You can use the general error codes to broadly identify the cause of an error. Adyen sends the general error codes and messages in the verificationErrors
array. This array also usually contains corresponding suberrors.
The range of error codes are divided into the types of check.
- 1_1x: General issues
- 1_3x-1_4x: Issues with the individual check
- 1_5x: Issues with the organization check
- 1_6x: Issues with the legal arrangement check
- 1_7x: Issues with the bank account check
- 1_8x: Issues with the proof of signatory check
- 1_9x: Issues with the business line check
- 2_8x: Issues with missing data
- 2_9x: Issues with missing contracts
- 3_1x: Issues with data review
General issues
General error code |
Message | Possible suberrors | |
1_10 | Information couldn't be verified | 1_1002 | |
1_11 | Document didn't meet requirements | 1_1003 | |
1_12 | Legal entity declined | 1_1000 | |
1_13 | Verification couldn't be completed | 1_1001 | |
1_14 | Capability not allowed for type individual | ||
1_15 | Capability not allowed due to legal entity's or associated individual's country |
Individual identity check
General error code |
Message | Possible suberrors | |
1_30 | Individual details couldn't be verified | 1_3000, 1_3001, 1_3002, 1_3003, 1_3004, 1_3005, 1_3006, 1_3007, 1_3057, 1_3058, 1_3062 |
1_31 | ID document is needed | 1_3052 | |
1_32 | ID document couldn't be processed | 1_3012 | |
1_33 | ID document didn't meet requirements | 1_3009, 1_3013, 1_3015, 1_3019, 1_3020, 1_3024, 1_3026, 1_3027, 1_3029, 1_3030, 1_3031, 1_3066, 1_3067 |
1_34 | Image of the ID document didn't meet requirements | 1_3008, 1_3010, 1_3011, 1_3014, 1_3036, 1_3016, 1_3017, 1_3018, 1_3021, 1_3022, 1_3023 |
1_35 | Individual details didn't match the ID document | 1_3032, 1_3033, 1_3034, 1_3035, 1_3025, 1_3028, 1_3065 |
1_36 | Proof of residency didn't meet requirements | 1_3040, 1_3041, 1_3042, 1_3043, 1_3044 | |
1_37 | Image of the proof of residency didn't meet the requirements | 1_3045 | |
1_38 | Individual details didn't match the proof of residency | 1_3037, 1_3038, 1_3039, 1_3046 | |
1_39 | Proof of national ID number didn't meet requirements | 1_3047 | |
1_40 | Image of the proof of national ID number didn't meet the requirements | 1_3051 | |
1_41 | Individual details didn't match the proof of national ID number | 1_3048, 1_3049, 1_3050 | |
1_42 | Individual details didn't meet the format requirements | 1_3053, 1_3054, 1_3055 | |
1_43 | Image of the proof of the individual tax ID didn't meet the requirements | 1_3056 | |
1_44 | Proof of the individual tax ID didn't meet requirements | 1_3059 | |
1_45 | Individual details didn't match the proof of the individual tax ID | 1_3060, 1_3061, 1_3063 | |
1_46 | Identity couldn't be verified | 1_3077 | |
1_47 | Image of the live selfie didn't meet requirements | 1_3078, 1_3079, 1_3080 | |
1_48 | Biometric verification couldn't be performed | 1_3075, 1_3076 |
Organization check
General error code |
Message | Possible suberrors |
1_50 | Organization details couldn't be verified | 1_5000, 1_5001, 1_5002, 1_5003, 1_5004, 1_5005, 1_5006, 1_5007, 1_5008, 1_5009, 1_5010, 1_5011, 1_5012, 1_5013, 1_5014, 1_5015, 1_5016, 1_5017, 1_5018, 1_5019, 1_5020, 1_5025, 1_5026, 1_5033, 1_5036, 1_5042, 1_5054, 1_5055, 1_5093, 1_5094, 1_8000 |
1_51 | Organization details didn't match the document | 1_5023, 1_5027, 1_5028, 1_5029, 1_5030, 1_5031, 1_5032, 1_5037, 1_5041, 1_5043, 1_5044, 1_5045, 1_5061, 1_5062, 1_5063, 1_5064, 1_5065, 1_5066, 1_5067, 1_8001 |
1_52 | Registration document didn't meet requirements | 1_5021, 1_5022, 1_5024, 1_5035 |
1_53 | Tax document didn't meet requirements | 1_5038, 1_5039, 1_5040 |
1_54 | Proof of address didn't meet requirements | 1_5034 |
1_55 | Proof of ownership is needed | 1_5048 |
1_56 | Organization ownership couldn't be verified | 1_5046, 1_5047 |
1_57 | Submitted affiliation document didn't meet the requirements | 1_5049, 1_5051, 1_5052 |
1_58 | VAT document didn't meet requirements | 1_5056, 1_5057, 1_5058, 1_5059, 1_5060 |
Legal arrangement check
The actual error message will correspond to the specific type of legal arrangement. For example, "Sole proprietorship
details couldn't be verified."
General error code |
Message | Possible suberrors |
1_60 | Legal arrangement details couldn't be verified | 1_6000, 1_6001, 1_6002, 1_6004, 1_6005 |
1_61 | Constitutional document didn't meet requirements | 1_6006, 1_6009, 1_6010, 1_6017 |
1_62 | Legal arrangement details didn't match the constitutional document | 1_6007, 1_6008, 1_6011 |
1_63 | Legal arrangement's affiliated member's details didn't match the constitutional document | 1_6034, 1_6035, 1_6036, 1_6037, 1_6038 |
Bank account check
General error code |
Message | Possible suberrors | |
1_70 | Bank account couldn't be verified | 1_7000, 1_7003 | |
1_71 | Bank account details couldn't be verified | 1_7001, 1_7002, 1_7004, 1_7015, 1_7017, 1_7020, 1_7007 |
1_72 | Verification could not be completed | 1_1001 | |
1_73 | Bank account access could not be authenticated | ||
1_74 | Bank statement is needed | 1_7008 | |
1_75 | Bank statement didn't meet requirements | 1_7009, 1_7010, 1_7012, 1_7013, 1_7014, 1_7018, 1_7019, 1_7021, 1_7022 |
1_76 | Bank details didn't match the bank document | 1_7011, 1_7016 | |
1_77 | The entity is in pending status |
Proof of signatory check
General error code |
Message | Possible suberrors |
1_81 | Signatory details didn't match proof of signatory | 1_8002 |
1_82 | Proof of signatory didn't meet requirements | 1_8003, 1_8004, 1_8005, 1_8006 |
1_83 | Signatory details couldn't be verified | 1_8007, 1_8008 |
Business line check
General error code |
Message | Possible suberrors | |
1_90 | Industry couldn't be verified | 1_9000, 1_9001, 1_9002, 1_9003 | |
1_91 | Proof of industry didn't meet requirements | 1_9004, 1_9005, 1_9006, 1_9007, 1_9008 | |
1_92 | No web address available to perform verification | 1_9002 |
Missing data
General error code | Message | Remediating action code |
2_8009 | individual.firstName was missing |
2_102 |
2_8011 | individual.lastName was missing |
2_103 |
2_8017 | was missing |
2_104 |
2_8018 | individual.residentialAddress.stateOrProvince was missing |
2_105 |
2_8019 | individual.residentialAddress.street was missing |
2_106 |
2_8020 | was missing |
2_107 |
2_8021 | individual.residentialAddress.postalCode was missing |
2_108 |
2_8022 | individual.residentialAddress.street2 was missing |
2_109 |
2_8025 | individual.nationality was missing |
2_110 |
2_8028 | individual.birthData.dateOfBirth was missing |
2_112 |
2_8030 | bankAccount.iban was missing |
2_113 |
2_8032 | bankAccount.accountNumber was missing |
2_114 |
2_8036 | bankAccount was missing |
2_115 |
2_8037 | bankStatement was missing |
1_703 |
2_8038 | bankAccount.branchCode was missing |
2_116 |
2_8043 | organization.registrationNumber was missing |
2_117 |
2_8044 | soleProprietorship.registrationNumber was missing |
2_189 |
2_8045 | organization.taxId was missing |
2_118 |
2_8052 | documents.attachment was missing |
2_119 |
2_8058 | was missing |
2_120 |
2_8059 | individual.birthData was missing |
2_121 |
2_8060 | individual.identificationData was missing |
2_101 |
2_8062 | individual.residentialAddress was missing |
2_122 |
2_8064 | UBO through ownership was missing |
2_123 |
2_8067 | Signatory was missing |
2_124 |
2_8069 | organization.type was missing |
2_125 |
2_8071 | Identity document was missing |
1_301 |
2_8076 | Drivers license was missing |
2_127 |
2_8077 | Front image of drivers license was missing. |
2_128 |
2_8078 | Back image of drivers license was missing |
2_129 |
2_8079 | Identity card was missing |
1_301 |
2_8080 | Back image of identity card was missing |
2_131 |
2_8081 | Front image of identity card was missing. |
2_130 |
2_8082 | individual.identificationData.number was missing |
2_101 |
2_8085 | organization.legalName was missing |
2_132 |
2_8086 | organization.doingBusinessAs was missing |
2_133 |
2_8087 | Legal representative was missing. |
2_221 |
2_8100 | VAT document was missing |
2_134 |
2_8107 | Proof of residency was missing |
1_304 |
2_8108 | Continuous payout entity was missing |
1_100 |
2_8109 | Full affiliation proof was missing |
1_100 |
2_8129 | Name was missing |
1_100 |
2_8131 | Type was missing |
1_100 |
2_8138 | Passport was missing |
1_100 |
2_8139 | Proof of national ID number was missing |
1_307 |
2_8140 | Proof of address was missing |
1_505 |
2_8141 | Registration document was missing |
2_137 |
2_8142 | email was missing |
1_100 |
2_8148 | individual.identificationData.type was missing |
2_139 |
2_8149 | was missing |
2_152 |
2_8150 | phone.number was missing |
2_153 |
2_8151 | phone.type was missing |
2_154 |
2_8152 | phone.countryCode was missing |
2_155 |
2_8153 | entityAssociation.jobTitle was missing |
2_156 |
2_8154 | bankAccount.accountType was missing |
2_140 |
2_8155 | bankAccount.bankBicSwift was missing |
2_141 |
2_8156 | bankAccount.bankCity was missing |
2_142 |
2_8157 | bankAccount.bankCode was missing |
2_143 |
2_8158 | bankAccount.bankName was missing |
2_144 |
2_8159 | bankAccount.checkCode was missing. |
2_145 |
2_8161 | bankAccount.currencyCode was missing |
2_147 |
2_8162 | proofOfOrganizationTaxInfo was missing |
1_503 |
2_8163 | sourceOfFunds was missing |
2_159 |
2_8164 | businessLine.sourceOfFunds.type was missing |
2_160 |
2_8165 | businessLine.sourceOfFunds.dateOfFundsReceived was missing |
2_161 |
2_8166 | businessLine.sourceOfFunds.dateOfSourceEvent was missing |
2_162 |
2_8167 | businessLine.sourceOfFunds.purpose was missing |
2_163 |
2_8168 | businessLine.sourceOfFunds.adyenProcessedFunds was missing |
2_164 |
2_8169 | businessLine.sourceOfFunds.cryptocurrencyExchange was missing |
2_165 |
2_8170 | businessLine.sourceOfFunds.description was missing |
2_166 |
2_8171 | businessLine.sourceOfFunds.relationship was missing |
2_167 |
2_8172 | businessLine.sourceOfFunds.originatorSourceOfFundsType was missing |
2_168 |
2_8173 | businessLine.sourceOfFunds.amount was missing |
2_169 |
2_8174 | taxInformation was missing |
2_170 |
2_8175 | taxInformation.number was missing |
2_170 |
2_8176 | taxInformation.type was missing |
2_171 |
2_8177 | was missing |
2_172 |
2_8178 | proofOfIndividualTaxId was missing |
2_173 |
2_8179 | vatNumber was missing |
2_174 |
2_8180 | vatDocument was missing |
2_175 |
2_8181 | industryCode was missing |
2_176 |
2_8182 | channel was missing |
2_177 |
2_8183 | webAddress was missing |
2_178 |
2_8184 | taxReportingClassification was missing |
2_179 |
2_8185 | taxReportingClassification.type was missing |
2_180 |
2_8186 | taxReportingClassification.businessType was missing |
2_181 |
2_8187 | taxReportingClassification.mainSourceOfIncome was missing |
2_182 |
2_8188 | taxReportingClassification.financialInstitutionNumber was missing |
2_183 |
2_8189 | UBO through control was missing |
2_151 |
2_8190 | businessLine was missing |
2_136 |
2_8191 | businessLine was missing |
2_136 |
2_8192 | constitutional document to perform verification was missing |
2_184 |
2_8193 | director was missing |
2_185 |
2_8194 | settlor was missing |
2_186 |
2_8195 | definedBeneficiary was missing |
2_187 |
2_8196 | proofOfOwnership document to perform verification was missing |
2_188 |
2_8197 | secondaryPartner was missing |
2_190 |
2_8198 | Proof of industry to perform verification was missing | 1_900 |
2_8199 | organization.dateOfIncorporation was missing |
2_191 |
2_8200 | soleProprietorship.dateOfIncorporation was missing |
2_192 |
2_8201 | undefinedBeneficiary was missing |
2_193 |
2_8202 | organization.registeredAddress.postalCode was missing |
2_194 |
2_8205 | organization.stockData was missing |
2_903 |
2_8206 | organization.stockData.marketIdentifier was missing |
2_148 |
2_8207 | organization.stockData.stockNumber was missing |
2_149 |
2_8208 | organization.stockData.tickerSymbol was missing |
2_150 |
2_8209 | Proof of signatory was missing | 1_800 |
2_8210 | Live selfie was missing | 2_215 |
2_8211 | was missing |
2_196 |
2_8212 | was missing |
2_195 |
2_8213 | organization.registeredAddress.stateOrProvince was missing |
2_198 |
2_8214 | organization.principalPlaceOfBusiness.stateOrProvince was missing |
2_197 |
2_8215 | organization.registeredAddress.street was missing |
2_206 |
2_8216 | organization.principalPlaceOfBusiness.street was missing |
2_199 |
2_8217 | was missing |
2_208 |
2_8218 | was missing |
2_207 |
2_8219 | organization.principalPlaceOfBusiness.postalCode was missing |
2_209 |
2_8220 | organization.registeredAddress.street2 was missing |
2_211 |
2_8221 | organization.principalPlaceOfBusiness.street2 was missing |
2_210 |
2_8222 | trust.description was missing |
2_212 |
2_8223 | taxInformation from the was missing |
2_213 |
2_8224 | Proof of funding or wealth source was missing | 2_214 |
2_8231 | businessLine was missing |
2_136 |
2_8233 | Proof of relationship was missing |
2_222 |
2_8234 | organization.countryOfGoverningLaw was missing |
2_223 |
2_8235 | Legal Form Description was missing | 1_100 |
2_8236 | Proof of director was missing. | 1_803 |
2_8237 | taxInformation or legalArrangement was missing |
2_224 |
2_8238 | Financial report was missing | 2_225 |
2_8239 | Number of employees was missing | 2_226 |
2_8240 | Balance sheet total was missing | 2_227 |
2_8241 | Annual turnover was missing | 2_228 |
2_8242 | businessLine.sourceOfFunds.annualTurnover was missing. |
2_229 |
2_8243 | businessLine.sourceOfFunds.originatorLegalEntityId was missing. |
2_230 |
2_8244 | businessLine.sourceOfFunds.financiers was missing. |
2_231 |
2_8245 | was missing. |
2_232 |
2_8246 | legalArrangement.doingBusinessAs was missing. |
2_233 |
2_8247 | was missing. |
2_234 |
2_8248 | was missing was missing. |
2_235 |
2_8249 | was missing. |
2_236 |
2_8250 | was missing. |
2_237 |
Missing contracts
General error code | Message | Remediating action code |
2_901 | PCI forms are not signed | 2_901 |
2_902 | Terms Of Service forms are not accepted | 2_902 |
2_904 | Integration is not fully implemented | 2_904 |
Data review errors
General error code | Message | Remediating action code |
3_10 | Review of data is required | 3_100 |
General verification errors array example
{ ... "problems": [ { "entity": { "id": "LE00000000000000000000001", "type": "LegalEntity" }, "verificationErrors": [ { "code": "1_30", "message": "Individual details couldn't be verified", "remediatingActionsSent when there is a common remediating action": [ { "code": "1_300", "message": "Update individual details" } ], "subErrors": [...] } ] } ] }