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Apple Pay in-app provisioning

Learn how to integrate Apple Pay in-app provisioning.

This page is a work in progress. Some of the APIs, documentation, and processes may change. If you have any feedback, reach out to your Adyen contact.

Apple Pay in-app provisioning enables cardholders to add their payment cards to Apple Wallet directly from within your app. With this feature, cardholders can quickly and securely add their payment information to their Apple Wallet, without having to manually enter their card details.

This page explains how to integrate Apple Pay in-app provisioning using the Adyen Apple Pay Provisioning SDK.

Get the Adyen Apple Pay Provisioning SDK

Download the Adyen Apple Pay Provisioning SDK from Adyen's GitHub repository.

The repository also includes a README with the instructions for installing the SDK.

System requirements

Before you install and start using the Adyen Apple Pay Provisioning SDK, ensure that your system follows the requirements:

  • Your application targets iOS 13.4 or later.
  • Your developer environment runs Xcode 14 or later.
  • Your developer environment runs Swift 5.7 or later (pre-installed with Xcode 13.2).

In-app provisioning

With Apple Pay in-app provisioning, your cardholders can tap Add to Apple Wallet directly within your iOS app. That tap starts an in-app provisioning flow. When the process is complete, they have their card data stored within their Apple Wallet, allowing them to make charges on that card from their Apple device.

The following diagram walks you through the in-app provisioning flow. Green labels correspond to the steps described further on the page:

  1. Get activation data
  2. Check for a card to add to Wallet
  3. Initiate card provisioning
  4. Provision the card
  5. Finalize card provisioning

Get activation data

Before you start card provisioning, you must get activation data for the specified payment instrument.

  1. From your server, make a GET /paymentInstruments/{id}/networkTokenActivationData request and specify the id of the payment instrument in the path. To make this request, your API credential needs the following role:

    • Bank Issuing PaymentInstrument Network Token Activation Data role
    Get activation data
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    curl \
    -H 'content-type: application/json' \
    -X GET

    The response contains the sdkInput object that you need to initialize the provisioning service in the next step.

  2. Pass the sdkInput to your app.

Check for a card to add to Wallet

Initialize the ProvisioningService class that is used to check if the cardholder can add a payment card to their Apple Wallet.

Check card eligibility
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import AdyenApplePayProvisioning
let provisioningService = ProvisioningService(sdkInput: sdkInput)
let canAddCard = await provisioningService.canAddCard()
// Show or hide the Add card to Apple Wallet button

Use the value returned by the canAddCard method to show or hide the Add card to Apple Wallet button.

If available, you can add a payment card to both iPhone and Apple Watch. To determine the compatibility of the card with a particular device, use the canAddCardDetails() function.

Initiate card provisioning

When the cardholder selects Add card to Apple Wallet, use the Adyen Apple Pay Provisioning SDK to initiate provisioning by calling the start() function with two parameters: delegate and presentingViewController.

Initiate card provisioning
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try provisioningService.start(
delegate: self,
presentingViewController: viewController

Provision the card

Implement ProvisioningServiceDelegate to receive the provision(sdkOutput) callback from the Adyen Apple Pay Provisioning SDK. In the callback:

  1. From your back end, make a POST paymentInstruments/{id}/networkTokenActivationData request and pass sdkOutput to provision the payment instrument. The response contains the sdkInput object.
  2. Return sdkInput from the provision method.
Provision the card
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func provision(sdkOutput: Data) async -> Data? {
let sdkInput = // POST `sdkOutput` to server
return sdkInput

Finalize card provisioning

After the provisioning is complete, the Adyen Apple Pay Provisioning SDK calls the delegate method didFinishProvisioning. This callback can be used to update your UI and show Added to Apple Wallet or Available in Apple Wallet.

Finalize card provisioning
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func didFinishProvisioning(with pass: PKPaymentPass?, error: Error?) {
// Update your UI

Wallet provisioning

You can also start card provisioning directly from Apple Wallet. For this to work, you must implement the Apple Wallet extension. After implementing the Apple Wallet extension, your app's name and icon appears in the From Apps on Your iPhone list of cards available to add to the Wallet.


Before you start implementing the Wallet provisioning flow:

  1. Add the Apple Wallet extension.
  2. Add Authentication UI extension.

Add the Apple Wallet extension

To add the Apple Wallet extension:

  1. Add a new target to your Xcode project with any Extension template. Then, change the values under the NSExtension dictionary in the Info.plist as follows:

    Key Type Value
    NSExtension String
    NSExtensionPrincipalClass String $(PRODUCT_MODULE_NAME).ExtensionHandler
  2. Create an ExtensionHandler class that implements the PKIssuerProvisioningExtensionHandler protocol. This class manages the issuer-provided extension that is used during the card provisioning process.

    Add Wallet extension
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    import PassKit
    class ExtensionHandler: PKIssuerProvisioningExtensionHandler {

Add the Authentication UI extension

The Apple Wallet authenticates cardholders before allowing them to provision cards. You can implement this authentication process in your UI by adding the Authentication UI extension. To add this extension:

  1. Add another target to your Xcode project with any Extension template. Change the values under the NSExtension dictionary in the Info.plist as follows:

    Key Type Value
    NSExtension String
    NSExtensionPrincipalClass String $(PRODUCT_MODULE_NAME).AuthorizationProvider
  2. Create an AuthorizationProvider class that is a subclass of UIViewController and implements the PKIssuerProvisioningExtensionAuthorizationProviding protocol. Use the completionHandler to communicate if the authentication was successful.

Extension provisioning flow

The following sequence diagram shows the flow to provision a card in an Apple Wallet.

As shown in the diagram, the provisioning flow is the following:

  1. Show your app on Apple Wallet
  2. Show card passes
  3. Generate a request to add a card
  4. Provision the card

Initialize the Adyen Apple Pay Provisioning SDK

At the beginning of each step of the provisioning flow, you must initialize the Adyen Apple Pay Provisioning SDK, so you can call the SDK's methods. The following sequence diagram shows the flow to initialize the SDK.

As shown in the diagram, the initialization flow is the following:

  1. Make a GET /paymentInstruments/{id}/networkTokenActivationData request.
  2. Receive an sdkInput from Adyen.
  3. Initialize the ExtensionProvisioningService using the sdkInput.

The following sections explain the steps for the provisioning flow, including the steps to initialize the SDK.

Show your app on Apple Wallet

When your user tries to add their Adyen-issued card to Apple Wallet, Apple Wallet must show your app as an option for provisioning. To do this, Apple Wallet uses the Apple Wallet extension to check if your app can provision card data. If your app is available for provisioning, then Apple Wallet shows it as an option.

You can provide the provisioning status of your app by using the Adyen Apple Pay Provisioning SDK. Do this as follows:

  1. From your server, make a GET /paymentInstruments/{id}/networkTokenActivationData request and specify the id of the payment instrument in the path.
    If your user has multiple payment instruments, make a request for each payment instrument.

    Get activation data
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    curl \
    -H 'content-type: application/json' \
    -X GET

    The response contains the sdkInput string that you need to initialize the provisioning service in the next step.

  2. Initialize the ExtensionProvisioningService class, which manages the Apple Wallet extension. Pass the sdkInput to the class as a parameter.

    Initiate card provisioning for one payment instrument
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    import AdyenApplePayExtensionProvisioning
    let provisioningService = ExtensionProvisioningService(sdkInput: sdkInput)

    If you requested multiple sdkInput strings, pass them to the class in an array.

    Initiate card provisioning for multiple payment instruments
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    import AdyenApplePayExtensionProvisioning
    let provisioningService = ExtensionProvisioningService(sdkInputs: [sdkInput1, sdkInput2, ...])
  3. From the Adyen Apple Pay Provisioning SDK, call extensionStatus to implement the status method of the PKIssuerProvisioningExtensionHandler protocol. Consider including the following parameters:

    • requiresAuthentication: A boolean that specifies whether you provide authentication through the UI extension.
    • entriesUnavailableExtensionStatus: If the ExtensionProvisioningService could not be initialized, return this parameter to indicate that the provisioning service is not available.
    Get current status
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    func status() async -> PKIssuerProvisioningExtensionStatus {
    // Initialize the service
    return provisioningService.extensionStatus(requiresAuthentication: true)
    // If service could not be initialized
    return ExtensionProvisioningService.entriesUnavailableExtensionStatus

After completing these steps, the Adyen Apple Pay Provisioning SDK sends the status to the Apple Wallet extension. If your provisioning service is available, the status object contains information about the available card passes in your app.

The time limit for your app to complete these steps is 100 milliseconds. If your app exceeds this limit, make a new GET /paymentInstruments/{id}/networkTokenActivationData request to refresh the sdkInput.

Show card passes

To enable your user to add their card to their Apple Wallet, you must show the cards as available card passes. You can do this by providing the card data and card art to Adyen Apple Pay Provisioning SDK. With this information, the SDK generates a preview of the card passes to the user.

The SDK uses two different methods to generate the available card passes:

  • passEntries: This method shows card passes on the Wallet app on iPhone.
  • remotePassEntries: This method shows card passes on:
    • The Watch app on iPhone.
    • The Wallet app on Apple Watch.

To implement passEntries and remotePassEntries:

  1. From your server, make a GET /paymentInstruments/{id}/networkTokenActivationData request and specify the id of the payment instrument in the path.

    Get activation data
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    curl \
    -H 'content-type: application/json' \
    -X GET

    The response contains the sdkInput string that you need to initialize the provisioning service in the next step. If the extension needs to show multiple payment instruments, request an sdkInput string for each payment instrument.

  2. Initialize the ExtensionProvisioningService class, which manages the Apple Wallet extension. Pass the sdkInput to the class as a parameter.

    Initiate card provisioning for one payment instrument
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    import AdyenApplePayExtensionProvisioning
    let provisioningService = ExtensionProvisioningService(sdkInput: sdkInput)

    If you requested multiple sdkInput, pass these to the class in an array.

    Initiate card provisioning for multiple payment instruments
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    import AdyenApplePayExtensionProvisioning
    let provisioningService = ExtensionProvisioningService(sdkInputs: [sdkInput1, sdkInput2, ...])
  3. Implement ExtensionProvisioningServiceDelegate to receive the cardArt(forBrand: String) callback from the Adyen Apple Pay Provisioning SDK. This callback returns the card art that corresponds to each available card pass.

    Provide card art
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    extension ExtensionHandler: ExtensionProvisioningServiceDelegate {
    func cardArt(forBrand brand: String) -> CGImage {
    return UIImage(named: "card_art")!.cgImage!
  4. From the SDK, call passEntries and remotePassEntries and pass the delegate that you created in the previous step.

    Get pass entries
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    func passEntries() async -> [PKIssuerProvisioningExtensionPassEntry] {
    return provisioningService.passEntries(withDelegate: self)
    func remotePassEntries() async -> [PKIssuerProvisioningExtensionPassEntry] {
    return provisioningService.remotePassEntries(withDelegate: self)

Now, the Apple Wallet or Watch app shows the available card passes to your user.

The time limit for your app to complete these steps is 20 seconds. If your app exceeds this limit, make a new GET /paymentInstruments/{id}/networkTokenActivationData request to refresh the sdkInput.

Generate a request to provision a card

After your user selects to add a card to Apple Wallet, the Apple Wallet extension calls Adyen Apple Pay Provisioning SDK to generate a request to provision the card pass.

To generate a request for adding a card:

  1. From your server, make a GET /paymentInstruments/{id}/networkTokenActivationData request and specify the id of the payment instrument in the path.
    If your user has multiple payment instruments, make a request for each payment instrument.

    Get activation data
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    curl \
    -H 'content-type: application/json' \
    -X GET

    The response contains the sdkInput string that you need to initialize the provisioning service in the next step.

  2. Initialize the ExtensionProvisioningService class, which manages the Apple Wallet extension. Pass the sdkInput to the class as a parameter.

    Initiate card provisioning for one payment instrument
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    import AdyenApplePayExtensionProvisioning
    let provisioningService = ExtensionProvisioningService(sdkInput: sdkInput)

    If you requested multiple sdkInput strings, pass these to the class in an array.

    Initiate card provisioning for multiple payment instruments
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    import AdyenApplePayExtensionProvisioning
    let provisioningService = ExtensionProvisioningService(sdkInputs: [sdkInput1, sdkInput2, ...])
  3. From the SDK, call the generateAddPaymentPassRequestForPassEntryWithIdentifier method to obtain a pass request. In this call, include the delegate parameter to handle card provisioning.

    Generate a request for adding a card pass
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    func generateAddPaymentPassRequestForPassEntryWithIdentifier(
    _ identifier: String,
    configuration: PKAddPaymentPassRequestConfiguration,
    certificateChain certificates: [Data],
    nonce: Data,
    nonceSignature: Data
    ) async -> PKAddPaymentPassRequest? {
    try? await provisioningService.generateAddPaymentPassRequestForPassEntryWithIdentifier(
    configuration: configuration,
    certificateChain: certificates,
    nonce: nonce,
    nonceSignature: nonceSignature,
    delegate: self
  4. Send the pass request to the extension.

Provision the card

After the SDK sends the pass request to the Apple Wallet extension, the extension requests from Adyen the network token data of the card. The extension uses this data to provision the card in Apple Wallet.

To provision the card when the extension requests it:

  1. Implement ExtensionProvisioningServiceDelegate to receive the provision(paymentInstrumentId, sdkOutput) callback from the Adyen Apple Pay Provisioning SDK.
  2. In the callback, make a POST paymentInstruments/{id}/networkTokenActivationData request and specify the following parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    id Path The paymentInstrumentId of the card you want to provision.
    sdkOutput Body Data automatically generated and provided by the SDK. The extension must send this data to Adyen to validate the request.

    The response contains the sdkInput string that the SDK needs to provision the card.

  3. Return the sdkInput string from the response back to the SDK.

The following example shows how to implement these steps.

Provision the card
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extension ExtensionHandler: ExtensionProvisioningServiceDelegate {
func provision(paymentInstrumentId: String, sdkOutput: Data) async -> Data? {
let sdkInput = // POST `sdkOutput` to server
return sdkInput

After these steps are completed, the SDK returns the delegate to the Apple Wallet extension. Then, the extension provisions the card on Apple Wallet.