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Suberror codes

Suberrors are more granular error codes that you can use to provide the specific cause of a verification error. Adyen sends the general error codes and messages in the subErrors array. When applicable, an entry contains remediating actions that you can use to resolve the KYC error.

The range of error codes are divided into the types of check.

General issues

Suberror code Message Remediating action codes
1_1000 Verification failed. Legal entity declined 1_101
1_1001 There were some technical issues in the verification process 1_101
1_1002 There are more questions about the submitted information 1_101
1_1003 The document contained sensitive data 1_102
1_1004 Required information is missing 1_102, 1_101

Individual identity check

Suberror code Message Remediating action codes
1_3000 The user couldn't be verified 1_300, 1_301
1_3001 The name and date of birth couldn't be verified 1_300, 1_301
1_3002 The name and national ID number couldn't be verified 1_300, 1_307
1_3003 The name and residence state couldn't be verified 1_300, 1_305
1_3004 The name and residence country couldn't be verified 1_300, 1_305
1_3005 The national ID number was entered incorrectly 1_300, 1_307
1_3006 The name didn't match the national ID number 1_300, 1_307
1_3007 An incorrect national ID number was entered 1_300, 1_307
1_3008 The ID document image was incomplete 1_303
1_3009 The photo on the ID document couldn't be recognized 1_302, 1_303
1_3010 The ID document image was incomplete or too blurry 1_303
1_3011 The ID document image was in black and white 1_303
1_3012 The image couldn't be recognized as a supported ID document 1_302, 1_303
1_3013 The ID document wasn't a supported document type 1_302
1_3014 The ID document image didn't contain the MRZ code 1_303
1_3015 The ID document was expired 1_302
1_3016 The ID document image was of too low quality 1_303
1_3017 The ID document image was a scan 1_303
1_3018 The ID document image was too blurry 1_303
1_3019 The ID document was expired 1_302
1_3020 The ID document wasn't a supported document type 1_302
1_3021 The ID document MRZ code is unreadable 1_303
1_3022 The ID document image only showed one side of the ID document 1_303
1_3023 The ID document image only showed parts of the ID document 1_303
1_3024 The ID document wasn't valid 1_302
1_3025 The state didn't match the one on the ID document 1_300, 1_304, 1_302
1_3026 The ID document didn't show an issuing state 1_302, 1_304
1_3027 The ID document wasn't valid 1_302
1_3028 The ID number didn't match the one on the document 1_300, 1_307, 1_302
1_3029 The ID document didn't show a document number 1_302, 1_307
1_3030 The ID document wasn't valid 1_302
1_3031 The ID document wasn't valid 1_302
1_3032 The first name didn't match the one on the ID document 1_300, 1_302
1_3033 The last name didn't match the one on the ID document 1_300, 1_302
1_3034 The date of birth didn't match the one on the ID document 1_300, 1_302
1_3035 The country didn't match the one on the ID document 1_300, 1_304, 1_302
1_3036 The ID document image was too low quality 1_303
1_3037 The last name didn't match the one on the proof of residential address 1_300, 1_305
1_3038 The first name didn't match the one on the proof of residential address 1_300, 1_305
1_3039 The date of birth didn't match the one on the proof of residential address 1_300, 1_305
1_3040 The proof of residential address didn't show the date it was issued 1_305
1_3041 The proof of residential address didn't show a name 1_305
1_3042 The proof of residential address didn't show an issuing country 1_305
1_3043 The proof of residential address wasn't a supported document type 1_305
1_3044 The proof of residential address was too old 1_305
1_3045 The proof of residential address image was of too low quality 1_306
1_3046 The address on the proof of residential address was a PO box 1_300, 1_305
1_3047 The proof of national ID number wasn't a supported document type 1_308
1_3048 The last name didn't match the one on the proof of national ID number 1_300, 1_308
1_3049 The first name didn't match the one on the proof of national ID number 1_300, 1_308
1_3050 The date of birth didn't match the one on the proof of national ID number 1_300, 1_308
1_3051 The proof of national ID number image was of too low quality 1_309
1_3052 An ID document is needed to verify the individual 1_301
1_3053 The name (Katakana) couldn't be verified due to invalid characters 1_310
1_3054 The name (Kanji) couldn't be verified due to invalid characters 1_311
1_3055 The residency address couldn't be verified due to invalid characters. 1_312
1_3056 The proof of the individual tax ID image was of too low quality 1_313
1_3057 The name didn't match the individual tax ID 1_300, 1_314
1_3058 The individual tax ID was entered incorrectly 1_300, 1_314
1_3059 The proof of the individual tax ID wasn't a supported document type 1_315
1_3060 The last name didn't match the one on the proof of the individual tax ID 1_314, 1_315
1_3061 The first name didn't match the one on the proof of the individual tax ID 1_314, 1_315
1_3062 The name and 4 digit SSN couldn't be verified 1_316
1_3063 The date of birth didn't match the one on the proof of the individual tax ID 1_314, 1_315
1_3064 The name and individual tax ID couldn't be verified 1_300, 1_314
1_3065 The submitted individual tax ID does not match the tax id number of the document 1_314
1_3066 The submitted identity document does not display a tax ID number 1_314
1_3067 The tax ID number could not be verified as the identity document is not valid 1_303, 1_314
1_3075 No face detected in live selfie 1_317
1_3076 No face detected in ID document 1_318
1_3077 There is no face match between the ID document and selfie 1_302, 1_318
1_3078 Photo was not taken by the individual 1_318
1_3079 Photo of the individual was taken involuntarily 1_318
1_3080 Selfie was not taken in real time 1_318
1_3081 Image couldn't be processed due to unsupported file format or document type 1_318
1_3082 The individual does not meet the minimum age requirement 1_100
1_3083 The name or residential address couldn't be verified 1_319, 1_320
1_3084 The name or residential address does not match the proof of residential address 1_319, 1_320
1_3085 The residential address is a P.O. Box 1_321

Organization check

Suberror code Message Remediating action codes
1_5000 The legal business name couldn't be verified 1_500, 1_503, 1_800
1_5001 The tax ID number couldn't be verified 1_500, 1_503
1_5002 The state couldn't be verified 1_505, 1_500
1_5003 The legal name didn't match the one on the registry 1_500, 1_505, 1_800
1_5004 The legal name didn't match the one on the registry 1_500, 1_501
1_5005 The legal name didn't match the one on the registry 1_500, 1_503
1_5006 The country didn't match the one on the registry 1_500, 1_501
1_5007 The registration number didn't match the one on the registry 1_500, 1_501
1_5008 The tax ID didn't match the one on the registry 1_500, 1_503
1_5009 The registration number was provided as tax ID 1_500, 1_503
1_5010 The company details couldn't be verified 1_500, 1_503
1_5011 The trade name (doing business as) was entered 1_500, 1_503
1_5012 The submitted company type didn't match the one on the registry 1_500, 1_501
1_5013 The company was not found in the database 1_500, 1_501
1_5014 The registration number couldn't be verified 1_500, 1_501
1_5015 The registration number didn't match the legal business name 1_500, 1_501
1_5016 The tax ID number couldn't be verified 1_500, 1_501
1_5017 The tax ID number didn't match the legal business name 1_500, 1_501
1_5018 The business address couldn't be verified 1_500
1_5019 The trade name (doing business as) was entered 1_500, 1_501
1_5020 Registration document is missing 1_501
1_5021 The registration document was too low quality. 1_502
1_5022 The registration document was too old 1_502
1_5023 The submitted company type didn't match the one on the registration document 1_500, 1_502
1_5024 The registration document did not show the company type 1_502, 1_500
1_5025 The address on the company registration document was a residential address 1_500
1_5026 The address on the company registration document was a PO box 1_502, 1_500
1_5027 The business address didn't match the one on the company registration document 1_502, 1_500
1_5028 The registration number didn't match the one on the company registration document 1_502, 1_500
1_5029 The legal business name didn't match the one on the company registration document 1_502, 1_500
1_5030 The country didn't match the one on the company registration document 1_502, 1_500
1_5031 The company registration document didn't show a legal business name 1_502
1_5032 The company registration document didn't show a registration number 1_502
1_5033 The state didn't match the one on the company registration document 1_505, 1_500
1_5034 The company registration document wasn't a supported document type 1_506
1_5035 The company registration document is not supported. 1_502, 1_500
1_5036 Tax document is missing 1_503
1_5037 The country didn't match the one on the tax document. 1_504, 1_500
1_5038 The tax document wasn't a supported document type. 1_504
1_5039 The tax document was too low quality 1_504
1_5040 The tax document was too old. 1_504
1_5041 The legal name didn't match the one on the tax document 1_504, 1_500
1_5042 The tax ID number didn't match the legal business name 1_500, 1_503
1_5043 The tax document didn't show a tax ID number 1_504
1_5044 The tax document didn't show a legal business name 1_504
1_5045 The state didn't match the one on the proof of address 1_506, 1_500
1_5046 Ownership data seems incorrect 1_508, 1_507
1_5047 Ownership data seems to be missing 1_508, 1_507
1_5048 Provide official ownership documentation 1_508
1_5049 The affiliation document was not sufficient to prove the 100% affiliation 1_511
1_5051 Signing person on the affiliation document could not be verified 1_510
1_5052 The affiliation document verifies the payout entity is not 100% affiliated with the company. Setup cannot be continued 1_100
1_5054 The VAT number couldn't be verified 1_500, 1_513
1_5055 VAT document is missing 1_513
1_5056 The VAT document was too low quality 1_513
1_5057 The VAT document wasn't a supported document type 1_513
1_5058 The VAT document was too old 1_513
1_5059 The VAT document didn't show a legal name 1_513
1_5060 The VAT document didn't show a VAT number 1_513
1_5061 The country didn't match the one on the VAT document 1_500, 1_513
1_5062 The legal name didn't match the one on the VAT document 1_500, 1_513
1_5063 The organization VAT details couldn't be verified 1_500, 1_513
1_5064 The VAT number didn't match the one on the registry 1_500, 1_513
1_5065 The registration number was provided as VAT number 1_500, 1_513
1_5066 The trade name (doing business as) was entered instead of the legal name 1_500, 1_513
1_5067 The legal name didn't match the one on the VAT registry 1_500, 1_512
1_5071 The registered city didn't match the one on the proof of address 1_500, 1_506
1_5072 The registered city didn't match the one on the registry 1_500, 1_506
1_5073 Proof of address is missing 1_505
1_5074 The proof of address didn't show a business legal name 1_506
1_5075 The proof of address didn't show the registered city 1_506
1_5076 The organization tax ID document didn't show a business legal name 1_504
1_5077 The organization tax ID number didn't match the legal business name 1_503, 1_500
1_5078 The legal name couldn't be verified 1_501, 1_500
1_5079 The submitted organization tax ID number does not exist 1_503, 1_500
1_5093 The residential address is a P.O. Box 1_524
1_5094 The principal place of business was missing 1_321

The actual error message will correspond to the specific type of legal arrangement. For example, "The sole proprietorship's name couldn't be verified."

Suberror code Message Remediating action codes
1_6000 The legal arrangement's name couldn't be verified. 1_600, 1_601
1_6001 The legal arrangement's name didn't match the registration number. 1_600, 1_601
1_6002 The legal arrangement's registration number couldn't be verified. 1_600, 1_601
1_6003 The provided information is not associated with a legal arrangement. 1_600, 1_601
1_6004 The country of governing law couldn't be verified. 1_600, 1_601
1_6005 Constitutional document is missing. 1_601
1_6006 The constitutional document was too old. 1_602
1_6007 The legal arrangement's name didn't match the one on the constitutional document. 1_600, 1_602
1_6008 Country of governing law didn't match the constitutional document. 1_600, 1_602
1_6009 The constitutional document didn't show the legal arrangement's name. 1_600, 1_602
1_6010 The constitutional document didn't show a registration number. 1_600, 1_602
1_6011 The constitutional document didn't show a legal arrangement. 1_600, 1_602
1_6012 The legal arrangement's state didn't match the one on the constitutional document. 1_600, 1_602
1_6013 The registered state couldn't be verified. 1_600, 1_601
1_6014 The submitted registered state didn't match the one on the registry. 1_600, 1_601
1_6015 The constitutional document contained sensitive data. 1_602
1_6016 The constitutional document is not supported. 1_602
1_6017 The constitutional document doesn't belong to the legal arrangement. 1_602
1_6018 The legal arrangement was not found in the database. 1_600
1_6019 The constitutional document didn't show the date of issue. 1_602
1_6020 The constitutional document didn't show a stamp/signature. 1_602
1_6021 The image quality of the constitutional document was too low. 1_602
1_6022 The legal arrangement registration number didn't match the one on the registry. 1_600
1_6023 The legal arrangement name didn't match the one on the registry. 1_600
1_6024 The trade name (doing business as) was entered instead of the legal arrangement name. 1_600
1_6025 The legal arrangement name is incorrect. 1_600
1_6026 The legal arrangement registration number did not match the one on the constitutional document. 1_602
1_6027 The legal arrangement is registered as a different entity type. 1_600
1_6028 The constitutional document is not associated with a legal arrangement. 1_602
1_6029 The constitutional document didn't show the Secondary Trustee details. 1_602
1_6030 The constitutional document didn't show the Settlor(s) details. 1_602
1_6031 The constitutional document didn't show the Protector(s) details. 1_602
1_6032 The constitutional document didn't show the Defined Beneficiary(ies) details. 1_602
1_6033 The constitutional document didn't show the Undefined Beneficiary(ies) details. 1_602
1_6034 The Secondary Trustee details didn't match the ones on the constitutional document. 1_603
1_6035 The Settlor(s) details didn't match the one(s) on the constitutional document. 1_603
1_6036 The Protector(s) details didn't match the one(s) on the constitutional document. 1_603
1_6037 The Defined Beneficiary(ies) details didn't match the one(s) on the constitutional document. 1_603
1_6038 The Undefined Beneficiary(ies) details didn't match the one(s) on the constitutional document. 1_603
1_6039 The Secondary Trustee is missing. 1_603
1_6040 The Protector(s) is/are missing. 1_603
1_6041 The Secondary Trustee(s) is a natural person but an Organization is mentioned instead. 1_603
1_6042 The Secondary Trustee(s) is an Organization but a natural person is mentioned instead. 1_603
1_6044 The constitutional document didn't show the Secondary Partner(s) details. 1_602
1_6045 The constitutional document didn't show the UBO(s) details. 1_602
1_6046 The Secondary Partner(s) details didn't match the constitutional document. 1_603
1_6047 The UBO(s) details didn't match the constitutional document. 1_603
1_6048 The Secondary Partner(s) is a natural person but an Organization is mentioned instead. 1_603
1_6049 The Secondary Partner(s) is an Organization but a natural person is mentioned instead. 1_603

Bank account check

Suberror code Message Remediating action codes
1_7000 The bank account couldn't be verified 1_703, 1_701
1_7001 The routing number wasn't valid 1_700
1_7002 The bank account number wasn't valid 1_700
1_7003 The bank account couldn't be verified 1_703, 1_701
1_7004 The bank account entered was invalid 1_700
1_7007 The verification code wasn't entered 1_700
1_7008 There is no bank document to verify 1_705
1_7009 The bank document didn't show a bank account number 1_704
1_7010 The bank document didn't show the account owner name 1_704
1_7011 The bank account number didn't match the one on the bank document 1_700, 1_704
1_7012 The bank account owner name appearing in the document does not match the verified legal name 1_704
1_7013 The bank document was too low quality 1_704
1_7014 The bank document wasn't a supported document type 1_704
1_7015 The bank account country didn't match the one on the bank document 1_700
1_7016 The branch code didn't match the one on the bank document 1_700, 1_704
1_7017 The bank account currency didn't match the one on the bank document 1_700
1_7018 The bank document wasn't officially issued by the bank 1_704
1_7019 The bank document wasn't issued in the past 12 months 1_704
1_7020 The bank name didn't match the one on the bank document 1_700
1_7021 The bank document didn't show an official bank logo 1_704
1_7022 The bank document didn't show an official bank stamp 1_704

Proof of signatory check

Suberror code Message Remediating action codes
1_8000 Proof of signatory was missing organization legalName 1_801
1_8001 Organization legalName did not match proof of signatory 1_518, 1_801
1_8002 Signatory name was not found in proof of signatory 1_802
1_8003 Proof of signatory image was of too low quality 1_801
1_8004 Proof of signatory was too old 1_801
1_8005 Proof of signatory didn't show the date it was issued 1_801
1_8006 Proof of signatory provided is not supported 1_801
1_8007 The signatory couldn't be verified 1_800, 1_802
1_8008 The signatory name didn't match the one on the registry 1_800, 1_802

Business lines check

Suberror code Message Remediating action codes
1_9000 The industry didn't match the website content 1_900, 1_901, 1_902
1_9001 The website didn't seem to be owned by the business 1_902
1_9002 Proof of industry is missing 1_900
1_9003 The industry didn't match the one on the proof of industry 1_901, 1_903
1_9004 The proof of industry was too low quality 1_904
1_9005 The proof of industry wasn't a supported document type 1_903
1_9006 The proof of industry was too old 1_903
1_9007 The proof of industry didn't show a legal business name 1_903
1_9008 The proof of industry didn't show an industry 1_903

Suberrors array example

Example problems array
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"problems": [
"verificationErrors": [
"code": "1_30",
"message": "Individual details couldn't be verified",
"remediatingActionsSent when there is a common remediating action": [
"code": "1_300",
"message": "Update individual details"
"subErrors": [
"code": "1_3001",
"message": "The name and date of birth couldn't be verified.",
"remediatingActions": [
"code": "1_301",
"message": "Upload an ID document"
"code": "1_300",
"message": "Update individual details"
"type": "invalidInput"
"code": "1_3000",
"message": "The user couldn't be verified.",
"remediatingActions": [
"code": "1_300",
"message": "Update individual details"
"code": "1_301",
"message": "Upload an ID document"
"type": "invalidInput"
"type": "invalidInput"