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General error codes

You can use the general error codes to broadly identify the cause of an error. Adyen sends the general error codes and messages in the verificationErrors array. This array also usually contains corresponding suberrors.

The range of error codes are divided into the types of check.

General issues

error code
Message Possible suberrors
1_10 Information couldn't be verified 1_1002
1_11 Document didn't meet requirements 1_1003
1_12 Legal entity declined 1_1000
1_13 Verification couldn't be completed 1_1001
1_14 Capability not allowed for type individual
1_15 Capability not allowed due to legal entity's or associated individual's country

Individual identity check

error code
Message Possible suberrors
1_30 Individual details couldn't be verified 1_3000, 1_3001, 1_3002, 1_3003, 1_3004,
1_3005, 1_3006, 1_3007, 1_3057, 1_3058, 1_3062
1_31 ID document is needed 1_3052
1_32 ID document couldn't be processed 1_3012
1_33 ID document didn't meet requirements 1_3009, 1_3013, 1_3015, 1_3019, 1_3020, 1_3024,
1_3026, 1_3027, 1_3029, 1_3030, 1_3031, 1_3066, 1_3067
1_34 Image of the ID document didn't meet requirements 1_3008, 1_3010, 1_3011, 1_3014, 1_3036, 1_3016,
1_3017, 1_3018, 1_3021, 1_3022, 1_3023
1_35 Individual details didn't match the ID document 1_3032, 1_3033, 1_3034, 1_3035, 1_3025,
1_36 Proof of residency didn't meet requirements 1_3040, 1_3041, 1_3042, 1_3043, 1_3044
1_37 Image of the proof of residency didn't meet the requirements 1_3045
1_38 Individual details didn't match the proof of residency 1_3037, 1_3038, 1_3039, 1_3046
1_39 Proof of national ID number didn't meet requirements 1_3047
1_40 Image of the proof of national ID number didn't meet the requirements 1_3051
1_41 Individual details didn't match the proof of national ID number 1_3048, 1_3049, 1_3050
1_42 Individual details didn't meet the format requirements 1_3053, 1_3054, 1_3055
1_43 Image of the proof of the individual tax ID didn't meet the requirements 1_3056
1_44 Proof of the individual tax ID didn't meet requirements 1_3059
1_45 Individual details didn't match the proof of the individual tax ID 1_3060, 1_3061, 1_3063
1_46 Identity couldn't be verified 1_3077
1_47 Image of the live selfie didn't meet requirements 1_3078, 1_3079, 1_3080
1_48 Biometric verification couldn't be performed 1_3075, 1_3076

Organization check

error code
Message Possible suberrors
1_50 Organization details couldn't be verified 1_5000, 1_5001, 1_5002, 1_5003, 1_5004, 1_5005, 1_5006, 1_5007, 1_5008, 1_5009, 1_5010, 1_5011, 1_5012, 1_5013, 1_5014, 1_5015, 1_5016, 1_5017, 1_5018, 1_5019, 1_5020, 1_5025, 1_5026, 1_5033, 1_5036, 1_5042, 1_5054, 1_5055, 1_5093, 1_5094, 1_8000
1_51 Organization details didn't match the document 1_5023, 1_5027, 1_5028, 1_5029, 1_5030, 1_5031, 1_5032, 1_5037, 1_5041, 1_5043, 1_5044, 1_5045, 1_5061, 1_5062, 1_5063, 1_5064, 1_5065, 1_5066, 1_5067, 1_8001
1_52 Registration document didn't meet requirements 1_5021, 1_5022, 1_5024, 1_5035
1_53 Tax document didn't meet requirements 1_5038, 1_5039, 1_5040
1_54 Proof of address didn't meet requirements 1_5034
1_55 Proof of ownership is needed 1_5048
1_56 Organization ownership couldn't be verified 1_5046, 1_5047
1_57 Submitted affiliation document didn't meet the requirements 1_5049, 1_5051, 1_5052
1_58 VAT document didn't meet requirements 1_5056, 1_5057, 1_5058, 1_5059, 1_5060

The actual error message will correspond to the specific type of legal arrangement. For example, "Sole proprietorship details couldn't be verified."

error code
Message Possible suberrors
1_60 Legal arrangement details couldn't be verified 1_6000, 1_6001, 1_6002, 1_6004, 1_6005
1_61 Constitutional document didn't meet requirements 1_6006, 1_6009, 1_6010, 1_6017
1_62 Legal arrangement details didn't match the constitutional document 1_6007, 1_6008, 1_6011
1_63 Legal arrangement's affiliated member's details didn't match the constitutional document 1_6034, 1_6035, 1_6036, 1_6037, 1_6038

Bank account check

error code
Message Possible suberrors
1_70 Bank account couldn't be verified 1_7000, 1_7003
1_71 Bank account details couldn't be verified 1_7001, 1_7002, 1_7004, 1_7015, 1_7017,
1_7020, 1_7007
1_72 Verification could not be completed 1_1001
1_73 Bank account access could not be authenticated
1_74 Bank statement is needed 1_7008
1_75 Bank statement didn't meet requirements 1_7009, 1_7010, 1_7012, 1_7013, 1_7014,
1_7018, 1_7019, 1_7021, 1_7022
1_76 Bank details didn't match the bank document 1_7011, 1_7016
1_77 The entity is in pending status

Proof of signatory check

error code
Message Possible suberrors
1_81 Signatory details didn't match proof of signatory 1_8002
1_82 Proof of signatory didn't meet requirements 1_8003, 1_8004, 1_8005, 1_8006
1_83 Signatory details couldn't be verified 1_8007, 1_8008

Business line check

error code
Message Possible suberrors
1_90 Industry couldn't be verified 1_9000, 1_9001, 1_9002, 1_9003
1_91 Proof of industry didn't meet requirements 1_9004, 1_9005, 1_9006, 1_9007, 1_9008
1_92 No web address available to perform verification 1_9002

Missing data

General error code Message Remediating action code
2_8009 individual.firstName was missing 2_102
2_8011 individual.lastName was missing 2_103
2_8017 was missing 2_104
2_8018 individual.residentialAddress.stateOrProvince was missing 2_105
2_8019 individual.residentialAddress.street was missing 2_106
2_8020 was missing 2_107
2_8021 individual.residentialAddress.postalCode was missing 2_108
2_8022 individual.residentialAddress.street2 was missing 2_109
2_8025 individual.nationality was missing 2_110
2_8028 individual.birthData.dateOfBirth was missing 2_112
2_8030 bankAccount.iban was missing 2_113
2_8032 bankAccount.accountNumber was missing 2_114
2_8036 bankAccount was missing 2_115
2_8037 bankStatement was missing 1_703
2_8038 bankAccount.branchCode was missing 2_116
2_8043 organization.registrationNumber was missing 2_117
2_8044 soleProprietorship.registrationNumber was missing 2_189
2_8045 organization.taxId was missing 2_118
2_8052 documents.attachment was missing 2_119
2_8058 was missing 2_120
2_8059 individual.birthData was missing 2_121
2_8060 individual.identificationData was missing 2_101
2_8062 individual.residentialAddress was missing 2_122
2_8064 UBO through ownership was missing 2_123
2_8067 Signatory was missing 2_124
2_8069 organization.type was missing 2_125
2_8071 Identity document was missing 1_301
2_8076 Drivers license was missing 2_127
2_8077 Front image of drivers license was missing. 2_128
2_8078 Back image of drivers license was missing 2_129
2_8079 Identity card was missing 1_301
2_8080 Back image of identity card was missing 2_131
2_8081 Front image of identity card was missing. 2_130
2_8082 individual.identificationData.number was missing 2_101
2_8085 organization.legalName was missing 2_132
2_8086 organization.doingBusinessAs was missing 2_133
2_8087 Legal representative was missing. 2_221
2_8100 VAT document was missing 2_134
2_8107 Proof of residency was missing 1_304
2_8108 Continuous payout entity was missing 1_100
2_8109 Full affiliation proof was missing 1_100
2_8129 Name was missing 1_100
2_8131 Type was missing 1_100
2_8138 Passport was missing 1_100
2_8139 Proof of national ID number was missing 1_307
2_8140 Proof of address was missing 1_505
2_8141 Registration document was missing 2_137
2_8142 email was missing 1_100
2_8148 individual.identificationData.type was missing 2_139
2_8149 was missing 2_152
2_8150 phone.number was missing 2_153
2_8151 phone.type was missing 2_154
2_8152 phone.countryCode was missing 2_155
2_8153 entityAssociation.jobTitle was missing 2_156
2_8154 bankAccount.accountType was missing 2_140
2_8155 bankAccount.bankBicSwift was missing 2_141
2_8156 bankAccount.bankCity was missing 2_142
2_8157 bankAccount.bankCode was missing 2_143
2_8158 bankAccount.bankName was missing 2_144
2_8159 bankAccount.checkCode was missing. 2_145
2_8161 bankAccount.currencyCode was missing 2_147
2_8162 proofOfOrganizationTaxInfo was missing 1_503
2_8163 sourceOfFunds was missing 2_159
2_8164 businessLine.sourceOfFunds.type was missing 2_160
2_8165 businessLine.sourceOfFunds.dateOfFundsReceived was missing 2_161
2_8166 businessLine.sourceOfFunds.dateOfSourceEvent was missing 2_162
2_8167 businessLine.sourceOfFunds.purpose was missing 2_163
2_8168 businessLine.sourceOfFunds.adyenProcessedFunds was missing 2_164
2_8169 businessLine.sourceOfFunds.cryptocurrencyExchange was missing 2_165
2_8170 businessLine.sourceOfFunds.description was missing 2_166
2_8171 businessLine.sourceOfFunds.relationship was missing 2_167
2_8172 businessLine.sourceOfFunds.originatorSourceOfFundsType was missing 2_168
2_8173 businessLine.sourceOfFunds.amount was missing 2_169
2_8174 taxInformation was missing 2_170
2_8175 taxInformation.number was missing 2_170
2_8176 taxInformation.type was missing 2_171
2_8177 was missing 2_172
2_8178 proofOfIndividualTaxId was missing 2_173
2_8179 vatNumber was missing 2_174
2_8180 vatDocument was missing 2_175
2_8181 industryCode was missing 2_176
2_8182 channel was missing 2_177
2_8183 webAddress was missing 2_178
2_8184 taxReportingClassification was missing 2_179
2_8185 taxReportingClassification.type was missing 2_180
2_8186 taxReportingClassification.businessType was missing 2_181
2_8187 taxReportingClassification.mainSourceOfIncome was missing 2_182
2_8188 taxReportingClassification.financialInstitutionNumber was missing 2_183
2_8189 UBO through control was missing 2_151
2_8190 businessLine was missing 2_136
2_8191 businessLine was missing 2_136
2_8192 constitutional document to perform verification was missing 2_184
2_8193 director was missing 2_185
2_8194 settlor was missing 2_186
2_8195 definedBeneficiary was missing 2_187
2_8196 proofOfOwnership document to perform verification was missing 2_188
2_8197 secondaryPartner was missing 2_190
2_8198 Proof of industry to perform verification was missing 1_900
2_8199 organization.dateOfIncorporation was missing 2_191
2_8200 soleProprietorship.dateOfIncorporation was missing 2_192
2_8201 undefinedBeneficiary was missing 2_193
2_8202 organization.registeredAddress.postalCode was missing 2_194
2_8205 organization.stockData was missing 2_903
2_8206 organization.stockData.marketIdentifier was missing 2_148
2_8207 organization.stockData.stockNumber was missing 2_149
2_8208 organization.stockData.tickerSymbol was missing 2_150
2_8209 Proof of signatory was missing 1_800
2_8210 Live selfie was missing 2_215
2_8211 was missing 2_196
2_8212 was missing 2_195
2_8213 organization.registeredAddress.stateOrProvince was missing 2_198
2_8214 organization.principalPlaceOfBusiness.stateOrProvince was missing 2_197
2_8215 organization.registeredAddress.street was missing 2_206
2_8216 organization.principalPlaceOfBusiness.street was missing 2_199
2_8217 was missing 2_208
2_8218 was missing 2_207
2_8219 organization.principalPlaceOfBusiness.postalCode was missing 2_209
2_8220 organization.registeredAddress.street2 was missing 2_211
2_8221 organization.principalPlaceOfBusiness.street2 was missing 2_210
2_8222 trust.description was missing 2_212
2_8223 taxInformation from the was missing 2_213
2_8224 Proof of funding or wealth source was missing 2_214
2_8231 businessLine was missing 2_136
2_8233 Proof of relationship was missing 2_222
2_8234 organization.countryOfGoverningLaw was missing 2_223
2_8235 Legal Form Description was missing 1_100
2_8236 Proof of director was missing. 1_803
2_8237 taxInformation or legalArrangement was missing 2_224
2_8238 Financial report was missing 2_225
2_8239 Number of employees was missing 2_226
2_8240 Balance sheet total was missing 2_227
2_8241 Annual turnover was missing 2_228
2_8242 businessLine.sourceOfFunds.annualTurnover was missing. 2_229
2_8243 businessLine.sourceOfFunds.originatorLegalEntityId was missing. 2_230
2_8244 businessLine.sourceOfFunds.financiers was missing. 2_231
2_8245 was missing. 2_232
2_8246 legalArrangement.doingBusinessAs was missing. 2_233
2_8247 was missing. 2_234
2_8248 was missing was missing. 2_235
2_8249 was missing. 2_236
2_8250 was missing. 2_237

Missing contracts

General error code Message Remediating action code
2_901 PCI forms are not signed 2_901
2_902 Terms Of Service forms are not accepted 2_902
2_904 Integration is not fully implemented 2_904

Data review errors

General error code Message Remediating action code
3_10 Review of data is required 3_100

General verification errors array example

Example problems array
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"problems": [
"entity": {
"id": "LE00000000000000000000001",
"type": "LegalEntity"
"verificationErrors": [
"code": "1_30",
"message": "Individual details couldn't be verified",
"remediatingActionsSent when there is a common remediating action": [
"code": "1_300",
"message": "Update individual details"
"subErrors": [...]