Review individual cases or automate actions from your Customer Area after Score identifies potential fraudulent behavior or other unusual activity.
Before you begin, take into account the following requirements and limitations.
Requirement | Description |
Customer Area roles | To review cases and take direct action, you require the following role:
Webhooks | You can configure webhooks for risk signals. |
Limitations | Score is included by default if you created your marketplace after October 2024. If you do not have Score yet, contact your Adyen account manager. |
Set up automated actions
You can set up automated actions to act immediately when a risk rule triggers because a risk signal was detected. Use the automated actions log to review which actions were taken, to unblock users or keep them blocked.
To set up automated actions in your Customer Area:
- Go to Score > Risk rules.
- Select the rule you want to edit, or select Create custom risk rule.
- Enter a rule name and description, and select the rule type.
- Select the rule conditions.
Configure the automated actions that you want to take when the risk rule triggers because the risk signal is detected:
Impact on risk score:
- If you want to influence the risk score, leave the default selection. Continue with Level of impact.
- If you do not want to influence the risk score, toggle the switch to turn off the risk score impact. Continue with Automated action.
Level of impact:
Select the level of impact: None, Low, Medium, High or Max.Automated action:
Select the automated action you want to take: None, Bump KYC tier or Disable payouts. - Select Create rule.
The new rule will appear as a custom rule on the Score > Risk rules page in the applicable rule category. You can see a summary of all Adyen and custom risk rules, including the parameters, the impact on the risk score, and the configured action for each category.
To ensure that the rules function in the best way for your business, you can review the log of the automated actions that have been taken. You can open the Automated actions log from the Score page in your Customer Area.
Review and filter cases
When one of your users triggers a risk rule and gets flagged with a risk signal, this appears as an open case in the Case management dashboard in your Customer Area.
To open the case management dashboard in your Customer Area, go to Score > View cases or select View default filters if there are no open cases.
You can find all open, reviewed, and suspicious cases on this dashboard, and take action if needed. The dashboard shows a list of users in your balance platform and all risk-related information about them, such as risk signals, processed volume, and overall risk score.
You can configure how the case management dashboard shows information by personalizing and saving sorted and filtered views. For example, you can divide cases between teams by assigning team members to review a subset of your users by saving sorted and filtered views.
When a new risk signal is detected and flagged, the case appears in the Open tab. You can then review the case and decide if you want to take action on the case.
Take action
After you review an open case, you can:
Take direct action
To take a specific action on a user in your Customer Area:
- Go to Accounts & balances > Account holders, or select the account holder from the case management dashboard.
- In the account holder details, select Score > Take action.
You can:
- Mark the case as Reviewed, moving it out of the Open queue.
- Mark the case as Suspicious, adding it to a separate high risk queue.
- Block or re-enable payouts.
- Suspend the account.
- Add KYC values to the high risk list. Only add KYC values from confirmed fraudulent users.
- Trust linked accounts. You can use this to prevent a known and trusted account from appearing in case management.
Mute risk signals
If a risk signal triggers that does not represent a risk for that user, you can flag these signals as false positives and prevent them triggering risk rules again for a certain period of time.
To mute a signal in your Customer Area:
- Go to Accounts & balances > Account holders and select the account holder.
Alternatively, you can select the account holder on the case management dashboard. - Select the Score tab.
- In the Risk signals section, find and expand the signal, and then select Mute signal.
- Select the period for which you want to mute the signal.
You can mute the signal for a week, a month, a year or indefinitely, and add a note. - Select Mute signal.
Exclude values from linked accounts
Score may identify and link accounts sharing information that is not relevant for detecting fraud. When you know that a certain KYC value is not relevant, you can exclude that KYC value from being used to create links between your marketplace's users. This can be useful, for example, when you know that a phone number or a registration address is used for several different users.
To exclude an identifier in your Customer Area:
- Go to Accounts & balances > Account holders and select the account holder.
Alternatively, you can select the account holder on the case management dashboard. - Select the Score tab.
- In the Linked accounts section, you see a list of all the linked identifiers, and the number of times that specific identifier is present.
- Select Exclude KYC details.
This action cannot be undone and is permanent. You will be asked to confirm this action.
Manage high risk lists
You can use the high risk lists to add KYC values or attributes from fraudulent users. You can manage high risk lists for the following attributes:
- Account holder email
- Phone number
- Personal data
- Bank account
- Account holder address
- Tax ID
Add a single KYC value to a high risk list
To add an item to a high risk list in your Customer Area:
- Go to Score > High risk list.
- Select the high risk list to which you want to add the item.
- Select Add item(s) > Add items manually.
- Enter the details and select Add to list.
Bulk upload KYC values to a high risk list
To add known malicious KYC attributes in bulk, upload a CSV file to the high risk list.
To upload a CSV file in your Customer Area:
- Go to Score > High risk list.
- Select the high risk list to which you want to bulk upload items.
- Select Add item(s) > Upload CSV.
- Upload one or more values using the specified CSV format.