Adyen tries to verify your users based on the information that you provide. However, in some cases, the automatic verification might fail. This could be due to incorrect data or the data cannot be verified. In these cases, Adyen may ask your user to provide additional documents, such as a passport or a bank statement.
Document types for legal entities or bank accounts
The following are the types of documents that Adyen may require from your user. When uploading documents, make sure that the document meets the specific requirements for individuals, organizations, sole proprietorships, or bank accounts.
Individual (includes UBOs, signatories, and sole proprietors)
Live selfie photo
Photo IDs
Proof of national ID number
Proof of residential address
Proof of individual tax ID
Proof of industry
Proof of source of funds
Proof of source of wealth
Registration document
Proof of address
Proof of director
Proof of industry
Proof of ownership
Proof of tax information
Proof of signatory
Proof of source of funds
Proof of source of wealth
VAT document
Sole proprietorship
Bank account
Bank statement
If the automatic verification of a bank account fails, Adyen may ask for a proof of bank account. When uploading this document, set the type to bankStatement in your POST
/documents request.
The proof of bank account can be any of the following:
- Bank statements
- Deposit tickets or deposit forms
- Screenshots of their online banking environment
- Official letters issued by a bank
- Cheques
Location-specific documents:
- Relevé d'Identité Bancaire (RIB): bank document in France
- TAMIEYTHPIO: bank document in Greece
- Singaporian bank passbooks: bank document in Singapore
Do not upload photos of bank-issued cards, such as credit or debit cards. These contain sensitive information.
Requirements for all documents
The document must show:
Some RIBs and online banking environments contain a date of issuance. The date of issuance for these must also be less than 12 months ago.
If the bank account is issued under the trading (doing business as) name, it may be necessary to provide a supporting document in order to establish a connection between the legal entity and the trading name.
We do not accept:
- Photos of bank-issued cards, such as credit or debit cards.
- Edited or personalized documents.
- Documents issued more than 12 months ago.
- Documents where required data points are missing.
- Documents with cut-off, blurry, or low-quality images.
- Documents issued by third party software platforms or programs.
Requirements for specific document types
Direct deposit tickets and forms:
- Must contain a bank logo or bank letterhead.
- Can only be accepted with a stamp or signature from the bank.
- The name of the account holder, account number, and name of the financial institution or logo need to be printed (not handwritten).
- Security features need to be visible for cheques in US and CA.
- The account number and routing number need to be fully visible.
- We can only accept electronic cheques issued by banks in CA.
- We cannot accept any cheques issued by banks in AU.
Letters from bank or bank account agreements:
- Must contain a bank logo or a bank letterhead.
- All letters must have a stamp or signature from the bank.
The uploaded document must meet the following file format and size requirements:
- Formats: JPEG, JPG, PNG, or PDF (maximum 1 file)
- Size for PDFs: minimum 1 KB, maximum 15 MB
- Size for other formats: minimum 100 KB, maximum 15 MB
Constitutional document
Adyen tries to automatically verify the sole proprietorship. In case automatic verification fails, Adyen may ask for a constitutional document. When uploading this document, set the type to constitutionalDocument in your POST
/documents request.
The constitutional document must be:
Issued within the last 12 months, or it must contain a signature and a state of affairs with a date not older than 12 months.
The following are examples of documents accepted for sole proprietorships:
- Doing business as (DBA) filing (also known as articles of incorporation, Fictitious- or Trading name filing)
- Tax filing.
Below are examples of accepted constitutional documents in particular locations.
Country/region | Local name for constitutional document | Example/English translation (if applicable) |
Country/region | Local name for constitutional document | Example/English translation (if applicable) |
Europe | ||
Austria | GISA-Auszug | GISA extract |
Belgium | Extrait de BCE/KBO/ZDU | Extract from Crossroads Bank For Enterprises |
Bulgaria | Удостоверение за актуално състояние | Certificate of Current Status |
Croatia | Izvadak iz Obrtnog Registra, Potvrda o Registraciji Obrta | Extract from the Trade Register, Certificate of Registration of Sole Proprietorship |
Cyprus | Πιστοποιητικό Εγγεγραμμένων Στοιχείων | Certificate of Registered Details |
Czech Republic | Výpis z živnostenského rejstříku | Extract from the Trade Register |
Denmark | Registreringsbevis, Udtog fra CVR | Registration Certificate, Extract from CVR |
Estonia | Äriregistri väljavõte | Extract from the Business Register |
Finland | Y-tunnusrekisteriote | Extract from the Y-Register |
France | Extrait K-bis, Avis de Situation au Répertoire Sirene, URSSAF/INSEE | Extract from the commercial register, Situation report, URSSAF/INSEE Extract |
Germany | Gewerbe Anmeldung (GewA 1 or 2), Gewerbeschein, Bescheinigung über... | Trade registration, trade licence, Taxpayer registration certificate |
Gibraltar | Certificate of Business Registration | |
Greece | Έγγραφο Καταχώρησης στο Γ.Ε.ΜΗ., Πιστοποιητικό ΓΕΜΗ | Registration Document in GEMI, GEMI Certificate |
Guernsey | Certificate of registration with the Revenue Service | |
Hungary | Vállalkozói igazolvány | Entrepreneurial Certificate |
Ireland | Certificate of Registration from the Revenue Commissioners | |
Italy | Certificato Di Attribuzione Del Codice Fiscale | |
Latvia | Uzņēmuma reģistrācijas apliecība | Company Registration Certificate |
Liechtenstein | Handelsregisterauszug | Extract from the Commercial Register |
Lithuania | Įmonės registracijos pažymėjimas | Company Registration Certificate |
Luxembourg | Extrait du Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés | |
Malta | Certificate of Registration | |
Netherlands | Uittreksel Handelsregister | Extract from the Chamber of Commerce |
Norway | Registreringsbevis | Registration Certificate |
Poland | Wypis z CEIDG | Extract from CEIDG |
Portugal | Certificado de Registo de Entidade | Entry registration certificate |
Romania | Certificat de Înregistrare | Certificate of registration |
Slovakia | Výpis z Obchodného registra | Commercial register extract |
Slovenia | Izpisek iz Poslovnega registra | Business registry extract |
Spain | Communicación de Tarjeta Acreditativa del NIF, Certificación de... | |
Sweden | Registreringsbevis, Registerutdrag | Bolagsverket Certificate of registration, Skatteverket Certificate of registration |
Switzerland | Handelsregisterauszug, Steuerveranlagung | Commercial register extract, Tax Assessment |
United Kingdom | UTR Confirmation Letter, Tax return | |
Isle of Man | Income Tax Registration Certificate | |
Jersey | Income Tax Registration Certificate | |
North America | ||
Canada | Provencial Certificate of Registration, CRA Certificate of Registration | |
United States | SS-4 confirmation letter, Schedule C, EIN Confirmation Letter (CP 575) | |
Puerto Rico | EIN Confirmation Letter (CP 575) | |
Asia/Oceania | ||
Australia | ABN Certificate of Registration | |
Hong Kong | Business Registration Certificate (BRC), NAR1 annual report | |
New Zealand(pilot) | NZBN Confirmation Letter, IRD Certificate of Registration | |
Singapore | Business Profile |
The uploaded document must meet the following file format and size requirements:
- Formats: JPEG, JPG, PNG, or PDF (maximum 1 file)
- Size for PDFs: minimum 1 KB, maximum 30 MB
- Size for other formats: minimum 100 KB, maximum 30 MB
Live selfie photo
Only applicable when creating business accounts using onboarding v4. This requirement applies to:
- each signatory of an organization legal entity
- an individual legal entity owning a sole proprietorship
To enhance your platform’s safety and to help prevent onboarding of individuals attempting impersonation fraud, Adyen has a partnership with Onfido, an identity verification company, to verify users through the evaluation of a live selfie photo against a photo ID document.
When requesting business accounts, users need to provide a live selfie photo, along with a photo ID document. These documents are used for biometric verification.
If the verification for an individual's identification fails, Adyen may ask for a new live selfie photo (or a photo ID).
When uploading this document, set the type to liveSelfie in your POST
/documents request.
Collection requirements for live selfie photos
Display Onfido and Adyen terms
Take the following steps to satisfy Onfido’s requirements for privacy notices and consent:
- Explain to your end users that your partner (Adyen) uses a third party, Onfido, to process their identity check. For example:
"To proceed with onboarding, we require that you provide a live selfie photo of yourself, and a photo of your ID. >We use technology developed by Adyen and Onfido to perform the verification of the photo data you provide. For information on how Adyen uses your data, see Adyen's privacy statement."
Present your users with Onfido consent language before asking them to proceed with the check powered by Onfido. For example:
"I have read, understand, and accept the Onfido Facial Scan Policy and Release, Onfido Privacy Policy, and Onfido Terms of Service."
You may change the phrasing of your consent statement to be consistent with your user experience, as long as you obtain confirmation that the end user has read, understood, and accepted Onfido's policies and terms of service. For example:
"By continuing to use this service, you confirm that you have read, understand, and accept the Onfido Facial Scan Policy and Release, Onfido Privacy Policy, and Onfido Terms of Service."
"By checking "accept", you confirm you have read, understand, and accept the Onfido Facial Scan Policy and Release, Onfido Privacy Policy, and Onfido Terms of Service."
Ensure that you provide URL links to the Onfido and Adyen policies within your application.
Policy name URL to policy Adyen Privacy Statement Onfido Facial Scan Policy and Release Onfido Privacy Policy Onfido Terms of Service
Collect a live selfie from your users
To make optimal use of this safety feature, we recommend your users take a live selfie photo directly within your onboarding flow, instead of allowing them to upload a photo taken separately from their phone or camera.
If the only possible way to implement this feature in your onboarding flow is through a photo upload mechanism, the live selfie photo must be uploaded within 24 hours from when the photo was taken.
Live selfie photo requirements
To determine sufficient quality of the live selfie photo your user provides, consider the following:
- The live selfie photo is a first-hand capture: it should be a direct photo of the person, and not be taken by another party.
- Angle of the photo: the live selfie photo should be taken in such a way that captures the face from a similar angle as the portrait on the supplied photo ID.
- Distance from the camera: the distance of the person’s face from the camera has to be appropriate to both capture the shoulders and full face in the photo, and to see sufficient facial features and details.
- Focus and clarity: The live selfie photo must be in-focus, and cannot be blurry.
- The live selfie photo is not altered: There can be no alteration of the live selfie photo of any kind.
- Lighting: The live selfie photo, and the space where the photo is taken, must be well-lit. Facial features must not be obscured by shadows.
- Objects cannot block facial features: There should be no objects in the photo that hide any facial features.
This includes (but is not limited to) the following:- Sunglasses
- Headwear
- On-ear or over-ear headphones and headsets
- Other accessories
- Clothing
- Fingers blocking the camera
Exceptions: - Eyeglasses with no tints
- Religious clothing, headwear or accessories can be present in the selfie, only if they are also present on the identity document.
- Medical equipment that cannot be reasonably removed can be present in the selfie.
The uploaded document must meet the following file format and size requirements:
- Formats: JPEG, JPG, PNG, or PDF (maximum 1 file)
- Size for PDFs: minimum 1 KB, maximum 15 MB
- Size for other formats: minimum 100 KB, maximum 15 MB
Photo IDs
If the automatic verification for an individual's identification number fails, Adyen may ask for a photo ID. The name in the photo ID must match the name sent to Adyen during onboarding.
If the names are different—for example, your user provided their married name to register but their passport has their maiden name—the photo ID check will fail.
The following are the accepted photo ID documents, along with the type that you must set in your POST
/documents request.
Photo ID | type |
Notes |
Passport | passport | Must be the data page (picture, MRZ, and details) |
Identity card | identityCard | Must be a government-issued identity card. Front and back, each side in its own file. |
Driver's license | driversLicense | Front and back, each side in its own file. |
The photo ID must:
- Be non-expired.
- Have the machine-readable zone visible (if available).
- Be a physical photo ID document, not digital.
The uploaded document must:
- Have separate files for front and back of the ID document (only when providing an ID card or driver's license).
- Be a full color, cropped, and straightened image.
- Be a photo or a scan of the physical photo ID document. We do not accept a screenshot of a photo, a photo pasted on another document, a photo of a screen, or a photo of a printout.
We do not accept:
- Screenshots of ID documents. Instead, provide a photo or PDF of the document.
The uploaded document can be a maximum of 15 pages.
Additional information for specific countries/regions
Country | Notes |
France | The validity of French national ID cards issued between 2 January 2004 and 31 December 2013 has been extended for 5 years beyond the original expiration date. The original period of validity of these cards was set at 10 years. Following the extension, they are now valid for 15 years from the year of issue. Note that f the card holder was under the age of 18 when the ID was issued, this extension does not apply. The extension does not apply to any other document types. |
Poland | Polish driving licenses do not show an expiration date. Any licenses issued before 2013/19/01 are valid until 2033. They must be exchanged for a new license prior to this date. |
Ukraine | Ukrainian passports are considered valid for 5 years from the original submission date for the extension of its validity period. A signed and stamped passport page must be included. |
The uploaded document must meet the following file format and size requirements:
- Formats: JPEG, JPG, PNG, or PDF (maximum 1 file)
- Size for PDFs: minimum 1 KB, maximum 15 MB
- Size for other formats: minimum 100 KB, maximum 15 MB
Proof of address
Adyen uses the data to automatically verify your user's address. In case automatic verification fails, Adyen may ask for a proof of address. When uploading this document, set the type to proofOfAddress in your POST
/documents request.
The proof of address must be:
- Issued by a reliable, independent source such as the local commercial register of the country/region where the business is registered in.
- Issued within the last 12 months, or it must contain a signature and a state of affairs with a date not older than 12 months.
The uploaded document must meet the following file format and size requirements:
- Formats: JPEG, JPG, PNG, or PDF (maximum 1 file)
- Size for PDFs: minimum 1 KB, maximum 15 MB
- Size for other formats: minimum 100 KB, maximum 15 MB
Proof of director
This requirement is only applicable for organizations in the United Kingdom.
Adyen is required to identify all directors for UK organizations. You need to provide a supporting document for each director. Either of the following types of documents is accepted.
- An extract from a local trade registry
- An internal company document
The extract from the local trade registry must:
- have a date of issuance no older than 12 months
- be signed and dated by a legal representative of the organization within the past 12 months
- contain the name of the director
The internal company document must either:
- have a date of issuance no older than 12 months
- have a state of affairs confirming that the person is a director of the organization
- be signed and dated by a legal representative of the organization within the past 12 months
- contain the name of the director
- contain the name, job title, and signature of the legal representative signing the document
If you are using hosted onboarding, your user can upload the document in the hosted onboarding page. To use the LEM API, when uploading the document, set the type to proofOfDirector in your POST
/documents request.
Proof of individual tax ID
If the automatic verification for an individual's tax ID fails, Adyen may ask the individual to upload a tax identification document. Set the type to proofOfIndividualTaxId in your POST
/documents request.
Country/region | Tax Document requirements |
Belgium (BE) | Official document containing Numéro National and name of individual. |
France (FR) | Official document containing Simplification des Procédures d'Imposition / numéro fiscal de référence / numero SPI and the name of individual. The number can be found on the pre-printed income tax declaration form or on income tax/property tax notices. |
Germany (DE) | Official document containing Persönliche Identifikatiosnummer (IdNr) and name of individual. |
Netherlands (NL) | Official document containing Burgerservicenummer (BSN) and name of individual. |
Spain (ES) | Official document containing Documento Nacional de Identidad (DNI) or Foreign Card Number (NIE), and name of individual. |
United Kingdom (GB) | Official document containing Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR) number or National Insurance Number (NINO), and name of individual. |
United States (US) | Official document containing Social Security Number (SSN), Employer Identification Number (EIN), or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN), and name of individual. |
Proof of industry
If the automatic verification of an industry fails, Adyen may ask for a proof of industry. When uploading this document, set the type to proofOfIndustry in your POST
/documents request.
A proof of industry can be a VAT document, a proof of tax information, or a registration document that includes a local or a global industry code. For example, SBI in the Netherlands, NACE in the European Union, or SIC in the United Kingdom.
For the document requirements, see:
- Proof of tax information for organizations
- VAT document for organizations
- Registration document for organizations
- Proof of tax individual tax ID for individuals
Proof of national ID number
If the automatic verification of a national ID number fails, Adyen may ask for a proof of the national ID number. When uploading this document, set the type to proofOfNationalIdNumber in your POST
/documents request.
The proof of national ID number must:
- Have the name of the individual.
- Have the national ID number.
- Be issued by a reliable, independent source such as a government agency, public authority, or judicial authority.
The uploaded document must meet the following file format and size requirements:
- Formats: JPEG, JPG, PNG, or PDF (maximum 1 file)
- Size for PDFs: minimum 1 KB, maximum 15 MB
- Size for other formats: minimum 100 KB, maximum 15 MB
Proof of organization tax information
In case automatic verification for tax ID fails, Adyen may ask for a proof of tax information. When uploading this document, set the type to proofOfOrganizationTaxInfo in your POST
/documents request.
The proof of tax information must:
- Have the organization name.
- Have the tax ID number.
- Be issued by a reliable, independent source such as the local tax authority of the country/region where the business is registered in.
- Issued within the last 12 months, or it must contain a signature and a state of affairs with a date not older than 12 months.
The uploaded document must meet the following file format and size requirements:
- Formats: JPEG, JPG, PNG, or PDF (maximum 1 file)
- Size for PDFs: minimum 1 KB, maximum 15 MB
- Size for other formats: minimum 100 KB, maximum 15 MB
Proof of ownership
If the automatic verification of an ultimate beneficial owner (UBO) through ownership fails, Adyen may ask for proof of ownership. When uploading this document, set the type to proofOfOwnership in your POST
/documents request.
To verify this information, Adyen requires a visual diagram of the ownership and control structure of the legal entity. The diagram must show the associated legal entities and ultimate beneficial owners (UBOs) of the legal entity.
The ownership and control chart must include:
- The full ownership and control structure of all legal entities and UBOs under review, including all intermediate companies.
- The official legal entity name, legal structure, and registered country/region for every entity on the chart.
- The ownership and control relationship between the entities, including ownership percentages.
- Indication of how the criteria for identifying UBOs are fulfilled, for example an individual owning 25% of the total shares of a company.
- A signature confirming the content of the organizational chart, the name and job title of the signing person, and the date of the signature (not older than 6 months from the current date).
If the person signing the organizational chart is one of the following, you do not need to send any additional documents:
- An internal person who is a qualified professional such as a lawyer, accountant or auditor, and whose qualification can be verified through the official website of their professional body. The professional body must be located in the registered country/region of the organization or in the same country/region as another entity in the ownership and control chart.
- An external person or a professional body, certified by a consultancy firm, notary, lawyer, auditor, or other comparable official legal service provider from the registered country/region of the legal entity or entities under review.
External official documents
If the internal person signing the ownership and control chart does not meet the above criteria, you must send official documents that support the submitted ownership and control information. Examples of official documents include:
- Securities register
- Shareholder register
- Ultimate Beneficial Owner register
- Articles of incorporation
- Annual reports
- Annual returns
- Certificate of Corporate Status
- Shareholder Agreements
- Assignment Agreements
- Partnership Agreements
- Board of directors' meeting records of decisions
- Registration document
- Certificate of incumbency
The official document must:
- State the information about the UBOs associated with the legal entity under review, including all intermediate entities involved in the ownership structure
- Not be older than 6 months from the current date
- Be an external document
The uploaded document must meet the following file format and size requirements:
- Formats: JPEG, JPG, PNG, or PDF (maximum 1 file)
- Size for PDFs: minimum 1 KB, maximum 15 MB
- Size for other formats: minimum 100 KB, maximum 15 MB
Proof of residential address
If the automatic verification of a residential address fails, Adyen may ask for a proof of the residential address. When uploading this document, set the type to proofOfResidency in your POST
/documents request.
The following sources can be used as proof of residence documentation. These documents must not be older than the period specified below.
Cannot be older than... | Type of document |
3 months |
12 months |
The proof of residency must:
- Have the name of the individual.
- Have the full residence address, residence country/region, and residence state (when applicable).
- Have a date within the last 3 or 12 months depending on the document type.
The uploaded document must meet the following file format and size requirements:
- Formats: JPEG, JPG, PNG, or PDF (maximum 1 file)
- Size for PDFs: minimum 1 KB, maximum 15 MB
- Size for other formats: minimum 100 KB, maximum 15 MB
Proof of signatory
Only applicable when creating business accounts.
If the automatic verification of your user's proof of signatory fails, Adyen may ask the user to upload supporting documentation as proof of the signatory's authority. When uploading a proof of signatory document, set the type to proofOfSignatory in your POST
/documents request.
Adyen accepts the following documents to prove the signatory’s authority:
- trade registry document
- internal company document
Trade registry document
If you are supplying a local trade registry extract, the document must contain the following:
- The name of the person acting as the authorized signatory
- The name of the company the authorized signatory represents
- A date of issuance not older than 12 months, or the document has been signed and dated by a legal representative within the past 12 months
Trade registry documents have different names within each country/region where Adyen offers business accounts, listed in the following table:
Country/region | Document name |
France (FR) | Extrait K-Bis |
United Kingdom (UK) | Confirmation Statement |
Germany (DE) | Handelsregisterauszug Handelsregisterausdruck |
Netherlands (NL) | Uittreksel Handelsregister |
Internal company document
If you are supplying an internal company document as proof of signatory, the document must contain the following:
- State of affairs confirming that the authorized signatory has authority to sign of behalf of the company
- The name of the person acting as the authorized signatory
- The name of the company the authorized signatory represents
- A date of issuance not older than 12 months
- The document has been signed and dated by a legal representative within the past 12 months
- The name, job title, and signature of the signing person
Accepted internal company documents:
Board of Directors meeting minutes (FR, UK, DE, NL).
The uploaded document must meet the following file format and size requirements:
- Formats: JPEG, JPG, PNG, or PDF (maximum 1 file)
- Size for PDFs: minimum 1 KB, maximum 15 MB
- Size for other formats: minimum 100 KB, maximum 15 MB
Proof of source of funds
Only applicable when creating business accounts and card issuing.
If the automatic verification of your user's source of funds fails, Adyen may ask for proof of their source of funds. This information must identify the main source of the funds or assets that are deposited to an Adyen business account or used to fund an Adyen-issued card.
To submit the data, set the type to proofOfFundingOrWealthSource in your POST
/documents request.
Source of funds type | Description | Supporting Documents |
Source of funds type | Description | Supporting Documents |
Business (profits generated from commercial activities) | A description of the industry and business model of the business | A copy of (audited) latest accounts |
A copy of annual statements | ||
A letter from a regulated accountant giving details of company profits over the last 2 years |
The uploaded document must meet the following file format and size requirements:
- Formats: JPEG, JPG, PNG, or PDF (maximum 1 file)
- Size for PDFs: minimum 1 KB, maximum 15 MB
- Size for other formats: minimum 100 KB, maximum 15 MB
Proof of source of wealth
Only applicable when creating business accounts and card issuing.
Adyen may contact you for proof of your user's source of wealth. This information must show the total amount of wealth and the main sources of that wealth, with a particular emphasis on the sources that generated the majority of the wealth.
To submit the data, set the type to proofOfFundingOrWealthSource in your POST
/documents request.
Source of wealth type | Description | Supporting Documents |
Source of wealth type | Description | Supporting Documents |
Business (profits generated from commercial activities) | a description of the industry and business model of the business | a copy of (audited) latest accounts |
a copy of annual statements | ||
a letter from a regulated accountant giving details of company profits over the last 2 years | ||
(Savings from) Employment (salary, wages, bonuses, pension, etc.) | your role | the pay slips (last three months) |
your annual salary (most recent year) | the salary section of your contract | |
your employer's name | confirmation from employer of total income | |
your employer's address | bank statements that clearly show receipt of the most recent 3 months’ regular salary payments from the stated employer | |
the nature of employer's business | a tax document (most recent) | |
the dates you were employed | ibid. | |
Donations/Gifts | the date of the donation/gift | Letter from donor confirming details of gift and acknowledging the source of the donated funds |
the date you received the money | Based on the SOW specified, the donor might need to provide supporting documentation as per the provisions of this table | |
the amount you received | ibid. | |
the ground (reason) for the donation | ibid. | |
the name, date of birth (if natural person) and address of originator (benefactor) | ibid. | |
the relationship between you and the funder (benefactor) | ibid. | |
the source of donated funds | ibid. | |
Inheritance | the date you received the money | a grant of probate (with a copy of the will) which must include the value of the estate |
the amount you received | a tax document | |
the name, date of birth and address of the originator (benefactor) | a bank statement showing you received the money | |
the relationship between you and the funder (benefactor) | a solicitor’s letter | |
Rental Income (for example property rentals) | the amount you receive (yearly) | proof of property ownership |
the address of the property | a tax document | |
the rental agreement | ||
Capital market income (for example capital gains, or dividend payments) | the amount you receive (yearly) | a tax document |
a description of the capital held | an investment holdings/savings certificate, contract note or statement | |
the time of investment held (in months) | a confirmation from the relevant investment company (company letterhead) | |
a (signed) letter detailing funds from a regulated accountant | ||
Royalty Income (for example patents, copyrighted works, natural resources) | the amount you receive (yearly) | a tax document |
a description of the royalties held | ibid. | |
the time of royalties held (in months) | ibid. | |
Crypto currency income (for example, trading, standing profits, mining) | the amount you receive (yearly) | a tax document |
a description of the type of crypto held | a standardized statement from digital asset exchange | |
the exchange on/from which the amount is received | a proof of balance at crypto exchange(s) | |
the total time that the crypto has been held (in months) | a signed message on crypto wallet | |
Asset sale (for example real estate, vehicles or other assets) | the date of the sale | the sale contract signed (countersigned) |
the date you receive the money | a (signed) letter from a solicitor, auditor or regulated accountant | |
the amount you received | a bank statement showing the received amount | |
the type of asset (real estate, vehicle, company, etc) | a title deed | |
the time of asset held (in months) | a tax document | |
the address (if real estate) | ibid. | |
Loans | the date of the loan | the loan agreement |
the date you received the money | a recent loan statement | |
the amount you received | ibid. | |
the name, date of birth (if natural person) and address of the lender | ibid. | |
the purpose of the loan | ibid. | |
the duration of the loan | ibid. | |
Lottery/Betting/Casino winnings | the date you received the winnings | a tax document |
the amount you received | a bank statement showing you received the money | |
the name, address and website (if online) of the originator (lottery/casino) | a proof of winnings from lottery/casino (company letterhead) | |
Other | the date you received the money | a (signed) letter from a solicitor, auditor or accountant |
the amount you received | a written confirmation from the payer | |
the name, date of birth (if natural person) and address of the originator | a bank statement showing you received the money | |
the ground (reason) for receiving the money | ibid. |
The examples of supporting documents listed above are illustrative. A document is acceptable if it provides the information listed in the description for the source of wealth type. Reach out to your Adyen contact to confirm other types of documents that can be used for verification.
The uploaded document must meet the following file format and size requirements:
- Formats: JPEG, JPG, PNG, or PDF (maximum 1 file)
- Size for PDFs: minimum 1 KB, maximum 15 MB
- Size for other formats: minimum 100 KB, maximum 15 MB
Proof of relationship
If you are onboarding a minor user, Adyen may ask the minor to upload a document showing the the relationship between them and their legal representative. When uploading this document, set the type to proofOfRelationship in your POST
/documents request.
Examples of acceptable official documents include:
- Birth certificate
- Adoption certificate
- Legal guardianship certificate
The official document must:
- State information about the legal representative associated with minor
- State the relationship between the legal representative and minor
- Be an external document
The uploaded document must meet the following file format and size requirements:
- Formats: JPEG, JPG, PNG, or PDF (maximum 1 file)
- Size for PDFs: minimum 1 KB, maximum 15 MB
- Size for other formats: minimum 100 KB, maximum 15 MB
Registration document
Adyen uses the name and registration number to automatically verify your user. In case automatic verification fails, Adyen may ask for a registration document. When uploading this document, set the type to registrationDocument in your POST
/documents request.
The registration document must be:
- Issued by a reliable, independent source such as the local commercial register of the country/region where the business is registered in.
- Be issued within the last 12 months, or it must contain a signature and a state of affairs with a date not older than 12 months.
Note that the following list of examples for registration documents is not exhaustive. Different documents may be accepted if they meet the above requirements. For more information about the required formats for registration numbers, see here.
Country | ISO-2 code | Issued by | Local name for registration number | Local name for registration document | English translation (if applicable) | |
Australia | AU | Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC) | Australia Business Number (ABN) or Australia Company Number (ACN) | Record of Registration for Business Name | N/A | |
Austria | AT | Firmenbuch | Firmenbuchnummer | Firmenbuchauszug | Extract from the Commercial Register | |
Belgium | BE | Banque-Carrefour des entreprises (BCE) | Company number or Numéro d'Entreprise | Certificat D'Inscription | Certificate of Registration | |
Bulgaria | BG | ТРРЮЛНЦ - Търговски регистър | ЕИК | Удостоверение от агенция по вписванията | Certificate of Registration | |
Canada | CA | Canada Revenue Agency Business | Business Number (BN) | Certificate of Registration | Certificate of Registration | |
Croatia | HR | Sudski registar - Ministarstvo pravosuđa | Matični broj subjekta (MBS) | Izvadak Iz Sudskog Registra | Extract from Court Register | |
Cyprus | CY | Τμήμα Εφόρου Εταιρειών | Αριθμός Εγγραφής | Πιστοποιητικό Σύστασης | Certificate of Incorporation | |
Czech Republic | CZ | Obchodní rejstřík | Identifikační číslo (IČO) | Výpis z Obchodního rejstříku | Extract from the Commercial Register | |
Denmark | DK | Erhvervsstyrelsen | CVR-nummer | Virksomhedsrapport | Company extract | |
Estonia | EE | Tartu Maakohtu | Registrikood | Registrikaart | Extract from the Commercial Register | |
Finland | FI | Kaupparekisteri | Y-TUNNUS | "Kaupparekisteriote | Extract from the Commercial Register | |
France | FR | Greffes des tribunaux de commerce | SIRET/SIREN | L'extrait Kbis | Certificate of Incorporation (Kbis) | |
Germany | DE | Handelsregister | Handelsregisternummer | Aktuellen/Chronologischer Handelsregisterauszug | Extract from the Commercial Register | |
Greece | GR | Γενικό Εμπορικό Μητρώο | GEMI number or ΑΡΙΘΜΟΣ Γ.Ε.ΜΗ (Γενικού Εμπορικού Μητρώου) | Ανακοίνωση Καταχώρισης στο Γενικό Εμπορικό Μητρώο | Notice of Registration in the General Commercial Register | |
Hungary | HU | Cégbíróság | Cégjegyzékszám | Cégkivonat | Company extract | |
Ireland | IR | Companies Registration Office | Company number | Extract from the commercial register | N/A | |
Italy | IT | "Agenzia delle Entrate" | Codice fiscale or CCIAA number | Certificato Di Attribuzione Del Codice Fiscale | Certificate of Allocation of Tax Code | |
Latvia | LV | Latvijas Republikas Uzņēmumu reģistrs | Reģistrācijas numurs | Izzina | Certificate of Incorporation | |
Liechtenstein | LI | Handelsregister | Unternehmensnummer | Handelsregister-Auszug | Extract from the Commercial Register | |
Lithuania | LT | Registrų centras | Įmonės kodas | Juridinių Asmenų Registro Išrašus | Extract from the Registry of Legal Entities | |
Luxembourg | LU | Registre de commerce et des sociétés | RCS number, Registernummer, or Numéro RCS | Extrait de Registre de Commerce | Extract from the Registry of Commerce and Companies | |
Malta | MT | Malta Business Registry | Company registration number | Certificate of Incorporation | N/A | |
Netherlands | NL | Kamer van Koophandel (KvK) | Kamer van Koophandel nummer (KvK) | Uittreksel Handelsregister/Uittreksel van KVK | Extract from the Chamber of Commerce | |
Norway | NO | Brønnøysundregistrene | Organisasjonsnummer | Registerutskrift | Company extract | |
Poland | PO | National Court Register (NCR) | Numer Krajowy Rejestr Sądowy (KRS)/ REGON numer | Informacja Odpowiadająca Odpisowi Aktualnemu z Rejestru Przedsiębiorców | Company extract | |
Portugal | PT | Registo Comercial | Número de Identificação de Pessoa Colectiva (NIPC) | Certidão permanente de registo comercial | Permanent Certificate of Registration | |
Romania | RO | Oficiul Național al Registrului Comerțului | Numar de ordine in registrul comertului | Certificatul de înregistrare | Registration Certificate | |
Singapore | SG | Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) | Unique Entity Number (UEN) | Certificate Confirming Incorporation of Company | N/A | |
Slovakia | SK | Obchodný register | Identifikačné číslo (IČO) | Výpis z Obchodného registra | Extract from the Commercial Register | |
Slovenia | SI | Agencija Republike Slovenije za javnopravne evidence in storitve – AJPES | Matična številka | Izpisek iz Poslovnega registra Slovenije - AJPES | Extract from the Commercial Register | |
Spain | SP | Registro Mercantil Central (RMC) | Número de Identificación Fiscal (NIF) | Certificado tributario de la Agencia Tributaria | Tax Certificate | |
Sweden | SE | Bolagsverket | Organisationsnummer | Registreringsbevis | Company extract | |
Switzerland | CH | Handelsregister | Unternehmens-Identifikationsnummer (UID), Numéro d'identification des entreprises (IDE), Numero d'identificazione delle imprese (IDI), or CH-number | Handelsregisterauszug | Extract from the Commercial Register | |
United Kingdom | GB | Companies House | Company Number | Certificate of Incorporation | N/A | |
United States of America | US | Internal Revenue Service (IRS) | Employer Identification Number (EIN) | SS-4 Confirmation Letter | N/A |
The uploaded document must meet the following file format and size requirements:
- Formats: JPEG, JPG, PNG, or PDF (maximum 1 file)
- Size for PDFs: minimum 1 KB, maximum 15 MB
- Size for other formats: minimum 100 KB, maximum 15 MB
VAT document
In case automatic verification for VAT number fails, Adyen may ask for a VAT document. When uploading this document, set the type to vatDocument in your POST
/documents request.
The VAT document must:
- Have the organization name.
- Have the tax ID number.
- Be issued by a reliable, independent source such as the local tax authority of the country/region where the business is registered in.
The uploaded document must meet the following file format and size requirements:
- Formats: JPEG, JPG, PNG, or PDF (maximum 1 file)
- Size for PDFs: minimum 1 KB, maximum 15 MB
- Size for other formats: minimum 100 KB, maximum 15 MB