Android profiles are a convenient way to set up an automatic installation of apps on your Android payment terminals. After you upload your apps to your Customer Area, you can add them to an Android profile and specify the conditions when the profile applies.
Conditions you can use are stores, countries/regions, and Android terminal models. For example, you can create a profile for S1E terminals in 12 of your stores in the US, and add two apps to the profile. The two apps are then automatically installed on all S1E terminals in those stores. When a new S1E terminal is boarded in one of the 12 US stores, that terminal gets the two apps as well. If you later replace one of the apps in the profile with a new version or add a third app, all terminals that the profile applies to automatically install the new app version, or the third app.
Use cases
Here are some situations when Android profiles are helpful:
Boarding a terminal to a store: the terminal automatically installs the apps from the profile that applies to the store. This is the case for:
- New terminals
- Replacement terminals
Terminal migrations
Country profiles: you define one profile for your stores in the US and another profile for your stores in the UK.
Different uses: you define a profile with different apps for different terminal models.
Step 1: Create a profile
- In your Customer Area go to In-person payments > Android and select the Profiles tab.
- Select Create profile.
- Enter the Name and Description for your profile.
- Select the conditions when the profile should apply:
a. Select stores: this installs apps from the profile to all terminals assigned to the selected stores
b. Select countries/regions: this installs apps from the profile to all terminals assigned to the selected countries/regions
c. Select models: this installs apps from the profile only to the selected terminal models
d. Select merchants: this installs apps from the profile to all terminals under the selected merchant accountIf you do not specify any conditions, the profile applies to all terminals in your company account.
- Select Save.
You cannot have two Android profiles with the same conditions defined.
Step 2: Add apps to your profile
- Under In-person payments > Android > Profiles, select your profile.
- Select Add app.
- Under App name, select apps from the list of apps uploaded to your company account.
Only apps that have reached the Ready status show.
- Under Version, select the app version from the drop-down list.
- In the dialog box, select Add app.
You can still add apps and certificates to terminals by manually scheduling the deployment of apps and certificates. However, this overwrites the apps from the profile that is applied to the terminal.
Update a profile
- Under In-person payments > Android > Profiles, select your profile.
- To change the profile name, description, and conditions, select Edit.
- To update an app, select the
icon for the app and select Edit app version.
- To delete an app, select the
icon for the app and select Remove app.
- To add apps, select Add app.
- Select Save.
App deployment
Android profiles are part of the configuration of the terminal. Terminals receive their configuration when they are boarded, or when they make a maintenance call.
If a terminal is not boarded yet, it will install the apps from the Android profile as soon as the terminal is boarded. This enables you, for example, to prepare for the opening of a new store.
If a terminal is already boarded, it implements the Android profile immediately after the maintenance call. Apps are installed or uninstalled depending on the profile and any updates to the profile.
If the profile updates an Android app that is already installed on the terminal and that happens to be open, the app closes.