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Transfer routes

Learn how to get the optimal routes for your payouts.

Making external transfers can require adherence to additional requirements or limitations, such as counterparty reachability and specific minimum/maximum transfer amounts. To address these challenges, we provide a /transferRoutes/calculate endpoint. By using this endpoint, you get an insight into the available routes for external fund transfers and the requirements that must be met to successfully initiate a transfer via those routes.

Get available routes

You can request all available bank transfers routes for a particular country/region or set of counterparty bank details. To request the available routes for your transfer, make a POST /transferRoutes/calculate request. Provide the following parameters in the request body:

Parameter Required Description
balancePlatform -white_check_mark- The unique identifier of your balance platform.
currency -white_check_mark- The three-character ISO currency code of the transfer.
category -white_check_mark- The type of transfer. Set to bank.
country The two-character ISO country code of the counterparty. For example, US or NL.
priorities The priority for the bank transfer. Multiple values can be sent.
counterparty The recipient of the funds transfer. Possible values: bankAccount or transferInstrumentId.
balanceAccountId The unique identifier of the source balance account. Required if the counterparty is transferInstrumentId.

To get available transfer routes, you must provide either country or counterparty.

The following request returns the available transfer routes based on a particular balance platform, transfer currency, and country/region of the recipient.

Calculate the available transfer routes by country
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curl \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
"balancePlatform": "YOUR_BALANCE_PLATFORM",
"currency": "USD",
"category": "bank",
"country": "NL"

The response contains available transfer options, including specific requirements based on the transfer priority.

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"transferRoutes": [
"currency": "USD",
"priority": "regular",
"requirements": []
"currency": "USD",
"priority": "crossBorder",
"requirements": [
"description": "Amount of transfer must be at least 100, and no greater than 99999999999",
"max": 99999999999,
"min": 100,
"type": "amountMinMaxRequirement"
"description": "Country, street and city is required.",
"requiredAddressFields": [
"type": "addressRequirement"
"description": "Bank account identification type must be iban or numberAndBic",
"bankAccountIdentificationTypes": [
"type": "bankAccountIdentificationTypeRequirement"
"issuingCountryCode": "NL",
"paymentInstrumentType": "BankAccount",
"type": "paymentInstrumentRequirement"
"currency": "USD",
"priority": "wire",
"requirements": []
"currency": "USD",
"priority": "internal",
"requirements": []

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