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Advanced flow integration guide

Accept payments using the Advanced flow.

React Native
Use our pre-built UI for accepting payments
Use our customizable UI components
Use Adyen APIs and your own UI

iOS Drop-in

Render a list of available payment methods anywhere in your app.

Supported payment methods

Cards, buy now pay later, wallets, and many more.

See all supported payment methods


  • Lowest development time to integrate payment methods
  • UI styling customization for the list of payment methods
  • Adding payment methods to the list requires no extra development time
  • 3D Secure 2 support built in

Start integrating with iOS Drop-in

Choose your version

Drop-in is our pre-built UI solution for accepting payments in your app. Drop-in shows all payment methods as a list, in the same block. For the Advanced flow, your server makes API requests to the /paymentMethods, /payments, and /payments/details endpoints.


Before you begin to integrate, make sure you have followed the Get started with Adyen guide to:

  • Get an overview of the steps needed to accept live payments.
  • Create your test account.

After you have created your test account:

Install the Adyen iOS client-side library

Choose how you want to install the Adyen iOS client-side library:

To install iOS Drop-in using Swift Package Manager, follow the Apple guide and specify:

  • The repository URL as
  • The version to be at least 3.8.0

Get your client key

You need a client key, a public key linked to your API credential, that the iOS Drop-in uses for client-side authentication.

  1. Log in to your Customer Area.
  2. Go to Developers > API credentials, and select the API credential for your integration, for example ws@Company.[YourCompanyAccount].
  3. Under Authentication, select Generate New Client Key.
  4. Select Save.

How it works

For a Drop-in integration, you must implement the following parts:

  • Your payment server: sends the API requests to get available payment methods, make a payment, and send additional payment details.
  • Your client app: shows the Drop-in UI where the shopper makes the payment. Drop-in uses the data from the API responses to handle the payment flow and additional actions on your client app.
  • Your webhook server: receives webhooks that include the outcome of each payment.
  • The parts of your integration work together to complete the payment flow:

    1. From your server, submit a request to get a list of payment methods available to the shopper.
    2. Create an instance of Drop-in.
    3. From your server, submit a payment request with the data returned by Drop-in.
    4. Determine from the response if you need to perform additional actions on your client app.
    5. From your server, submit additional payment details with the data returned by Drop-in.
    6. Get the payment outcome.

    If you are integrating these parts separately, you can start at the corresponding part of this integration guide:

    Install an API library

    Payment server

    We provide server-side API libraries for several programming languages, available through common package managers, like Gradle and npm, for easier installation and version management. Our API libraries will save you development time, because they:

    • Use an API version that is up to date.
    • Have generated models to help you construct requests.
    • Send the request to Adyen using their built-in HTTP client, so you do not have to create your own.
    Try our example integration


    • Java 11 or later.


    You can use Maven, adding this dependency to your project's POM.

    Add the API library
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    You can find the latest version on GitHub. Alternatively, you can download the release on GitHub.

    Setting up the client

    Create a singleton resource that you use for the API requests to Adyen:

    Set up your client
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    // Import the required classes.
    package com.adyen.service;
    import com.adyen.Client;
    import com.adyen.service.checkout.PaymentsApi;
    import com.adyen.model.checkout.Amount;
    import com.adyen.enums.Environment;
    import com.adyen.service.exception.ApiException;
    public class Snippet {
    public Snippet() throws IOException, ApiException {
    // Set up the client and service.
    Client client = new Client("ADYEN_API_KEY", Environment.TEST);

    Get available payment methods

    Payment server

    When your shopper is ready to pay, get a list of the available payment methods based on their country, device, and the payment amount.

    From your server, make a POST /paymentMethods request, providing the following parameters. While most parameters are optional, we recommend that you include them because Adyen uses these to tailor the list of payment methods for your shopper.

    We use the optional parameters to tailor the list of available payment methods to your shopper.

    Parameter name Required Description
    merchantAccount -white_check_mark- Your merchant account name.
    amount The currency of the payment and its value in minor units.
    channel The platform where the payment is taking place. Use iOS. Adyen returns only the payment methods available for iOS.
    countryCode The shopper's country/region. Adyen returns only the payment methods available in this country.
    Format: the two-letter ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 country code. Exception: QZ (Kosovo).
    shopperLocale By default, the shopperlocale is set to en-US. To change the language, set this to the shopper's language and country code. You also need to set the same ShopperLocale within your Drop-in configuration.

    The following example shows how to get the available payment methods for a shopper in the Netherlands, for a payment of EUR 10:

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    curl \
    -H 'x-api-key: ADYEN_API_KEY' \
    -H 'content-type: application/json' \
    -d '{
    "merchantAccount": "ADYEN_MERCHANT_ACCOUNT",
    "countryCode": "NL",
    "amount": {
    "currency": "EUR",
    "value": 1000
    "channel": "Android",
    "shopperLocale": "nl-NL"

    The response includes the list of available paymentMethods:

    /paymentMethods response
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    "name":"SEPA Direct Debit",

    Pass the response to your client app. You will use this in the next step to present which payment methods are available to the shopper.

    Add Drop-in to your payment form

    Client app

    Next, use Drop-in to show the available payment methods and to collect payment details from your shopper.

    1. Decode the /paymentMethods response with the PaymentMethods structure.

      Decode the /paymentMethods response
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      let paymentMethods = try JSONDecoder().decode(PaymentMethods.self, from: paymentMethodsResponse)

    2. Create an instance of APIContext that contains to following:

      Client key Authenticates requests from your payment environment.
      Environment setting The environment value that matches the endpoint that your server uses. Use Environment.test for your test environment.
      Create the APIContext
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      // Set the client key and environment in an instance of APIContext.
      let apiContext = APIContext(clientKey: clientKey, environment: Environment.test) // Set the environment to a live one when going live.
    3. Create an instance of AdyenContext that contains the following:

      API context Your instance of APIContext.
      Payment information A Payment object with the payment amount and currency.
      Create the AdyenContext
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      // Create the amount with the value in minor units and the currency code.
      let amount = Amount(value: 1000, currencyCode: "EUR")
      // Create the payment object with the amount and country code.
      let payment = Payment(amount: amount, countryCode: "NL")
      // Create an instance of AdyenContext, passing the instance of APIContext, and payment object.
      let adyenContext = AdyenContext(apiContext: apiContext, payment:payment)

    4. Create a Drop-in configuration object (DropInComponent.Configuration). You can add the following:

      Type of configuration Description
      Payment method configuration Some payment methods require additional configuration or have optional configuration.
      Optional configuration You can add optional configuration for Drop-in.

      The following example shows an optional configuration for cards.

      Configure Drop-in
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      let dropInConfiguration = DropInComponent.Configuration()
      // Some payment methods have additional required or optional configuration.
      // For example, an optional configuration to show the cardholder name field for cards.
      dropInConfiguration.card.showsHolderNameField = true

    5. Initialize Drop-in ( DropInComponent ).

      Parameter name Required Description
      paymentMethods -white_check_mark- The full, decoded /paymentMethods response.
      context -white_check_mark- The AdyenContext that you created.
      paymentMethodsConfiguration For some payment methods. Configuration for specific payment methods.
      Initialize Drop-in
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      let dropInComponent = DropInComponent(paymentMethods: paymentMethods, context: adyenContext, configuration: dropInConfiguration)
      // Keep the instance of Drop-in so that it doesn't get destroyed after the function is executed.
      self.dropInComponent = dropInComponent
      // Set self as the delegate.
      dropInComponent.delegate = self
      // If you support gift cards, set self as the partial payment delegate.
      dropInComponent.partialPaymentDelegate = self

    6. After the shopper selects a payment method and provides payment details, Drop-in invokes the didSubmit method. Get the contents of data.paymentMethod and pass this to your server.

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      func didSubmit(_ data: PaymentComponentData, for paymentMethod: PaymentMethod, from component: DropInComponent)

      If an error occurs on the app, Drop-in invokes the didFail method. Dismiss Drop-in's view controller and display an error message.

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      func didFail(with error: Error, from component: DropInComponent)

      If the shopper decides not to continue with the selected payment method, Drop-in invokes the didCancel method. You can use didCancel to track the state of the payment.

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      func didCancel(component: PaymentComponent, from dropInComponent: DropInComponent)

    For more information on iOS Drop-in classes, see our reference documentation page.

    Make a payment

    Payment server

    After the shopper submits their payment details or chooses to pay with a payment method that requires a redirection, you need to make a payment request to Adyen.

    From your server, make a POST /payments request specifying:

    Parameter name Required Description
    merchantAccount -white_check_mark- Your merchant account name.
    amount -white_check_mark- The currency of the payment and its value in minor units.
    reference -white_check_mark- Your unique reference for this payment.
    paymentMethod -white_check_mark- The data.paymentMethod from the didSubmit method from your client app.
    returnUrl -white_check_mark- The URL the shopper should be taken back to after a redirection. Use the custom URL for your app, for example, my-app://adyen, to take the shopper back to your app after they complete the payment outside of your app. For more information on setting a custom URL scheme, read the Apple Developer documentation. The URL can contain a maximum of 1024 characters. You can also include your own additional query parameters, for example, shopper ID or order reference number.
    applicationInfo If you are building an Adyen solution for multiple merchants, include some basic identifying information, so that we can offer you better support. For more information, refer to Building Adyen solutions.

    You need to include additional parameters in your payment request to:

    The following example shows how to make a payment request for EUR 10:

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    curl \
    -H 'x-api-key: ADYEN_API_KEY' \
    -H 'content-type: application/json' \
    -d '{
    "paymentMethod":STATE_DATApaymentMethod field of an object passed from your client app,

    Your next steps depend on whether the /payments response contains an action object:

    Description Next steps
    no action object No additional steps are needed to complete the payment. 1. Dismiss Drop-in.
    2. Get the payment outcome.
    action object The shopper needs to do additional actions to complete the payment. 1. Pass the action object to your client app.
    2. Perform additional client-side actions.

    The following example shows a /payments response with action.type: threeDS2Fingerprint:

    /payments response
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    Handle the additional action

    Client app

    Some payment methods require additional action from the shopper such as: to authenticate a payment with 3D Secure, or to switch to another app to complete the payment.

    To handle these additional client app actions, Drop-in uses the action object from the previous step. You should also use the action.type to determine your next steps.

    1. Use dropInComponent.handle(action) to trigger Drop-in to perform additional actions.

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      let action = try JSONDecoder().decode(Action.self, from: actionData)
    2. Drop-in performs additional client app actions depending on the action.type. Your next steps depend on the type of action that Drop-in performs.

    action.type Description Next steps
    redirect Drop-in redirects the shopper to another website or app
    to complete the payment.

    When the shopper is redirected back to your app, Drop-in calls the didProvide method.
    1. Get the data from the didProvide method and pass it to your server. Dismiss the dropInComponent immediately, or wait until you have submitted the details to your server.
    2. When the shopper returns to your app, handle the redirect result.
    3. Send additional payment details to check the payment result.
    threeDS2 The payment qualifies for 3D Secure 2, and will go through either the frictionless or the challenge flow.

    Drop-in performs the authentication flow, and calls the didProvide method.
    1. Get the data from the didProvide method and pass it to your server. Dismiss the dropInComponent immediately, or wait until you have submitted the details to your server.
    2. Send additional payment details to submit additional payment details.
    sdk Drop-in triggers the app switch from your app to the payment method's app, if installed in the shopper's device.

    When the shopper is redirected back to your app, Drop-in calls the didProvide method.
    1. Get the data from the didProvide method and pass it to your server. Dismiss the dropInComponent immediately, or wait until you have submitted the details to your server.
    2. Send additional payment details to check the payment result.
    voucher Drop-in presents UI for voucher. The shopper expected to shared, save voucher as image or, in some cases, add voucher to AppleWallet.

    When shopper finishes the flow, Drop-in calls didComplete
    Dismiss the dropInComponent immediately. Payment flow is completed.
    await Drop-in presents await UI. The shopper expected to continue payment process outside of the merchant's app.

    Drop-in will poll payment status and, if completed, calls the didProvide method.
    1. Get the data from the didProvide method and pass it to your server. Dismiss the dropInComponent immediately, or wait until you have submitted the details to your server.
    2. Send additional payment details to submit additional payment details.
    qrCode Drop-in presents UI for QR code payment. The shopper expected to continue payment process outside of the merchant's app.

    Drop-in performs the flow, and calls the didProvide method.
    1. Get the data from the didProvide method and pass it to your server. Dismiss the dropInComponent immediately, or wait until you have submitted the details to your server.
    2. Send additional payment details to submit additional payment details.

    Handle the redirect result

    If the Action class returns .redirect, the shopper is redirected to an external site or to another application to complete the payment. You then need to inform Drop-in when the shopper returns to your app. To do this, implement the following in your UIApplicationDelegate:

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    func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey: Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
    RedirectComponent.applicationDidOpen(from: url)
    return true

    Send additional payment details

    Payment server

    If the shopper performed additional action to complete the payment, you need to make another request to Adyen to either submit the additional payment details or to check the payment result.

    1. Get the data from the didProvide method from your client app.

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      func didProvide(_ data: ActionComponentData, from component: ActionComponent, in dropInComponent: AnyDropInComponent)
    2. From your server, make a /payments/details request with the

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      curl \
      -H 'x-api-key: ADYEN_API_KEY' \
      -H 'content-type: application/json' \
      -d 'STATE_DATAobject passed from your client app'

      You get a response that includes the resultCode that you can use to inform the shopper.

      The following example shows a payment response for a successful payment.

      Successful payment response
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      "pspReference": "NC6HT9CRT65ZGN82",
      "resultCode": "Authorised"

      The following example shows a response for a refused payment.

      Refused response
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      "pspReference": "KHQC5N7G84BLNK43",
      "refusalReason": "Not enough balance",
      "resultCode": "Refused"

    Dismiss Drop-in

    Client app

    After you make a /payments, or /payments/details request and submit the payment data and/or additional details, dismiss Drop-in to finalize the payment flow.

    Call finalizeIfNeeded and do the following, depending on what the Drop-in handled:

    What to do
    Result code If no further steps are required from the application, dismiss Drop-in.
    Error Dismiss Drop-in, and show an error message.

    Implement the following in your dropInComponent object:

    Implement finalizeIfNeeded to dismiss Drop-in
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    dropInComponent?.finalizeIfNeeded(with: isSuccessful) { [weak self] in
    guard let self else { return }
    myCheckoutViewController.dismiss(animated: true) { [weak self] in
    // Continue the flow.

    Get the payment outcome

    After Drop-in finishes the payment flow, you can show the shopper the current payment status. Adyen sends a webhook with the outcome of the payment.

    Inform the shopper

    Client app

    Use the resultCode to show the shopper the current payment status. This synchronous response doesn't give you the final outcome of the payment. You get the final payment status in a webhook that you use to update your order management system.

    Update your order management system

    Webhook server

    You get the outcome of each payment asynchronously, in an AUTHORISATION webhook. Use the merchantReference from the webhook to match it to your order reference.
    For a successful payment, the event contains success: true.

    Example webhook for a successful payment
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    "live": "false",

    For an unsuccessful payment, you get success: false, and the reason field has details about why the payment was unsuccessful.

    Example webhook for an unsuccessful payment
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    "live": "false",
    "reason":"validation 101 Invalid card number",

    Test and go live

    Before going live, use our list of test cards and other payment methods to test your integration. We recommend testing each payment method that you intend to offer to your shoppers.

    You can check the status of a test payment in your Customer Area, under Transactions > Payments.

    To debug or troubleshoot test payments, you can also use API logs in your test environment.

    When you are ready to go live, you need to:

    1. Apply for a live account.  
    2. Assess your PCI DSS compliance, and submit the Self-Assessment Questionnaire-A.
    3. Configure your live account.
    4. Switch from test to our live endpoints.
    5. Load Drop-in from one of our live environments and set the dropInComponent.environment to match your live endpoints:

      Endpoint region environment value
      Europe liveEurope
      Australia liveAustralia
      US liveUnitedStates
      Asia Pacific and South East liveApse

    Error handling

    In case you encounter errors in your integration, refer to the following:

    • API error codes: If you receive a non-HTTP 200 response, use the errorCode to troubleshoot and modify your request.
    • Payment refusals: If you receive an HTTP 200 response with an Error or Refused resultCode, check the refusal reason and, if possible, modify your request.

    Optional configuration

    Client app

    You can set additional configuration on the Drop-in configuration.

    Parameter name Description
    shopperInformation Prefilled shopper information.
    localizationParameters Localization parameters, like custom placeholders in other languages.
    style Custom styling of the UI.


    iOS Drop-in supports the languages listed here.

    To customize a localization, add a new localizable.strings file for the language that you need. You can also override existing strings by using the same keys.

    For example, to override the cardholder name field title, set the following on your localizable.strings file:

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    "adyen.card.nameItem.title" = "Your cardholder name";

    To find localized strings, the library first checks your custom localizable.strings file, and then the default Adyen file.

    You can use LocalizationParameters to customize the localization file name, bundle, or the separator for translation strings.

    For example, if you store translations in MyLocalizable.strings files in the shared bundle CommonBundle:

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    let localizationParameters = LocalizationParameters(bundle: commonBundle, tableName: "MyLocalizable")
    dropInComponent.localizationParameters = localizationParameters