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Provide tax forms (US only)

Provide a 1099-K or 1099-NEC tax form to your users.

To learn more about tax forms, go to the IRS website.

In the US, Adyen is required to file a 1099-K tax form with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for any US-based user to which Adyen pays out directly. Some states require filing of 1099-K forms as well.

For 2024, Adyen is required to file 1099-K forms for all US-based users with a gross processed volume at or above the federal threshold of USD 5,000 per calendar year. At state level thresholds can vary depending on the state.

Adyen follows the IRS requirements for reporting gross processed volume prior to deduction of fees, chargebacks, and refunds.

Transactions with splits.type TopUp do not count towards your users' total processed volume. These transactions are not included in their 1099-K tax forms.

Retrieve tax forms for your users

Adyen makes tax forms available the third week of January for the previous tax year. For example, 1099-K forms for 2024 are available in January 2025. When the tax forms have become available, you can retrieve them using your Customer Area or API calls, and distribute them in PDF format to your users.

Adyen only generates a 1099-K tax form for user accounts that meet the volume or transaction threshold. If your user does not meet the threshold, no tax form is available.

To be able to download tax forms, you must have the following role:

  • Download Tax Form

To download a tax form for a user:

  1. In your Customer Area, go to Accounts & balances > Account holders.
  2. Select an Account holder ID from your list of account holders.
  3. On the Overview tab, under Account overview, select Download tax form.

See also