2_101 |
Add individual.identificationData to legal entity |
2_102 |
Add individual.name.firstName to legal entity |
2_103 |
Add individual.name.lastName to legal entity |
2_104 |
Add individual.residentialAddress.country to legal entity |
2_105 |
Add individual.residentialAddress.stateOrProvince to legal entity |
2_106 |
Add individual.residentialAddress.street to legal entity |
2_107 |
Add individual.residentialAddress.city to legal entity |
2_108 |
Add individual.residentialAddress.postalcode to legal entity |
2_109 |
Add individual.residentialAddress.street2 to legal entity |
2_110 |
Add individual.nationality to legal entity |
2_112 |
Add individual.birthData.dateOfBirth to legal entity |
2_113 |
Add bankAccount.iban to bank account |
2_114 |
Add bankAccount.accountNumber to bank account |
2_115 |
Add bank account |
2_116 |
Add bankAccount.branchCode to bank account |
2_117 |
Add organization.registrationNumber to legal entity |
2_118 |
Add organization.taxId to legal entity |
2_119 |
Add attachments to document |
2_120 |
Add individual.name to legal entity |
2_121 |
Add individual.birthData to legal entity |
2_122 |
Add individual.residentialAddress to legal entity |
2_123 |
Add organization.entityAssociations of type uboThroughOwnership to legal entity |
2_124 |
Add organization.entityAssociations of type signatory to legal entity |
2_125 |
Add organization.type to legal entity |
2_126 |
Upload a document |
2_127 |
Upload a drivers license |
2_128 |
Upload the front of a drivers license |
2_129 |
Upload the back of a drivers license |
2_130 |
Upload the front of an ID card |
2_131 |
Upload the back of an ID card |
2_132 |
Add organization.legalName to legal entity |
2_133 |
Add organization.doingBusinessAs to legal entity |
2_134 |
Upload a VAT document |
2_135 |
Add bankAccount.sortCode to bank account |
2_136 |
Add business line |
2_137 |
Upload a proof of registration |
2_138 |
Add individual.identificationData.number to legal entity |
2_139 |
Add individual.identificationData.type to legal entity |
2_140 |
Add bankAccount.accountType to bank account |
2_141 |
Add bankAccount.bankBicSwift to bank account |
2_142 |
Add bankAccount.bankCity to bank account |
2_143 |
Add bankAccount.bankCode to bank account |
2_144 |
Add bankAccount.bankName to bank account |
2_145 |
Add bankAccount.checkCode to bank account |
2_146 |
Add bankAccount.bankCountry to bank account |
2_147 |
Add bankAccount.currencyCode to bank account |
2_148 |
Add organization.stockData.marketIdentifier to legal entity |
2_149 |
Add organization.stockData.stockNumber to legal entity |
2_150 |
Add organization.stockData.tickerSymbol to legal entity |
2_151 |
Add organization.entityAssociations of type uboThroughControl to legal entity |
2_152 |
Add individual.email to legal entity |
2_153 |
Add phone.number to legal entity |
2_154 |
Add phone.type to legal entity |
2_155 |
Add phone.countryCode to legal entity |
2_156 |
Add entityAssociation.jobTitle to legal entity |
2_157 |
Upload a passport |
2_158 |
Add organization.vatNumber to legal entity |
2_159 |
Add source of funds to business line |
2_160 |
Add businessLine.sourceOfFunds.type to business line |
2_161 |
Add businessLine.sourceOfFunds.dateOfFundsReceived to business line |
2_162 |
Add businessLine.sourceOfFunds.dateOfSourceEvent to business line |
2_163 |
Add businessLine.sourceOfFunds.purpose to business line |
2_164 |
Add businessLine.sourceOfFunds.adyenProcessedFunds to business line |
2_165 |
Add businessLine.sourceOfFunds.cryptocurrencyExchange to business line |
2_166 |
Add businessLine.sourceOfFunds.description to business line |
2_167 |
Add businessLine.sourceOfFunds.relationship to business line |
2_168 |
Add business.sourceOfFunds.originatorSourceOfFundsType to business line |
2_169 |
Add businessLine.sourceOfFunds.amount to business line |
2_170 |
Add tax information to legal entity |
2_171 |
Add taxInformation.number to legal entity |
2_172 |
Add taxInformation.type to legal entity |
2_173 |
Add taxInformation.country to legal entity |
2_174 |
Add proofOfIndividualTaxId to legal entity |
2_175 |
Add vatDocument to legal entity |
2_176 |
Add industryCode to business line |
2_177 |
Add channel to business line |
2_178 |
Add webAddress to business line |
2_179 |
Add taxReportingClassification to legal entity |
2_180 |
Add taxReportingClassification.type to legal entity |
2_181 |
Add taxReportingClassification.businessType to legal entity |
2_182 |
Add taxReportingClassification.mainSourceOfIncome to legal entity |
2_183 |
Add taxReportingClassification.financialInstitutionNumber to legal entity |
2_184 |
Add constitutional document for verification to legal entity |
2_185 |
Add organization.entityAssociations of type director to legal entity |
2_186 |
Add trust.entityAssociations of type settlor to legal entity |
2_187 |
Add trust.entityAssociations of type definedBeneficiary to legal entity |
2_188 |
Add proofOfOwnership document document for verification to legal entity |
2_189 |
Add soleProprietorship.registrationNumber to legal entity |
2_190 |
Add partnership.entityAssociations of type secondaryPartner to legal entity |
2_191 |
Add organization.dateOfIncorporation to legal entity |
2_192 |
Add soleProprietorship.dateOfIncorporation to legal entity |
2_193 |
Add trust.entityAssociations of type undefinedBeneficiary to legal entity |
2_194 |
Add organization.registeredAddress.postalCode to legal entity |
2_195 |
Add organization.principalPlaceOfBusiness.country to legal entity |
2_196 |
Add organization.registeredAddress.country to legal entity |
2_197 |
Add organization.principalPlaceOfBusiness.stateOrProvince to legal entity |
2_198 |
Add organization.registeredAddress.stateOrProvince to legal entity |
2_198 |
Add organization.principalPlaceOfBusiness.street to legal entity |
2_206 |
Add organization.registeredAddress.street to legal entity |
2_207 |
Add organization.principalPlaceOfBusiness.city to legal entity |
2_208 |
Add organization.registeredAddress.city to legal entity |
2_209 |
Add organization.principalPlaceOfBusiness.postalCode to legal entity |
2_210 |
Add organization.registeredAddress.street2 to legal entity |
2_211 |
Add organization.principalPlaceOfBusiness.street2 to legal entity |
2_212 |
Add trust.description to legal entity |
2_213 |
Add taxInformation from the registeredAddress.country to legal entity |
2_214 |
Upload a proof of funding or wealth source |
2_215 |
Upload a live selfie |
2_216 |
Update Legal Entity Type |
2_217 |
Add tax information to legal entity |
2_218 |
Add taxInformation.number to legal entity |
2_219 |
Add taxInformation.type to legal entity |
2_220 |
Add taxInformation.country to legal entity |
2_221 |
Add individual.entityAssociations of type legalRepresentative to legal entity |
2_222 |
Upload a proof of relationship to individual |
2_223 |
Add organization.countryOfGoverningLaw to legal entity |
2_224 |
Add taxInformation or legalArrangement to legal entity |
2_225 |
Add financial report to legal entity |
2_226 |
Provide number of employees for legal entity |
2_227 |
Provide balance sheet total for legal entity |
2_228 |
Provide annual turnover for legal entity |
2_229 |
Add businessLine.sourceOfFunds.annualTurnover to business line |
2_230 |
Add businessLine.sourceOfFunds.originatorLegalEntityId to business line |
2_231 |
Add businessLine.sourceOfFunds.financiers to business line |
2_232 |
Add businessLine.sourceOfFunds.website to business line |
2_233 |
Add legalArrangement.doingBusinessAs to legal entity |
2_234 |
Add organization.support.email to legal entity |
2_235 |
Add individual.support.email to legal entity |
2_236 |
Add organization.support.phone.number to legal entity |
2_237 |
Add individual.support.phone.number to legal entity |