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Terms of Service

Get your users to accept Adyen's Terms of Service

Your users must accept Adyen's Terms of Service before they can perform particular actions in your marketplace. If you build your own UI to collect data to onboard your users, you must generate a Terms of Service document, show the document to your users, and ask them to accept it. If you are using hosted onboarding, your user will complete this step as part of the onboarding process.

The Terms of Service document must be accepted by an individual legal entity that represents a physical person. For organizations, the document must be accepted by an authorized signatory of the organization. For example:

  • A cardholder accepts the document on their own behalf.
  • The owner of a restaurant accepts the document on behalf of the legal entity that represents the business.


Make sure that you have API credentials for the Legal Entity Management API and that you have created legal entities for:

  • The user that has a contractual relationship with your marketplace.
  • The individual legal entity who will accept the document.

Step 1: Confirm Terms of Service requirements

When you create an account holder, certain capabilities are requested for them. To check whether your user must accept the Terms of Service, listen to balancePlatform.accountHolder.updated webhooks.

If your user is required to accept Adyen's Terms of Service, it is indicated in the verificationErrors array.

balancePlatform.accountHolder.updated webhook - with verification errors array
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"message":"Terms Of Service forms are not accepted.",
"message":"Accept TOS"
"description":"Test Account holder",

Step 2: Get the types of Terms of Service required

If your user is required to accept Adyen's Terms of Service, you must determine which types of documents they need to accept. Make a GET /legalEntities/{id}/termsOfServiceStatus request, specifying the id of the main legal entity in the path. For sole proprietorships, this is the individual legal entity ID of the owner.

Note that your user may need to accept more than one Terms of Service document.

In your test environment, only the document type adyenForPlatformsAdvanced is returned regardless of your actual integration. This is since all accounts use the same default configuration. In your live environment, the actual Terms of Service document types are returned.

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"termsOfServiceTypes": [

Step 3: Generate the Terms of Service documents

To generate the Terms of Service documents, make a POST /legalEntities/{id}/termsOfService request, specifying the id of the main legal entity in the path. For sole proprietorships, this is the individual legal entity ID of the owner.

Parameter Required Description
type -white_check_mark- The type of document based on the services and capabilities requested by the user and your platform integration.
language -white_check_mark- The language used for the Terms of Service document, specified by the two letter ISO 639-1 language code. Possible value: en for English.
termsOfServiceDocumentFormat The requested format for the Terms of Service document. Default value: JSON. Possible values: JSON, PDF, or TXT.
Generate the Terms of Service document
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curl \
-d '{
"type": "adyenForPlatformsAdvanced",
"language": "en"

The response returns the following information:

Parameter Description
document The generated document in the Base64-encoded format.
id The unique identifier of the organization legal entity.
language The language of the document.
type The type of document based on the services and capabilities requested by the user and your platform integration.
termsOfServiceDocumentId The unique identifier of the document.
termsOfServiceDocumentFormat The requested format for the Terms of Service document. Default value: JSON. Possible values: JSON, PDF, or TXT.
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"id": "LE00000000000000000000001",
"type": "adyenForPlatformsAdvanced",
"language": "en",
"document": "termsOfServiceDocumentResponse" ,
"termsOfServiceDocumentId": "abc123",
"termsOfServiceDocumentFormat": "JSON"

The response returns the document and its unique termsOfServiceDocumentId.

Your user may need to accept more than one Terms of Service document depending on your integration. In this case, every required document and termsOfServiceDocumentId is returned in the response.

You will need to present the document to your user in the next step. Use the document ID when you confirm your user has accepted the Terms of Service.

Step 4: Present the Terms of Service document to your user

You need to ask your user to review and accept the Terms of Service document. The process to do this depends on the format of the document.

To present the document to your user, you can use the Adyen Document Viewer to render the document in your website.

Before passing the document to the Adyen Document Viewer, you need to decode it.

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const documentViewer = new AdyenDocumentViewer('#test');
const document = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(escape(window.atob(termsOfServiceDocumentResponse.document))));

Install the Adyen Document Viewer package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-document-viewer --save

Import the Adyen Document Viewer Node package into your application. You can add your own styling by overriding the rules in the CSS file.

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import AdyenDocumentViewer from '@adyen/adyen-document-viewer';
import '@adyen/adyen-document-viewer/dist/adyen-document-viewer.min.css';

Step 5: Accept the Terms of Service

To confirm that your user has accepted the Terms of Service, make a PATCH /legalEntities/{id}/termsOfService/termsOfServicedocumentid request, specifying the id of the main legal entity and the termsOfServiceDocumentId of the document in the path. For sole proprietorships, include the legal entity ID of the owner in the path. For organizations, include the legal entity ID of the organization in the path.

In the body of the request, specify the following:

Parameter Required Description
acceptedBy -white_check_mark- The individual legal entity id of the user accepting the Terms of Service. For sole proprietorships, this is the individual legal entity ID of the owner. For organizations, this is the legal entity ID of an authorized signatory for the organization.
ipAddress The IP address of the user.

This request populates the Terms of Service document with the data of the main legal entity. For sole proprietorships, this is the information for the individual legal entity of the owner. For organizations, this means the document contains both the data for the organization and the individual legal entity of the authorized signatory who accepted the document.

Accept Terms of Service document
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curl \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
"acceptedBy" : "LE00000000000000000000002",
"ipAddress" : ""

The response returns the following information.

Parameter Description
acceptedBy The individual legal entity id of the user who accepted the terms of service.
id The unique identifier of the accepted document.
ipAddress The IP address of the user. Only if provided in the request.
language The language of the document.
termsOfServiceDocumentId The unique identifier of the document.
type The type of document based on the services and capabilities requested by the user and your platform integration.
Terms of Service document accepted
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"acceptedBy": "LE00000000000000000000002",
"id": "TOSA000AB00000000B2AAAB2BA0AA0",
"ipAddress": "",
"language": "en",
"termsOfServiceDocumentId": "abc123",
"type": "adyenForPlatformsAdvanced"

To see the Terms of Service information for a legal entity, make a GET /legalEntities/{id}/termsOfServiceAcceptanceInfos request with the id of the main legal entity in the path. For sole proprietorships, this is the individual legal entity ID of the owner.

Get Terms of Service information for a legal entity
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curl \
-X GET \

The response returns information about the Terms of Service document linked to the legal entity.

Parameter Description
createdAt The date the document was created.
id The unique identifier of the accepted document.
acceptedBy The id of the individual who accepted the terms of service.
acceptedFor The id of the main legal entity.
type The type of document based on the services and capabilities requested by the user and your platform integration.
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"data": [
"acceptedBy": "LE00000000000000000000002",
"acceptedFor": "LE00000000000000000000001",
"createdAt": "2022-12-05T13:36:58.212253Z",
"id": "TOSA000AB00000000B2AAAB2BA0AA0",
"type": "adyenForPlatformsAdvanced"