Checkout icon

Sessions flow integration guide

Start accepting payments on your website or app.

React Native
Use our pre-built UI for accepting payments
Use our customizable UI components

Android Drop-in

Render a list of available payment methods anywhere in your app.

Supported payment methods

Cards, buy now pay later, wallets, and many more.

See all supported payment methods


  • Lowest development time to integrate payment methods
  • UI styling customization for the list of payment methods
  • Adding payment methods to the list requires no extra development time
  • 3D Secure 2 support built in

Start integrating with Android Drop-in

Choose your version


Before you begin to integrate, make sure you have followed the Get started with Adyen guide to:

  • Get an overview of the steps needed to accept live payments.
  • Create your test account.

After you have created your test account:

How it works

For a Drop-in integration, you must implement the following parts:

  • Your payment server: sends the API request to create a payment session.
  • Your client app: shows the Drop-in UI where the shopper makes the payment. Drop-in uses the data from the API responses to handle the payment flow and additional actions on your client app.
  • Your webhook server: receives webhooks that include the outcome of each payment.

The parts of your integration work together to complete the payment flow:

  1. The shopper goes to the checkout page.

  2. Your server uses the shopper's country or region and currency information from your client to create a payment session.

  3. Your client creates an instance of Drop-in using the session data from the server.

  4. Drop-in shows the available payment methods, collects the shopper's payment details, handles additional actions, and presents the payment result to the shopper.

  5. Your webhook server receives the event containing the payment outcome.

If you are integrating these parts separately, you can start at the corresponding part of this integration guide:

Install an API library

Payment server

We provide server-side API libraries for several programming languages, available through common package managers, like Gradle and npm, for easier installation and version management. Our API libraries will save you development time, because they:

  • Use an API version that is up to date.
  • Have generated models to help you construct requests.
  • Send the request to Adyen using their built-in HTTP client, so you do not have to create your own.
Try our example integration


  • Java 11 or later.


You can use Maven, adding this dependency to your project's POM.

Add the API library
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You can find the latest version on GitHub. Alternatively, you can download the release on GitHub.

Setting up the client

Create a singleton resource that you use for the API requests to Adyen:

Set up your client
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// Import the required classes.
package com.adyen.service;
import com.adyen.Client;
import com.adyen.service.checkout.PaymentsApi;
import com.adyen.model.checkout.Amount;
import com.adyen.model.checkout.CreateCheckoutSessionRequest;
import com.adyen.model.checkout.CreateCheckoutSessionResponse;
import com.adyen.enums.Environment;
import com.adyen.service.exception.ApiException;
public class Snippet {
public Snippet() throws IOException, ApiException {
// Set up the client and service.
Client client = new Client("ADYEN_API_KEY", Environment.TEST);

Create a payment session

Payment server

A payment session is a resource with information about a payment flow initiated by the shopper. This resource has all the information required to handle all the stages of a payment flow. You can configure this resource with information like available payment methods, payment amount, or line items.

To create a payment session, make a /sessions request, including:

Parameter name Required Description
merchantAccount -white_check_mark- Your merchant account name.
amount -white_check_mark- The currency and value of the payment, in minor units. This is used to filter the list of available payment methods to your shopper.
returnUrl -white_check_mark- URL to where the shopper should be taken back to after a redirection. The URL can contain a maximum of 1024 characters and should include the protocol: http:// or https://. You can also include your own additional query parameters, for example, shopper ID or order reference number. Get this URL from Drop-in in the RedirectComponent.getReturnUrl(context).
If the URL to return to includes non-ASCII characters, like spaces or special letters, URL encode the value.
The URL must not include personally identifiable information (PII), for example name or email address.
reference -white_check_mark- Your unique reference for the payment. Minimum length: three characters.
expiresAt The session expiry date in ISO8601 format, for example 2023-11-23T12:25:28Z, or 2023-05-27T20:25:28+08:00. When not specified, the expiry date is set to 1 hour after session creation. You cannot set the session expiry to more than 24 hours after session creation.
countryCode The shopper's country/region. This is used to filter the list of available payment methods to your shopper.
Format: the two-letter ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 country code. Exception: QZ (Kosovo).
channel The platform where the payment is taking place. Use Android. Strongly recommended because this field is used for 3D Secure.
shopperLocale The language that the payment methods will appear in. Set it to the shopper's language and country code. The default is en-US. The client app. also uses this locale if it is available.
shopperEmail The shopper's email address. Strongly recommended because this field is used in a number of risk checks, and for 3D Secure.
shopperReference Your reference to uniquely identify this shopper. Strongly recommended because this field is used in a number of risk checks.
applicationInfo If you are building an Adyen solution for multiple merchants, include some basic identifying information, so that we can offer you better support. For more information, refer to Building Adyen solutions.

Here is an example of how to create a session for a payment of 10 EUR:

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curl \
-H 'x-api-key: ADYEN_API_KEY' \
-H "idempotency-key: YOUR_IDEMPOTENCY_KEY" \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
"merchantAccount": "YOUR_MERCHANT_ACCOUNT",
"amount": {
"value": 1000,
"currency": "EUR"
"returnUrl": "adyencheckout://",
"countryCode": "NL"

The response contains:

  • sessionData: the payment session data you need to pass to your client app.
  • id: a unique identifier for the session data.
  • The request body.
HTTP 201 /sessions response body
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"amount": {
"currency": "EUR",
"value": 1000
"countryCode": "NL",
"expiresAt": "2021-08-24T13:35:16+02:00",
"id": "CSD9CAC34EBAE225DD",
"merchantAccount": "YOUR_MERCHANT_ACCOUNT",
"returnUrl": "adyencheckout://",
"sessionData": "Ab02b4c.."

You must pass the response to your client app to create the checkout session.

API error handling

If you do not get an HTTP 201 response, use the errorCode field and the list of API error codes to troubleshoot.

Set up Drop-in

Client app

1: Import the library

The default implementation is with Jetpack Compose, but you can import the library without Jetpack Compose instead.

Import the compatibility module in your build.gradle file:

Import the module with Compose
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implementation "com.adyen.checkout:drop-in-compose:YOUR_VERSION"

2: Create the checkout session

  1. Deserialize the /sessions response to a SessionsModel object:

    Deserialize the API response
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    val sessionModel = SessionModel.SERIALIZER.deserialize(sessionsResponseJSON)
  2. Call the CheckoutSessionProvider.createSession suspending function, passing:

    Parameter Required Description
    sessionModel -white_check_mark- The deserialized SessionsModel object.
    dropInConfiguration (Example) -white_check_mark- The configuration object for the payment method.

    For example:

    Create the checkout session
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    // Create an object for the checkout session.
    val result = CheckoutSessionProvider.createSession(sessionModel, dropInConfiguration)
    // If the payment session is successful, handle the result.
    // If the payment session encounters an error, handle the error.
    when (result) {
    is CheckoutSessionResult.Success -> handleCheckoutSession(result.checkoutSession)
    is CheckoutSessionResult.Error -> handleError(result.exception)

Create a configuration object, setting the following properties:

Property Required Description
environment -white_check_mark- The same environment that you set when you created the session.
clientKey -white_check_mark- The same clientKey that you set when you created the session.
shopperLocale The shopper's locale. By default, this matches the shopperLocale you included in the /sessions request.
Optionally create a configuration object
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// Create a configuration object.
val checkoutConfiguration = CheckoutConfiguration(
environment = environment,
clientKey = clientKey,
shopperLocale = shopperLocale, // Optional
) {
// Optional: add Drop-in configuration.
dropIn {
// Optional: add or change default configuration for the card payment method.
card {
// Optional: change configuration for 3D Secure 2.
adyen3DS2 {

4: Launch and show Drop-in

  1. Implement SessionDropInCallback to get the result of the session.

    Get the result
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    override fun onDropInResult(sessionDropInResult: SessionDropInResult?) {
    when (sessionDropInResult) {
    // The payment finishes with a result.
    is SessionDropInResult.Finished -> handleResult(sessionDropInResult.result)
    // The shopper dismisses Drop-in.
    is SessionDropInResult.CancelledByUser ->
    // Drop-in encounters an error.
    is SessionDropInResult.Error -> handleError(sessionDropInResult.reason)
    // Drop-in encounters an unexpected state.
    null ->
  2. Create the Drop-in launcher and call DropIn.startPayment, passing:

    Parameter Description
    dropInLauncher The Drop-in launcher you created.
    checkoutSession The font-end checkout session that you created.
    dropInConfiguration The Drop-in configuration that you created.

    For example:

    Start Drop-in
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    import com.adyen.checkout.dropin.compose.startPayment
    import com.adyen.checkout.dropin.compose.rememberLauncherForDropInResult
    private fun ComposableDropIn() {
    val dropInLauncher = rememberLauncherForDropInResult(sessionDropInCallback)
    DropIn.startPayment(dropInLauncher, checkoutSession, dropInConfiguration)

Your app shows Drop-in, and it handles the whole payment flow.

Get the payment outcome

After Drop-in finishes the payment flow, you can show the shopper the current payment status. Adyen sends a webhook with the outcome of the payment.

Inform the shopper

Client app

From the onDropInResult function, you can get the resultCode to inform the shopper about the current payment status.

Payment server

You can also get the result of the payment session on your server.

  1. Get the id from the /sessions response.
  2. Get sessionResult from the onDropInResult function.
  3. Make a GET /sessions/{id}?sessionResult={sessionResult} request including the id and sessionResult. For example:

    Request for result of payment session
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    curl -X GET

    The response includes the result of the payment session (status). For example:

    Response with result of the payment session
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    "id": "CS12345678",
    "status": "completed"

    Possible statuses:

    status Description
    completed The shopper completed the payment. This means that the payment was authorized.
    paymentPending The shopper is in the process of making the payment. This applies to payment methods with an asynchronous flow.
    canceled The shopper canceled the payment.
    expired The session expired (default: 1 hour after session creation). Shoppers can no longer complete the payment with this sessionId.

The status included in the response doesn't get updated. Do not make the request again to check for payment status updates. Instead, check webhooks or the Transactions list in your Customer Area.

Update your order management system

Webhook server

You get the outcome of each payment asynchronously, in an AUTHORISATION webhook. Use the merchantReference from the webhook to match it to your order reference.
For a successful payment, the event contains success: true.

Example webhook for a successful payment
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"live": "false",

For an unsuccessful payment, you get success: false, and the reason field has details about why the payment was unsuccessful.

Example webhook for an unsuccessful payment
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"live": "false",
"reason":"validation 101 Invalid card number",

Test and go live

Before going live, use our list of test cards and other payment methods to test your integration. Use the Adyen Android test cards app to access, copy, and autofill card details from within your Android device. We recommend testing each payment method that you intend to offer to your shoppers.

You can check the status of a test payment in your Customer Area, under TransactionsPayments.

To debug or troubleshoot test payments, you can also use API logs in your test environment.

When you are ready to go live, you need to:

  1. Apply for a live account. Review the process to start accepting payments on Get started with Adyen.
  2. Assess your PCI DSS compliance by submitting the Self-Assessment Questionnaire-A.
  3. Configure your live account
  4. Submit a request to add payment methods in your live Customer Area .
  5. Switch from test to our live endpoints.
  6. Load from one of our live environments and set the environment to match your live endpoints:

    Endpoint region Value
    Europe (EU) live EUROPE
    United States (US) live UNITED_STATES
    Australia (AU) live AUSTRALIA
    Asia Pacific & Southeast (APSE) live APSE
    India (IN) live INDIA