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S1U2 user manual

Get started with the S1U2 unattended payment terminal.

Supplied components

  • S1U2 payment terminal
  • Cable that connects the terminal to the ethernet cable, audio output, and the region-specific power plug for charging
  • Barcode scanning camera
  • Cellular communication antenna
  • eSIM card (pre-installed)
  • USB cable

The S1U2 is an all-in-one Android payment terminal suitable for unattended environments and outdoor use. It has a front camera and a barcode scanner and allows shoppers to pay by swiping, inserting, or tapping their card or mobile wallet.

Get started

Get your new unattended terminal up and running:

  1. Assign the terminal to your store.
  2. Inspect the terminal.
  3. Set up the S1U2 terminal:
    1. Mount the terminal in the front panel of the kiosk or self-service machine.
    2. Connect the cables.
    3. Board the terminal.
    4. Update the terminal software.
  4. Do any remaining steps related to mounting the terminal.

When you have completed these steps, you are ready to process payments!

Assign the terminal

During the installation, the S1U2 terminal obtains its configuration by boarding itself to your store. Contrary to most other terminals, you always need to assign an unattended terminal to a store before boarding the terminal.

Inspect the terminal

Como os terminais processam dados confidenciais do cartão, é importante garantir que o terminal que você recebeu seja o terminal Adyen correto e que não tenha sido adulterado. Se alguma das seguintes verificações falhar, entre em contato com nossa Support Team imediatamente.

  1. Verifique se a caixa que contém o terminal não foi aberta e se o selo de segurança está intacto.
    O selo de segurança é uma etiqueta vermelha com um código de barras e um número, colada na tampa da caixa.

  2. Se você tiver acesso à Customer Area da Adyen, faça o login e, em Point of sale, localize o pedido do seu terminal. Então:

    • Verifique se o terminal serial number (S/N) na caixa é igual ao da área do cliente.
    • Verifique se o security seal number na caixa é igual ao da área do cliente.
    • Usando as informações de track & trace na área do cliente, acompanhe o pedido com a transportadora para verificar se eles confirmam a entrega do terminal de pagamento.

  3. Quebre o selo de segurança, retire o terminal da caixa e verifique se o terminal serial number (S/N) no próprio terminal é o mesmo que o número de série na caixa.

  4. Inspecione o terminal quanto a adulteração. Verifique se faltam vedações ou parafusos, fios ou etiquetas adicionais, orifícios no dispositivo e qualquer coisa inserida ou conectada a qualquer parte do terminal, como o leitor de cartões ou as portas.

Mount the terminal

You need to mount the S1U2 payment terminal on your vending, ticketing, multimedia kiosk, or other self-service solutions. To learn how to mount S1U2, see:

Connect the cables

  1. Connect the MDB harness cable to the back of the terminal. This cable connects the terminal to the power supply, and optionally to the audio output device.

    You cannot use the MDB harness cable to connect the Ethernet cable. You need to connect it directly into the terminal between the MDB slot and the SIM/SAM card slots.

  2. Connect the cellular communication antenna cable to the antenna slot with the label MAIN. To boost the signal, you can also connect two antennas.
  3. If your use case requires it, connect your self-service device to the S1U2 using the USB-A or USB-C slots on the back.

The S1U2 terminal now starts up.

Connect to your network

Connect your terminal to the internet so that it can communicate with the plataforma de pagamentos da Adyen and your own back-end systems.

Connect to Wi-Fi

  1. After selecting your language on the Welcome screen, select the arrow button:
  2. On the Setup Wi-Fi screen, select the + sign.
  3. Turn on the WLAN toggle switch.
  4. Select a Wi-Fi network from the list, or select the + sign and add the name (SSID) of the Wi-Fi network.
  5. Enter the Wi-Fi password.
  6. Select OK.
    The terminal sets the network as default automatically, and connects to it.
    You'll now see a Wi-Fi icon at the top of the display.

Updating the connection settings

If you need to change Wi-Fi usage later:

  1. Select Settings > Network.
  2. Enter your passcode.
  3. Select Wi-Fi. You can now:
    • Turn Wi-Fi on or off using the WLAN toggle switch.
    • Add another network as described above.

Cellular 3G/4G failover

Your S1U2 terminal can automatically switch to processing payments using a cellular connection when the internet connection fails. Adyen terminals come with a pre-installed and activated SIM (eSIM) card, so you can use the cellular network immediately to board the terminal.
However, terminals boarded before 2022 might not have the SIM card activated if you did not set up the card subscription with us at the time.
When in doubt, contact our Support Team.

Board the terminal

Remember that the terminal can only board if it is assigned to your store.

  1. When the display shows Board the terminal, on the screen press OK.
  2. When the display shows the store that the terminal is assigned to, press OK to confirm.

Update the terminal software

  1. Under Settings, select Device info > Software version.
  2. Enter the Admin & Settings passcode and select Continue.
  3. Select Install now.

When the terminal finishes downloading and installing the software, it reboots. After that, you are ready to accept payments.

Payment terminal menus

Menu/Button Description Passcode

  • Device info: view information about the payment terminal, like the serial number, configuration version, and store details. Update the software version. Scan to connect to the terminal.
  • Network: enable and configure network connections. Enable airplane mode.
  • Configuration: view, update, or remove the configuration version.
  • Display: adjust the screen brightness.
  • Diagnostics: run network connection tests or send us a diagnostic report.
  • Apps: overview of the apps and certificates installed on the terminal. If an app is scheduled to be installed or removed, this action is carried out when you open this menu.
  • No passcode required:
    • Device info
    • Diagnostics
    • Display
  • Admin & Settings passcode:
    • Apps
    • Configuration
    • Network
    • Device info> Software version

  • History: view transactions stored on the terminal.
  • Totals: view a transaction totals report. Reset transaction totals.
  • New transaction: Refund, MOTO payment, MOTO refund, Manual key entry as a standalone terminal. Select the AID priority.
  • Transactions passcode required:
    • History
    • Totals
    • New transaction
  • Refunds passcode required:
    • New transaction > Refund

You can get the passcodes from your Customer Area or from your company's admin user.

Device info

To view information about the terminal:

  • Select Settings > Device info.

The screen shows:

  • Model, serial number, and IP address of the terminal.
  • Software version that the terminal currently uses.
  • The configuration version.
  • Merchant account that the terminal belongs to.
  • The store that the terminal is boarded to, and the store address.
  • A button to show a QR code with device info.
    When you contact our Support Team, they may ask you to scan this QR code.

Kiosk mode

The kiosk mode is intended for payment terminals in unattended environments, such as next to a vending machine, token dispenser, or parking payment systems. It allows the use of the payment terminals without the risk of customers powering off the terminal or entering the settings of special payment menus.

To configure the kiosk mode, contact our Support Team. Ask them to enable one or all of the following features:

  • Set a different default app. Customers can only interact with an Android app that you uploaded on the payment terminal.
  • Hide the navigation buttons. Customers cannot use the Android buttons at the bottom of the screen to change or minimize the default app.
  • Hide the menu buttons. The Settings and Transactions menu buttons do not show on the home screen.

Solução de problemas


Se houver algum problema com o seu terminal, tente primeiro diagnosticar e resolver o problema usando a nossa seção Solução de problemas para POS. Na maioria das vezes, essa será a solução mais rápida.

Solicitar assistência

Se você não conseguir resolver o problema usando a seção de solução de problemas, envie um e-mail para a Support Team.

Providencie as seguintes informações:

  • Conta do comerciante.
  • Referência PSP, se aplicável.
  • Número de série do terminal. Este número está impresso na parte traseira do terminal. Por exemplo: S / N: 123-456-789.