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Reports and fee types

Learn about relevant report data and how you can use it to reconcile your balance platform accounts.

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To ensure accurate accounting of funds within your balance platform, you can use Adyen-generated reports for your bookkeeping and reconciliation processes. You can generate those reports automatically according to a specific schedule, or manually on-demand.

Before you start generating reports and building your reconciliation flow, it is important to understand:

  • The reports that you can use for reconciliation.
  • How split payments are reflected in the reports.
  • The types of fees that you can track in the reports.

Report types

Adyen generates reports for your Adyen account and for your balance platform. You can use these reports to do common reconciliation processes. For complete financial reconciliation over a period of a month, you need to use a combination of Adyen account reports and balance platform reports. For other common reconciliation tasks you can use the data from just one report.

The diagram below shows the Adyen account reports and the balance platform reports that are most relevant for tracking how balance platform funds flow.

Adyen account reports

Reports for your Adyen account contain payments processing details and invoices.

Report What to use this report for
Report What to use this report for
Received payment details report Get detailed insights about individual payment interactions.

This report includes some customer insights, payment information (such as payment method, issuing country/region, channel), interaction (such as if 3D Secure authentication was triggered), as well as statuses and reason codes.
Payment accounting report

Required for full financial reconciliation.
Get details of payment lifecycle events, including the fees associated with each event. Understand the breakdown of payment processing costs and get retrospective cost insight.

With the cost breakdown, you can allocate payment costs at account holder level which you may want to include in your full monthly reconciliation. This report does not contain balance platform transaction charges, such as those applied for payouts, funds transfers, and KYC checks.
Settlement details report

Optional for full financial reconciliation.
This report includes the payment funds and per-transaction costs that are available on the accounting reports, as well as the total balance adjustments originating from the Monthly invoice. This report also includes any one-off inbound wire transfer deposits to your balance platform, so that you can optionally track these amounts to default liable account postings.
Monthly invoice

Required for full financial reconciliation.
Get a summary of all assessed fees and adjustments applied during the preceding month. Use as part of a full monthly reconciliation of balance platform operating costs. Get insights into the overall balance platform margin.

Adjustments will pass through the settlement flow to your balance platform, and are traceable in the Settlement details report for your Adyen account and the Balance Platform Accounting Report for your balance platform.

Platform reports

Reports for your balance platform connect events to specific account holders. Reports related to funds also provide details about events that affect account balances for each account holder.

Report What to use this report for
Report What to use this report for
Balance Platform Accounting Report

Required for full financial reconciliation.
Track all balance changes on a daily basis, or use the interactive (customizable) version of this report to track balance changes for a specific account holder or balance account over a longer period. Confirm the balance changes that you are informed of through webhooks for individual transactions in the same period. Track events that influenced balance changes.

This report covers all balance accounts in your balance platform, including liable accounts and the accounts of your users.
Balance Platform Balance Report Get the opening and closing balances of all the accounts in your balance platform, including your liable account, on a daily basis.
Balance Platform Statement Report Get the opening and closing balances on a daily basis for all accounts that had a balance change on that day. See the events that influenced the balance change. Track transactions included in scheduled payouts and on-demand payouts.

Split instructions in reports

Funds are credited or debited to the account holders in your balance platform based on the split instructions that you provide at payment or capture.

When you split a payment between two (or more) balance accounts, the Balance Platform Accounting Report shows the splits as two (or more) separate lines with Category platformPayment. You can identify matching lines by the matching Psp Payment Psp Reference. The split amounts are credited or debited to the balance accounts specified in the split payment instructions.

If you do not provide split payment instructions, Adyen credits or debits the amount from your liable account. For example, when you do not provide split instructions in a partial refund, the funds are debited from your liable account.

Fee types

Your balance platform incurs fees, such as fees for each received payment and fees for premium features. The fees vary depending on the transaction.

Adyen deducts fees from settlement, and by default debits them from your balance platform's liable balance account. To fully reconcile these fees over the course of a month, you need to get totals and the breakdown from different reports.

In general, the reports contain the following kinds of fees:

  • Balance Platform Accounting Report: breakdown of per-transaction payment fees (Interchange, Scheme fees, Markup, Commission) for transactions with captured funds and which are therefore booked to balance accounts. These same fees are also included in the Payment accounting report and the Settlement details report for your Adyen account.
  • Payment accounting report: breakdown of all per-transaction payment fees, and the Processing fees. Processing fees can exist for transactions that do not have funds to book to balance accounts.
  • Monthly invoice: totals of fees incurred during the month, including fees charged on a monthly basis, and any adjustments due.
  • Settlement details report: aggregate total lines for the Processing fees detailed in the Payment accounting report, and any overall adjustment from a Monthly invoice. When these fees are settled through to your balance platform's liable balance account, the same totals are included in the Balance Platform Accounting Report for your balance platform.

The next table shows some common fees that your balance platform can incur, and the reports where you can find those fees.

Fee Assessment basis Find this fee in Description of fee
Fee Assessment basis Find this fee in Description of fee
Interchange Per transaction BP Accounting Report Payment fee assessed by issuing banks.
Scheme fees Per transaction BP Accounting Report Payment fee assessed by card schemes.
Markup Per transaction BP Accounting Report Adyen payment fee under Interchange ++ pricing.
Commission Per transaction BP Accounting Report Adyen payment fee under blended rates.
Processing Per relevant instruction Payment accounting report Adyen fee for processing specific types of payment instruction. These can be instructions for events that do not change the account balance.
FanF Total transactions over period Monthly invoice The Fixed Acquirer Network Fee. This payment fee is assessed by Visa and only applies to the US.
Merchant Location Fee Per store Monthly invoice This payment fee is assessed by Mastercard and only applies to the US.
Fund Transfer Service Per instruction Monthly invoice Adyen balance platform fee for funds transfers.
Payout Service Per instruction Monthly invoice Adyen balance platform fee for external funds transfers.
KYC Service Fee Per sub-merchant Monthly invoice Adyen balance platform fee for sub-merchant KYC and verification services.

Next steps

In the next section, we describe how to approach common reconciliation processes and the reports that you can use to implement them.