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Manage card data

Learn how to allow your cardholders to manage their primary account number (PAN) and personal identification number (PIN).

When your cardholders use their Adyen-issued cards for payments or ATM withdrawals, they may need to enter card data to authenticate the transaction.

You can use our API to implement a functionality that enables your cardholders to reveal their card data. For example, you can:

  • Reveal or change a personal identification number (PIN).
  • Reveal card details, such as primary account number (PAN) or expiration date.

All these processes involve transferring sensitive card data between your servers and Adyen. To keep the data secure, all transferred data must be encrypted using methods such as the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and the ISO format 4 (ISO-4).

While you can implement these algorithms by yourself, you can also use the encryption and decryption methods from the Adyen SDK for card management. Currently, the SDK is only available for iOS apps, but an Android SDK will be released soon.

The following pages explain how to manage card data using standard encryption methods or the Adyen Card Reveal iOS.

Reveal card details

Allow your cardholder to see the card details of their Adyen-issued card, such as the PAN.

See how to reveal card details:

Reveal PIN

Allow your cardholder to see the PIN of their Adyen-issued card.

See how to reveal the PIN:

Change PIN

Allow your cardholder to change the PIN of their Adyen-issued card.

See how to change the PIN: