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Point-of-sale icon


Value Description
address The address of the PED to be registered. For PED devices connected directly to the Internet, it is the URL of the PED (for example https://localhost:8443/) For PED devices connected to a serial port, it is the COM port (like: /dev/ttyS0 or /dev/ttyUSB0, etc.).
callbacks An array with callback function pointers; struct of type device_callbacks defines the callbacks that the PED uses to communicate with the POS. The relevant callback at this stage is the device_state_update_CB, that reports the device status. The other callbacks are related to performing transactions. The callbacks struct also defines an echo_struct pointer, which allows the POS to pass a pointer to a POS specific struct. This can be echoed during any of the callbacks.
store The store identifier. Use this to register the device to a specific store.
posregister_configured_name The POS sets a unique name for itself using this element. This is recorded in the plataforma de pagamentos da Adyen with each transaction.
posregister_mac_address The POS MAC address; the MAC address of the POS to be set by the POS. This is recorded in the plataforma de pagamentos da Adyen with each transaction.
number_of_payment_device_options The number of payment device options; the number of payment device options in the PAYMENT_DEVICE_OPTION array.
device_options An array with payment device options; enum of type PAYMENT_DEVICE_OPTION and defines some options that can be passed on to the PED.