enhancements. |
57 | Reserved 3 | - | - | Reserved for future enhancements. |
58 | Reserved 4 | - | - | Reserved for future enhancements. |
59 | Reserved 5 | - | - | Reserved for future enhancements. |
60 | Reserved 6 | - | - | Reserved for future enhancements. |
61 | Reserved 7 | - | - | Reserved for future enhancements. |
62 | Reserved 8 | - | - | Reserved for future enhancements. |
63 | Reserved 9 | - | - | Reserved for future enhancements. |
64 | Reserved 10 | - | - | Reserved for future enhancements. |
The following table reflects additional Accounting Report columns.
By default, these columns are not included in the Accounting Report. You can add more report columns to your report from the Customer Area.
Column | Financial service | Data type | Description |
Column | Financial service | Data type | Description | |
Payment Instrument Reference | issuing | String | Your reference to the payment instrument. | |
Payment Instrument Description | issuing | String | The description provided for the payment instrument. | |
Event Id | issuing | String | Id to identify unique events on a single transfer. For example: multiple authorization adjustments or cancellations. | |
Store | payouts platform payments |
String | The PSP reference for the store. |