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Register the PED with the Adyen payments platform

Do this when you connect the PED for the first time (and it is not yet registered), or when the PED is in a device state where tenders can not be processed. Retrieve the device state by looking at the Device State of the PED object under control of the cash register.

Invoking a RefreshPED on the PED object causes a PEDStateChange callback. Use this to update and validate the device state prior to starting a tender on the PED.

The cash register should not invoke a RegisterPED for every tender to be processed.

You can register more than one PED on the library with the RegisterPED method. The cash register performs tenders on the PED of choice. All callbacks relating to tender progress include a PED object to allow the cash register to decide if any action is required.

POS Object



POS object that represents the cash register application.

RegisterPED Method



When RegisterPED is invoked, the COM extension for Windows handles multiple steps for the cash register:

  1. Registering the PED device on the merchant account in the plataforma de pagamentos da Adyen.
  2. Providing the initial configuration from the plataforma de pagamentos da Adyen to the PED.
  3. Exposing the PED to the library.
  4. Returning the PED object to the cash register (in the callback) to pass control over the PED to the cash register.

RegisterPED Parameters








Address of the PED (can be IP, COM port, URL, etc.)




Logical name assigned to the PED.