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Sales day settlement

Learn how the sales day settlement model works.

With sales day settlement, sales funds are settled independently of timelines of schemes and payment methods involved in the transaction. This settlement model enables you and your users to receive funds in batches related to a particular sales day. You can also enable a fixed settlement delay.

The sales day settlement model provides:

  • Simplified reconciliation, because you can match settlements with a sales day.
  • Predictable cash flows, because you know which sales are settled each day.

You can configure sales day settlement on each balance account in your marketplace.

Sales day

A sales day is a 24-hour period in which Adyen processes your payments. By default, Adyen defines a sales day from midnight (00:00) to midnight of the next day (23:59) in the balance account's local timezone.

You can configure your sales day to end later if your user's business closes after midnight. For example, a restaurant owner that operates from noon to 3:00 AM can set the sales day closing to 3:00 AM. This means that the sales day of that business starts at 3:01 AM and ends at 3:00 AM on the next day.

You can delay closing times until 7:00 AM.

How it works

Adyen assigns all funds captured within a sales day to settlement batches related to that sales day. These batches are settled altogether after the sales day ends. The period between the sales day and the settlement depends on the configured settlement delay days. This period is not affected by the date when the schemes or payment methods transfer the funds to Adyen.

For example, consider a balance account using sales day settlement with a settlement delay of two days. All the sales captured for that balance account within the sales day on Monday, January 1, are settled two business days later, on Wednesday, January 3.

The following image illustrates this example.

Adjustments to the settlement

Before settlement, Adyen adds or subtracts any required adjustments from the settlement batch. These adjustments include without limitation:

The adjustments are included as they occur. This means that some adjustments in your current settlement batch could be related to a batch from a different sales day.

Settlement reversal

If, within 30 days after a payment's capture, Adyen does not receive the funds for that payment, we subtract those funds from the current settlement batch. This is called a reversed settlement.

Settlement delay

After a transaction is processed, Adyen applies a regionally specific waiting period for any adjustments before settlement. You can increase or decrease this period on a specific balance account by configuring a settlement delay.

The settlement delay specifies after how many business days the funds in a settlement batch are made available. For example, with a settlement delay of two business days, sales that happened on a Monday are made available the following Wednesday.

You can configure a settlement delay period to last between 1 and 20 business days.

To configure settlement delay periods that are less than 2 days, you need approval from Adyen. Reach out to your Adyen contact if you want to enable this.

The following table shows examples of how settlement delay works.

Day and time of capture Sales day closing time Settlement delay Day and time of settlement
Monday at 14:00 EDT 00:00 EDT Two days Wednesday at 00:00 EDT
Tuesday at 02:00 EDT 05:00 EDT Two days Wednesday at 05:00 EDT
Wednesday at 01:59 EDT 02:00 EDT One day Wednesday at 02:00 EDT
Thursday at 05:00 EDT 00:00 EDT Two days Monday at 00:00 EDT
Friday, Saturday, or Sunday 00:00 EDT Two days Tuesday at 00:00 EDT
Monday at 17:00 EDT 00:00 EDT Five days Friday at 00:00

Bank holidays also impact when your funds are settled. The settlement delay increases when a sales day falls on a bank holiday.

The following table shows examples of how settlement delay works when considering bank holidays.

Day and time of capture Sales day closing time Settlement delay Bank holiday Day and time of settlement
Monday at 14:00 EDT 00:00 EDT Two days Tuesday and Wednesday Friday at 00:00 EDT
Thursday at 05:00 EDT 00:00 EDT Two days Monday Tuesday at 00:00 EDT
Friday, Saturday, or Sunday 00:00 EDT Two days Monday Wednesday at 00:00 EDT

Configure sales day settlements

To configure sales day settlements in your marketplace, first reach out to your Adyen contact to enable this feature for you and inform you about the terms and conditions.

After the feature is enabled, you can configure sales day settlements on new and existing balance accounts by including the platformPaymentConfiguration object in your API request:

The following tabs show examples of how to make these requests.

Within platformPaymentConfiguration, include the parameters specified in the following table.

Parameter in platformPaymentConfiguration Required Description
salesDayClosingTime -white_check_mark- Specifies at what time a sales day ends.
Possible values: Time in "HH:MM" format. HH ranges from 00 to 07. MM must be 00.
Default value: "00:00".
settlementDelayDays -white_check_mark- Specifies after how many business days the funds in a settlement batch are made available. Setting this value to null enables pass-through settlement.
Possible values: integers from 1 to 20, null.
Default value: null.
Note: You can only specify a settlement delay of 1 with previous approval from Adyen.

The following code sample shows how to configure sales day settlement by making a POST /balanceAccounts request.

Configure sales day settlement on a new balance account
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curl \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
"accountHolderId": "AH00000000000000000000001",
"description": "S.Hopper - Main balance account",
"platformPaymentConfiguration": {
"salesDayClosingTime": "01:00",
"settlementDelayDays": 2

If the request was successful, the response includes the platformPaymentConfiguration object, which contains the data you provided.

Response — Balance account created with sales day settlement
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"accountHolderId": "AH00000000000000000000001",
"defaultCurrencyCode": "EUR",
"description": "S.Hopper - Main balance account",
"platformPaymentConfiguration": {
"salesDayClosingTime": "01:00",
"settlementDelayDays": 2
"timeZone": "Europe/Amsterdam",
"balances": [
"available": 0,
"balance": 0,
"currency": "EUR",
"reserved": 0
"id": "BA00000000000000000000001",
"status": "active"

See also