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Onboarding steps for issuing

See how to onboard your card users.

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Verification requirements

Determine the required information for your user and how to submit this information to Adyen

Type of onboarding

Choose how to onboard your users. Select Hosted or API-only.


Choose a version to onboard your users


Verification requirements vary based on the location of your users. Select the location where you are issuing the card for your user.

Select location

Legal entity and legal arrangement type

Verification requirements vary based on the legal entity type of your user. A legal entity can be an organization, such as a public company, or a legal arrangement, such as a sole proprietorship. See local names for different legal entity types here. Individuals (natural persons) are not supported, but you must provide the information of UBOs for organizations and owners of sole proprietorships.

See local names for different legal entity types here.

Select entity type
initial state illustration

Choose requirements to show

Use the form above to filter the requirements needed to issue cards to your users