Hosted Payment Pages are no longer available
To accept payments through an Adyen-hosted page, use our Hosted Checkout.
This page is for the classic Hosted Payment Pages (HPP) integration, which has reached end-of-life. We are no longer processing transactions though HPP.
With buy now, pay later payment methods such as Klarna or RatePAY, the shopper pays after the goods have been delivered, while you get paid at the time of the purchase.
When making a payment, you need to:
- Provide shopper information. This is used by the partner (Klarna or RatePAY) to perform risk checks on the shopper before authorising the payment.
- Provide price and product information about the purchased items. This will be included on the invoice sent to the shopper.
Capture the payment after the goods have been sent. This triggers the invoice to be sent to the shopper.
Payments made with buy now, pay later payment methods need to be captured manually, even if you have enabled automatic capture for other payment methods. If you want to enable automatic capture for Buy Now Pay Later payment methods, contact our Support Team.
You will receive the funds even if the shopper did not honor the invoice. Chargebacks can only occur if you didn't comply with the regulations of the partner, for example if you didn't ship the goods on time. For more information about these regulations, contact our Support Team.
When using our classic integration, you can accept Klarna and RatePAY payments with our Hosted Payment Pages (HPP) integration. To accept RatePAY, you can also use our Classic API integration.
Step 1: Make a payment
In your payment request, provide:
(minimum length three characters)additionalData.openinvoicedata
: Price and product information to be included on the invoice sent to the shopper. For more information, refer to Invoice lines.
Additional required fields depend on whether you are using HPP or API.
HPP integration specific fields
When using our HPP integration you can optionally provide the following fields. If you do not include these fields, the shopper will need to enter this information manually in the HPP.
: For more information, refer to Shopper fields. -
– required for Sweden, Finland, Norway, and Denmark. Provide either the last four digits, or the full social security number. For more information, refer to Open Invoice fields. -
– this object contains billing address details. -
– only required if the delivery address is not the same as the billing address. This object contains delivery address details.
To specify what should be shown to the shopper, use the following fields:
– Specifies whether the shopper is allowed to view and/or modify the billing address fields. For more information, refer to Shopper fields.billingAddressType
– Specifies whether the shopper is allowed to view and/or modify the billing address fields. For more information, refer to Billing address and AVS fields.deliveryAddressType
– Specifies whether the shopper is allowed to view and/or modify the delivery address fields. For more information, refer to Risk fields.
Klarna payment request:
<html> <body> <form method="post" action="" id="adyenForm" name="adyenForm" target="_parent"> <input type="hidden" name="shopperEmail" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="shopperReference" value="YOUR_UNIQUE_SHOPPER_ID_IOfW3k9G2PvXFu2j" /> <input type="hidden" name="merchantSig" value="3iWDU/V5RMtdaiZC4YRIpoX9/v0=" /> <input type="hidden" name="sessionValidity" value="2014-10-11T10:30:00Z" /> <input type="hidden" name="shipBeforeDate" value="2014-10-20" /> <input type="hidden" name="shopperLocale" value="en_GB" /> <input type="hidden" name="merchantAccount" value="YOUR_MERCHANT_ACCOUNT" /> <input type="hidden" name="paymentAmount" value="10000" /> <input type="hidden" name="currencyCode" value="GBP" /> <input type="hidden" name="skinCode" value="4aD37dJA" /> <input type="hidden" name="merchantReference" value="Internet order 12345" /> <input type="hidden" name="recurringContract" value="RECURRING,ONECLICK" /> <!--Invoice Line Specification --> <input type="hidden" name="openinvoicedata.numberOfLines" value="2" /> <input type="hidden" name="openinvoicedata.refundDescription" value="Refund for testReference" /> <input type="hidden" name="openinvoicedata.line1.numberOfItems" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" name="openinvoicedata.line1.itemAmount" value="3500" /> <input type="hidden" name="openinvoicedata.line1.currencyCode" value="EUR" /> <input type="hidden" name="openinvoicedata.line1.itemVatAmount" value="665" /> <input type="hidden" name="openinvoicedata.line1.itemVatPercentage" value="1900" /> <input type="hidden" name="openinvoicedata.line1.vatCategory" value="High" /> <input type="hidden" name="openinvoicedata.line1.description" value="Description 1" /> <input type="hidden" name="openinvoicedata.line2.numberOfItems" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" name="openinvoicedata.line2.itemAmount" value="2100" /> <input type="hidden" name="openinvoicedata.line2.currencyCode" value="EUR" /> <input type="hidden" name="openinvoicedata.line2.itemVatAmount" value="399" /> <input type="hidden" name="openinvoicedata.line2.itemVatPercentage" value="1900" /> <input type="hidden" name="openinvoicedata.line2.vatCategory" value="Low" /> <input type="hidden" name="openinvoicedata.line2.description" value="Description 2" /> <input type="hidden" name="openinvoicedata.merchantData" value="d2hhdGV2ZXIga2xhcm5hIHJlcXVlc3RzIGZvciBFTUQgY2FuIGJlIHB1dCBoZXJlLg==" /> <!-- Buttons and offset --> <input type="hidden" name="offset" value="0" /> <input type="submit" value="Send" /> <input type="reset" /> </form> </body> </html>
API integration specific fields
When using our Classic API integration to make a RatePAY payment, you need to provide:
: A container for the shopper information. -
: The payment method that the shopper wants to use. Possible values:- ratepay
- afterpay_default
: The telephone number of the shopper. -
: Required for RatePAY only. To obtain this value, contact RatePAY.
The device fingerprint is provided by RatePAY, not Adyen. For more information, see RatePAY's Device fingerprinting documentation or contact RatePAY. -
: This object contains billing address details. -
: Only required if the delivery address is not the same as the billing address. This object contains delivery address details.
RatePAY payment request:
{ "merchantAccount":"YOUR_MERCHANT_ACCOUNT", "amount":{ "currency":"EUR", "value":"1000" }, "selectedBrand":"ratepay", "shopperEmail":"", "shopperReference":"YOUR_UNIQUE_SHOPPER_ID_IOfW3k9G2PvXFu2j", "shopperIP":"", "reference":"Test invoice", "shopperName":{ "firstName":"Johann", "lastName":"Strauss", "gender":"MALE" }, "dateOfBirth":"1941-03-21", "telephoneNumber":"0765260000", "billingAddress":{ "country":"DE", "city":"Neuss", "houseNumberOrName":"1", "street":"Hellersbergstrasse", "postalCode":"41460" }, "additionalData":{ "openinvoicedata.numberOfLines":"2", "openinvoicedata.line1.currencyCode":"EUR", "openinvoicedata.line1.description":"item 1", "openinvoicedata.line1.itemAmount":"3000", "openinvoicedata.line1.itemVatAmount":"0", "openinvoicedata.line1.itemVatPercentage":"0", "openinvoicedata.line1.numberOfItems":"1", "openinvoicedata.line1.vatCategory":"None", "openinvoicedata.line2.currencyCode":"EUR", "openinvoicedata.line2.description":"item 2", "openinvoicedata.line2.itemAmount":"5882", "openinvoicedata.line2.numberOfItems":"1", "openinvoicedata.line2.itemVatPercentage":"1900", "openinvoicedata.line2.itemVatAmount":"1118", "openinvoicedata.line2.vatCategory":"High", "openinvoicedata.merchantData":"ZXh0cmEgZGF0YSBoZXJl" } }
Step 2: Capture the payment
Unlike most other payments, payments made with Buy Now Pay Later payment methods have to be captured in order to be completed. Capturing the payment is what triggers the invoice to be sent to the shopper.
Payments made with Buy Now Pay Later payment methods need to be captured manually, even if you have enabled automatic capture for other payment methods. If you want to enable automatic capture for these payments, contact our Support Team.
You can capture Buy Now Pay Later payments in the same way as other payments, by making a call to the /capture endpoint. When partially capturing a Buy Now Pay Later payment, you also need to specify in your /capture call the price and product information to be included in the invoice.
It is not possible to do partial captures if there is only one invoice line.
Partial captures
When making a partial capture, you only ask the shopper to pay for some of the goods that they originally purchased. This is useful, for example, when an item is out of stock.
When you partially capture a payment, the remaining amount that you did not capture is automatically cancelled. If you do not want this to happen, for example if you want to perform multiple partial captures, contact our Support Team .
For multiple partial captures, Klarna works slightly different than RatePAY:
- RatePAY: One invoice is created per payment, and the shopper will receive a modified invoice on each capture.
- Klarna: A new invoice is created upon every capture.
When submitting a partial capture, add invoice lines to the additionalData
of the capture request, so an invoice can be sent to the shopper containing only captured items.
Partial capture request:
{ "merchantAccount" : "MyMerchantAccount", "modificationAmount" : { "currency" : "EUR", "value" : "800" }, "originalReference" : "81234567890123456", "additionalData" : { "openinvoicedata.line1.currencyCode" : "EUR", "openinvoicedata.line1.description" : "Shoes", "openinvoicedata.line1.itemAmount" : "661", "openinvoicedata.line1.itemVatAmount" : "139", "openinvoicedata.line1.itemVatPercentage" : "2100", "openinvoicedata.line1.numberOfItems" : "1", "openinvoicedata.line1.vatCategory" : "High", "openinvoicedata.numberOfLines" : "1" } }
Partial capture response:
{ "pspReference" : "8515071322806376", "response" : "[capture-received]" }
Refunds and cancellations
When a Buy Now Pay Later payment has not yet been captured, you can cancel it by making a request to the /cancel endpoint as usual. If a Buy Now Pay Later payment has already been captured and you want to return the funds to the shopper, you need to refund it by using the /refund endpoint.
When making a partial refund, for example if the shopper only returned a part of the order, you also need to include in the additionalData
of your refund request information about the returned items.
Partial refund request:
{ "merchantAccount" : "MyMerchantAccount", "modificationAmount" : { "currency" : "EUR", "value" : "800" }, "originalReference" : "81234567890123456", "additionalData" : { "acquirerReference" : "1004567890123", "openinvoicedata.line1.currencyCode" : "EUR", "openinvoicedata.line1.description" : "Shoes", "openinvoicedata.line1.itemAmount" : "661", "openinvoicedata.line1.itemVatAmount" : "139", "openinvoicedata.line1.itemVatPercentage" : "2100", "openinvoicedata.line1.numberOfItems" : "1", "openinvoicedata.line1.vatCategory" : "High", "openinvoicedata.numberOfLines" : "1" } }
Partial refund response:
{ "pspReference" : "8515071322806376", "response" : "[refund-received]" }
Invoice lines
When making a Buy Now Pay Later payment, you need to provide the price and product information, to be included on the invoice sent to the shopper. You can do this using the openinvoicedata
When using API integration, the openinvoicedata
fields are child elements of additionalData
. Each field represents a key and not a JSON structure.
"amount":{ "currency":"SEK", "value":"1000" }, "additionalData":{ "openinvoicedata.numberOfLines":"2", "openinvoicedata.line1.currencyCode":"SEK", "openinvoicedata.line1.description":"Shoes", "openinvoicedata.line1.itemAmount":"331", "openinvoicedata.line1.itemVatAmount":"69", "openinvoicedata.line1.itemVatPercentage":"2100", "openinvoicedata.line1.numberOfItems":"1", "openinvoicedata.line1.vatCategory":"High", "openinvoicedata.line2.currencyCode":"SEK", "openinvoicedata.line2.description":"Socks", "openinvoicedata.line2.itemAmount":"248", "openinvoicedata.line2.itemVatAmount":"52", "openinvoicedata.line2.itemVatPercentage":"2100", "openinvoicedata.line2.numberOfItems":"2", "openinvoicedata.line2.vatCategory":"High" }
For your request to be successful, the amounts stated in your request need to be correct:
For each line, the tax amount (
) has to match the tax percentage (itemVatPercentage
), given the amount excluding tax (itemAmount
= (itemAmount
)In the example above, 69 = (331 * 0,21), and 52 = (248 * 0,21).
specified in theamount
has to match the total amount of the invoice lines. To calculate the total amount of the invoice lines, refer to the following pseudo-code:total = 0; for each (invoiceLine in lineItems) { total += (itemAmount + itemVatAmount) * quantity; } totalValue = total; In the example above: (331 + 69) * 1 = 400, and (248 + 52) * 2 = 600, so
= 400 + 600 = 1000.
RatePAY Installments
RatePAY installments are currently only possible via an API integration.
Contact RatePAY to discuss installment rates you can offer your shoppers to prevent refusals.
Follow the same implementation process as with other Buy Now Pay Later payment methods and add the following:
– set the value to ratepay (there is no separate value for installments).- Add the installment object to define the number of installments.
Add the following items in the
- (required) - Amount the customer has to pay each month.ratepay.lastInstallmentAmount
- (required) - Amount of the last installment.ratepay.interestRate
- (required) - Interest rate for this installment.ratepay.paymentFirstday
- (optional) - Calendar day of the first payment. Example value: 28.