Release notes

Learn about the latest updates to our API, and Drop-in/Components for web, iOS, and Android.

This page contains the release notes for Pay by Link, Checkout API, and Drop-in/Components for web, iOS, Android, React Native, and Flutter starting from 2020.

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March 2025
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Web Components/Drop-in v6.11.0

This release requires Checkout API v69 or later. We recommend that you use the latest version of Checkout API.

  • For cards, when the shopper enters their card number in the Card number field, the length of the card number is no longer restricted based on the Bank Identification Number (BIN).
  • For Apple Pay in apps that use server-side rendering: the iframe detection code no longer crashes when rendering. This fixes the known issue from v6.10.0.
  • For cards, when you select the icon for an inoput field, the corresponding field now correctly gets the focus state.
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Web Components/Drop-in v6.10.0

This release requires Checkout API v69 or later. We recommend that you use the latest version of Checkout API.

  • For Drop-in, when using Google Pay as an instant payment type, the challengeWindowSize is now handled correctly.
  • Fixed Brazilian social security number translation (CPF/CNPJ) for different languages.
  • Fixed an issue where the exposed types for Google Pay and Apple Pay were not being found.
  • For single branded cards, the error message shown to when there configuration is incorrect is updated.
  • Improved the contrast, aria-expand attribute for radio buttons, and SVG alt descriptions to follow a11y guidelines.
  • For Google Pay, an error is thrown when the configuration is missing the required merchant ID.
Known issues
  • For Apple Pay in apps that use server-side rendering: the iframe detection code crashes when rendering. Fixed in v6.11.0.
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Web Components/Drop-in v6.9.0

This release requires Checkout API v69 or later. We recommend that you use the latest version of Checkout API.

  • When the shopper selects the Pay button, the Open Invoice and ACH Components become disabled.
  • For Boleto: additional properties have been added to the BoletoConfiguration TypeScript interface.
  • For cards: the onAutoComplete type has been added to the CustomCardConfiguration type.
  • For Google Pay: the challengeWindowSize type has been added to the GooglePayComponent TypeScript interface.
  • For Google Pay: when you call reject on the onClick event, an unhandled exception can no longer be triggered.
  • For gift cards: when the shopper pays with a second gift card the UI no longer becomes unresponsive.
Updating to this version

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Android Components/Drop-in v5.9.1

We recommend you use Checkout API v71 or later.

  • For the address lookup feature:
    • The input is now retained when changing countries.
    • The loading spinner moved to the search bar to prevent "jumping" of the view.
    • The keyboard is now hidden when:
    • An address is selected.
    • A search query is submitted
    • The manual entry button is selected.
  • For Twint with Sessions flow, setting storePaymentMethodMode: enabled now correctly stores the payment method.
  • For the address lookup feature, when selecting a different address, it now correctly updates the input fields on the payment form.

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Hosted Checkout
  • The payment page now contains a country selector. When a payment link does not contain country information, shoppers are now prompted to select their country.

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Flutter Components/Drop-in v1.3.0
  • For custom card with API only integration, added validators for the following.
    • Card number.
    • Card expiry date.
    • Card security code.
  • iOS Components/Drop-in version: 5.15.0.
  • For the Card Component, on Android 8 (API level 26) or earlier, the pay button no longer has ripple animations to prevent an animation crash.

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iOS Components/Drop-in v5.16.0

We recommend you use Checkout API v71 or later.

  • For native 3D Secure 2, when a shopper cancels the payment during the payment flow, the didProvide() delegate method is now triggered. What this means for your integration depends on whether you already make a /payments/details call to handle 3D Secure 2 errors:
    • If yes, you do not need to make any changes to your integration.
    • If not, update your integration to make a /payments/details request to get the details of the canceled transaction.
  • Support to distinguish between the regular redirect flow where you redirect the shopper through the browser and native redirects to improve the handling of failed native redirects.

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Hosted Checkout
  • For iDEAL, the shopper now gets redirected to an iDEAL-hosted page to select their issuer and finish the payment.

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Web Components/Drop-in v6.8.0

This release requires Checkout API v69 or later. We recommend that you use the latest version of Checkout API.

Known issues
  • Style issues no longer occur due to font scaling, because rem is now used for the font size unit.
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Android Components/Drop-in v5.9.0

We recommend you use Checkout API v71 or later.

  • Simplified integration for Google Pay:
    • The Component now includes the Google Pay button, and you no longer have to display the button with your own configuration.
    • The Component now does the availability check on initialization.
    • The deprecated onActivityResult is no longer needed.
      See the migration guide to learn about the changes you have to make to your integration to support Google Pay on this version.
  • Drop-in now shows a toolbar on more intermediary screens to let shoppers navigate back easily.
  • For native 3D Secure 2, when a shopper cancels the payment during the payment flow, the onAdditionalDetails() event is now triggered. What this means for your integration depends on whether you already make a /payments/details call to handle 3D Secure 2 errors:

    • If yes, you do not need to make any changes to your integration. You can remove the Cancelled3DS2Exception handler.
    • If not, update your integration to make a /payments/details request to get the details of the canceled transaction.
  • Dependency versions:

    Name Version
    Android Gradle Plugin 8.7.3
    AndroidX Compose BoM 2024.12.01
    AndroidX ConstraintLayout 2.2.0
    AndroidX Lifecycle 2.8.7
    AndroidX Lifecycle ViewModel Compose 2.8.7
    KotlinX Coroutines Play Services 1.9.0
  • We are changing the default branch of our SDK repository from develop to main. If you use our SDK repository and work with the develop branch, we recommend to switch to main. The develop branch will be removed within the next few weeks.

  • The styles and strings for the Cash App Pay loading indicator. use the new styles and strings instead.

    Previous Now
    AdyenCheckout.CashAppPay.ProgressBar AdyenCheckout.ProcessingPaymentView.ProgressBar
    AdyenCheckout.CashAppPay.WaitingDescriptionTextView AdyenCheckout.ProcessingPaymentView.WaitingDescriptionTextView
    cash_app_pay_waiting_text checkout_processing_payment

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.71.2

This release requires Checkout API v69 or later. We recommend that you use the latest version of Checkout API.

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Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.71.2

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Web Components/Drop-in v6.7.0

This release requires Checkout API v69 or later. We recommend that you use the latest version of Checkout API.

  • Added tracking for API errors for internal endpoints for analytics purposes.
  • During the process of handling the payment response, Drop-in/Components no longer makes a duplicated internal API request.
  • For the Custom Card Component, TypeScript types for configuration parameters are now more explicitly declared.
  • For cards, the styling for the confirmation message to remove a stored card no longer causes responsiveness issues.
  • For Click to Pay, button elements that appeared as links now appear as buttons.
  • For Google Pay, when the value of the GooglePayButton attribute buttonRadius is 0, it no longer fails to be passed to the createButton function.
  • The Klarna Component now initializes the Klarna Widget SDK correctly. This fixes the known issue from v6.6.0.
  • For Trustly, missing translations have been added.
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iOS Components/Drop-in v5.15.0

We recommend that you use Checkout API v71 or later.

  • When using Drop-In: the maxIssuerNumber for Twint can now be set.
  • You can now highlight a list item by changing its background color when the shopper selects it. To do this, use the new optional ListItemStyle.highlightedBackgroundColor property. Contribution by Github user.
  • For Drop-in, some components that are used in the same Drop-in session no longer have stale parts such as the following:
    • For gift cards, error messages.
    • For cards, brand logos.
  • If your app uses more than one payment service provider SDK that uses the TwintSDK, a potential runtime crash no longer occurs.

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Flutter Components/Drop-in v1.2.0
  • iOS Components/Drop-in version: 5.14.0.
  • Android Components/Drop-in version: 5.8.0. Gradle v8 is now required.
  • iDEAL is now available through the Instant Component.
  • For the Google Pay Component on Advanced flow, added loading bottom sheet.
  • The paymentSessionFinished payment result now contains sessionResult.
  • You can now make partial payments with Drop-in also on the Advanced flow.
  • For the Card Component, improved the dynamic viewport.
  • Removed the alert message that appeared when deleting a stored payment method fails.

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Web Components/Drop-in v6.6.0

This release requires Checkout API v69 or later. We recommend that you use the latest version of Checkout API.

Known issues
  • The Klarna Component encounters an error when initializing the Klarna Widget SDK. Fixed in v6.7.0.
  • For the online banking payment methods in Slovakia and the Czech Republic, bank logo icons now appear in the list of banks.
  • For WeChat Pay QR codes, updated the text indicating the time left to pay for the zh-CN locale.
  • For ACH Direct Debit, removed the text under the Account holder name field.
  • When you set the Country and State fields to required in the payment form, the setting now correctly applies to the fields.
  • For donations, the nonprofit logo and description no longer cover the donation banner, and the banner now maintains it's aspect ratio when scaling according to the shopper's screen size.
  • For cards, when the card is detected in the Card number field,
  • When multiple variants of Klarna are available in the payment methods list, you can now make sure that the payment is made with the correct variant with the new activate() method.
    • For Drop-in: this happens automatically.
    • For Components: you must call active() when the shopper selects a variant of Klarna.
Updating to this version

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Android Components/Drop-in v5.8.0

We recommend you use Checkout API v71 or later.

  • For cards, the address lookup functionality no longer crashes if the shopper presses back when the postal code field is in focus.
  • For Drop-in, fixed an issue where the error dialog showed loading state in some edge cases.

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iOS Components/Drop-in v5.14.0

We recommend you use Checkout API v71 or later.

  • For Component integrations, you can now implement a custom pay button. Use the following:

    showsSubmitButton Set to false to hide the default pay button. Default: true.
    validate() Validates the payment data.
    submit() Submits the payment data.
  • For Twint, you can now reduce the required number of LSApplicationQueriesSchemes values. In TwintActionComponent.Configuration, set the new maxIssuerNumber property.
  • For Boleto Bancario, support for the following payment method types:
    • Boleto Bancario Itaú: boletoBancarioItau
    • PrimeiroPay Boleto: primeiroPayBoleto
    • Boleto Bancario: boletoBancario
  • For Pay by Bank in the US, support for stored payment methods.
  • For Pay by Bank payments in the US (payment method type:paybybank_AIS_DD): Drop-in now shows supported bank logos and a confirmation screen, before redirecting the shopper to the issuer.
  • For Delegated Authentication: during Secure Checkout, you can now optionally reset credentials on the error screen.
  • Twint SDK version: v8.0.2.
  • For Titres-Restaurant meal vouchers, the correct type and brand values are now included in the payment details.

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Web Components/Drop-in v6.5.1

This release requires Checkout API v69 or later. We recommend that you use the latest version of Checkout API.

  • For cards, when the expiryDate is only one digit, the onBlur validation now gets triggered.
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Android Components/Drop-in v5.7.1

We recommend you use Checkout API v71 or later.

  • For the address lookup functionality:
    • Address data is now correctly saved to PaymentComponentData.
    • Address fields that were edited manually no longer lose their state when starting lookup mode.

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iOS Components/Drop-in v5.13.0

We recommend that you use Checkout API v71 or later.

  • Support for tokenization in Twint payments, allowing shoppers to securely save their Twint payment details for future transactions.
  • For testing during development, the UISwitch testability is now enabled for external tools like Appium.
  • For delegated authentication, payment information is consumed so that the UI shows the card number, brand logo, and payment amount.
  • CashAppPay SDK Version: 0.6.2
  • For cards:
    • In the Expiry date field, when the shopper tries to enter additional characters to the field after having already entered characters, the field no longer ends up in an invalid state.
    • In the Card number field, the shopper can now move the cursor and edit the number where the cursor is positioned.

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Online Payments
  • If you use Call Center for Mail Order/Telephone Order (MOTO) transactions: when you go to the Call Center URL, you are now redirected to the Virtual Terminal URL.

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Web Components/Drop-in v6.5.0

This release requires Checkout API v69 or later. We recommend that you use the latest version of Checkout API.

  • For PayMe, when the shopper pays, the UI shows instructions to complete the transaction.

  • For PayNow, when the shopper pays on a tablet or mobile device, the UI now shows instructions to complete the transaction.

  • When creating a production build, the auto.js code is no longer tree-shaken by bundlers.
  • For integrations using the address lookup feature for cards: the State or province field no longer resets when the shopper selects a value for the Country field.
  • The Iceland Krona currency (ISK) now correctly uses minor units.
  • For UPI, the initial value for isValid is now true only for UPI QR.
  • To support earlier iOS versions, the ECMAScript version is now the 2020 version.
  • For Payconiq, the UI now includes instructions for the QR code, and an unused button label is now removed.
Updating to this version

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@6.5.0

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.71.1

This release requires Checkout API v69 or later. We recommend that you use the latest version of Checkout API.

  • For integrations using the address lookup feature for cards: the State or province field no longer resets when the shopper selects a value for the Country field.
  • For UPI, the default value for isValid is now true only for UPI QR.
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Checkout API
  • The /cardDetails response now includes:
    • fundingSource: the funding source of the card, for example DEBIT, CREDIT, or PREPAID.
    • isCardCommercial: indicates if the card is a commercial card or a consumer card.

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Web Components/Drop-in v6.4.0

This release requires Checkout API v69 or later. We recommend that you use the latest version of Checkout API.

  • All action types now trigger the onActionHandled callback.
    • For all action types, except for threeds2, the original action object is passed to the callback.
  • For ACH, the shopper can now select the Savings or Checking account type.
  • For improved developer experience, we now export the CustomTranslations type.
  • document.querySelector is now called only once, instead of three times.
  • get-process-message.handler.js no longer causes exceptions. The new optional chaining operator for the postMessage handler function now prevents improperly formed events.
  • When you call actions.reject() in the beforeSubmit callback, the UI no longer set the UI in an error state. Previously, it caused a call to handleFailedResult, which caused the onPaymentFailed callback to be called and set the UI in an error state.
Updating to this version

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@6.4.0

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.71.0

This release requires Checkout API v69 or later. We recommend that you use the latest version of Checkout API.

  • For ACH, the shopper can now select the Savings or Checking account type.
  • get-process-message.handler.js no longer causes exceptions. The new optional chaining operator for the postMessage handler function now prevents improperly formed events.
Updating to this version

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.71.0

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Android Components/Drop-in v5.7.0

We recommend you use Checkout API v71 or later.

  • You can now use Adyen Test Cards Android to autofill test payment method information, to test your integration more quickly.

  • For Twint:

  • For French meal vouchers, the following payment method types are now available:

    • Up. Payment method type: mealVoucher_FR_groupeup.
    • Natixis. Payment method type: mealVoucher_FR_natixis.
    • Sodexo. Payment method type: mealVoucher_FR_sodexo.
      Learn to configure French meal vouchers.
  • For API-only integrations with encrypted card details, you can now use the following classes to validate corresponding fields:

    Class Description
    CardNumberValidator Validates the card number field.
    CardExpiryDateValidator Validates the expiry date field.
    CardSecurityCodeValidator Validates the security code field.
  • Support for the following locales:

    Locale Values
    Catalan ca-ES
    Icelandic is-IS
    Bulgarian bg-BG
    Estonian et-EE
    Latvian lv-LV
    Lithuanian lt-lT
  • For UPI Intent, if the shopper selects the Continue button without selecting an UPI option, an error message now shows.
  • For Drop-in, in the navigation bar, the accessibility of the Back/Close button is improved.
  • When parsing JSON objects with explicit null values, JSON deserialization no longer returns the coerced null string.
  • The style for payment method list headers. Use the new style instead.

    Previous Now
    AdyenCheckout.TextAppearance.HeaderTitle AdyenCheckout.TextAppearance.HeaderLabel
  • The com.adyen.checkout.instant.ActionHandlingMethod method. Use the new method instead.

    Previous Now
    com.adyen.checkout.instant.ActionHandlingMethod com.adyen.checkout.components.core.ActionHandlingMethod

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Flutter Components/Drop-in v1.1.0
  • For Drop-in, you can now display custom names for the payment methods in your checkout. Use the paymentMethodNames object to set the name for each payment method.
  • When a shopper cancels the payment during the 3D Secure 2 flow, the payment result is now PaymentCancelledByUser.
  • For Apple Pay, improved the instantiation of the payment method component.
  • For Google Pay, improved configuration parsing.

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iOS Components/Drop-in v4.14.0
  • On iOS 18, if the shopper has two identical stored payment methods, Drop-in/Component no longer crashes when the shopper selects a payment method that's not the default stored one.

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iOS Components/Drop-in v5.12.0
  • On iOS 18, if the shopper has two identical stored payment methods, Drop-in/Component no longer crashes when the shopper selects a payment method that's not the default stored one.
  • You can now use the AdyenEncryption module independently with a reduced size, because it no longer depends on AdyenCore.

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React Native Components/Drop-in v2.4.1
  • Removed the unused getReturnURL declaration from the SessionHelper module to compile the library correctly when React Native New Architecture is enabled.
  • Bumped serve-static version to 1.16.2 to address security vulnerability.

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Web Components/Drop-in v6.3.0

This release requires Checkout API v69 or later. We recommend that you use the latest version of Checkout API.

  • For Pay by Bank payments in the US, the payment form now shows US bank logos.
  • For Click to Pay with Visa, custom timeouts now get reported to the Visa SDK.
  • For Click to Pay with Visa, when the shopper selects Enter, the event no longer propagates to other views.
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Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@6.3.0

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.70.0

This release requires Checkout API v69 or later. We recommend that you use the latest version of Checkout API.

  • For Pay by Bank payments in the US, the payment form now shows US bank logos.
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Web Components/Drop-in v5.69.1

This release requires Checkout API v69 or later. We recommend that you use the latest version of Checkout API.

  • For Click to Pay with Visa, custom timeouts now get reported to the Visa SDK.
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Checkout API
  • Fixed an issue where payments with the following paymentMethod.type would break in some cases:
    • klarna
    • klarna_account
    • klarna_paynow
    • klarna_b2b
    • walley
    • walley_b2b
    • ebanking_FI
  • When blockedPaymentMethods is set to scheme, Bancontact is no longer blocked.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.69.0
  • For Drop-in, when loading, payment methods that are not supported are filtered out before the individual payment method Components are created.
  • When loading, during the internal setup requests, the browserInfo information is included.
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Web Components/Drop-in v6.2.0

This release requires Checkout API v69 or later. We recommend that you use the latest version of Checkout API.

  • When loading, during the internal setup requests, the browserInfo information is included.
  • For Drop-in, when loading, payment methods that are not supported are filtered out before the individual payment method Components are created.
  • For Apple Pay, the ApplePaySession property is now optional in the Window interface.
  • For Apple Pay, ApplePayService no longer causes reliability issues with SonarCloud.
  • Projects that use webpack 4 can now directly import styles from the adyen.css file.
  • For cards, the Enter key now correctly triggers validation and submission. Previously, a regression issue prevented the actions from being triggered.
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Flutter Components/Drop-in v1.0.2
  • iOS Components/Drop-in version: 5.11.0.
  • For Android, improved component bottom sheet behavior.
  • For cards, improved the component for shopper devices that use large font and display sizes.
  • Migrated the Android example to use Flutter Gradle plugins through the Plugin DSL.

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React Native Components/Drop-in v2.4.0
  • Support for Apple Pay recurring payments.
  • For Drop-in, you can now set showRemovePaymentMethodButton to true to allow your shoppers to remove their stored payment details.
  • iOS Components/Drop-in version: 5.11.0.
  • AdyenAction is now exported correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where AdyenInstant and other components were not loading correctly on React Native versions earlier than 73. This fixes the known issue in v2.3.0.

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iOS Components/Drop-in v5.11.0
  • The following protocol and classes that were recently made internal (@_spi(AdyenInternal)) are now public again:
    • Validator
    • CardNumberValidator
    • CardExpiryDateValidator
    • CardSecurityCodeValidator
    • LengthValidator
    • NumericStringValidator
  • TWINT SDK version: 8.0.1
  • The privacy manifest path in Package.swift now ensures correct Swift Package Manager (SPM) integration.

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Web Components/Drop-in v6.1.1
  • Removed the unused region role from the payment method item to follow a11y guidelines.
  • Fixed validation for Lithuanian postal codes to support inputs with 4 digits, 5 digits, and the LT prefix.
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Web Components/Drop-in v5.68.1
  • Removed the unused region role from the payment method item to follow a11y guidelines.
  • Fixed validation for Lithuanian postal codes to support inputs with 4 digits, 5 digits, and the LT prefix.
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Web Components/Drop-in v6.1.0

This release requires Checkout API v69 or later. We recommend that you use the latest version of Checkout API.

  • For ANCV, after the shopper makes a partial payment, the ANCV ID and deducted balance is shown on the screen where they select the payment method for the remaining balance.
  • Updated currency information for the following locales:
    • Iceland (ISK)
    • Bulgaria (BGN)

For stored cards, the holder name is now correctly passed when making the payment.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.68.0

This release requires Checkout API v69 or later. We recommend that you use the latest version of Checkout API.

  • For ANCV, after the shopper makes a partial payment, the ANCV ID and deducted balance is shown on the screen where they select the payment method for the remaining balance.

For stored cards, the holder name is now correctly passed when making the payment.

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Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.68.0

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React Native Components/Drop-in v2.3.0
  • iOS Components/Drop-in version: 5.10.0.
  • For cards, you can now set addressVisibility: lookup to suggest addresses to the shopper when they are inputing their address.
Known issues
  • For React Native v73 and earlier, AdyenInstant and other components do not load correctly. This issue is fixed in v2.4.0
  • The example app now uses React Native v74.

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Web Components/Drop-in v6.0.3
  • For Riverty, the consent checkbox now includes a link to the Riverty privacy policy.
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Web Components/Drop-in v5.67.1
  • For Riverty, the consent checkbox now includes a link to the Riverty privacy policy.
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Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.67.1

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iOS Components/Drop-in v5.10.0
  • Support for the UPI Intent flow, where the shopper can choose a UPI app to pay through. They are redirected to and complete the payment on the selected app.
  • For Drop-in with Sessions flow, the shopper can now remove their stored payment methods. To do so:
    • In the /sessions request, include showRemovePaymentMethodButton: true.
    • Set the StoredPaymentMethodsDelegate to session:
      Copy code
      dropInComponent.StoredPaymentMethodDelegate = self.session
  • Support for the following locales: bg-BG,ca-ES, et-EE,is-IS,lt-LT,lv-LV.
  • For cards, when the shopper selects Cancel to exit the address input screen, the address fields no longer gets reset.

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Web Components/Drop-in v6.0.2

This release requires Checkout API v69 or later. We recommend that you use the latest version of Checkout API.


For UPI, the TypeScript type error for formatProps has been fixed.

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Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@6.0.2

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Web Components/Drop-in v6.0.1

This release requires Checkout API v69 or later. We recommend that you use the latest version of Checkout API.


For PayPal, the bug where the payment didn't get finalized after the PayPal lightbox closed no longer occurs.

Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@6.0.1

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Web Components/Drop-in v6.0.0

This release requires Checkout API v69 or later. We recommend using the latest Checkout API version.

Breaking Changes


  • Drop-in/Components is no longer supported on Internet Explorer 11.
  • If you integrate with npm, we've changed how you import Drop-in/Components to reduce the bundle size.
  • If you integrate with embedded scripts, we changed how we expose the AdyenCheckout and Drop-in/Components on the window object.
  • We've changed how you create an instance of Drop-in or Component.
  • For the onSubmit() event handler, you now need to resolve/reject an actions object to continue or halt the payment flow.
  • For the onAdditionalDetails() event handler, you now need to resolve/reject an actions object to continue or halt the payment flow.
  • The onPaymentCompleted() event is no longer triggered for failed payments, instead the onPaymentFailed() event is triggered.
  • The showPayButton parameter now defaults to true.
  • The onValid() event is removed.
  • The setStatusAutomatically property is no longer supported. If a payment is successful or if it fails, the component is kept in loading state and merchant must handle it accordingly.
  • We've changed how you style Drop-in/Components to give you more fine-grained control by using custom CSS properties. Update your CSS styles accordingly.
  • The countryCode property is now mandatory. It must be set directly in the AdyenCheckout configuration object, or in the /sessions request.
  • The showFormInstruction property is no longer supported.
  • When instantiating AdyenCheckout, you can no longer set the configuration property 'installmentOptions'. It must be set in the Card Component configuration instead.
  • You can no longer set the configuration property paymentMethodsConfiguration when initializing AdyenCheckout. Instead, set it in the Drop-in configuration.
  • The locale in your global configuration object must follow the xx-YY format, where xx specifies the language, and YY specifies the region. Locales that are not formatted correctly will be ignored and fallback to en-US. See all supported locales on our GitHub.
    Exception: For Arabic, the locale must be set to ar.
  • TypeScript types are now imported directly from the root of the package, for example:
    Copy code
    import type { CardConfiguration } from '@adyen/adyen-web';

Payment method specific

Express payment methods

  • For Google Pay express, the event handler onPaymentDataChanged now works only when the Component configuration property isExpress is set to true.
  • For Apple Pay express, the event handlers onShippingContactSelected and onShippingMethodSelected now work only when the Component configuration property isExpress is set to true.
  • For Paypal Express, the onShippingChange() event handler is no longer supported. Migrate to the onShippingAddressChange() and onShippingOptionsChange() event handlers.
  • The onShopperDetails() event for PayPal is renamed to onAuthorized() and it must be resolved or rejected to finalize the payment.
  • For Google Pay, the isAvailable() method does not return a boolean flag anymore. Instead, the promise is resolved when the payment is available and rejected otherwise.

Card payment methods

  • The Card Component configuration property showBrandsUnderCardNumber is no longer supported.
  • The challengeWindowSize configuration parameter can now be set in the card object within paymentMethodsConfiguration instead of the threeDS2 object.
  • The Custom Card Component is renamed from securedfields to CustomCard and created as:
    Copy code
    new CustomCard()

Other payment methods

  • For PayPal, the onCancel() event handler is no longer supported. To detect when the PayPal lightbox is closed, listen to the onError event with error type CANCEL.
  • For Klarna, the token property is replaced with the authorization_token from the /payments/details request.
  • For Adyen Giving, you now need to integrate with the Giving Campaign Manager Component.
  • We no longer support the payment method QiwiWallet.

Partial payments

  • onPaymentMethodsRequest() is a new event, which is triggered when a partial payment is made and the associated order isn't fully paid. Use the even handler to request payment methods for a new payment.
  • onPaymentFailed() is a new event, which is triggered when a payment fails. Previously, this event was part of onPaymentCompleted().
  • You can now disable the final animation after a successful or failed payment in Drop-in, by setting disableFinalAnimation to true.
  • Shoppers can now confirm the payment by pressing the Enter key. If the payment has a validation issue, an error is shown in the Drop-in/Components interface.
    • You can customize, or prevent, the Enter keypress behavior by implementing an onEnterKeyPressed() event handler on AdyenCheckout.
  • Support for six more locales: Catalan (ca-ES), Icelandic (is-IS), Bulgarian (bg-BG), Estonian (et-EE), Latvian (lv-LV) and Lithuanian (lt-lT).
  • Support for Apple Pay Order tracking in Drop-in and in the Apple Pay Component.
  • Support for tree shaking when integrating through npm.
  • onPaymentCompleted() now works for both Sessions and Advanced flow.
  • We have replaced input field placeholder texts with permanently visible contextual elements to enhance the accessibility and UX. You can still apply and customize placeholders.
  • For Google Pay and Apple Pay, the onAuthorized event is now triggered before the onSubmit event. The onAuthorized event must be resolved in order to proceed with the payment flow.
  • We have improved AVS checks for GooglePay and ApplePay by adding the billing address to if available during payment method authorization.
  • Drop-in no longer uses radio buttons by default.
  • The WeChatPay timer now defaults to 30 minutes.
Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Drop-in/Components Node.js package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@6.0.0 --save

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.67.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.

  • For the Card Component, the info event now has the configData object that includes details about the configuration of the Component.
  • Google Pay now supports the borderRadius property.

For installments, the text above the radio buttons or dropdown menu now shows correctly.

Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.67.0

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React Native Components/Drop-in v2.2.0
Breaking Changes
  • Starting August 31 2024, Google introduces Target API level requirements for Google Play apps. If you use:
    • React Native v73 or later, you do not need to take any action.
    • React Native v72, you have to:
      • In android/build.gradle, update compileTarget to 34, and set classpath("”).
      • In android/app/build.gradle, add android.buildFeatures.buildConfig = true to enable buildConfig.
    • React Native v71 or earlier:
      • In android/build.gradle, update compileTarget to 34.
  • Android Components/Drop-in version: 5.6.0.
  • Updated the to fix potential compatibility issues with old and new versions of React Native.

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Android Components/Drop-in v4.13.6

We recommend you use Checkout API v71 or later.

  • On Android API versions 21 to 25, the NoSuchMethodError no longer occurs during the 3D Secure 2 challenge flow.
  • Dependency versions:

    Name Version
    Adyen 3DS2 2.2.19

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Android Components/Drop-in v5.6.0

We recommend you use Checkout API v71 or later.

  • For Google Pay on Advanced flow, onSubmit now returns threeDS2SdkVersion in the paymentMethod object that you must pass in your /payments request to correctly trigger the 3D Secure 2 flow.
  • On Android API versions 21 to 25, the NoSuchMethodError no longer occurs during the 3D Secure 2 challenge flow.
  • When using R8 to shrink your code, CIRCULAR REFERENCE: Missing class... errors no longer occur.

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React Native Components/Drop-in v2.1.0
  • iOS Components/Drop-in version: 5.9.0.
  • Android Components/Drop-in version: 5.5.0.
  • The new iDEAL payment flow where the shopper is redirected to the iDEAL payment page to select their bank and authorize the payment.

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Android Components/Drop-in v5.5.0

We recommend you use Checkout API v71 or later.

  • Support for the UPI Intent flow, where the shopper can choose a UPI app to pay through. They are redirected to and complete the payment on the selected app.
  • The new iDEAL payment flow where the shopper is redirected to the iDEAL payment page to select their bank and authorize the payment.
  • Autofill support for the following:
    • For gift cards, the gift card number and PIN fields.
    • For UPI Virtual Payments, the address field.
    • For payment methods that use them, the address input fields.
  • Drop-in navigation:
    • Added the top navigation bar.
    • Disabled the dragging gesture that caused Drop-in to be dismissed.
    • When the shopper navigates from an additional action screen (for example 3D Secure), Drop-in is dismissed.

Dependency versions:

Name Version
AndroidX Compose BoM 2024.05.00
AndroidX Lifecycle 2.8.2
Material Design 1.12.0

We recommend that you remove the following from your integration, because they no longer have an effect on the iDEAL payment method.

  • For IdealComponent:
    • isConfirmationRequired()
    • submit()
  • For iDEAL configuration:
    • setViewType()
    • setHideIssuerLogos()
    • setSubmitButtonVisible()

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React Native Components/Drop-in v2.0.1
  • For Expo v47 and later, version conflicts no longer occur.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.66.1

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.

  • For the Sessions flow: when a fatal error occurs while setting up the session, the onError callback now includes the full error object. Previously, it included only a hard-coded error message.
Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.66.1

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.66.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.

  • Support for the UPI Intent flow, where the shopper on a mobile device can choose a UPI app to pay through. They are redirected to and complete the payment on the selected app.
  • For Click to Pay, previously used cards now shown above newly created cards.
  • For ACH, the showPayButton configuration is no longer ignored.
Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.66.0

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React Native Components/Drop-in v2.0.0
  • Drop-in now supports the Sessions flow, where you make a single /sessions request.
  • You can now specify a locale instead of using the shopper device locale.
  • Support for Expo.
  • You can now use the AdyenAction.handle() method to handle additional actions.
  • For Native 3D Secure 2, you can now configure the requestorAppUrl.
  • For Drop-in on iOS, you can now configure a custom title for the pre-selected stored payment method view. 
  • For Apple Pay, you can now configure shippingContact, shippingType, shippingMethods, and supportedCountries.
  • The AdyenCheckout theme is now separated from the AppTheme, which makes it easier to integrate with Drop-in.
  • For Android, you no longer need to have <service android:name="com.adyenreactnativesdk.component.dropin.AdyenCheckoutService" android:exported="false" /> in your app's manifest file.
  • For Android, adyenReactNativeRedirectScheme is deprecated, you can use any intent filter. When it is required, you get a returnUrl in To get the returnUrl, you can also use the await AdyenDropIn.getReturnURL() function.
Breaking Changes
  • For Android, your app theme must have Material Components as parent to work with payment methods that use the InstantPaymentComponent, for example:
    Copy code
    <style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.MaterialComponents.DayNight.NoActionBar"> 

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Android Components/Drop-in v5.4.0
  • For external redirects, you can now customize the colors of the toolbar and navigation bar shown in Custom Tabs.
  • TWINT is now supported with a native flow, and you no longer need to redirect shoppers through the browser. To use the redirect flow, set the following configuration:

    Copy code
    environment = environment,
    clientKey = clientKey,
    ) {
    // Optionally pass the payment method type to configure it for the specific payment method.
    instantPayment(PaymentMethodTypes.TWINT) {
  • Fixed some memory leaks.
  • In case of a debug build, Drop-in no longer overrides the log level.
  • For cards, when a shopper does not select an address, the address lookup function now shows a validation error.
  • Actions no longer crash when your app uses obfuscation.
  • When handling a 3D Secure 2 challenge using Checkout API v66 or earlier, Drop-in no longer throws an error.
  • If the app process unexpectedly terminates when handling actions, the state is now restored and you can proceed with the payment flow.
  • For /sessions, fixed an issue where the setEnableRemovingStoredPaymentMethods flag in the Drop-in configuration was ignored.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.65.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.

  • The new iDEAL payment flow where the shopper is redirected to the iDEAL payment page to select their bank and authorize the payment.
  • For 3D Secure 2, the analytics events now include the following information:
    • subType: the type of event.
    • result: the outcome of the event.
  • For Google Pay, when the shopper pays with card, the now includes the origin to trigger the 3D Secure 2 native flow.
Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.65.0

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iOS Components/Drop-in v5.9.0

We recommend you use Checkout API v71 or later.

  • The new iDEAL payment flow where the shopper is redirected to the iDEAL payment page to select their bank and authorize the payment.
    You must now use InstantPaymentComponent for iDEAL:

    Copy code
    let paymentMethods = session.sessionContext.paymentMethods
    // Check that the payment method is supported before showing the Component.
    guard let paymentMethod = paymentMethods.paymentMethod(ofType: .ideal) else { return }
    let component = InstantPaymentComponent(paymentMethod: paymentMethod,
    context: context,
    order: nil)
    self.currentComponent = component
    // Set the session as the delegate.
    component.delegate = session
  • When shoppers select the prefix picker in the phone number input field, they can now search through the prefix list using their ISO code, prefix, or country/region name.

Known issues

iDEAL does not work in the test environment if your test Adyen merchant account is not configured to use the new payment flow. You must first contact our Support Team to configure your test merchant account.

  • IdealComponent is no longer available. Use InstantPaymentComponent instead.

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iOS Components/Drop-in v4.13.0

We recommend you use Checkout API v71 or later.

  • The new iDEAL payment flow where the shopper is redirected to the iDEAL payment page to select their bank and authorize the payment.
Known issues

iDEAL does not work in the test environment if your test Adyen merchant account is not configured to use the new payment flow. You must first contact our Support Team to configure your test merchant account.

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iOS Components/Drop-in v5.8.0

We recommend you use Checkout API v71 or later.


Support for Twint SDK integration through the TwintComponent module.

  • Flag icons are removed from the UI.
  • The text Country is now replaced with Country/Region.

Fixed an issue that incorrectly cancelled successful redirect payments in some cases.

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Android Components/Drop-in v4.13.5

We recommend you use Checkout API v71 or later.


Dependency versions:

Name Version
Adyen 3DS2 SDK 2.2.17

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iOS Components/Drop-in v4.12.1

We recommend you use Checkout API v71 or later.

  • 3D Secure 2 SDK version: 2.4.2.
  • The privacy manifest file issue that blocked the App Store upload process has been fixed by upgrading the 3D Secure 2 SDK version to 2.4.2.

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iOS Components/Drop-in v5.7.1

We recommend you use Checkout API v71 or later.

  • 3D Secure 2 SDK version: 2.4.2.
Breaking Changes
  • The privacy manifest file issue that blocked the App Store upload process has been fixed by upgrading the 3D Secure 2 SDK version to 2.4.2.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.64.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.

  • For open invoice payment methods:
    • When the shopper selects and deselects the consent checkbox, the Uncaught TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'errorI18n' in true error no longer occurs.
    • Errors related to the screen reader panel no longer causes issues with the logic of the OpenInvoice Component.
  • For ANCV, a new order is no longer created when it is used as the second payment of a partial payment. The custom payButton now submits the correct data.
  • When the shopper checks out, the checkoutAttemptIdobject is now always passed in the initial API request.
  • For cards, the unencrypted expiry date can now be passed to the onFieldValid callback. To enable this, set exposeExpiryDate to true.
Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.64.0

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.63.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.

  • For the phone number field in the payment form:
    • The Country selector for the phone number field is now called Country/Region.
    • Flag icons are no longer included in the selector.
  • For voucher payment methods, the voucher now shows expiration the date and time.
  • For wallet payment methods used as express payment methods, the function to submit analytics now works as expected.
  • Drop-in no longer fails to render when only express payment methods are available.
Updating to this version

Upgrading to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.63.0

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Android Components/Drop-in v5.3.1
  • For Drop-in and Components, when ?android:attr/textColor is not defined in your own theme, the Card Component no longer crashes.
  • The onAdditionalDetails event is now triggered only once. Previously, the event was triggered multiple times in some edge cases.
  • The build output no longer contains warnings about multiple substitutions specified in non-positional format in string resources.
  • For the Card Component, we fixed localization issues that occurred when using the Address Lookup functionality.
  • Overriding some of the XML styles without specifying a parent style no longer causes a build error.
  • You can no longer use functions like CheckoutConfiguration.getCardConfiguration() or CheckoutConfiguration.getDropInConfiguration() to get configurations from the CheckoutConfiguration object. When starting Drop-in or Components, pass the full CheckoutConfiguration object.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.62.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.


For cards, the shopper can now enter a 19-digit Diners card number.

Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.62.0

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.61.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.

  • For analytics and data tracking, the information collected now includes data about whether wallet payment methods are used as express payment methods.
  • For the address fields of the payment form, the forward slash character (/) is now allowed.
  • For open invoice payment methods (like Riverty), the SRPanel for screen readers now correctly includes the first name and last name fields in the delivery address.
  • For combobox UI elements, when nothing is selected, aria-activedescendant is now null.
Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.61.0

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iOS Components/Drop-in v5.7.0

We recommend you use Checkout API v71 or later.

  • PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy lists all the data collected by Drop-in and Components.
  • In the country/region picker for the payment form, you can now choose if the images of flags are shown using showCountryFlags.

    For Drop-in:

    Copy code
    var style = DropInComponent.Style()
    style.formComponent.addressStyle.showCountryFlags = cardSettings.showsCountryFlags
    let dropInConfiguration = DropInComponent.Configuration(style: style)
    let dropInComponent = DropInComponent(paymentMethods: paymentMethods,
    context: context,
    configuration: dropInConfiguration)

    For Components (the Card Component, for example):

    Copy code
    let cardConfiguration = CardComponent.Configuration() = true/false
    let cardComponent = CardComponent(paymentMethod: paymentMethod,
    context: context,
    configuration: cardConfiguration)
  • 3D Secure 2 SDK version: 2.4.1.
Breaking Changes
  • When clientKey is invalid or mismatched with the environment, PublicKeyProvider now returns a corresponding error message.

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iOS Components/Drop-in v4.12.0

We recommend you use Checkout API v71 or later.


PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy lists all the data collected by Drop-in and Components.


3D Secure 2 SDK version: 2.4.1

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Android Components/Drop-in v5.3.0

We recommend you use Checkout API v71 or later.

  • A new way to create a configuration using DSL to be more declarative and concise:

    Copy code
    environment = environment,
    clientKey = clientKey,
    shopperLocale = shopperLocale,
    amount = amount,
    ) {
    dropIn {
    card {
    adyen3DS2 {
  • For the Card Component, you can use the new Address Lookup functionality.

  • For voucher actions: when the url or downloadUrl is not included, the shopper has the option to select Save as image and save the voucher to the device's Downloads folder.

  • You can now set your own AdyenLogger instance with AdyenLogger.setLogger. This gives the ability to intercept logs and handle them in your own way.

  • Payment methods:

    • Multibanco. Payment method type: multibanco.
    • Pay Easy. Payment method type: econtext_atm.
    • Convenience Stores Japan. Payment method type: econtext_stores
    • Online Banking Japan. Payment method type: econtext_online.
    • Seven-Eleven: Payment method type: econtext_seven_eleven
  • When building minifyEnabled without the kotlin-parcelize plugin in your project, the build should no longer crash.
  • When handling actions, you no longer get the IllegalArgumentException: Unsupported delegate type error that causes a crash.
  • When creating a configuration, the Builder constructors with a Context is deprecated. You can now omit the context parameter.

  • PermissionException. Handle permissions through ActionComponentCallback, SessionComponentCallback, or ComponentCallback callbacks instead.

  • The styles for vouchers have been changed:

    Previous (v5.2.0 or earlier) Now (v5.3.0)
    AdyenCheckout.Voucher.Description.Bacs AdyenCheckout.Voucher.Simple.Description
    AdyenCheckout.Voucher.Description.Boleto AdyenCheckout.Voucher.Full.Description
    AdyenCheckout.Voucher.ExpirationDateLabel AdyenCheckout.Voucher.InformationFieldLabel
    AdyenCheckout.Voucher.ExpirationDate AdyenCheckout.Voucher.InformationFieldValue
    AdyenCheckout.Voucher.ButtonCopyCode AdyenCheckout.Voucher.Button.CopyCode
    AdyenCheckout.Voucher.ButtonDownloadPdf AdyenCheckout.Voucher.Button.DownloadPdf
  • Logger.LogLevel has been deprecated.

    Previous (v5.2.0 or earlier) Now (v5.3.0)
    Logger.LogLevel AdyenLogLevel
    AdyenLogger.setLogLevel(logLevel: Int) AdyenLogger.setLogLevel(level: AdyenLogLevel)
  • When creating a configuration, the shopperLocale parameter is now optional.
    • Sessions flow: when you do not set it, the shopper locale is set to the value included in the /sessions request.
    • Advanced flow: when you do not set it, the shopper local is set to the primary user locale on the device.
  • For Drop-in, all actions now start in expanded mode.
  • For the Google Pay Component, you no longer need to manually import the 3ds2 module to handle transactions that require Native 3D Secure 2 challenge.
  • If you use DropInServiceResult.Error without specifying an error message, the default has changed from Error sending payment. Please try again. to An unknown error occurred.
  • For the Sessions flow:
    • When starting Drop-in (with DropIn.startPayment) or creating a Component (with YourComponent.PROVIDER.get), the configuration parameter is now optional.
    • When using CheckoutSessionProvider.createSession to create a CheckoutSession, you can pass only environment and clientKey instead of the whole configuration.
    • Removing stored payment methods is now handled internally. You no longer need to override the onRemoveStoredPaymentMethod function.
  • Dependency versions:

    Name Version
    Kotlin 1.9.22
    AndroidX Compose compiler 1.5.8
    AndroidX Compose Activity 1.8.2
    Material Design 1.11.0
Known issues

Do not use the functions to get configurations, (such as CheckoutConfiguration.getDropInConfiguration() or CheckoutConfiguration.getCardConfiguration()). These functions will be removed in the following release.

If you use the new configuration DSL, pass the CheckoutConfiguration object as it is when starting Drop-in or Components.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.60.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.

  • For cards, Boleto, and ACH: when making the /payments request, the billingAddress.firstName and billingAddress.lastName parameters are no longer included.
  • For the Sessions flow: when making a zero-auth transaction (amount: 0) the payment details are stored only when the storePaymentMethodMode parameter in the /sessions request is set to do so. This fixes the known issue from v5.59.0.
  • For Apple Pay: you no longer get warnings in your integrated development environment (IDE) because of TypeScript type issues.
  • For cards: the shopper can now enter a Discover card number with the length of 19 digits.
Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.60.0

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.59.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.

Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.59.0

When making a zero-auth transaction (amount: 0) to store payment details, we now always pass the storePaymentMethod object to our server.

Known issues
  • For the Sessions flow: if your /sessions request included either enableRecurring or enableOneClick, making a zero-auth transaction fails.
  • For the Advanced flow: if your /payments request included either enableRecurring or enableOneClick, making a zero-auth transaction fails.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.58.0
Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.58.0
  • New payment method: Online Banking Finland. Payment method type: ebanking_FI.
  • Support for the new Riverty component (riverty) in AT, CH, and DE. This component will replace afterpay_default in the future.
  • For Drop-in, when countryCode is set to FI, no payment method is selected by default and all payment methods are collapsed to comply with Finnish regulations.
  • Fixed an issue where clicking on Card fields caused console errors for shoppers using an iOS device.

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Checkout API

For integrations using Drop-in or the Gift card Component:
Drop-in and the Component now correctly get the last four digits of gift cards from the API response and show them on the payment form.

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iOS Components/Drop-in v4.11.2

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Android Components/Drop-in v5.2.0
  • The integration now uses JSON Web Encryption (JWE) with RSA OAEP 256 and AES GCM 256 for encryption. You do not need to make any changes to your integration.
  • For Drop-in, error dialogs no longer display user unfriendly messages when using the Sessions flow.
  • Overriding some of the XML styles without specifying a parent style no longer causes a build error.
  • The Await and QR Code action components no longer get stuck in a loading state after the payment is completed.

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iOS Components/Drop-in v5.6.0
  • For all payment methods that include input fields for the shopper's address, the address input fields are now on a separate screen. This declutters the payment screen to improve user experience.
  • For Apple Pay, when the allowOnboarding property of ApplePayConfiguration.init is set to true, the onboarding check now runs correctly.
  • In landscape mode, the search bar height no longer expands and obstructs other visual elements like the issuer list on the screen.
  • For stored card payments using Drop-in, the pay button is now enabled correctly when entering the security code with the traditional Chinese Cantonese keyboard.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.57.0
  • For Blik, the Drop-in/Component now shows identifiers next to stored payment methods.
Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.57.0--save

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.56.1

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.

  • For card, when making a zero-auth transaction:
    • The text on the pay button is now Save details.
    • A checkbox no longer shows.
  • For Drop-in, after a zero-auth transaction, the text for the success message is Details saved.
Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.56.1--save

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.56.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.


Payment method: PayMe. Payment method type: payme.

  • For QR code payment methods, the payment status check now calculates elapsed time more accurately.
  • For the custom card integration with encryption, the Component now gives a console warning for an unsupported value in the data-cse attribute.
Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.56.0--save

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.55.1

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.


For QR code payment methods, the payment method logo now loads and shows correctly.

Updating to this version

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.55.1 --save

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.55.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.


For cards, the startup log includes more detailed information that can be used to debug issues.

Updating to this version

Upgrading to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.55.0--save

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Android Components/Drop-in v5.1.0

We recommend you use Checkout API v71 or later.


Fixed a bug where components would not be shown in Jetpack Compose lazy lists.


Dependency versions:

Name Version
AndroidX Compose Activity 1.8.0
Material Design 1.10.0
Gradle 8.4
Android Gradle plugin 8.1.2
AndroidX Compose BoM 2023.10.01
AndroidX Recyclerview 1.3.2
AndroidX Fragment 1.6.2

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iOS Components/Drop-in v5.5.0

We recommend you use Checkout API v71 or later.

  • When you offer installment payments, you can now show the number of installments and the amount of each installment in the picker. For example, 3x $20.
    • For Sessions flow, when you make a /sessions request, include showInstallmentAmount:true and installmentOptions. We use these values to show installment options in the picker.
    • For Advanced flow, in the InstallmentConfiguration object, set showInstallmentAmount to true when you initialize it.
  • Support for Library Evolution.

For cards, the address lookup feature now supports a 2-step lookup process (for example, used by the Google Maps API):

  1. Providing suggested addresses that might be incomplete.
  2. Optionally, making another API request to complete the suggestions.

You must change the callback:

5.4.1 or earlier 5.5.0
.lookup(LookupProvider) .lookup(AddressLookupProvider)
  • When the shopper's phone number is included in the shopperInformation object, the pre-filled phone number prefix on the payment form automatically updates to match the correct country code.
  • Drop-in now updates the payment method list after the shopper applies a gift card, in case the available payment methods change because of the updated payment amount.
  • When you define custom localizations in your app bundle using Localizable.strings, they are now applied correctly.
  • Bizum is no longer shown as an available payment method.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.54.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.

  • For the card Component: the address lookup feature now includes the new onAddressSelected callback to handle additional information for address completion services that require a second callback, like Google Place Autocomplete API.
  • For Click to Pay, if the shopper gives consent, you can now enable the cookie for Mastercard and Visa.
  • For Click to Pay, the loading image is now an animated SVG file.
  • For Drop-in:
    • Payment methods that are not cards no longer include the fundingSource object with credit or debit.
    • For Klarna B2B, the logo is now correct.
  • For redirect payment methods, the browserInfo parameter is now included in the Previously, some redirect payment methods didn't work on mobile.
Updating to this version

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.54.0 --save

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Checkout API

To be compliant with regulations, the logo you can download for Visa/Dankort has been updated.

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Android Components/Drop-in v4.13.4

We recommend you use Checkout API v71 or later.

  • WeChat Pay now works correctly on Android 11 and later. This fixes the issue introduced in v4.0.0
  • Dependency version:

    Name Version
    WeChat Pay 6.8.0

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.53.3

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.

  • For Riverty, in the space for the consent checkbox:
    • The link for payment conditions now correctly goes to the terms and conditions.
    • For AfterPay, the terms and condition box now shows Riverty as the payment method name. .
  • For AfterPay B2B, the consent checkbox is now removed.
Updating to this version

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.53.3 --save

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React Native Components/Drop-in v1.2.0

We recommend you use Checkout API v71 or later.

  • For Apple Pay, on the payment form, you can now require the fields for the shopper's billing and shipping address, email and name. Use requiredShippingContactFields and requiredBillingContactFields.
  • For Google Pay, on the payment form, you can now require the fields for the shopper's billing and shipping address, email and name. Use billingAddressRequired, billingAddressParameters, shippingAddressRequired and shippingAddressParameters.
  • For cards, you can now control the options that appear in the picker for the Country field in the payment form. Use allowedAddressCountryCodes, passing a list of ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes.
  • For cards on Android, the picker for the Country field is pre-selected with the value specified in the countryCode parameter.
  • Support for Xcode 15.

Library versions:

  • The Android SDK no longer crashes when it receives invalid Action data.
  • The AdyenAppearance class can now be used with app bundle IDs containing the en dash (-) character.
  • You can now start Drop-in by calling start('dropIn').

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iOS Components/Drop-in v4.11.1
  • A card encryption issue no longer occurs if you use Xcode 15 when a shopper pays from a device using iOS 17.
    This fixes the issue introduced in v4.11.0.

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Android Components/Drop-in v5.0.1

We recommend you use Checkout API v70 or later.

  • @RestrictTo annotations no longer cause false errors with Android Studio and Lint.
  • Using the layout inspector or having view attribute inspection enabled in the developer options no longer causes a crash when viewing a payment method.
  • Implementing the :action module no longer gives a duplicate class error caused by a duplicate namespace.
  • For Drop-in, dismissing the gift card payment method no longer prevents further interaction.

Dependency versions:

Name Version
AndroidX Compose BoM 2023.09.01

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Checkout API v71
  • POST /paymentMethods:
    • To comply with EU consumer choice regulations, The name of the payment method group for cards is now Cards instead of Credit Card. When you use Drop-in with this API version, the payment method list shows this payment method group as Cards.
  • POST /payments:
    • When you make a partial payment with a gift card, and the shopper gets redirected for 3D Secure 2 authentication, the return URL includes redirectResult instead of MD and PaRes. This aligns with other 3D Secure redirect flows.
  • POST /paymentLinks:
    • When you create a payment link through the API, the setting to store payment method details in the Customer Area no longer works. Instead, you have to use the storePaymentMethodMode parameter to indicate if the details of the payment method will be stored.
    • metadata: more than 80 characters will result in a validation error.
Breaking Changes
  • POST /paymentLinks:

    • expiresAt format is now ISO 8601 with a time zone offset indicator (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+TZD). For example, 2020-12-18T10:15:30+01:00. This format is consistent with the other timestamps that we return.

      Previously, the format included the timezone indicator Z.

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iOS Components/Drop-in v5.4.1

We recommend you use Checkout API v70 or later.

  • For Apple Pay using Drop-in, the Apple Pay payment form is now properly dismissed when the shopper cancels the payment.
    This fixes the issue introduced in v5.4.0.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.53.2

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.


Types are resolved when using different moduleResolution values within the Typescript config.


Payment methods that show a QR code and redirect button in checkout now show the redirect button before the QR code image.

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.53.2 --save

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.53.1

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.


A Typescript issue with the paymentMethodConfiguration object types.

Updating to this version

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.53.1 --save

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Android Components/Drop-in v5.0.0

We recommend you use Checkout API v70 or later.

Breaking Changes

To migrate from an earlier version, follow the migration guide.

  • For Drop-in, you can now configure if you show a dialog to dismiss Drop-in with a finished state or error state.
    • DropInServiceResult.Error now requires the ErrorDialog parameter.
    • DropInServiceResult.Finished now has an optional FinishedDialog parameter.
  • PaymentMethodDetails and its sub-classes now have the checkoutAttemptId field.
  • You can no longer manually instantiate the Environment class and the baseUrl field has been removed.
  • Restructured packages and moved classes. If you are upgrading, you only need to re-import them because most classes names haven't changed.
  • All classes in com.adyen.checkout.action are now in com.adyen.checkout.action.core. If you import the classes, you must update import statements.
  • All public classes that should not be directly used are now marked as internal.
  • For Components integrations, each payment component no longer handles 3D Secure 2 and WeChat Pay actions. To handle the actions, you must add dependencies for each action:

    Copy code
    implementation 'com.adyen.checkout:3ds2:YOUR_VERSION'
    implementation 'com.adyen.checkout:wechatpay:YOUR_VERSION'

    Exceptions: CardComponent and BcmcComponent are able to handle the 3D Secure 2 action. They do not require the additional dependencies.

  • For Drop in, you can no longer get the result using onActivityResult(). Drop-in now uses the Activity Result API instead.
  • For Components, you can no longer use requiresView() for action Component providers.
  • You now must configure environment. The default value is no longer TEST.
  • Build configuration: compileSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion: 34.
  • Dependency versions.
  • requiresConfiguration() in action Component providers. For all Components, configuration is optional.
  • CardConfiguration.Builder.setAddressVisibility(). Use CardConfiguration.Builder.setAddressConfiguration() instead.
  • Environment.LIVE. Use the same live environment as your backend instead. You can find that value in your Customer Area.
  • saveState() and restoreState() in action components. The component will automatically handle the state now.
  • DropInServiceResult.Action constructor from JSON string. Use the constructor with the Action and Action.SERIALIZER instead.
  • Amount.EMPTY is removed. Pass amounts with a valid value and currency.
  • In the UnencryptedCard class, setExpiryDate(month, year) now replaces setExpiryMonth and setExpiryYear.
  • Payment methods:

  • Analytics are turned on by default. Find out what we track and how you can configure it.

    • The method for setting analytics configuration has changed:
    v5.0.0 Earlier versions
    setAnalyticsConfiguration(analyticsConfiguration: AnalyticsConfiguration) setAnalyticsEnabled(isAnalyticsEnabled: Boolean)
  • Jetpack Compose compatibility.

    • For Drop-in, use the drop-in-compose module.
    • For Components, use the components-compose module.
  • For Components:

    • Payment method Components now handle actions. You no longer need a payment Component and action Components for a payment method with additional actions.
    • The GenericActionComponent that can handle all action types. You no longer need to implement separate Components for redirects and 3D Secure 2 authentication, for example.
    • A Pay button that you can configure to be hidden.
    • The submit() method that can be used to add your own pay/submit button.
    • You can now add amount to the configuration to show it on the pay/submit button.
    • The onSubmit() event that gets emitted when the shopper pays.
  • For cards:

    • The BIN value callback is invoked while the shopper inputs their card number. The callback uses up to the first 8 digits.
    • The BIN lookup callback is invoked when brands are detected on the card.
    • The brand attribute is now included in the paymentMethod object for all cards. Previously, it was just included for co-badged ones.
  • When the shopper is redirected to another app or browser, a new callback is invoked.

  • When the shopper is redirected back from an external app or website, an intermediate view with a loading spinner and a Cancel button now shows. The shopper can select to cancel the redirect back to your app.

  • For Drop-in, you can now navigate the shopper back to the payment methods list, for example to load new payment methods. To do this, use DropInServiceResult.ToPaymentMethodsList.

  • You can now safely exclude any payment method from Drop-in. Do this by excluding the Adyen Checkout module that includes the payment method. For example:

    Copy code
    implementation('com.adyen.checkout:drop-in:YOUR_VERSION') {
    exclude group: 'com.adyen.checkout', module: 'card'
    exclude group: 'com.adyen.checkout', module: 'ideal'
  • You can now safely exclude unnecessary third-party dependencies. Do this by excluding the Adyen Checkout module that includes the third-party dependency. For example:

    Copy code
    implementation('com.adyen.checkout:drop-in:YOUR_VERSION') {
    exclude group: 'com.adyen.checkout', module: '3ds2'
    exclude group: 'com.adyen.checkout', module: 'wechatpay'

    Make sure that you do not include a payment method that corresponds to the module that you exclude.

  • For Google Pay, new configuration in GooglePayConfiguration:

Function Description
setAllowCreditCards Specify if you allow credit cards.
setAssuranceDetailsRequired Specify if you require assurance details.
  • Sessions flow using the single /sessions request is now supported.
  • Localization for the Portuguese (Portugal) language.
  • QR code payment methods no longer crash in some cases.
  • Rotating a device during the redirect flow no longer causes a crash.
  • @RestrictTo annotations no longer cause false lint check warnings.
  • @RestrictTo annotations no longer cause false errors with Android Studio Hedgehog (Beta).
  • The Drop-in bottom sheet no longer shifts position on the screen when launching some flows, like redirect and 3D Secure 2.
  • The redirect flow on Android 11.
  • The email address input field now has more specific validation rules.
  • You can now instantiate more than one instance of the same Component within the same lifecycle. Passing the key parameter to the Component provider get() method. For example, you can show cards and stored cards on the same screen.
  • For Components, you no longer need to handle duplicate events such as submit callbacks or errors with because they are only emitted once. Flows are now used instead of LiveData.
  • More UI theme customization options like dark mode.
  • The expiry date input field now has more specific validation rules and error messages.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.53.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.


Payment method variant:

  • For SEPA, accessing, no longer causes a crash. The properties ibanNumber and ownerName are now automatically populated with empty strings.
  • For Click to Pay, the button to resend the confirmation code now works.
  • The paymentMethodConfiguration typescript definition no longer causes a linter warning.
Updating to this version

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Checkout API

For the /sessions request using a stored payment method with recurringProcessingModel:CardOnFile, the shopperInteraction is now correctly set to ContAuth for subsequent payments.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.52.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.


Adds support for the payment method ANCV.

  • Timeouts on SecuredFieldsProvider are now reset after unmounting the Component. This avoids an error when mounting and immediately unmounting.
Updating to this version

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.52.0 --save

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iOS Components/Drop-in v5.4.0

We recommend you use Checkout API v70 or later.

Known issue
For Apple Pay using Drop-in, the Apple Pay payment form is not dismissed when the shopper cancels the payment.
Fixed in v5.4.1.

  • For redirect payment methods, when the shopper opens the current payment web page in the default browser by tapping the toolbar button, RedirectComponent now triggers ActionComponentDelegate.didOpenExternalApplication.
  • Bancontact cards are now supported in the CardComponent.
  • Dual-branded Bancontact cards now allow brand selection in the BCMCComponent.
Currency code Minor units
  • A problem no longer occurs where, when the shopper cancelled a payment in progress, DropInComponentDelegate didn't call didCancel.
  • Cash App payments are no longer refused because of the missing customerId field in the /payments/details request.
  • The SwiftUI helper now supports AlertViewController.
  • The formValueItemView no longer has a memory leak.

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Android Components/Drop-in v4.13.3

We recommend you use Checkout API v70 or later.


Cash App payments are no longer refused because of the missing customerId field in the /payments/details request.

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iOS Components/Drop-in v4.11.0

We recommend you use Checkout API v70 or later.

Known issue
If you use Xcode 15, an issue with card encryption sometimes occurs when shoppers pay from a device using iOS 17.
Fixed in v4.11.1.

  • 3D Secure 2 SDK version: 2.3.3
  • Support for Xcode 15.
    • @Observable renamed to @AdyenObservable.
  • iOS 11 is no longer supported because it is not supported by Xcode 15.

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Android Components/Drop-in v4.13.2

We recommend you use Checkout API v70 or later.


Updated device information collection during the 3D Secure 2 device fingerprinting process.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.51.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.


If Drop-in or Component is inside of an iframe element on your website, you can now configure redirects to be performed on the top level window. To do this, set redirectFromTopWhenInIframe to true.

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.51.0 --save

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.50.1

We recommend you use Checkout API v70 or later.

  • Added additional safety checks to validate the user input when shoppers use co-badged cards.
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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.50.1 --save

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iOS Components/Drop-in v4.10.5

We recommend you use Checkout API v70 or later.

If you use Xcode 15, use v4.11.1 or later for compatibility.

  • Bancontact cards are now supported in the CardComponent.
  • Dual-branded Bancontact cards now allow brand selection in the BCMCComponent.
  • 3D Secure 2 SDK version: 2.3.2. Includes enhancements to authentication flows and improved error handling during the in-app 3D Secure 2 challenge.
  • The minor units for the following currencies:

    Currency code Minor units
    ISK 2
    RSD 2
    MRU 2
    GHS 2

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Android Components/Drop-in v4.13.1

We recommend you use Checkout API v70 or later.

  • For cards that require the shopper to input their address:
    • When internet connection is lost while loading, it no longer crashes. Instead, an error is returned.
    • The Country dropdown menu no longer shows no options. Previously, an error sometimes caused the menu to have no options, so the transaction couldn't be submitted.

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Android Components/Drop-in v4.13.0

We recommend you use Checkout API v70 or later.


For 3D Secure 2 transactions, when a challenge is unsuccessful because of error or timeout, the details are propogated in an object instead of returning an error. You can make a /payments/details request from your server to submit these details.

  • For cards, whgen a detected card brand doesn't require a security code (CVC), the CVC field on the payment form no longer shows a validation error.
  • For dual-branded cards, if the shopper doesn't select a detected brand, the paymentMethod object no longer contains a brand when submitting the payment.
  • After the AwaitComponent handles an action, it no longer causes a crash when resuming your app from the background.
  • 3D Secure 2 SDK version: v2.2.15.
  • compileSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion: 33.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.50.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.


For Bancontact cards, the paymentMethod.type is now bcmc. Previously, it was scheme.


If there's no expiry date included for a stored card, the payment form no longer shows the Expiry date field. Previously, it showed undefined/undefined.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.49.6

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.


For cards, the storeDetails property is no longer mistakenly set to true in some cases.

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.49.6 --save

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Checkout API

Fixed an issue rare internal issue that caused the /payments response to not include a resultCode.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.49.5

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.


An error no longer causes the Postal Code field for some regions to accept zero characters, leading to failed validation.

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.49.5 --save

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iOS Components/Drop-in v5.3.0

We recommend you use Checkout API v70 or later.

If you use Xcode 15, use v5.4.0 or later for compatibility.

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func didComplete(with resultCode: SessionPaymentResultCode, component: Component, session: AdyenSession)

Use the new didComplete method with the AdyenSessionResult object instead.

  • The countryCode property of AdyenSession.Context is now optional to allow not including it in the /sessions request. Because this property isn't meant to be read, this breaking change shouldn't cause any build errors.
  • 3D Secure 2 SDK version: 2.3.2. Includes enhancements to authentication flows and improved error handling during the in-app 3D Secure 2 challenge.
  • The Session delegate has a new didComplete method with the AdyenSessionResult object. This ensures that the callback is compatible with potential backend changes.

    Copy code
    func didComplete(with result: AdyenSessionResult, component: Component, session: AdyenSession)

    This replaces the removed didComplete function.

  • For Apple Pay, ApplePayConfiguration now supports the capabilities of PKPaymentRequest. Pass PKPaymentRequest when initializing Apple Pay. For example:

    Copy code
    public init(paymentRequest: PKPaymentRequest, allowOnboarding: Bool = false)
  • You can now set the formatting for monetary values. Use the locale property on LocalizationParameters.

  • You can now enforce a specific locale and formatting for monetary values regardless of the locale used by the shopper's device. Use LocalizationParameters(enforcedLocale: MY_LOCALE).

  • You can now configure the payment form to suggest billing addresses when the shopper starts to enter their address. Set the configuration.card.billingAddress.mode to .lookup(handler:).

  • For gift cards using Drop-in, you can now configure the visibility of the security code field. Set showsSecurityCodeField (boolean) in the giftcard payment method configuration.

  • When the shopper selects a country and region in the payment form, the selection is now fullscreen and includes a search input field where the shopper can enter a value to search for.
  • For cards:
    • The address input form now shows on a separate screen.
    • Icons now have accessibility labels. When the shopper selects the Pay button, and an input field is invalid, focus moves to the field.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.49.4

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.

  • If you opt out of sending telemetry data and set analytics.enabled to false, the paymentMethod.checkoutAttemptId is set to do-not-track.
  • Internal refactoring for some of the payment form inputs to improve the Typescript type safety.

When a page has more than one Card Component, the cvcPolicy and expiryDatePolicy properties can no longer be overwritten.

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.49.4 --save

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.49.3

This release requires Checkout API v68or later.

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Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.49.3 --save

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React Native Components/Drop-in v1.1.0

We recommend you use Checkout API v70 or later.

This version doesn't support Xcode 15.

  • Adyen client-side library versions:
  • For Apple Pay, the summaryItems configuration property is now used.
  • In debug mode, when there is a code change, Drop-in dismisses itself when hot reloading.
  • For the Components integration, if a payment method isn't available or is unsupported, you now get an error.
  • AdyenCheckout can now find payment method types that contain uppercase characters.
  • A bug no longer causes AdyenCheckout to sometimes not find the AdyenAppearance class.
  • In debug, AdyenCSE for iOS no longer shows a main thread warning in the log.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.49.2

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.

  • For Trustly, some text that describes payment method is shown above the Continue button.
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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.49.2 --save

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.49.1

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.

Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.49.1 --save

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.49.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.

  • For the Advanced flow, if the update function changes the available payment methods, the payment method list reloads and shows the new payment methods.
  • The aria-labelledby tag is no longer duplicated, so screen readers no longer read the tag twice.
  • For Klarna, Drop-in no longer gets stuck in the loading state.

For card payments, if Click to Pay doesn't load after 5 seconds, the card payment form is loaded and shown instead.

Updating to this version

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.49.0 --save

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.48.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.

Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.48.0 --save

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.47.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.


By default, input fields that aren't required now have indicators to show that they aren't required. To turn off the indicators, set showFormInstruction to false.

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.47.0 --save

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.46.1

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.

  • For 3D Secure 2, authentication no longer fails because of threeDSServerTransID validation. Previously, some payments failed authentication because of a false mismatch of the threeDSServerTransID.
  • For the Sessions flow, telemetry data now includes payment currency and amount.
  • For QR code payment using Drop-in, the screen reader can now read information about payment status.
  • The SRPanel for screen readers is no longer duplicated.
Updating to this version

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.46.1 --save

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Android Components/Drop-in v4.12.1

We recommend you use Checkout API v70 or later.


For 3D Secure 2, consecutive payments no longer fail. Previously, if the challenge failed, retrying the payment failed in some cases.

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iOS Components/Drop-in v4.10.4

We recommend you use Checkout API v70 or later.

If you use Xcode 15, use v4.11.1 or later for compatibility.


Live environment for the Asia Pacific and South East region. Set environment to Environment.liveApse.

  • The Icelandic Krona currency (ISK) now has the number of minor units according to ISO-4217.
  • 3D Secure 2 SDK version: 2.3.1.
  • For gift cards, the shopper can now enter more than 20 digits in the Card number field.
  • In DropInComponent.Configuration, when allowsSkippingPaymentList is set to true, Drop-in now stays in the loading state until the shopper cancels or completes the payment.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.46.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.

Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.46.0 --save

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.45.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.

  • Postal code input fields now includes regex validation that accepts hyphens between the 5th and 6th digits for Brazilian postal codes.
  • For gift cards, when you use a custom brand logo, it now shows correctly.
  • When using Drop-in in an iframe element, Apple Pay no longer causes Drop-in to crash.
Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.45.0 --save

You can now enable suggesting billing addresses when the shopper starts to enter their address in the payment form. Implement the new onAddressLookup function.

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iOS Components/Drop-in v5.2.0

We recommend you use Checkout API v70 or later.

If you use Xcode 15, use v5.4.0 or later for compatibility.

  • Payment methods:

    • CashApp Pay. Payment method type: cashapp.
    • Titres-Restaurant (French Meal Vouchers).
      • Apetiz (Natixis). Payment method type: mealVoucher_FR_natixis.
      • Sodexo. Payment method type: mealVoucher_FR_sodexo.
      • Up Déjeuner. Payment method type: mealVoucher_FR_groupeup.
  • For Drop-in, you can now configure the ACH Direct Debit payment method. When creating a Drop-in configuration, set the following in ach properties:

    • showsStorePaymentMethodField
    • showsBillingAddress
    • billingAddressCountryCodes
  • For Apple Pay, you can now choose to only accept either debit cards or
    credit cards.

  • The Icelandic Krona currency (ISK) now has the number of minor units according to ISO-4217.
  • 3D Secure 2 SDK version: 2.3.1.
  • For gift cards, the shopper can now enter more than 20 digits in the Card number field.
  • Drop-in now shows the correct size when used in split screen mode on iPad or on a Mac application designed for iPad.
  • For alerts under input fields, you can now see full messages that do not fit on one line.
  • For UPI, when in dark mode:
    • For QR codes, the image now shows correctly. Previously, the image appeared completely black.
    • The background color is now black.
    • The background color of the search bar is now black.
  • The amountToPay property of PaymentComponentData. Use the amount property instead.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.44.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.


Payment method: Cash App Pay. Payment method type: cashapp.


For QR codes, the countdown timer can now be read by screen readers.


For screen readers:

  • Drop-down menus options can now be read accurately.
  • Payment method names in the Drop-in payment methods list now get read once. Previously, payment method names were read twice.
Updating to this version

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.44.0 --save

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Android Components/Drop-in v4.12.0

We recommend you use Checkout API v70 or later.


Payment method: Cash App Pay. Payment method type: cashapp.


For 3D Secure 2, the threeDSRequestorAppURL no longer has a default value. Instead, you can manually set it when you configure it:

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Adyen3DS2Configuration.Builder(locale, environment, clientKey)
  • For Google Pay, serializing the shipping address parameters no longer causes an error.
  • For WeChat Pay on Android 11, an API restriction no longer causes an error.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.43.1

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.

  • For cards, if you set the installmentOptions property in the global configuration object, you now get a warning message.
  • For Drop-in, if you set a payment method specific configuration property in the global configuration object, you now get a warning message.
  • For Components, if you try to create an unrecognized payment method Component, you now get an error message.
  • The SRPanel for screen readers now has the static type of srPanel. Previously the _id property was undefined.
  • The CoreOptions object now includes types that were previously missing.
  • Screen readers can now read the alt text for brand logos. Previously the aria-hidden attribute prevented this.
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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.43.1 --save

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.43.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.

  • For cards, the onBinLookup event now additionally contains paymentMethodVariant that specifies the card brand variant.
  • For SEPA, the owner name and IBAN number fields now include labels to follow a11y guidelines.
  • Images no longer fail to load and cause a crash. This fixes the known issue from v5.41.0 to v5.42.1.
Updating to this version

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.42.1

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.


On the Safari browser v16.4 or earlier, the payment form no longer shows errors when validating email address. This fixes the known issue from v5.42.0.

Known issues
  • The Custom card, SEPA and Redirect Components receive getImage errors when retrieving brand or validation icons. Fixed in v5.43.0.
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Web Components/Drop-in v5.42.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.

  • The PayPal component now supports Venmo.
  • Client-side email address validation is improved.
  • The screen readers now communicate errors regarding client-side email address validation.
  • The GetImage property no longer causes a crash of the custom card Component.
  • The typing of the BrowserInfo object has been fixed.
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Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.42.0 --save
Known issues
  • The Custom card, SEPA and Redirect Components receive getImage errors when retrieving brand or validation icons. Fixed in v5.43.0.
  • On the Safari browser v16.4 or earlier, the payment form shows errors when validating email addresses. Fixed in v5.42.1.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.41.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.

  • The way images and assets are loaded internally. This shouldn't affect the code in your integration.
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Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.41.0 --save
Known issues
  • The Custom card, SEPA and Redirect Components receive getImage errors when retrieving brand or validation icons. Fixed in v5.43.0.
  • On the Safari browser v16.4 or earlier, the payment form shows errors when validating email addresses. Fixed in v5.43.0.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.40.1

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.

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Checkout API

Platforms can now book chargeback fees separately from the disputed amount, to a balance account specified in the platformChargebackLogic.costAllocationAccount field of the /payments request.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.40.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.


For online banking payment methods, terms and conditions now show above the Continue button.


In the payment form:

  • Address input fields now accept the dash (-) character.
  • Labels for input fields are no longer cut off on small screens. For example, the House number label now shows completely on a 320px viewport.
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Android Components/Drop-in v4.11.0

We recommend you use Checkout API v70 or later.

  • For BLIK, one-click is now supported.

  • For 3D Secure 2, the threeDSRequestorAppURL can now be overridden from the configuration so that you can now use the Android App Link format (HTTP).

    Because of recent updates to the 3D Secure protocol, we strongly recommend that you provide the threeDSRequestorAppURL parameter as an Android App Link instead of custom link. This requires your app to handle the provided Android App Link.

    Use setThreeDSRequestorURL when creating your configuration object:

    Override the threeDSRequestorAppURL
    Expand view
    Copy link to code block
    Copy code
    Copy code
  • For BCMC, errors are now correctly highlighted.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.39.1

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.

  • For Boleto Bancário:
    • When the shopper selects the checkbox to send a copy of the payment form to their email, a validation error no longer occurs.
    • The first name and last name input fields now have more descriptive and accessible error messages.
  • For BLIK, the input field for the verification code no longer includes suggested values, because verification codes aren't reusable.
Updating to this version

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.39.1 --save

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Checkout API

When using /sessions for Drop-in and Components, sessions are rendered invalid after the payment is completed to prevent duplicate payments.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.39.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.

  • Apple Pay now supports recurring payments. Use the new recurringPaymentRequest property to accept recurring payments.
  • For PayPal, you can now customize the Pay Later message. Set the new enableMessages property to true.
  • For cards, the payment form now shows the scheme name Visa instead of the value in the descriptorName field.
  • The Fieldset component now uses fieldset and legend elements. Screen readers can now read the relationship between different form controls.
  • Brand icons for cards and QR codes now include alt text that corresponds to the brand name.
  • For bank payments, the payment button in the payment form now no longer shows when the showPayButton property is set to false.
  • For the Advanced flow with cards, the check for the object to show stored payment methods from the /paymentMethods response now correctly checks for storedPaymentMethods. Previously, it checked for storePaymentMethods.
  • For Visa, the checkoutOrchestrator property is now named correctly. Previously, it was named checkoutOrchestator.
  • For ApplePay:
    • The amount property is no longer passed to UIElement.
    • The configuration property is no longer passed to UIElement.
    • The Wallets configuration no longer uses deprecated values.
  • For card payments that go through a successful 3D Secure 2 challenge, onComplete can no longer be mistakenly called more than once.
Updating to this version

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nmp install @adyen/adyen-web@5.39.0 --save

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.38.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.

  • For Adyen Giving, you can now add a message above the Donate button. In the DonationComponent configuration, use the new disclaimerMessage prop.
  • Apple Pay now supports the eftpos card network.
  • Increased contrast ratio for the outline of buttons and, when the payment form has more than 3 supported card brands, for the number that indicates the number of additional supported card brands.
  • Error messages that occur in the drop-down list of issuers can now be read by screen readers.
  • Accessibility improvements that follow a11y guidelines.
  • Shoppers on mobile devices can now select an issuer from the drop-down list of issuers without error. This fixes the known issue from v5.37.0.
  • For MB WAY, the payment form no longer shows more than one label for each input field.
Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.38.0 --save

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.37.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.


This release enhances the accessibility of Web Drop-in and Components:

  • We made major improvements related to how errors are handled by screen readers. For more information, see pull request in GitHub.
  • We've updated a drop-down box that is used throughout Web Drop-in and Components to better support keyboard and accessible technology user interaction. For more information, see pull request in Github.
  • We've improved UI text and translations for credit card payments in over 20 languages. For more information, see pull request in GitHub.
Known issues

For payment methods that include a list of issuers, shoppers on mobile are not able to select an issuer from the drop-down list. Fixed in v5.38.0.

Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.37.0 --save

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Checkout API

When using /sessions for Drop-in and Components, it is no longer possible to have more than 5 refusals per session.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.36.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.

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onAuthorized: (resolve, reject, event) => {
errors: [
new ApplePayError(
'Field locality is required'

By doing so, you can show useful error messages to your shoppers when the payment fails.

  • For returning ACH Direct Debit shoppers, we now display the last four numbers of their bank account number for recognition.
  • Drop-in and Components no longer have errors related to accessing localStorage when rendered in an <iframe> in a Google Chrome incognito window.
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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.36.0 --save

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.35.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.

  • For debit card payments, shoppers are no longer shown installment options, as installments aren't compatible with debit cards.
  • The state of Blik Components can now only be accessed once the component is fully rendered, preventing errors.
  • In Card Components and Card Drop-in, you can now add an optional disclaimer. The disclaimer may include a hyperlink, for example to link to your terms and conditions:
Field Description
disclaimerMessage.message A string of text that is shown in the bottom of the Card Component. Use %{linkText} to reference the optionally defined hyperlink.
disclaimerMessage.linkText The hyperlink's text The hyperlink's destination. The link opens in a new tab.


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disclaimerMessage: {
message: 'By continuing you accept the %{linkText} of MyStore',
linkText: 'terms and conditions',
link: ''
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Web Components/Drop-in v5.34.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.

  • You can now set the PayPal intent for an individual payment through the Drop-in or Component configuration. This value overrides the general one retrieved from your Customer Area.
  • We now track amount and currency data of payments.
  • Payment methods that use QR codes don't automatically redirect shoppers on mobile devices to the QR code's destination anymore. Instead, shoppers are presented an Open app button that redirects them to complete the payment.
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Checkout API

Responses to Amazon Pay POST /payments requests now contain additionalData.amazonPayToken. You can use this token as a reference, for example when troubleshooting your payment directly with Amazon Pay.

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iOS Components/Drop-in v5.1.0

We recommend you use Checkout API v69 or later.

If you use Xcode 15, use v5.4.0 or later for compatibility.

  • Payment methods:
    • PayNow. paymentMethod.type: paynow.
    • DuitNow. paymentMethod.type: duitnow.
    • Open banking UK. paymentMethod.type: openbanking_UK.
    • UPI:
      • UPI Collect: The shopper pays by entering their virtual payment address (VPA). paymentMethod.type: upi_collect.
      • UPI QR: The shopper pays by scanning a QR code. paymentMethod.type: upi_qr.
  • For Drop-in, you can now stop the loading state after the shopper selects the Pay button. By doing this, you can allow the shopper to try the payment again instead of dismissing Drop-in if you get an error during the payment. Use the new stopLoading method.
  • For QR code payment methods, the QR code screen now has a Cancel button instead of a cross (x) button in the corner for the shopper to cancel the payment.
  • For cards, CardComponentDelegate.didChangeBIN(:component:) now provides the 8-digit bank identification number (BIN) when the card number is 16 or more digits. Previously, it only provided the 8-digit BIN when the card number was 17 or more digits.
  • In DropInComponent.Configuration, when allowsSkippingPaymentList is set to true, Drop-in now stays in the loading state until the shopper cancels or completes the payment.
  • When the shopper submits a payment, the billing address that the shopper entered is now submitted. Previously, when the selected country/region didn't include a state or province field, the submitted value was nil.
  • For stored payment methods, the section header now gets the style from ListSectionHeaderStyle.
  • When a list of issuers is shown during checkout, the background is no longer transparent.

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Android Components/Drop-in v4.10.0

We recommend using Checkout API v69 or later.

  • The CardComponentState.binValue now reports 8 digit bins in case of card numbers with 16 or more digits.
  • The new CardBrand class can be used to define unknown card brands. This can be used along with CardType.
  • When adding new card brands through CardConfiguration, you can now use the new CardBrand to add brands that are not already defined in CardType. For example:
    Copy code
    .setSupportedCardTypes(CardBrand(txVariant = "CARD_BRAND_1"), CardBrand(txVariant = "CARD_BRAND_2"))
  • For cards, you can now add unknown card types that aren't defined in CardType. Previously, CardType.UNKNOWN was not working correctly.
  • There is no longer a conflict with the 3D Secure 2 SDK that causes a runtime exception. This fixes the known issue in v4.9.0.
  • The CardType.UNKNOWN property. Use CardBrand(txVariant = "CARD_BRAND") instead.
  • The CardType.setTxVariant() method. It is no longer needed because it was used with CardType.UNKNOWN.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.33.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.


The new onActionHandled callback informs you when an action, for example a QR code or 3D Secure authentication screen, is shown to the shopper. It returns data that contains the type of component that shows the action to the shopper and a description of the action.

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Checkout API v70

Follow the migration guide to upgrade your integration.

Breaking Changes
  • The /storedPaymentMethods endpoint:

    • Make a GET request to list the stored payment details for a shopper, if there are any available.
    • Make a DELETE request to disable stored payment details to stop charging a shopper with the particular recurring detail ID.
  • For /sessions and /paymentLinks requests:
    You can now include the storePaymentMethodMode parameter to set when to store the shopper's payment details.

  • For the /paymentMethods request:
    When you include the shopperReference parameter, stored payment details in the response now contain the supportedRecurringProcessingModel parameter.

  • For specific industries, such as hospitality, you can specify a reason when making a merchant-initiated transaction with stored payment details. In the /payments request, include the industryUsage parameter to specify a reason for the payment. Possible values:

    • delayedCharge.
    • noShow.
    • installment.

In the Customer Area, on the Settings > Checkout Settings page:

  • Turning on the enableRecurring toggle no longer adds the required parameters to store payment details in payment requests.
  • Turning on the enablePayout toggle no longer adds the required parameters to store payment details for payouts.
  • For /payments and /sessions requests to make payments with stored payment details:
    When you include shopperInteraction: ContAuth and recurringProcessingModel: CardOnFile, the transactions now always get processed as CardOnFile payments.

  • If you contacted our Support Team to enable filtering payment methods based on your store, when making a /paymentMethods or /sessions request including store:
    The response now includes only payment methods available for the specified store.

  • For /paymentMethods and /sessions requests including allowedPaymentMethods with scheme and card in the array:
    The response no longer includes wallet payment methods.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.32.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.


For Online banking Poland, the list of issuers now includes issuer logos.

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.32.0 --save

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.31.3

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.

  • For PayNow, the QR code that the shopper scans to pay now expires after 3 minutes. Previously, it expired after 15 minutes.
  • For Google Pay, when the shopper cancels the payment, the pop-up that appears is now the same as the one for other payment methods.
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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.31.3 --save
  • For cards, the card brand icons that appear under the Card number field now have larger margins.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.31.2

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.


For Drop-in, when the shopper selects a payment method from the list, the onSelect callback now gets called only one time. Previously, if the shopper selected a UI element besides the radio button, such as the payment method logo, the callback was called multiple times.

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Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.31.2 --save
Known issues

For PayNow, the QR code expires after 15 minutes. It should expire after 3 minutes. This issue is fixed in v5.31.3.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.31.1

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.

  • For 3D Secure 2, when fingerprint authentication times out, the onError callback is no longer triggered. The 3D Secure flow continues for the shopper as usual, because it is not a fatal error.
  • All error icons now have the alt tag Error.
  • For BLIK, input fields now accept only numeric values.
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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.31.1 --save

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iOS Components/Drop-in v4.10.3

We recommend you use Checkout API v69 or later.

If you use Xcode 15, use v4.11.1 or later for compatibility.

  • Apple Pay no longer prevents Drop-in from closing.
  • Apple Pay now shows the full list of networks supported by the shopper's iOS device.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.31.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.

  • For integrations using the /sessions endpoint, you now receive the sessionResult property after the payment flow finishes.
  • For Google Pay, the buttonRootNode property is now supported.
  • For the Card Component on iOS devices in the Safari browser, when an input field is in focus, you can now enable the keyboard arrows for all versions of the browser by setting the new disableIOSArrowKeys to false.
  • The sorting logic after detecting card brands now happens on Adyen's backend servers.
  • For ACH:
    • The bank account number input field in the payment for no longer shows a placeholder.
    • When the shopper enters a bank account number, it is no longer formatted with a space between every four digits.
  • For the cards, when the billingAddressMode property is set to partial and the country property is set, there's now validation for the postal code that the shopper enters.
  • For OXXO, the payment button no longer shows when showPaymentButton is set to false.
  • For payment methods with an additional action, configured properties for the payment method now persist after the handling the action. Previously, configured properties were lost after handling the action.
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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.31.0 --save
Known issues

For PayNow, the QR code expires after 15 minutes. It should expire after 3 minutes. This issue is fixed in v5.31.3.

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Checkout API

We now accept payments made with Ukrainian cards that have been expired for up to three months, in line with the National Bank of Ukraine's recommendations.


Shopper-facing error pages now display the HTTP error code when applicable and include an updated graphic.

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Android Components/Drop-in v4.9.1

We recommend you use Checkout API v69 or later.

  • For cards, when the shopper enters a card number and a dual branded card is detected, a brand is no longer selected by default.
  • Drop-in no longer crashes when navigating back after the shopper removes all stored payment methods.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.30.1

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.

  • For cards, the onBinLookup event now includes the issuingCountryCode property. Previously, the event didn't include information about the issuing country code.
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Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.30.1 --save
Known issues

For PayNow, the QR code expires after 15 minutes. It should expire after 3 minutes. This issue is fixed in v5.31.3.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.30.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.

  • Payment method: DuitNow.
  • For cards:
    • The Expiry date field now includes an icon showing the location of the expiry date.
    • In the CVC/CVV field, you can now set digits to appear as dot icons by setting the new maskSecurityCode property to true.

In the payment methods list, the items in the list now have the radio role for accessibility features.

  • For Pix, when showPayButton is set to false, the payment form now appears when the shopper selects Pix from the payment methods list.
  • For Klarna using the /sessions endpoint, you no longer have to implement the onAdditionaDetails callback. Previously, you had to implement the onAdditionalDetails callback to make a request to the correct endpoint.
  • When you create the 3D Secure 2 Component with createFromAction, the component no longer crashes if you make more than one transaction of the same type.
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Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.30.0 --save
Known issues

For PayNow, the QR code expires after 15 minutes. It should expire after 3 minutes. This issue is fixed in v5.31.3.

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iOS Components/Drop-in v4.10.2

We recommend you use Checkout API v69 or later.

If you use Xcode 15, use v4.11.1 or later for compatibility.

  • When the shopper submits a payment, the billing address that the shopper entered is now submitted. Previously, the submitted value was nil if:
    • there was no input in the State/Province field.
    • there was no input in the Apartment/Suite field.
  • The Drop-in/Component now detects when a shopper enters an invalid email address in the payment form. Previously, sometimes the Drop-in/Component detected invalid email addresses as valid.
  • When the shopper enters a card number in the payment form, and a dual branded card is detected, we no longer automatically select a brand.

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Android Components/Drop-in v4.9.0

We recommend you use Checkout API v69 or later.

  • Upgraded the 3D Secure 2 SDK version to v2.2.10. This causes a known issue.
  • For a card number to be valid, its minimum required length is now 12 digits. Previously, the minimum was 8 digits.
  • Configuration changes no longer dismiss Drop-in. Previously, some configuration changes dismissed Drop-in.
  • Drop-in can now be initialized with only stored payment methods. Previously, no payment methods were shown if only stored payment methods were available.

For cards, if you currently use AddressConfiguration.PostalCode mode, you must update it for 4.9.0:

4.8.0 or earlier 4.9.0
.setAddressConfiguration(AddressConfiguration.PostalCode) .setAddressConfiguration(AddressConfiguration.PostalCode())
Known issues

If your project uses Google play-services-location library version 20.0.0 or earlier, it causes a runtime exception because of an incompatibility with the 3D Secure 2 SDK. You must upgrade the library to version 21.0.0 or later to avoid the runtime exception.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.29.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.

  • Payment methods:
    • PayNow
    • PromptPay
  • For PayPal, GooglePay, and AmazonPay, payments no longer crash because of Script.
  • When a shopper makes gift card partial payments, and the second payment method fails, the corresponding callback gets triggered with an error. Previously, the callback was not triggered.
Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.29.0 --save
Known issues

For PayNow, the QR code expires after 15 minutes. It should expire after 3 minutes. This issue is fixed in v5.31.3.

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iOS Components/Drop-in v5.0.0

We recommend you use Checkout API v69 or later.

If you use Xcode 15, use v5.4.0 or later for compatibility.

  • Using the /sessions endpoint, you can integrate Drop-in and Components with a single API call.
    If you already integrated using the /paymentMethods, /payments, and /payments/details endpoints, you can continue using this back end setup in version 5.0.0.
  • When using the /sessions endpoint, the new AdyenSession object handles all actions after the payment session is created.
  • For Drop-in you can now customize the payment method title or subtitle in the payment methods list. Use the new function overrideDisplayInformation(ofPaymentMethod:with:) in PaymentMethods.
  • APIContext.init(environment: AnyAPIEnvironment, clientKey: String) now throws exception if the client key is invalid.
  • Analytics feature turned on by default. Find out what we track and how you can configure it.
    finalBIN that provides the BIN when the shopper selects the Pay button.
  • The PaymentMethodType enum includes supported payment methods. This replaces using strings for payment method types.
  • For Drop-in, you can now configure the Boleto payment method using the boleto property.
  • Payment methods:
    • Atome.
    • Online banking Poland.
    • Online banking Czech Republic.
  • For ACH Direct Debit payments, the shopper can now save their payment details.
  • For cards:
    • CardComponentDelegate.didChangeBIN(:component:) now provides the 8-digit BIN when the card number is more than 16 digits.
    • CardComponentDelegate.didSubmit(lastFour:finalBIN:component) now has the parameter
  • The Apple Pay Component now supports shipping options.
  • Support for DocC documentation.
  • Support for delegated authentication.
  • You can now configure the 3D Secure 2 Component with threeDSRequestorAppURL.

The Observer is protocal has been renamed to AdyenObserver.

Breaking Changes

Follow the steps in the migration guide if you are upgrading your integration from an earlier version.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.28.3

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.


Drop-in and Components now use Preact v10.11.2.


The Amazon Pay payment method now loads for the US locale when the shopper is in the US. Previously it loaded the Great Britain locale.


For Amazon Pay, the default property region. Use configuration.region instead.

Updating to this version

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iOS Components/Drop-in v4.10.1

We recommend you use Checkout API v67 or later.

If you use Xcode 15, use v4.11.1 or later for compatibility.

  • The ViewControllerPresenter SwiftUI helper is now compatible with iOS 16.
  • For the stored cards, shoppers can now only enter 4 digits in the CVC input field if the card brand is American Express. Previously 4 digits were accepted for other card brands also.
  • The Google Pay payment method is now blocked and is no longer shown.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.28.2

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.

  • Upgraded the version of card input fields.
  • For ACH, the new forceCompat property forces browsers to use JSON Web Encryption for the input fields. Set this property to true.
Updating to this version

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iOS Components/Drop-in v4.10.0

We recommend you use Checkout API v67 or later.

If you use Xcode 15, use v4.11.1 or later for compatibility.


For 3D Secure 2.2.0, the threeDSRequestorAppURL parameter is automatically populated with the returnUrl value from the /payments request.


The URL extension. It caused conflict with the code in some integrations.


The properties in RedirectDetails are now public.


A successful QR code payment now always triggers a callback.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.28.1

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.


The Preact version you can use is now restricted to the version used by Drop-in and Components. Previously, some installations using a different Preact version were broken.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.28.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.

  • For cards, new error codes and messages specify the types of error that occur in the input fields. Previously, there was one error code and message for different types of errors.
  • For cards, the new forceCompat property forces browsers to use JSON Web Encryption for the card input fields introduced in v5.20.0. Set this property to true.
Updating to this version

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.27.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.


Payment method: Open banking


The mount function can now remount a Component after it has been unmounted. Previously, only remount could remount a Component.

  • For Google Pay, payment submission errors now trigger the onError callback instead of throwing an exception.
  • On mobile, redirecting the shopper to another app no longer triggers the onError callback with an AdyenCheckoutError.
  • For UPI, changing the payment mode to QR code now triggers the onChange callback. Previously, only changing the payment mode to VPA triggered the callback.
Updating to this version

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Android Components/Drop-in v4.8.0

We recommend you use Checkout API v67 or later.


Payment method: Online banking Poland


Updated the 3D Secure SDK to v2.2.8.

  • Drop-in now terminates without crashing when the shopper is redirected back to your app.
  • The 3D Secure 2 SDK no longer crashes on Android 13.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.26.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.

  • Fixed the known issue from v5.25.0 where the Stored Card Component UI showed an error code instead of the error message when there was a validation error.
  • On Drop-in, moving the focus on a payment method no longer automatically expands it. To expand a payment method, the user must slect by clicking, tapping, or pressing a button.
  • Added missing alt text translations for icons used for input field validation feedback.
  • The checkoutAttemptId is now stored as part of your browser's sessionStorage for 15 min.
Updating to this version

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.25.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.


For the Card Component, input field errors now include the name of the field where it occurred.


The UPI Component now shows a selector for Virtual Payment Address and QR code above the input field, instead of a different button for each, so that you can customize the Continue button. Use the new defaultMode configuration parameter to specify if Virtual Payment Address or QR code is selected by default.

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For input fields, the icons that indicate if an input is valid or invalid now include corresponding alt text, which is used by screen readers.


Payment method: Online banking Poland.

Known issues

If there's a validation error in the Stored Card Component, the UI shows the error code instead of the error message. Fixed in v5.26.0

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Checkout API

When you enable receiving the fraudResult parameter in the /payments/details response, you now receive it for 3D Secure 2 transactions. Previously, fraudResult wasn't returned for 3D Secure 2 transactions.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.24.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.


For ACH Direct Debit payments, the shopper can now choose to save their payment details. Set enableStoreDetails to true in the payment method configuration to enable the checkbox.


Changed the color of some UI elements to increase visual contrast.


When the shopper selects a checkbox, the check mark now renders completely. Previously, only a part of the check mark rendered.

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iOS Components/Drop-in v4.9.0

We recommend you use Checkout API v70 or later.

If you use Xcode 15, use v4.11.1 or later for compatibility.


The finalizeIfNeeded(with: Bool) method. Use finalizeIfNeeded(with success: Bool, completion: (() -> Void)?) instead.


Successful Apple Pay payments are now finalized with finalizeIfNeeded(with success: Bool, completion: (() -> Void)?), which increases conversion rates.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.23.1

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.


For the Card Component, you now get an error message when input fields in the payment form fail to load.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.23.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.


The Pay button can now show the payment amount in two different currencies using the secondaryAmount configuration.

  • For cards, the cardholder name field now has an autocomplete attribute that labels its purpose.
  • For SEPA Direct Debit and Boleto, the shopper email field now has validation.
  • Projects that use TypeScript now compile without an error because CoreParameters is now imported from a relative path. This fixes the known issue introduced in v5.22.0.
Updating to this version

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.22.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.


Payment methods: Online banking for Czech Republic and Online banking for Slovakia.


Added TypeScript types to the AdyenCheckout object.

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Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.22.0 --save
Known issues

Integrations using TypeScript don't compile because of an error.

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Checkout API

Support for setting credit card installment options in the /sessions request.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.21.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.

  • For the Gift cards Component, you can now show a custom button when the shopper chooses to pay part of the amount with a gift card and the remaining amount with another payment method.
  • Support for credit card installments.
  • If you do not support American Express cards, the shopper can no longer enter a CVC that is more than 3 digits.
  • The UPI Component now handles the timeout error for UPI Collect payments.
  • For the SEPA bank transfers, setting the showPayButton to false now hides only the payment button.
Updating to this version

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.20.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.


Supported language: Portuguese. Use the shopperLocale: pt-PT.


For the Card Component, the input fields in the payment form now use JSON Web Encryption for security. To test your Card integration, you now must use either a local or https domain.


For Bancontact card payments, when the shopper enters the card number and the brands are detected by the Component, the brands no longer remain detected if you remove the card number.

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Android Components/Drop-in v4.7.1

We recommend you use Checkout API v67 or later.


For BACS Direct Debit, an error message appears under the payment agreement text if the shopper selects the Continue button without selecting the toggles to agree.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.19.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.


New supported payment method: UPI.

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.19.0 --save

Added the LICENSE file to the npm package.

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Android Components/Drop-in v4.7.0

We recommend you use Checkout API v67 or later.


Support for the new Asia Pacific South East (APSE) live environment. Use this environment with the corresponding APSE location-based live endpoints.


For BACS Direct Debit, the payment agreement text in the payment form now includes the amount. Previously, it always showed the default above amount instead of the amount.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.18.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.

  • When you use Gift card Component with the /sessions endpoint, you can now let the shopper pay part of the amount with a gift card and the remaining amount with another payment method.
  • The AmazonPay Component now loads the AmazonPay SDK that corresponds to the region from the paymentMethods response.
  • After the shopper selects the Pay button, the Card Component no longer allows the shopper to interact with the card input fields.
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iOS Components/Drop-in v4.8.0

We recommend you use Checkout API v67 or later.

If you use Xcode 15, use v4.11.1 or later for compatibility.

  • For the Card Component, use the new billingAddressRequirementPolicy parameter in the configuration object to specify card brands for which the billing address field is optional.
  • For Drop-in, when you make a partial payment with a gift card and select another payment method, the payment button now shows the remaining amount.
  • For Drop-in, you can now use Apple Pay to complete a partial gift card payment.
  • For the Apple Pay Component, the PaymentData.amount passed from the SDK to the didSubmit callback is no longer nil. This fixes the issue introduced in v4.0.0.

The URL extension. This shouldn't affect your integration because this is an internal code change.


In the RegionRepository class, the functions getSubRegions and getCountries are removed. This shouldn't affect your integration because this is an internal code change.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.17.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.


Add your signed JSON Web Token (JWT) to your Google Pay configuration using configuration.authJwt. This allows you to use your Google merchant ID with multiple domains.

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Checkout API

Added support for partial authorization. This allows shoppers to pay for their goods with another card, if the balance of their initial card is less than the value of the goods.


Fixed issue where the /payments and /payments/details responses incorrectly showed BCMC cards as Mastercard or Visa. The payments were correctly handled as BCMC, but the reponses had the incorrect paymentMethod.brand.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.16.2

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.

  • If an action is rejected in the beforeSubmit callback, the state of the Component no longer remains loading.
  • For donations, amounts are now shown with decimals. Previously, amounts were rounded up to the closest integer.
  • The 3D Secure 2 Component now throws a challenge error when transStatus cannot be retrieved.
  • Fixed an issue where in some situations, if a shopper corrected an invalid card number, it was still marked as invalid.
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iOS Components/Drop-in v4.7.3

We recommend you use Checkout API v67 or later.

If you use Xcode 15, use v4.11.1 or later for compatibility.

  • Fixed a bug where country/region picker was being shown briefly after selecting Pay.
  • Upgraded the 3D Secure 2 SDK version to v2.2.6.
  • The errors for invalid form fields are now read out by screen readers.
  • Prevent conflicts with the host application bundle by specifying the bundle when initializing any internal SDK.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.16.1

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.

  • Removed alt text from the supported card brand images because it was not providing additional useful information to screen reader users.
  • Changed the color of placeholder text in form fields so the contrast now satisfies WCAG AA requirements.
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Android Components/Drop-in v4.6.1

We recommend you use Checkout API v67 or later.


Standalone modules now import successfully. Previously, some modules failed to import because ui-core had a dependency on a style in card.

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Checkout API v69

This API version is supported by our Java, NodeJS, PHP, Python, Go, and .NET libraries. We are working on updating the Ruby library.
You can find all the Adyen libraries on GitHub.

Breaking Changes

POST /payments

  • The fraudResult.results list now no longer contains the FraudCheckResult for each list item. Each list item now only contains the values of the individual risk checks. See code samples.

POST /paymentMethods

  • The format of the expiryYear returned for stored cards is now the last two digits of the year.

POST /sessions

POST /payments

POST /payments/details


Fields related to 3D Secure authentication are now grouped under the new authenticationData object. The old 3D Secure authentication fields have been deprecated.

See field mapping and code samples.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.16.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.


Analytics feature turned on by default. Find out what we track and how you can configure it.


For MB WAY, added a country code prefix to the phone number input field.

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.16.0 --save

For wallets India, the payment method type is now: wallet_IN.


Payment method types billdesk_wallet and payu_IN_cashcard for wallets India. Use wallet_IN instead.

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Android Components/Drop-in v4.6.0

We recommend you use Checkout API v67.

  • Use CardConfiguration.Builder.setAddressConfiguration(AddressConfiguration) to enable and configure the billing address form in your Card Component.
  • Environment.LIVE. Use the name of your live environments instead. For example, use Environment.EUROPE if your live environment is You can find that value in your live Customer Area > Developers > API URLs.
  • CardConfiguration.Builder.setAddressVisibility(AddressVisibility). Use CardConfiguration.Builder.setAddressConfiguration(AddressConfiguration) instead.
  • Fixed issue with the soft keyboard navigation not working in some cases for the Card Component.
  • All fields now use the locale in your configuration. The device locale is being ignored.
  • Google Pay no longer crashes when the Coponent or the payment method list is initialized.
  • For ModelObject classes, there are no more issues related to obfuscation .
  • Fixed an issue where the remove stored payment method button would disappear.
  • Fixed an issue where removed stored payment methods would appear again in the UI after rotating the screen, even though they had been removed.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.15.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.


For gift cards on Drop-in, the shopper can now cancel a transaction after making a partial payment with a gift card.

  • For the Card Component on iOS devices in the Safari browser, when an input field is in focus, the keyboard arrows are now disabled for all versions of the browser. Previously, the keyboard arrows only functioned correctly for some versions.
  • Integrations using TypeScript now compile without an error. This fixes the known issue introduced in v5.14.0.
Updating to this version

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.15.0 --save

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.14.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.

  • For the Card Component, if you set billingAddressRequired to true, you can use the new billingAddressMode property to require the shopper's postal code instead of the full address.
  • For Atome, the bank details input fields no longer show up in the payment form. This fixes the known issue introduced in v5.13.0.
Known issues

Integrations using TypeScript don't compile because of an error.

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Checkout API

Fixed an issue where some payments with redirect data couldn't be completed.

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iOS Components/Drop-in v4.7.2

We recommend you use Checkout API v67.

If you use Xcode 15, use v4.11.1 or later for compatibility.

  • Upgraded the 3D Secure 2 SDK version to v2.2.5.
  • If you're using a custom localization, the stored card component now also inherits it.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.13.1

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.


In the payment form, focus no longer moves to the first input selector when the shopper clicks on other elements. This fixes the known issue introduced in v5.13.0.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.13.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.


When searching for a value in a drop-down field, the drop-down no longer remembers the search term when you click away from it.

Known issues

In the payment form, focus moves to the first input selector when the shopper clicks on other elements.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.12.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.


For the Card Component, the default setting of showBrandsUnderCardNumber is true.


For Swish payments, the QR code expires after 3 minutes instead of 15 minutes.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.11.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.


For cards, supported brands are no longer shown above the card number field when the shopper selects to pay by card. You can now show them under the card number field by setting the property showBrandsUnderCardNumber to true. In the Drop-in payment method list, next to the Card payment method, this also shows a maximum of 4 supported brands instead of all.

Starting from v5.12.0, the default value for this property is true.


Drop-in and Components no longer crash for some Content Security Policy header values.

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Android Components/Drop-in v4.5.0

We recommend you use Checkout API v67 or later.

  • Payment method: gift cards.
  • New required methods for the gift card flow:
    • checkBalance: calls /paymentMethods/balance and sendBalanceResult to return the result.
    • createOrder: calls /orders and sendOrderResult to return the result.
    • cancelOrder: calls /orders/cancel. The result is returned in sendResult.
  • Support for right-to-left layout.
  • Added translations for Arabic (international).
  • You can pass a custom Bundle to DropInService using DropInConfiguration.Builder.setAdditionalDataForDropInService. Retrieve this bundle by calling DropInService.getAdditionalData.
  • The Google Pay environment now also follows the Adyen environment when separately calling GooglePayConfiguration.Builder.setEnvironment. You can call GooglePayConfiguration.Builder.setGooglePayEnvironment to override this default behaviour.
  • On Drop-in, you can now allow shoppers to remove stored cards. To do this, override DropInService.removeStoredPaymentMethod and use sendRecurringResult to return the result.
  • Drop-in is no longer dismissed when tapping outside of the bottom sheet.
  • Upgraded the 3D Secure 2 SDK version to v2.2.6.
  • Fixed handling redirects using Custom Tabs as required by the privacy changes for package visibility in Android 11.
  • Drop-in no longer crashes when the shopper locale doesn't have an ISO3Country.
  • When resuming Drop-in after the activity has been destroyed in the background, the Component screen no longer crashes.
  • In the Card Component, CVC and expiry date fields are no longer being validated when empty.
  • Added missing translation strings.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.10.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.

  • If the environment and type of client key do not match, you now get an error.
  • The error message for when a 3D Secure 2 challenge occurs specifies what went wrong.
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Payment method types billdesk_online and payu_IN_nb for Online banking India. Use onlinebanking_IN instead.


For Online banking India, the payment method type is now onlinebanking_IN.


For the Card Component, the onFieldValid callback now returns the issuerBin (first 8 digits of the card) prop if the card number is 16 or more digits.

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Checkout API
  • You can now use the /donations endpoint on all versions of the API.
  • If Amazon Pay is configured as a blocked payment method, it's no longer returned in the /paymentMethods response.

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iOS Components/Drop-in v4.7.1

We recommend you use Checkout API v67 or later.

If you use Xcode 15, use v4.11.1 or later for compatibility.

  • You can now use more than one client key for your integration, for example, if you need different credentials for some merchant accounts.
  • Fixed the known issue from v4.5.0 where Cartes Bancaires did not work on Apple Pay.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.9.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.

  • Support for recurring payments through Amazon Pay using the new properties changePermissionType and recurringMetadata. The shopper's details are stored by Amazon Pay.
  • Highlighted issuers are now correctly shown with two issuers in each row. When the number of issuers is odd, the last row shows one.
  • For the instant payment button, when you set showPayButton to false, it is now correctly shown.
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Checkout API

Fixed an issue where 3D Secure 1 redirect flow couldn't be completed.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.8.0

This release requires Checkout API v68or later.


Support for French meal vouchers:

  • Apetiz: mealVoucher_FR_natixis
  • Sodexo: mealVoucher_FR_sodexo
  • Up Dejeuner: mealVoucher_FR_groupeup
  • For the Card Component, the focus moves to the next field when the entered card number reaches the expected length. This feature is controlled by the autoFocus prop.
  • Added postal code validation for the countries/regions configured in validate.ts.
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For card payments in installments, if there's a single installment, Drop-in doesn't return the installments object.

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iOS Components/Drop-in v4.7.0

We recommend you use Checkout API v67 or later.

If you use Xcode 15, use v4.11.1 or later for compatibility.

  • New supported payment method: ACH Direct Debit.
  • For an API-only integration, you can now use the BankDetailsEncryptor to encrypt bank details (account number and routing number). This is required for ACH.
  • For the Card Component, you can configure the countries/regions in the billing address drop-down menu using billingAddressCountryCodes.
  • Moved the WeChat binary from the AdyenWeChatPay module to an external repository. If you're using WeChat Pay with Carthage, add AdyenWeChatPayInternal to your project. If you're using WeChat Pay with CocoaPods and Swift Package Manager, the change happens automatically as part of the update.
  • For the Card Component, the focus moves to the next field when the entered card number reaches the expected length.
  • If testing Apple Pay using the Simulator, you get an invalidToken error. The error description now explains that you must use a device instead.
  • Increased the reliability of app-to-app redirect detection by increasing the delay for the BrowserComponent.
  • Update the WeChat Pay Component to use WeChat SDK 1.9.2.
  • Apple Pay Component no longer calls didFail for a successful payment. This used to happen if you didn't dismiss the Apple Pay view immediately after calling finalizeIfNeeded(with: success).
  • Text fields, except the card number and CVC, now allow the system default input options.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.7.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.

  • If there's an error during the 3D Secure 2 authentication flow, the Pay button now returns to the default state from the loading state.
  • In addition to gift card logos, you can now also configure custom names for gift cards.
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Checkout API

Fixed an issue where payment requests with a billing address had the stateOrProvince field populated with ZZ.

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Checkout API

Fixed an issue with Prosodie and Illicado gift cards where the balance check request always returned a Success result code.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.6.2

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.


When you get a network error, error.message now contains the message from the API response instead of a generic one.


When setStatusAutomatically is set to true, an overlay now prevents shoppers from interacting with payment method fields after pressing the Pay button.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.6.1

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.


When using Internet Explorer 11, card input fields now appear and work correctly. This fixes the known issue introduced in v5.2.1.

Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.6.1 --save

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.6.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.

  • The new property, SRConfig, lets you configure screen reader behaviour when there are errors in the Card Component fields. This property doesn't affect how error messages are rendered in the checkout form.
  • Fixed the known issue with character input for the card holder field. This issue affected the Card Component when used with web browsers on Android devices and is present in v5.4.0 and v5.5.0.
Updating to this version

If you implemented SRI in test or with live region-specific URLs, you can now use the same SRI hashes below.

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<script src=""
<link rel="stylesheet"
Known issues

When using Internet Explorer 11, card input fields don't appear and work correctly. Fixed in v5.6.1.

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iOS Components/Drop-in v4.6.1

We recommend you use Checkout API v67 or later.

If you use Xcode 15, use v4.11.1 or later for compatibility.

  • Values entered in the card number and CVC fields can no longer be copied or shared.
  • For stored card payments, the CVC field value is now cleared when the shopper cancels or an error happens.

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Android Components/Drop-in v4.4.0

We recommend you use Checkout API v67.

  • Payment method: BACS Direct Debit.
  • The Google Pay environment is no longer being incorrectly set to WalletConstants.ENVIRONMENT_PRODUCTION.
  • DropInServiceResult.Action(actionJSON: String) is deprecated. Use DropInServiceResult.Action(action: com.adyen.checkout.components.model.payments.response.Action) instead. To serialize your JSON response string, use com.adyen.checkout.components.model.payments.response.Action.SERIALIZER.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.5.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.


The PayPal Component now renders a PayLater button in countries/regions where it is available. If you do not want the PayLater button to be rendered, you can use blockPayPalPayLaterButton: true.

Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.5.0 --save
Known issues
  • Shoppers using web browsers on Android devices cannot type into the card holder name field. Fixed in v5.6.0.
  • When using Internet Explorer 11, card input fields do not appear and work correctly. Fixed in v5.6.1.

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iOS Components/Drop-in v4.6.0

We recommend you use Checkout API v67 or later.

If you use Xcode 15, use v4.11.1 or later for compatibility.

  • BACS Direct Debit is now supported through a native flow.
  • On Drop-in, you can configure if you want to show the preselected stored payment method using allowPreselectedPaymentView.
  • Fix NSLayoutConstraint errors in the debug log.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.4.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.


We changed how Drop-in and Components handle browser compatibility, which means polyfills no longer polute the global scope. This change doesn't affect the browser support of your Drop-in or Components integration.

  • Fixed the known issue from v5.2.2 where PayPal didn't load if you integrated using the /sessions endpoint.
  • Fixed an issue where PayPal was not loading when re-mounting with a different type of currency.
  • Fixed issues with entering Japanese characters in text input fields.
  • Drop-in and Components no longer crash when imported on a server-side context, for example if using Angular Universal, Nuxt.js, or Next.js.
Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.4.0 --save
Known issues
  • Shoppers using web browsers on Android devices cannot type into the card holder name field. Fixed in v5.6.0.
  • When using Internet Explorer 11, card input fields do not appear and work correctly. Fixed in v5.6.1.

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iOS Components/Drop-in v4.5.0

We recommend you use Checkout API v67 or later.

If you use Xcode 15, use v4.11.1 or later for compatibility.

  • On Drop-in, the allowsSkippingPaymentList flag lets you skip the screen with the list of payment methods, if there is only one payment method available to the shopper. For example, if card is the only available payment method, the shopper will be taken directly to the card details input screen.
  • On Drop-in, you can now customize the screen with the Apple Pay button using DropInComponent.Style.applePay.

We added support for the following card networks in Apple Pay:

  • Cartes Bancaires (cartesBancaires) in France.
  • MADA (mada) in the Middle East.
  • Card brand detection for dual-branded cards is now based on the first 11 digits of the card number.
Known issues

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Checkout API

We fixed an issue where iDEAL payments could be refused if the POST /payments request included a store.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.3.1

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.


Fixed the issues with cards in the live environment introduced in version 5.3.0.

Known issues

When using Internet Explorer 11, card input fields don't appear and work correctly. Fixed in v5.6.1.

Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.3.1 --save

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.3.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.


For Drop-in, you can now render the Apple Pay and Google Pay buttons at the top of the payment method list.

  • For PayPal, we now support zero-auth transactions.
  • The icons in the payment method list UI have more padding in the focus state.

Dragonpay vouchers for convenience stores in the Philippines (dragonpay_otc_philippines) now only show the Dragonpay logo. Previously, an issuer logo was also shown beside the Dragonpay logo.

Known issues
  • The Cards Drop-in integration and Card Component are only available in the test environment. They will be available in the live environment on 2 Dec, 2021.
  • When using Internet Explorer 11, card input fields do not appear and work correctly. Fixed in v5.6.1.
Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.3.0 --save

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.2.2
  • Fixed an issue where if you integrated using the /sessions endpoint and have configured onAdditionalDetails on the front end, the front end was automatically submitting additional payment details. This means that submitting additonal payment details from your server using the /payments/details call no longer fails.
Known issues
  • PayPal doesn't load if you integrated using the /sessions endpoint. Fixed in v5.4.0.
  • When using Internet Explorer 11, card input fields do not appear and work correctly. Fixed in v5.6.1.
Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.2.2 --save

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.2.1

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.

  • Accessibility improvements:
    • Screen readers no longer read out card brand logos or the CVC icon, which was exposing unnecesary information about decorative images.
    • Card brand logos are no longer focusable using the keyboard, which was stopping users on unactionable elements.
    • You can remove the iframe title for the Custom Card Component by replacing it with role="presentation".
  • Fixed an issue where on Firefox, users couldn't use the Tab key to move between Card Component fields.
  • Entering card numbers that contain all the same digit, like 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000, now produces an Invalid card brand error on the front end.

The deprecated Internet Explorer 11 attributes scrolling and frameborder.

Known issues

When using Internet Explorer 11, card input fields don't appear and work correctly. Fixed in v5.6.1.

Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.2.1 --save

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iOS Components/Drop-in v3.9.1

If you use Xcode 15, use v4.11.1 or later for compatibility.

  • The encrypted token returned by CardEncryptor.Card.encryptedToToken() now also encodes the time stamp for when the token was created.

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iOS Components/Drop-in v3.9.0

If you use Xcode 15, use v4.11.1 or later for compatibility.

  • You can now use CardEncryptor.Card.encryptedToToken() to encrypt all card details as a single token.
  • Upgraded the 3D Secure 2 SDK version to v2.2.4..
  • The CardDetails object now contains the version of the 3D Secure SDK in threeDS2SDKVersion.

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iOS Components/Drop-in v4.4.0

We recommend you use Checkout API v67 or later.

If you use Xcode 15, use v4.11.1 or later for compatibility.

  • For dual-branded cards, the Card Component now renders both brands, and allows the cardholder to choose the brand they want to pay with.
  • You can now prefill shopper information for card payments. You can prefill the cardholder name, billing address, postal code and social security number, by injecting it when creating the component.
  • On Drop-in, you can now allow shoppers to remove stored cards. Implement StoredPaymentMethodsDelegate and set
    paymentMethodListConfiguration.allowDisablingStoredPaymentMethods to true in the Drop-in configuration.
  • For the Card Component UI, once the card brand is detected, the supported card brand logos become more transparent to make them less prominent.
  • Upgraded the 3D Secure 2 SDK version to v2.2.4.
  • Shoppers can no longer enter invalid characters in the checkout form.
  • Fixed an issue with the Drop-in slide-in animation.
  • If there's a network error when polling for the status of a payment with action.type: await, Drop-in/Components now does another check before returning a failure response. This applies to payment methods where the shopper needs to go to another app to complete the payment, for example BLIK and MB WAY.

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Android Components/Drop-in v4.3.0

Environment.TEST is now the default for initializing DropInConfiguration. Set it to a live environment value for release builds.

  • saveState and restoreState methods in action components. All components and providers now use SavedStateHandle.
  • requiresConfiguration method in action component providers. All components require configurations so this method always returns true.
  • Added LIVE as an environment configuration, and it is the same as EUROPE.
  • The Card Component now supports installments.
  • Drop-in or the Component now returns fundingSource if it is present in the /paymentMethods response.
  • You can now skip the payment methods screen if there is a single available payment method by using DropInConfiguration.Builder.setSkipListWhenSinglePaymentMethod. This does not apply to Google Pay, PayPal, WeChat Pay or payment methods that require a redirect.
  • When the shopper enters the number for an unsupported card, the Card Component returns an error saying the brand is not supported.
  • Updated the 3D Secure SDK to v.2.2.5.
  • Features that are only available in debug builds are now working correctly.
  • The Card Component no longer crashes if you are using it without the 3D Secure library.
  • For Google Pay, Drop-in and Components now handle cancellation and failure callbacks on initialization.

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Checkout API
  • The POST /paymentMethods repsonse now contains the brands array for Bancontact.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.2.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.


For PayPal, you can include a cspNonce to add a Content Security Policy (CSP) nonce if you use this on your site.

  • For Japanese convenience stores (econtext_stores and econtext_seven_eleven) you can now hide the input fields for shopper name, email, and telephone number.
  • For Bancontact card, you can now override the supported brands by including a [brands] array.
  • Drop-in, the Card Component, and the Custom Card Component can now handle cards with an optional expiry date. An optional expiry date is marked as optional in the UI, and is not required for a card to pass the validation checks.
Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.2.0 --save

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.1.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.

  • Fixed an issue where payments using Apple Pay, Google Pay, or PayPal did not work if you have a Components integration.
  • For payment methods with issuer lists, like iDEAL or Dotpay, you can choose issuers to show outside of the the dropdown menu using highlightedIssuers.
  • For payments at Japanese convenience stores, you can now hide the fields to collect personal details using personalDetailsRequired.
Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.1.0 --save

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iOS Components/Drop-in v3.8.6

If you use Xcode 15, use v4.11.1 or later for compatibility.

  • Fixed an issue where turning on both Reduce motion and Prefer cross-fade transitions accessibility settings, caused the card component fields to not be visible.
  • Drop-in and Component now compile for Any iOS Device when using Xcode 13.

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iOS Components/Drop-in v4.3.0

We recommend you use Checkout API v67.

If you use Xcode 15, use v4.11.1 or later for compatibility.

  • Doku, Affirm, MB WAY and Japanese conveninence store payments now support prefilling the shopper information in the payment form. You can prefill shopper infromation by injecting it when creating the component.
  • Added translations for the warning text the shopper sees when they enter a card brand you do not support.
  • For shoppers who do not have cards set up on Apple Pay, use allowOnboarding to either:
    • Allow shoppers to set up Apple Pay by going through the Apple Pay onboarding.
    • Not show Apple Pay in the checkout form.
  • The Boleto Component now allows shoppers to edit the prefilled billing address.
  • Fixed an issue with form views freezing when updating the layout.

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Checkout API
  • Fixed an issue where metadata for 3D Secure payments wasn't being returned in the CANCELLATION webhook. To get this metadata, you need to configure it as an additional setting.

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Web Components/Drop-in v5.0.0

This release requires Checkout API v68 or later.

If upgrading from v3.23.0 or earlier, have a look at the migration guide.

Known issues

The following props from AdyenCheckout configuration:

  • allowPaymentMethods
  • removePaymentMethods

To customize which payment methods are available for the shopper, include allowedPaymentMethods or blockedPaymentMethods in your /paymentMethods request.

Breaking Changes
  • The onError callback now returns an object for every Component. The object contains more details about the error. For more information, refer to Handle Drop-in errors or Handle Component errors.

  • The creation of AdyenCheckout is now asynchronous:

    Copy code
        const checkout = await AdyenCheckout(configuration); 

Using the /sessions endpoint, you can integrate Drop-in and Components with a single API call.

If you already integrated using the /paymentMethods, /payments, and /payments/details endpoints, you can continue using this back end setup in version 5.0.0.

Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@5.0.0 --save

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Checkout API v68

This API version is supported by our Java, NodeJS, PHP, Python, Ruby, Go, and .NET libraries.
You can find all the Adyen libraries on GitHub.

Breaking Changes
  • POST /paymentMethods
    • The details array has been removed.
    • The list of issuers for payment methods like iDEAL or Dotpay, is now in the paymentMethods.issuers array.
    • For cards, if the paymentMethods.brands array has a single element, the value of the is now the brand name of the available card brand, instead of Credit Card.
  • POST /payments
  • POST /paymentLinks
    • amount.value fields now must be integers. Values like 10.5 now produce a validation error.
  • GET paymentLinks/{linkId}
    • New status value, paymentPending for payment methods that have a pending state. Previously, such states had the completed status.
  • For payment link resources, storePaymentMethodMode replaces storePaymentMethod from previous versions. The allowed values for storedPaymentMethodMode are:
    • disabled (default), the shopper's payment details are not stored.
    • enabled and shopperReference is provided, the shopper's payment details are stored.
    • askForConsent, the shopper can choose in the Pay by Link UI if they want their payment details to be stored.
  • POST /paymentLinks
    • Fixed an issue where the payments page didn't show a phone number field when configured as part of requiredShopperFields.
  • POST /payments
    • All address fields are now optional.

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Web Components/Drop-in v4.9.0

This release requires Checkout API v67 or later.

  • We added several accessibility improvements for Drop-in and Components.
  • For payment methods with multiple payment method variants, such as Klarna or Dragonpay, we fixed an issue where the Component could be created with incorrect payment method data. This issue only occurred when using Components, not when using Drop-in.

For Pix, you can configure the Drop-in or the Component to collect shopper's name and the CPF/CNPJ (a unique identifier similar to a social security number), by including personalDetailsRequired.

Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@4.9.0 --save

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iOS Components/Drop-in v4.2.0

We recommend you use Checkout API v67 or later.

If you use Xcode 15, use v4.11.1 or later for compatibility.

  • New supported payment method: Multibanco.
  • The Card Component now allows you to accept credit card payments in installments using InstallmentConfiguration.
  • Shoppers can now dismiss pickers using the new Done button.
  • If you're using Objective-C, we renamed TextField to ADYTextField to avoid naming conflicts.
  • The Encryption Component now uses JSON Web Encryption (JWE) with RSA OAEP 256 and AES CBC 256 with HMAC SHA 512. You do not need to make any changes to your integration.
  • The Card Component now shows an error message to the shopper if the card brand they are using is not supported.
  • Fixed a UI bug where only part of the Pay button was visible.
  • Fixed an issue with socialSecurityNumber where setting it to show would still hide the field based on the card's BIN.

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Checkout API

Fixed an issue where girocard_applepay didn't appear in the brands array for Apple Pay in the /paymentMethods response.

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Android Components/Drop-in v4.2.0

We recommend you use Checkout API v67 or later.

  • For dual-branded cards, the Card Component now renders both brands, and allows the cardholder to choose the brand they want to pay with.
    This makes the Component compliant with European regulatory guidelines for accepting dual-branded cards (EU IFR Regulation 2015/751 article 8).
  • For Bancontact, you can now show a toggle for saving the card details for later payments. To do this, call BcmcConfiguration.Builder.setShowStorePaymentField(true).
  • Added support for removing Observers attached to Components.
  • Added support for the Activity Result API.
  • The supported brands for Google Pay are now automatically configured based on your account settings, so you no longer need to specify these using setAllowedCardNetworks.
  • For the Card Component, the now includes the threeDS2SdkVersion.
  • We fixed an issue where Drop-in could crash when trying to render stored payment methods.
  • We fixed an issue where Drop-in would not render Bancontact unless you included a BcmcConfiguration object.
  • For Google Pay, we no longer pass the TotalPrice if the TotalPriceStatus is set to NOT_CURRENTLY_KNOWN, in line with the Google Pay specifications.

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Web Components/Drop-in v4.8.0

This release requires Checkout API v67 or later.

  • For payment methods with multiple payment method variants, such as Klarna or Dragonpay, we fixed an issue where the Component could be created for the incorrect variant. This issue only occurred when using Components, not when using Drop-in.
  • Fixed an issue where the Card Component state was not correctly updated in case you entered correct card details, and then pasted a full unsupported card number.
Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@4.8.0 --save

Accessibility improvement: All shopper input fields now have a name property. This makes sure their <label> elements get a for attribute, and that the shopper input is given an id that matches the value of the for attribute.

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Checkout API

Fixed an issue where JCB cards enabled for Apple Pay would show up as part of the paymentMethod.brands array instead of the brands array for Apple Pay. This means Web Drop-in and Components would render the Apple Pay logo as part of the Card Component.

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Web Components/Drop-in v4.7.5

This release requires Checkout API v67 or later.


If you're using native web components, we fixed an issue where opening a dropdown list in Adyen's Web Components or Drop-in would cause it to close it back again immediately.

Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@4.7.5 --save

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iOS Components/Drop-in v4.1.0

We recommend you use Checkout API v67.

If you use Xcode 15, use v4.11.1 or later for compatibility.

  • New supported payment methods: Affirm, OXXO.
  • The Card Component now has support for:
    • Korean card payments through KCP.
    • Brazillian card payments that require the social security number.
    • UK addresses.
  • Shoppers can now add vouchers to Apple Wallet.
  • Get the last 4 digits of the entered card number using didSubmit(lastFour:component:).
  • If a shopper enters card data and then closes the payment screen, the component now clears the values for improved security.
  • The Card Component now runs validation on optional CVC fields if the shopper enters a value.
  • Disabled Luhn checks for private label cards (also known as white label cards), because the check fails even if the card number is valid.
  • The card number field now has a numeric keypad for input.
  • The Boleto Component has improved validation for social security numbers.
  • There are smoother transitions between Drop-in screens.
  • Redesigned the Drop-in UI for iPad so that it is responsive to screen size and feels native to the iPad.
  • Redesigned the UI for voucher payment methods to make it easy for shoppers to find the call to action.
  • Added a file for the demo projects.
  • Updated the 3D Secure SDK to v2.2.3.
  • Moved the networking layer into a separate framework as a dependency.
  • You can now use CocoaPods on M1 Mac devices.
  • Fixed a bug where card brand logos were not showing up if the shopper deleted the initial card number and entred a value again.
  • Single digit house numbers no longer fail validation.

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Checkout API

POST /paymentLinks

  • themeId field to customize the appearance of the payment page when creating a payment link. This field is available in Checkout API v67 and later.

All lists of countries/regions are now ordered alphabetically for each translation.

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Web Components/Drop-in v4.7.4

This release requires Checkout API v67 or later.

  • The isAvailable method for Apple Pay has a shorter execution time, since it no longer invokes canMakePayments twice.
  • We fixed an issue where an input in an error state was not properly validated in case it lost focus.
  • If it is not possible to fetch the language of the browser, we now populate the browserInfo.language field with a default value of en.
  • When showing that input is valid or invalid, address input fields now behave in the same way as all other input fields.
Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@4.7.4 --save

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Android Components/Drop-in v4.1.1

We recommend you use Checkout API v67.

  • Fixed an issue on the Card Component where address fields were still shown even if AddressVisibility was set to NONE.

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Checkout API

We fixed an issue where a splits array included in the /payments/{paymentPspReference}/captures request was not processed correctly.

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Android Components/Drop-in v4.1.0

We recommend you use Checkout API v67.

  • The Card Component now has support for:
    • Korean card payments through KCP.
    • Brazillian card payments that require the social security number.
    • The postal code input field.
  • On Drop-in, you can now take shoppers to the list of all available payment methods instead of only showing their stored cards. To do this, call DropInConfiguration.Builder.showPreselectedStoredPaymentMethod(false).
  • Support for Android 12.
  • Configuration objects now do runtime validation to make sure your client key matches the environment it is being used on.
  • Disabled Luhn checks for private label cards (also known as white label cards), because the check fails even if the card number is valid.
  • Updated the 3D Secure SDK to v2.2.4.
  • The focus no longer automatically switches to the next input field after the card number has been filled in.
  • Fixed an issue where card brand logos weren't loading if there were multiple logos of the same type, for example when the shopper had multiple stored cards of the same brand.
  • If the Android operating system stops your app before the payment flow is completed, this no longer causes Drop-in to fail.

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Checkout API
  • Finnish e-banking now appears as Verkkopankkimaksu in the front end when the locale is set to fi-FI.
  • For iDEAL payments, sending emoji in the productTitle no longer causes an error during the redirect.

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Checkout API

For redirect 3D Secure payments, the amount object in the /payments/details response is now returned in the same way as for all other payments.

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Web Components/Drop-in v4.7.3

This release requires Checkout API v67 or later.


The Amazon Pay Component now supports Amazon Pay multi-currency. This feature will be automatically available to you if your Amazon Pay merchant account is in the EU or UK region.

  • For card payments, the holderName field no longer shows a validation error if empty and configured as optional.
  • Fixed an issue with the white Apple Pay button styling.
Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@4.7.3 --save

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Checkout API

For native 3D Secure 2 payments, the amount object in the /payments/details response is now returned in the same way as for all other payments.

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Web Components/Drop-in v4.7.2

This release requires Checkout API v67 or later.


The Cardholder field now accepts all characters, including digits.

Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@4.7.2 --save

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Checkout API
  • Fixed an issue where he /payments/details response did not contain the 3D Secure 2 fields in the additionalData object.
  • Website cross-origin isolation using COOP and COEP is now supported for Web Components 3.4.0 and above, as well as all assets on checkoutshopper.

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Android Components/Drop-in v4.0.0

We recommend you use Checkout API v67.

For guidance on upgrading to this version, have a look at the migration guide.

Breaking Changes
  • All Components, including action Components, now require a configuration object.
  • All configuration objects now require a client key. For the cardConfiguration and bcmcConfiguration objects, the client key replaces the Client Encryption Public Key used in earlier versions.
  • If using ResultHandlerIntent, you now need to pass this in startPayment instead of DropInConfiguration.
  • The handleResultIntent in the WeChatPayActionComponent has been replaced by the handleIntent method.
  • The handleRedirectResponse in the RedirectComponent has been replaced by the handleIntent method.
  • Refactored CallResult to DropInServiceResult.
  • Refactored module structure so that each payment method has only one module: the card-base and card-ui modules have been merged into a single card module, and similarly for other payment methods.
  • Refactored the cse module, renaming the Card class and the CardEncrypter class. For more information, refer to our custom card integration guide.
  • Renamed package com.adyen.checkout.base to com.adyen.checkout.components.
  • Renamed package com.adyen.checkout.base.component to com.adyen.checkout.components.base.
  • We removed all methods that were marked as deprecated in earlier versions.
  • The SimplifiedDropInService has been removed. We recommend that you handle the /payments response using the DropInService.
  • For MB WAY, we removed the shopperEmail field because it is no longer required.
  • We removed the WeChatPayComponent. If you want to check whether the WeChat app is available, you can do so by calling WeChatPayProvider.isAvailable.
  • We removed PaymentComponentProvider.isAvailable. Payment method providers that require an availability check (currently Google Pay and WeChat Pay), will now implement PaymentMethodAvailabilityCheck instead.
  • The Adyen3DS2Component supports the new 3D Secure 2 flow introduced in Checkout API v67. The old flow is still supported if you are using an API version earlier than v67. The Adyen3DS2Component implements IntentHandlingComponent, and has a handleIntent method for handling 3D Secure 1 redirects.
    • For Google Pay, the payment method type is now googlepay.
  • The QRCodeComponent handles all payment methods with action.type: qrCode, including Bancontact mobile, Swish, and Pix. The QRCodeComponent implements IntentHandlingComponent, and has a handleIntent method.
  • New supported payment method: BLIK.
  • We added support for the following shopper locales: cs-rCZ, el-rGR, hr-rHR, hu-rHU, ro-rRO, sk-rSK, sl-rSI.
  • To hide the CVC field, you can now include the hideCvc or the hideCvcStoredCard flag in the cardConfigurationobject. If hideCvcStoredCard is set to true and the shopper pays with a stored card that doesn't require a CVC, they will see a Pay button immediately after selecting the payment method.
  • The CardComponent now returns the BIN and last 4 digits of the card number in the CardComponentState.
  • DropInService now has the onPaymentsCallRequested and onDetailsCallRequested methods for asynchronous handling of the API responses. When handling the API responses synchronously, you can use the onPaymentsCallRequested method to access a non-serialized version of the PaymentComponent JSON at the moment when the shopper submits the payment.
  • ActionComponentProvider has the following new methods:
    • canHandleAction: checks if the Component can handle the specified action type.
    • requiresView: indicates whether a view is required to handle this action.
    • getSupportedActionTypes: returns the list of supported action types.
  • We improved card brand recognition in the CardComponent.
  • For cards that do not require a CVC, the CVC field will now be marked as optional.
  • We updated the UI for phone number input for MB WAY.
  • We updated the 3D Secure SDK to version 2.2.0.
  • For the custom card integration with encryption, we now validate the Client Encryption Public Key.
  • Drop-in now has a default GooglePayConfiguration and a CardConfiguration object, so it is no longer required to set these configurations in DropInConfiguration.Builder.
  • You can now see the GooglePay SDK dependency, so you no longer need to explicitly declare it to access Google Pay specific code.
  • The default Google Pay environment now automatically follows the Adyen environment.
  • New releases are now published to Maven Central.
  • We migrated from the Android Support Library to AndroidX.
  • The minimum supported Android API version is now 21.
  • For the GooglePayConfiguration.Builder, you no longer need to pass a merchantAccount. Instead, you need to pass a client key, as for all other configuration objects.
  • GooglePayComponent is now an ActivityResultHandlingComponent. No methods are affected by this change.
  • For debug builds, you are now allowed to take a screenshot of the Card Component.
  • DropInService is now a regular bound Service instead of a JobIntentService.
  • For CI builds and example app without values, example.local.gradle has been renamed to default.local.gradle.
  • Drop-in now renders all available payment methods at the same time.
  • Intent results are now also handled in case DropInActivity got destroyed.

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iOS Components/Drop-in v4.0.0

We recommend you use Checkout API v67.

If you use Xcode 15, use v4.11.1 or later for compatibility.

Breaking Changes
  • Removed support for iOS 10.0.
  • The new minimum required TLS version is 1.2.
  • iOS Components has a new module structure.
  • Each component initialization requires an instance of apiContext, which specifies the client key and the environment.
  • Changed how the end of a component flow is handled.
  • Renamed the payment method configuration objects.
  • In the Adyen module, the Amount object now adopts the Codable protocol.
  • Moved the payment property from PresentableComponent to PaymentComponent.
  • Specifying the country code is now required for the Payment object.
  • Moved the Amount property outside of the Payment object.
  • The didCancel method from DropInComponentDelegate now returns PaymentComponent instead of PresentableComponent.
  • Moved card configuration to the CardComponent.Configuration object.
  • Moved Apple Pay configuration to the ApplePayComponent.Configuration object.
  • Moved the payment parameter to the ApplePayComponent.Configuration constructor.
  • Changed how you specify supported Apple Pay card networks.
  • The Apple Pay token is now a base64-encoded string. This replaces the plain text JSON format.
  • To proccess voucher payments your app's Info.plist must contain NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription.
  • Renamed DropInActionComponent to AdyenActionComponent and moved it to AdyenActions module. This allows you to use the component outside of AdyenDropIn.
  • Renamed AdyenActionComponent.perform() to AdyenActionComponent.handle() for consistency with other action components.
  • To present the redirect component UI, you now need to set RedirectComponent.presentationDelegate.
  • The styles for all action components are now grouped under ActionComponentStyle.

Have a look at the migration guide for details about the more complex breaking changes.

  • Deprecated classes, functions, properties.
  • disableCloseButton from present(component: PresentableComponent) in PresentationDelegate.
  • cancelHandler from the ApplePayComponent.
  • cancelCallback from the Apple Pay component. Use the didFail(with error: Error, from component: PaymentComponent) function with ComponentError.cancelled instead.
  • paymentData is now optional in RedirectAction, ActionComponentData and RedirectComponent. This is to support the removal of paymentData starting Checkout API v67.
  • The ThreeDS2Component supports the new 3D Secure flow from Checkout API v67. The old flow is still supported if you are using an API version earlier than v67.
  • VoucherComponent handles actions for voucher payment flows, for example Doku Alfamart.
  • QRCodeComponent to handle payment methods that use QR codes, like PIX.
  • DropInComponent now has the cardComponentDelegate property.
  • DropInComponentDelegate now has the didOpenExternalApplication(component:) callback which notifies you about redirects to an external app.
  • DropInDelegate.didSubmit now has a PaymentMethod object to allow you to identify which payment method is being submitted.
  • didComplete(from component: DropInComponent) method for DropInComponentDelegate and ActionComponentDelegate.
  • Support for right-to-left layout.
  • Arabic (international) is now a supported language.
  • Adds support for stored payment details for BLIK.
  • You can configure button border color and width using ButtonStyle.

Payment method support:

  • Pix, PixComponent
  • Boleto, BoletoComponent
  • Indonesian bank transfers and cash payments at convenience stores through DokuComponent.
  • Japanese voucher payments through econtext:
    • At Seven Eleven stores, SevenElevenComponent.
    • At other convenience stores, EContextStoreComponent.
    • Using ATM machines, EContextATMComponent.
    • Online, EContextOnlineComponent.
  • Prevent leaking API keys when URL responses are cached.
  • Added CVC length validation for the stored cards component.
  • You can now use CardEncryptor to encrypt individual card fields, for example CVC or expiry month.
  • Added assertion validation for country code and currency code.
  • Improved accuracy for card brand detection.
  • Added billing address fields to the card component.
  • GiftCardComponent now has native support for full and partial payments using gift cards.
  • Uses a continous curve by default for rounding corners.
  • You can now control the position of the title and Cancel button for DropIn.
  • You can now add a custom image to the Cancel button.
  • Added a configuration screen to the UIKit and SwiftUI demo apps so you can change configuration fields during runtime.
  • The MBWayComponent now shows Portugal and Spain in the phone prefix dropdown list of phone extensions.
  • Fixed a bug where gift card payment methods had a missing logo.
  • Fixes localization warning when using Swift Package Manager.
  • For Swish redirects, you now get all the query parameters in returnUrlQueryString.
  • Fixed an issue where users couldn't scroll properly through a form.
Known issues

For the Apple Pay Component, the `PaymentData.amount passed from the SDK to the didSubmit callback is nil. Fixed in v4.8.0.

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Checkout API

Card data decryption failures now return the correct error 174 - Unable to decrypt data, instead of 175 - Unable to parse JSON data.

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Web Components/Drop-in v4.7.1

This release requires Checkout API v67 or later.

  • The Cardholder field now accepts all characters, except digits.
  • We improved accessibility for dropdown menus:
    • You can now close a dropdown menu using the Esc key.
    • Pressing Tab on a open dropdown moves the focus to the next element after closing the dropdown.

For Google Pay, canceling a payment no longer logs an unhandled promise error in the console.

Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@4.7.1 --save

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Checkout API

We improved the error message that you get when including an invalid redirectResult in the /payments/details request.


We fixed an issue where shoppers couldn't add a gift card payment to an existing order.

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Checkout API

Checkout API v67 and above now supports the 3D Secure authentication-only flow.


In Checkout API v64 and below, the /paymentMethods response now has supportsRecurring: true for cards.

Note that supportsRecurring was removed in Checkout API v65.

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Web Components/Drop-in v4.7.0

This release requires Checkout API v67 or later.


When onSubmit is triggered, Component/Drop-in status is now automatically set to 'loading'. If you want to overwrite the default behavior, set the setStatusAutomatically prop to false.

  • Added support for Cartes Bancaires in the Apple Pay Component.
  • We optimized the address form layout for addresses in Australia.
Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@4.7.0 --save

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Checkout API

When the shopper cancels a Bancontact mobile payment, you will now receive a resultCode Cancelled instead of resultCode: Unknown as before.

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Checkout API

You can now do your captures, refunds, cancellations, reversals, and asynchronous authorisation adjustments using the Checkout API.

Have a look at the new endpoints in API Explorer:

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Android Components/Drop-in v3.8.3
  • Android Components are now available in Maven Central.
  • You can now configure the Card Component to show an input field for the postal code.
  • We updated the 3D Secure 2 SDK to version 2.1.0-rc09.
  • The Google Pay logo has been updated to according to the Google Pay brand guidelines.
  • For apps targeting compatibility with Android 10, we fixed an issue where collecting the 3D Secure fingerprint could sometimes fail with an exception.

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Checkout API

For the 3D Secure 1 flow in v67, the fraud result is now correctly returned in the /payments/details response.

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Web Components/Drop-in v4.6.0

This release requires Checkout API v67 or later.

  • The Apple Pay Component now supports Girocard.
  • You can now mount more than one PayPal component on the same page.
  • For Drop-in, onSubmit is no longer called twice if using Apple Pay with a custom button.
  • Updated the Google Pay icon to match the brand guidelines.
Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@4.6.0 --save

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Checkout API

Fixed an issue affecting v67, where the pspReference was missing from the /payments/details response for Zip and Afterpay Touch.

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Checkout API

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iOS Components/Drop-in v3.8.5


This version will be End-of-Life on October 1, 2025.
We recommend that you upgrade to v6.0.0 or later.

If you use Xcode 15, use v4.11.1 or later for compatibility.

  • The Card Component has better card type detection for Diners cards.
  • Added a postal code field to the Card Component.
  • Drop-in now shows the Apple Pay button according to Apple's Human Interface Guidelines.
  • The BCMC Component no longer shows the additional large title with the component's name on Drop-in.

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Web Components/Drop-in v4.5.0

This release requires Checkout API v67 or later.

  • You can now customize the icon for each payment method, by including the icon property in the Component configuration. For example, this is how you can customize the Google Pay icon on Drop-in:
Copy code
paymentMethodsConfiguration: {
paywithgoogle: {
icon: 'https://...'
  • For cards, you can now customize the icon of the card brand, by including the icon property in brandsConfiguration. For example, this is how you can customize the icon for Visa on Drop-in:
Copy code
paymentMethodsConfiguration: {
card: {
brandsConfiguration: {
visa: {
icon: 'https://...'

The maximum length of a gift card number is now 32 digits, instead of 22 digits as before.


For Amex, the hint for where the shopper can find the CVC no longer shows two locations.

Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@4.5.0 --save

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Checkout API

For iDEAL payments in v66 and earlier, you will now get a validation error when making a /payments/details request with a redirectResult and paymentData belonging to different payments.


For the 3D Secure redirect flow in v67, we fixed an issue where the merchantReference could be missing from the /payments/details response.

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Web Components/Drop-in v4.4.0

This release requires Checkout API v67 or later.

  • Support for right-to-left languages though the HTML dir attribute.
  • Added Arabic (international) to our supported languages.
  • For Google Pay, onSubmit now correctly calls Drop-in or the Google Pay Component, depending on your integration.
  • For payments partially covered using a gift card, the shopper can now see a message about the amount they need to pay in addition to the gift card amount.
Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@4.4.0 --save

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Web Components/Drop-in v4.3.1

This release requires Checkout API v67 or later.


Fixed an issue where the Card Component did not work on Internet Explorer 11.

Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@4.3.1 --save

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Checkout API

Fixed an issue where adding a gift card payment to an order could result in a validation error if the request was made using one of our plugins.

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Checkout API

For the native 3D Secure 2 flow in Checkout API v67 and above, we fixed an issue where the merchantReference was not returned in the /payments/details response.

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Web Components/Drop-in v4.3.0

This release requires Checkout API v67 or later.

Known issues

The Card Component does not work on Internet Explorer 11. This is fixed in Web Components 4.3.1.


For cards, you can now include minimumExpiryDate in the Component configuration. This will prevent shoppers from paying with a card that expires before the specified date.


We've animated the final status shown by Drop-in (success or error).

  • When using Google Pay Drop-in integration with your own custom button, the onSubmit event no longer triggers twice.
  • For Amazon Pay, we fixed an issue where the Component did not pass the publicKeyId to the call that updates the checkout session state.
  • When changing the country/region in the address form, the optional and required fields are now being reset based on the new country.
  • For the Bank Transfer Component, the showEmailAddress parameter is now working as expected.
  • Fields that are prefilled (by including a data object in the Component configuration) are now validated as expected.
Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@4.3.0 --save

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Checkout API
  • We fixed an issue where the PayPal Component could fail when doing a zero-auth transaction.
  • For Amazon Pay, we fixed an issue where a redirect 3D Secure flow was incorrectly triggered instead of the native 3D Secure flow.

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Web Components/Drop-in v4.2.3

This release requires Checkout API v67 or later.


We fixed an issue with the promise polyfill that could lead to errors on Internet Explorer 11. This issue was introduced in Web Components 4.0.0.

Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@4.2.3 --save

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Web Components/Drop-in v4.2.2

This release requires Checkout API v67 or later.

  • For Boleto Bancário, the payment form now shows the Country field (as read-only). This fixes an issue where payments would fail because was missing a
  • We fixed an issue where AdressSchema types were not correctly exported, leading to compilation errors when using our npm package together with TypeScript.
Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@4.2.2 --save

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Checkout API

When making an /applePay/sessions request, you no longer receive an error when specifying a domainName with a slash (/) at the end.


We fixed an issue where a /payments response with status 500 (Internal Server Error) could include an incorrect pspReference value.

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Web Components/Drop-in v4.2.1

This release requires Checkout API v67 or later.

Known issues

For Boleto Bancário, the is missing the, causing the payment to fail. This issue is fixed in Web Components 4.2.2.

  • The cardholder name field no longer loses focus when the shopper typing in the field.
  • The Pay button is now also disabled for keyboard navigation when the Component is in the loading state. This prevents accidental double payments if the shopper uses the keyboard to submit the payment form.
Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@4.2.1 --save

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Web Components/Drop-in v4.2.0

This release requires Checkout API v67 or later.

Known issues
  • For Google Pay, Drop-in and Components now return a browserInfo object. If you need to handle 3D Secure through Google Pay, pass this object inside browserInfo when making the /payments request.
  • You can now render the cardholder name before the card number using positionHolderNameOnTop: true.
  • To make card payments in Brazil, the social security number is often required. You can use socialSecurityNumberMode to render a social security number field in your payment form.

We improved the accuracy of card brand detection.


Calling no longer fails if the component is not fully rendered. This issue came up for components that have a list of issuers, for example iDEAL or Dotpay.

Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@4.2.0 --save

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Checkout API

For 3D Secure redirects, the loading page now has text informing the shopper that the process might take a few minutes to complete.

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Checkout API

For Checkout API v67 and above, making a /payments/details request with a URL-encoded redirectResult no longer results in a validation error.

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Web Components/Drop-in v4.1.0

This release requires Checkout API v67 or later.

Known issues

For Boleto Bancário, the is missing the, causing the payment to fail. This issue is fixed in Web Components 4.2.2.

  • We added new Apple Pay button types. For a full list of supported Apple Pay button types, refer to Button configuration.
  • For Google Pay, you can now use the buttonSizeMode and buttonLocale configuration properties. For more information, refer to Button options.
  • Stored cards can now be configured separately from other cards, by including a storedCard object in the paymentMethodsConfiguration object.

The placeholder values for card fields are now only read from translation fields. Configuring placeholder values inside the Card Component is no longer supported.

  • We added a missing CSS file export in the npm package.
  • We fixed an issue where the promise dependency could be missing when using the ES format bundle.
  • When pasting a dual-branded card number over a previously entered card number, the detected card brand is now being rendered correctly.
  • When paying in IQR (Iraqi Dinar), the amount on the Pay button is now rendered correctly.
Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@4.1.0 --save

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iOS Components/Drop-in v3.8.4

This release requires Checkout API v52 or later.

If you use Xcode 15, use v4.11.1 or later for compatibility.


For gift card payments, the Drop-in now shows a branded icon for each available gift card.

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Checkout API v67

The changes to the native 3D Secure 2 integration require at least Web Components v3.22.2 or iOS Components v4.0.0 or Android Components v4.0.0.

Breaking Changes
  • POST /payments
    • For native 3D Secure 2 authentication, the response now contains action.type: threeDS2. This replaces the threeDS2Fingerprint and threeDS2Challenge parameters used in earlier versions.
    • For redirect 3D Secure authentication, the payment is now authorized after the /payments request, when the shopper completes the authentication on the issuer's site. In previous versions, the payment was only authorized after the /payments/details request.
  • POST /payments/details
    • For native 3D Secure 2 authentication, the response can no longer contain an action object. This means that native 3D Secure 2 payments no longer require multiple /payments/details requests.
    • For redirect 3D Secure authentication, the /payments/details request is no longer required to authorize the payment, only to verify the payment result. As with other redirect payment methods, the payment is already authorized before the shopper is redirected back to your website.

      To know the payment result even when the shopper did not return to your website, listen for the AUTHORISATION webhook.

    • For redirect 3D Secure authentication, the shopper is now redirected back to you from the issuer with an HTTP GET instead of HTTP POST. The returnURL is appended with a redirectResult.
    • For redirect 3D Secure authentication, you now need to submit the redirectResult appended to the returnUrl when the shopper is redirected back to you. This replaces the MD and the PaRes parameters used in previous versions, and aligns the flow for 3D Secure redirects with all other redirects.
Known issues

The changes in this version have broken the Klarna widget integration. We are working on fixing this. In the mean time, we recommend that you don't update to this version if you're using the Klarna widget.

  • POST /payments
    • We removed the following fields that were marked as deprecated in v64:
      • details
      • paymentData
      • redirect
      • authentication
      • outputDetails
  • POST /paymentMethods

    • When using SEPA payments with stored details, the storedPaymentMethods field in the response now contains an object with type: sepadirectdebit:
    Copy code
    "storedPaymentMethods" : [
    "ownerName" : "John Doe",
    "iban" : "GB33BUKB20201555555555",
    "id" : "9916068117659492",
    "name" : "SEPA Direct Debit",
    "supportedShopperInteractions" : [
    "type" : "sepadirectdebit"
  • POST /paymentLinks

    • requiredShopperFields to specify fields that the shopper needs to fill in before completing the payment.
    • themeId field to cusomize the appearance of the payment page when creating a payment link.
  • POST /payments
    • For payment methods with action.type: redirect, the response no longer contains paymentData.
  • POST /payments/details
    • For payment methods with action.type: redirect, you no longer need to submit paymentData.
  • POST /paymentLinks
    • Sending a shopperReference of less than three characters now results in a validation error.

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Checkout API
  • Recurring BACS Direct Debit payments no longer generate an error in the test environment.

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Web Components/Drop-in v4.0.0

This release requires Checkout API v67 or later.

For more guidance on upgrading to this version, have a look at the migration guide.

Breaking Changes
Known issues

For Boleto Bancário, the is missing the, causing the payment to fail. This issue is fixed in Web Components 4.2.2.

  • For npm installations, we now also release ES and CommonJS (CJS) format bundles. This is in addition to the Universal Module Definition (UMD) format bundle released with previous versions.
  • For Google Pay, the payment method type is now googlepay.
  • You can now configure action components by action type inside paymentMethodsConfiguration. For example, to change the default window size for a 3D Secure challenge:

    Copy code
    const checkout = new AdyenCheckout({
    paymentMethodsConfiguration: {
    threeDS2: {
    challengeWindowSize: '05' // '02' is the default size
  • The onChange event now also returns error and validation information. The state.valid object returns a boolean for each field, and state.errors can be used to log the state of your form. You should only use the onError event for non-validaton errors, for example network errors.
  • Drop-down menus now have search functionality which filters results as you type. This applies, for example, for the list of issuers for iDEAL payments, or the lists of countries, states, or provinces for payment methods that require these.
  • If an issuing bank is offline, it appears greyed out to the shopper and they cannot select it from the dropdown menu. This applies, for example, to Dotpay.
Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@4.0.0 --save

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Web Components/Drop-in v3.23.0


This version will be End-of-Life on October 1, 2025.
We recommend that you upgrade to v6.0.0 or later.


Amazon Pay now supports the cancelUrl configuration property and the submit() method.

Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@3.23.0 --save

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Web Components/Drop-in v3.22.2


This version will be End-of-Life on October 1, 2025.
We recommend that you upgrade to v6.0.0 or later.


We fixed the issue with the native 3D Secure 2 integration introduced in version 3.22.0.


For QIWI and MB WAY, we changed the translation labels from telephoneNumber to mobileNumnber. If you have a custom translation, make sure you update the translation keys.

Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@3.22.2 --save

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Checkout API

Fixes an issue where updating stored card details using an alias would not work.

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Web Components/Drop-in v3.22.1


This version will be End-of-Life on October 1, 2025.
We recommend that you upgrade to v6.0.0 or later.

Known issues

Do not update to this version if you are using the 3D Secure 2 native integration.

In preparation for a future release, we've made some updates that lead to issues with the current 3D Secure 2 integration.

  • Fixed an issue where Ratepay wasn't available for payments in the Netherlands.
  • Showing a loading state using setStatus('loading') is now also available for QR code payment methods.
Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@3.22.1 --save

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Android Components/Drop-in v3.8.2

This release requires Checkout API v52 or later.


Drop-in no longer fails on Checkout API v64 or above if one of your payment methods returns a configuration object in the /paymentMethods response.

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Web Components/Drop-in v3.22.0


This version will be End-of-Life on October 1, 2025.
We recommend that you upgrade to v6.0.0 or later.

Known issues

Do not update to this version if you are using the 3D Secure 2 native integration.

In preparation for a future release, we've made some updates that lead to issues with the current 3D Secure 2 integration.


Drop-in no longer tries to render Amazon Pay, as this is only supported on Components and not on Drop-in.

Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@3.22.0 --save

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Web Components/Drop-in v3.21.1


This version will be End-of-Life on October 1, 2025.
We recommend that you upgrade to v6.0.0 or later.


The default sizing of the 3D Secure challenge window in previous versions could sometimes lead to issues such as the shopper not being able to scroll down the 3D Secure 2 challenge page. This has now been fixed:

  • The default size of the 3D Secure 2 challenge window is now 02 (390px x 400px) instead of 05.
  • If you configure the challenge window size to be 05, we no longer force a 16:9 aspect ratio, so that the window size is now 100% x 100% as expected.
Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@3.21.1 --save

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Web Components/Drop-in v3.21.0


This version will be End-of-Life on October 1, 2025.
We recommend that you upgrade to v6.0.0 or later.

  • New payment method: Pix.
  • Support for the onShippingChange callback for the PayPal Component. This allows you to listen for changes in shipping address, which you can accept or reject. The PayPal Component doesn't support order updates based on the shipping address.
  • For card payments, the object returned in the onBinLookup callback now includes a brands array which contains all the card brands your integration supports.
Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@3.21.0 --save

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Android Components/Drop-in v3.8.1

This release requires Checkout API v52 or later.

  • Fixed an issue where the 3D Secure 2 component was failing without error for uncaught exceptions. Any uncaught exceptions for the 3D Secure Component, will now be reported by the observeErrors() observer.

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Checkout API

You no longer receive a validation error when making a valid payment request for Japanese convenience stores.

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iOS Components/Drop-in v3.8.3

This release requires Checkout API v52 or later.

If you use Xcode 15, use v4.11.1 or later for compatibility.

  • Fixed a bug where custom localization was not being applied to the AwaitComponent.

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Checkout API

Making a BLIK payment with saved payment details no longer results in an error.

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Web Components/Drop-in v3.20.0


This version will be End-of-Life on October 1, 2025.
We recommend that you upgrade to v6.0.0 or later.

  • New supported payment method: Amazon Pay. This payment method is only available on Components, not on Drop-in.
  • For cards, you can now use the onBinLookup callback. This is only available on Drop-in and Components, not on the Custom Card Component.

    The onBinLookup callback was improved in version 3.21.0. We recommend updating to this version if you want to use it.

  • The supported brands for Apple Pay and Google Pay are now automatically configured based on your account settings, so you no longer need to specify these in the supportedNetworks (for Apple Pay) or in allowedCardNetworks (for Google Pay).
  • We added support for new BINs on the Bancontact card Component.
  • Accessibility improvement: we've added translations for the aria attributes on the Card Component and the Custom Card Component.
Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

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npm install @adyen/adyen-web@3.20.0 --save

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Checkout API
  • We've added a button that the shopper can select in case they are not automatically redirected back to your returnUrl: Click here if you are not redirected.

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iOS Components/Drop-in v3.8.2

If you use Xcode 15, use v4.11.1 or later for compatibility.

  • Removed a bug in the Apple Pay Component where delegate.didFail() was sometimes called for a successful transaction.
  • The Apple Pay icon in the Drop-in payment methods list is now compliant with Apple guidelines. This means any customizations in ListItemStyle are not applied to the Apple Pay icon.

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Android Components/Drop-in v3.8.0
  • New supported payment method: BLIK.

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Checkout API

We fixed an issue where a /paymentMethods request with amount:0 would sometimes return an empty response.

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Web Components/Drop-in v3.19.0


This version will be End-of-Life on October 1, 2025.
We recommend that you upgrade to v6.0.0 or later.

  • Support for Boleto Bancário through PrimeiroPay using a redirect payment flow. If using PrimeiroPay, you need to handle action.type: redirect.
  • Support for bank transfers through an additional action payment flow. The /payments request returns action.type: bankTransfer.
  • The Gift Card Component flow introduced in Web Components 3.17.0 now has more specific error messages.
  • If you do not specify the countryCode for buy now, pay later payment methods, the Component will show a drop-down menu where the shopper chooses the country/region.
  • The Apple Pay Component now has an onClick event, making it consistent with Google Pay and PayPal.
  • Fixed an issue where had values for filled automatically when was disabled.
  • For Java library users, we fixed an issue where initialization would fail if paymentMethodsResponse contained any null values.
  • The onDisableStoredPaymentMethod Drop-in event now passes the correct storedPaymentMethodId parameter.
  • If you are using the Custom Card Component with separate date fields without providing translations for placeholder values, the Component will use the default translations for the placeholders.
  • For dual branded cards, we fixed the error where brand selection didn't work, meaning the shopper could only pay with the default card brand.
  • Fixed an issue with the PayPal Component, where setting a invalid color on PayPal Credit would cause an error. The Component now defaults to valid PayPal colors.
  • Fixed minor styling issues for the QiwiWallet Component.
Updating to this version

Install this version of the Adyen Web Node package:

Copy code
npm install @adyen/adyen-web@3.19.0 --save

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iOS Components/Drop-in v3.8.1

If you use Xcode 15, use v4.11.1 or later for compatibility.

  • For stored cards, you can now show or hide the CVC field separately from the card form. To do this, use PaymentMethodsConfiguration.CardConfiguration.stored.showsSecurityCodeField.
  • Fixed an issue where the public delegate property of the UILabel could clash with code elsewhere in your integration.

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Checkout API v66
  • POST /paymentMethods

    • For Apple Pay and Google Pay, the response now contains the brands array.
    • If you enabled Boleto Bancário, the response now contains paymentMethod.type: primeiropay_boleto for Boleto Bancário payments through PrimeroPay.
    • New payment method: bank transfer, with paymentMethod.type: bankTransfer_IBAN.
  • POST /payments

    • If you enabled Boleto Bancário, you can now include paymentMethod.type: primeiropay_boleto to make a payment with Boleto Bancário through PrimeroPay.
    • For bank transfers:
      • The request has paymentMethod.type: bankTransfer_IBAN.
      • The response has action.type: bankTransfer and action.paymentMethodType: bankTransfer_IBAN.
  • POST /payments

    • For redirects, except 3D Secure redirects, the response now contains details.key: redirectResult instead of details.key: payload.
    • Sending a shopperReference of less than three characters now results in a validation error:
      Copy code
      "status": 422,
      "errorCode": "216",
      "message": "The shopper reference must be at least 3 characters long.",
      "errorType": "validation",
      "pspReference": "R8QTPCQ8HXSKGK82"
  • POST /payments/details

    • For redirects, except 3D Secure redirects, redirectResult is now the only way to specify the redirect result in the request, replacing payload.
  • GET /paymentLinks/{linkId}

    • In the response, the status field now returns completed instead of paid to avoid confusion for payment methods that require an additional action.

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Checkout API

The error messages for client key issues now contain more information about the exact cause of the problem.


When using saved payment details to make a payment, the payment no longer fails if you don't specify a paymentMethod.type.

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iOS Components/Drop-in v3.8.0

This release requires Checkout API v52 or later.

If you use Xcode 15, use v4.11.1 or later for compatibility.


We are deprecating the following classes and parameters:

  • Header section: showsLargeTitle and FormHeaderItem.
  • Footer section: FormFooterItem, FormFooterItemView and FormFooterStyle. Use FormButtonItem and FormLabelItem instead.
  • Xcode 12 support for CocoaPods and Carthage.
  • The card encryption code has been rewritten in Swift.
  • You can now hide the CVC field for stored card payments. To do this in:
    • Drop-in, set PaymentMethodsConfiguration.card.showsSecurityCodeField to false.
    • Components, set CardComponent.showsSecurityCodeField to false.
  • We removed the footer note from SEPADirectDebitComponent to bring it in line with other Adyen frontend libraries.
  • When you are doing zero-value auth, the submit button text is now Confirm preauthorization.
  • Dismissing ApplePayComponent now correctly invokes the callback.
  • Canceling the web view using a swipe down now calls RedirectComponent.delegate.
  • All card types now appear as an icon once you start typing a card number and the card type is detected.
  • We fixed an issue where AdyenWeChatPay.xcscheme wasn't being tracked to build AdyenWeChatPay.framework on Carthage.

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Web Components/Drop-in v3.18.2


This version will be End-of-Life on October 1, 2025.
We recommend that you upgrade to v6.0.0 or later.


For dual-branded cards, the Card Component now renders both brands, and allows the cardholder to choose the brand they want to pay with.
This makes the Component compliant with European regulatory guidelines for accepting dual-branded cards (EU IFR Regulation 2015/751 article 8).


The BIN lookup will no longer fail if no brands have been provided in the Card Component configuration.

Updating to this version

If you implemented SRI in test or with live region-specific URLs, you can now use the same SRI hashes below.

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<script src=""
<link rel="stylesheet"

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Android Components/Drop-in v3.7.3
  • We fixed an Android Drop-in exception that occurred when generating a generic Configuration object with an empty clientKey.

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Web Components/Drop-in v3.18.1


This version will be End-of-Life on October 1, 2025.
We recommend that you upgrade to v6.0.0 or later.

  • In the Google Pay Component, we added an onClick event that is triggered when the shopper selects the payment button. This allows you to perform a validation.
  • With Google Pay, the payment form shows the amount correctly again.
Known issues
  • Dual branded cards cause a validation issue in the card component.
  • The BIN lookup will fail if no brands have been provided in the Card Component configuration. To avoid this, specify at least one supported card type in the brands field.
  • Both these issues are fixed in 3.18.2.
Updating to this version

If you implemented SRI in test or with live region-specific URLs, you can now use the same SRI hashes below.

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<script src=""
<link rel="stylesheet"

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Web Components/Drop-in v3.18.0


This version will be End-of-Life on October 1, 2025.
We recommend that you upgrade to v6.0.0 or later.

  • We added the following languages:

    Language locale
    Croatian hr-HR
    Czech cs-CZ
    Greek el-GR
    Hungarian hu-HU
    Romanian ro-RO
    Slovak sk-SK
    Slovenian sl-SI
  • For buy now, pay later payment methods, we optimized how a delivery address is shown when it is pre-filled.
Known issues
  • Dual branded cards cause a validation issue in the card component.
  • The BIN lookup will fail if no brands have been provided in the Card Component configuration. To avoid this, specify at least one supported card type in the brands field.
  • Both these issues are fixed in 3.18.2.
Updating to this version

If you implemented SRI in test or with live region-specific URLs, you can now use the same SRI hashes below.

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<script src=""
<link rel="stylesheet"

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Web Components/Drop-in v3.17.2


This version will be End-of-Life on October 1, 2025.
We recommend that you upgrade to v6.0.0 or later.


The are some changes in how the payment method details for SEPA Direct Debit and Apple Pay are passed by Drop-in/Components in the object:

  • Apple Pay now outputs applePayToken instead of applepay.token
  • SEPA Direct Debit now outputs iban and ownerName instead of sepa.ibanNumber and sepa.ownerName
  • For the Gift Card Component, we made some improvements to the flow.
Known issues
  • Dual branded cards cause a validation issue in the card component.
  • The BIN lookup will fail if no brands have been provided in the Card Component configuration. To avoid this, specify at least one supported card type in the brands field.
  • Both these issues are fixed in 3.18.2.
Updating to this version

If you implemented SRI in test or with live region-specific URLs, you can now use the same SRI hashes below.

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<script src=""
<link rel="stylesheet"

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Web Components/Drop-in v3.17.1


This version will be End-of-Life on October 1, 2025.
We recommend that you upgrade to v6.0.0 or later.

  • The Apple Pay Drop-in and Component can now use the configuration object from the /paymentMethods response, so you no longer need to specify merchantName or merchantIdentifier when you configure Drop-in or the Apple Pay Component.
  • For giropay, the showPayButton configuration is now used as expected.
Updating to this version

If you implemented SRI in test or with live region-specific URLs, you can now use the same SRI hashes below.

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<script src=""
<link rel="stylesheet"

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Checkout API

We fixed an issue where making a non-EUR gift card payment with the order object was not working as expected.

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Android Components/Drop-in v3.7.2
  • You can now hide the CVC field when accepting payments with cards and stored card details using the CardComponent. To do this, set the hideCvc and hideCvcStoredCard flags to true in the CardConfiguration object.

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Android Components/Drop-in v3.7.1
  • We added translations for MB WAY and for the AwaitComponent.

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Web Components/Drop-in v3.17.0


This version will be End-of-Life on October 1, 2025.
We recommend that you upgrade to v6.0.0 or later.


We have redesigned the flow for gift cards.

  • The Gift Card Component now calls an onBalanceCheck event when the shopper selects the Redeem button in the Component. You can use this event to trigger making the /paymentMethods/balance request from your server. Pass the response to the Component so that it can present the gift card balance in the UI.
  • The Gift Card Component now also calls an onOrderRequest event when the gift card balance is not enough to complete the payment. You'll need to use this event to make an /orders request from your server. The /orders endpoint allows you to combine the gift card with other payment methods to make partial payments.

Known issues

The new gift card flow does not show errors when a balance check fails. In scenarios where the payment amount is lower than the gift card's balance, the Component is unable to call the submit() function. These behaviors are improved in version 3.17.2.

Updating to this version

If you implemented SRI in test or with live region-specific URLs, you can now use the same SRI hashes below.

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<script src=""
<link rel="stylesheet"

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Checkout API
  • POST /payments: When making partial payments with an order object and without an amount, the API now automatically sets the amount to either the gift card balance or the remainingAmount, whichever is lower.

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Web Components/Drop-in v3.16.0


This version will be End-of-Life on October 1, 2025.
We recommend that you upgrade to v6.0.0 or later.

  • When configuring the Google Pay Component, you can now include include the transactionInfo parameter.
  • The Apple Pay Component now uses the configuration object from the /paymentMethods response, so you no longer need to specify merchantName or merchantIdentifier when you configure the Component.
  • We now make the onValidateMerchant call by default for the Apple Pay Component. However, you can also choose to make the call manually, in which case your onValidateMerchant call overrides the default.
  • We improved the sourcemaps for the adyen.js files.
  • The warning: paymentMethodsResponse was provided but no payment methods were found. will now only be shown if you provide a paymentMethodsResponse object without any valid payment methods.
Known issues
  • The Apple Pay Component was not getting the expected configuration values from the /paymentMethods response, so you still have to specify the values in the configuration object. This issue is fixed in version 3.17.1.
Updating to this version

If you implemented SRI in test or with live region-specific URLs, you can now use the same SRI hashes below.

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<script src=""
<link rel="stylesheet"

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Web Components/Drop-in v3.16.1


This version will be End-of-Life on October 1, 2025.
We recommend that you upgrade to v6.0.0 or later.


This release improves build issues in version 3.16.0.

  • We fixed an issue with selecting the gender drop-down for buy now, pay later payment methods.
  • Components for buy now, pay later payment methods no longer return undefined if the billingAddress and deliveryAddress are set as hidden.
Updating to this version

If you implemented SRI in test or with live region-specific URLs, you can now use the same SRI hashes below.

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<script src=""
<link rel="stylesheet"

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Web Components/Drop-in v3.15.1


This version will be End-of-Life on October 1, 2025.
We recommend that you upgrade to v6.0.0 or later.

  • Added translation strings for installmentOptionMonths, installments.oneTime, installments.installments, and installments.revolving.
  • The BIN lookup functionality is now more reliable because it validates the card number after a new card brand is detected. This means the Card component gets the correct value even if the shopper pastes in a second valid card number.
  • The MB WAY component now only shows validation errors on blur, that is when it's no longer in focus.
Updating to this version

If you implemented SRI in test or with live region-specific URLs, you can now use the same SRI hashes below.

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<script src=""
<link rel="stylesheet"

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Checkout API

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Checkout API v65

Checkout API v65 is now available in API Explorer.


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Web Components/Drop-in v3.15.0


This version will be End-of-Life on October 1, 2025.
We recommend that you upgrade to v6.0.0 or later.

  • We introduced a new method for Web Drop-in, closeActivePaymentMethod. This lets you close a selected payment method, for example if you want to reset Drop-in.
  • Support for installment options for card payments in Japan.
  • We improved the Google Pay Component:
    • existingPaymentMethodRequired is now set to false by default.
    • Increased the isAvailable timeout to accommodate higher latencies.
    • Removed the timeout for loading the Google Pay Web SDK file automatically so the Google Pay script can load properly.
  • Swapped the order for the shopperEmail and telephoneNumber input fields in the personal details component. The email appears first, followed by the telepohone number.
  • Removed the shopperEmail field from the MB WAY Component because it is no longer required by the payment method.
  • The formatData field for the ACH payment method is now properly checking the format, and the margin is fixed when no holder name is shown.
  • When a shopper pastes a value into the card number field, we now correctly trigger the BIN lookup, clear the error and allow the shopper to make the payment.
Updating to this version

If you implemented SRI in test or with live region-specific URLs, you can now use the same SRI hashes below.

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<script src=""
<link rel="stylesheet"

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iOS Components/Drop-in v3.7.0

If you use Xcode 15, use v4.11.1 or later for compatibility.

  • New supported payment method: MB WAY, MBWayComponent.
  • Added the AwaitComponent to handle the await action type for payment methods like MB WAY.
  • Added the client key to remove the need for configuring the cardPublicKey in your integration. The client key fetches your client encryption public key automatically from your Customer Area.
  • Enabled programmatic dismissal for the RedirectComponent using the dismiss(animated:completion:) method.
  • Added a closure callback to the ApplePayComponent which will be called when the user closes the payment sheet.
  • Added support to exclude card brands from the ApplePayComponent.
  • Support for JCB cards in the ApplePayComponent.
  • Enabled customisation for the presentation style of the RedirectComponentby adding modalPresentationStyle to RedirectComponentStyle.
  • Added didCancel(component:from:) to the DropInComponentDelegate to call back client code when a managed component is dismissed by the shopper.
  • Updated the 3D Secure SDK to v2.1.0-rc6.
  • More accurate card brand detection for the CardComponent using the new client key.
Known issues
  • The clientKey must be set in instances of CardComponent and BCMCComponent even when you use the initializer that receives the client key.

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Web Components/Drop-in v3.13.1


This version will be End-of-Life on October 1, 2025.
We recommend that you upgrade to v6.0.0 or later.

  • Fixed issues with Google Pay and Drop-in:
    • Google Pay can no longer trigger the submit flow twice on the Drop-in.
    • Safari now correctly resolves the initial isReadyToPay promise on Drop-in when automatically loading the Google Pay API JavaScript library.
Updating to this version

If you implemented SRI in test or with live region-specific URLs, use the same SRI hashes below.

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<script src=""
<link rel="stylesheet"

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Web Components/Drop-in v3.14.1


This version will be End-of-Life on October 1, 2025.
We recommend that you upgrade to v6.0.0 or later.


This release improves build issues in version 3.14.0.

Updating to this version

If you implemented SRI in test or with live region-specific URLs, use the same SRI hashes below.

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<script src=""
<link rel="stylesheet"

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Web Components/Drop-in v3.14.0


This version will be End-of-Life on October 1, 2025.
We recommend that you upgrade to v6.0.0 or later.

  • It is now possible to set the aria-label iframeTitle on the card fields.
  • Full-width characters such as Japanese Katakana characters are now validated correctly.
  • We increased the time-out for loading device fingerprinting files, to prevent df-timeout errors from the onChange event when loading large device fingerprinting files.
  • Fixed an issue that occurred in some situations with prefilled data when redirecting.
  • Fixed an issue where the PayPal Component was not passing the correct component reference to the onCancel and onError events.
  • Clicking on the icon for a dual-branded card to select the card brand is working as expected again.
Updating to this version

If you implemented SRI in test or with live region-specific URLs, use the same SRI hashes below.

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<script src=""
<link rel="stylesheet"

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Checkout API

For African eWallets and eBanking, the shopperEmail, shopperName, and the telephoneNumber are no longer required parameters for the /payments request.


We fixed an issue in v64 where valid fields could trigger a validation error.

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Android Components/Drop-in v3.7.0
  • New supported payment method: MB WAY.
  • AwaitComponent to handle action.type: await.
  • Added support for ClientKey which will replace PublicKey for client-side authentication in future versions.

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Web Components/Drop-in v3.13.0


This version will be End-of-Life on October 1, 2025.
We recommend that you upgrade to v6.0.0 or later.

  • Added field validation for:
  • For SEPA Direct Debit payments, the IBAN and name fields can now be filled in automatically. To do this, pass ibanNumber and ownerName to paymentMethodsConfiguration.
  • Apple Pay now uses the highest version supported by the shopper's device by default. You can override this setting in your Apple Pay configuration.
  • The Google Pay Component now uses the configuration object from the /paymentMethods response, so you no longer need to specify merchantIdentifier when configuring the Component.
  • Accessibility improvements:
    • If there is no aria configuration object, the component creates one with the default iframeTitle and error properties.
    • If an iframeTitle or error property is missing from the configuration object you defined, they are added automatically.
    • If no placeholder configuration object exists, one is created with a default and translated value.
    • For errors, the components use aria-live="polite". For example, if an error comes up when filling in the form, the screen reader will read the error text after it finishes reading the current text.
    • Screen readers no longer read a description for the payment method icons which are decorative. Instead, they read the text announcing the payment method.
  • The Web Drop-in integration now has a 1 second timeout for the isAvailable filter. This means that if a payment method fails to load, Web Drop-in continues to load the form for all other payment methods. The end result will not contain an error, it will be the Drop-in form without the payment method that failed to load.
  • The PayPal Component no longer returns an error when calling unmount().
  • The aria label iframeTitle works correctly for the card and custom card integrations.
Updating to this version

If you implemented SRI in test or with live region-specific URLs, you can now use the same SRI hashes below.

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<script src=""
<link rel="stylesheet"

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Web Components/Drop-in v3.12.1


This version will be End-of-Life on October 1, 2025.
We recommend that you upgrade to v6.0.0 or later.

  • For giropay, setting the showPayButton: false now hides the Pay button.
Updating to this version

If you implemented SRI in test or with live region-specific URLs, you can now use the same SRI hashes below.

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<script src=""
<link rel="stylesheet"

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Web Components/Drop-in v3.12.0


This version will be [End-of-Life](/online-payments/upgrade-your-integration#lifecycle) on October 1, 2025.
We recommend that you upgrade to v6.0.0 or later.

  • New supported payment method: Affirm.
  • The Swish Component now shows a pending message, warning shoppers about multiple charges if they try to pay again while the status is pending.
  • We improved the translation strings:
    • confirmPurchase is now Confirm purchase instead of Confirm Purchase.
    • voucher.collectionInstitutionNumber and installmentOption are now available for all supported languages.
  • PayEasy (econtext_atm) vouchers now show the Collection Institutions Number.
Updating to this version

If you implemented SRI in test or with live region-specific URLs, you can now use the same SRI hashes below.

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<script src=""
<link rel="stylesheet"

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Web Components/Drop-in v3.11.4


This version will be End-of-Life on October 1, 2025.
We recommend that you upgrade to v6.0.0 or later.

  • If you're using a client key with wildcards in the allowed origins, the card fields now load even after changing domains, for example when the shopper switches country/region. The browser no longer caches the origin so you can use more than one origin in a browser session.
Updating to this version

If you implemented SRI in test or with live region-specific URLs, use the same SRI hashes below.

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<script src=""
<link rel="stylesheet"

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Web Components/Drop-in v3.11.3


This version will be End-of-Life on October 1, 2025.
We recommend that you upgrade to v6.0.0 or later.

  • Added support for auto-completing the card expiry date in different formats. All non-numerical characters in date strings, such as ., -, and / are supported.
Updating to this version

If you implemented SRI in test or with live region-specific URLs, use the same SRI hashes below.

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<script src=""
<link rel="stylesheet"

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Checkout API
  • We now accept shopperLocale with both underscores (for example en_US) and hyphens (for example en-US).

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Web Components/Drop-in v3.11.1


This version will be End-of-Life on October 1, 2025.
We recommend that you upgrade to v6.0.0 or later.

  • The Google Pay Component now automatically loads the Google Pay script if the Component doesn't detect the script in your front end. In previous versions, you had to handle this in your front end, making sure that you load the Google Pay API JavaScript library before the Adyen JS script.
  • Components for payment methods that use QR codes (such as Swish or WeChat Pay) now also calls onAdditionalDetails when the Component receives an error.
  • When using the Swish Component, the timeout for status checks is now increased to 15 minutes. The timeout used to be 3 minutes.
  • We fixed the loading state for multiple Components (such as BLIK and Multibanco). In earlier versions, some Components didn't have a loading state so the Components weren't displaying the spinner while initializing.
  • We made the following fixes for the Card Component:
    • The Card Component now allows focus on optional security code fields.
    • We fixed the logic when validating extra fields required for AVS.
    • We fixed the valid state of ExpirationDate.
Updating to this version

If you implemented SRI in test or with live region-specific URLs, use the same SRI hashes below.

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<script src=""
<link rel="stylesheet"

Copy url
Checkout API v64

Checkout API v64 is now available in API Explorer.

  • All endpoints

    • If an API request contains a field that is not recognized, or if the format is not valid, we now return an error message with error code 702 instead of dropping the field. The error message contains information about why the validation failed, for example:
      Copy code
      "status": 400,
      "errorCode": "702",
      "message": "Structure of PaymentRequest contains the following unmapped fields exampleErrorField",
      "errorType": "validation"
  • POST /payments

    • For Boleto Bancário, when a shopperEmail is provided, we now send an email with the Boleto code to the shopper.
  • POST /paymentLinks

  • POST /payments
    • For Bancontact mobile and WeChat Pay, when making a request with paymentMethod.type bcmc_mobile_QR or wechatpayQR, the response now returns Pending instead of PresentToShopper result code. This result code is now consistent with other QR code payment methods such as BLIK and Swish.
  • POST /paymentMethods

    • The response for Amazon Pay, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and PayPal now contains a configuration object. Example for Google Pay and Apple Pay:
      Copy code
      "name":"Google Pay",
      "configuration": {
      "merchantDisplayName": "Merchant Name",
      "merchantIdentifier": "1000"
      "name": "Apple Pay",
      "type": "applepay"
  • POST /payments

  • POST /payments

    • In the response, we have marked a number of fields as deprecated. Although they are deprecated, these fields have not yet been removed from the response and you can still use them.

      In a future version of the API, the deprecated fields will be removed and replaced by fields in the action object. We recommend that you start using the fields in the action object in the response.

      This applies to the following fields:

      Response field Solution
      authentication Use the action object instead to get the values to be used in further calls to the /payments/details endpoint. Applies to 3D Secure 2 payments.
      details [InputDetail] Use the action object instead to get all the fields needed to submit in the /payments/details call.
      outputDetails Use the action object instead to get the details that will be presented to the shopper.
      paymentData Use action.Paymentdata instead.
      redirect Use the action object instead to get information about the redirect URL for payment flows that require a redirect.

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Web Components/Drop-in v3.11.0


This version will be End-of-Life on October 1, 2025.
We recommend that you upgrade to v6.0.0 or later.


You can only use this new feature if you are using clientKey for your client-side authentication. If you are still using originKey, refer to our migration guide.

Unsupported cards are now blocked on the frontend. When a shopper provides an unsupported card type, the Component disables the payment form, and shows an Unsupported card error message.

In previous versions, you'd only find out if a shopper provided an unsupported card type when you receive an errorCode: 905 in the /payments response. In this version, the Component triggers an onError callback after it detects that the card type is unsupported. The callback also returns a detectedBrands array that indicates what type of card the shopper used.

  • Apple Pay now uses the configuration.merchantName property as the default label for the total line item if the totalPriceLabel is not provided.
Updating to this version

If you implemented SRI in test or with live region-specific URLs, use the same SRI hashes below.

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<script src=""
<link rel="stylesheet"

Copy url
Checkout API v53

Checkout API v53 is now available in API Explorer.

  • POST /paymentLinks
    • The response now returns the payment link id along with all other parameters sent in the request. In previous versions, the response only contained the URL, expiry date, reference, and amount.
  • POST /payments
    • When making a request with paymentMethod.type bcmc_mobile, the response now returns both url and qrCodeData. This allows you to offer both QR code and app redirect to your shoppers.
    • We now return an error if the origin in the request contains more than 80 characters or if the URL is invalid.
  • POST /paymentMethods
    • For giropay, the bic is no longer returned in the response. If you are using Web Drop-in or Components, the front end will no longer require a BIC. When shoppers select to pay with giropay, they are now redirected to giropay's website where they can provide their BIC.
    • For Bancontact mobile, the response now only returns bcmc_mobile. This new payment method type combines the bcmc_mobile_QR and bcmc_mobile_app types from previous versions of the API.
    • If transaction rules for payment methods are set up for your account, these are now evaluated when you send a /paymentMethods request.
  • POST /paymentLinks
    • If a request is successful, the response now returns HTTP 201 instead of an HTTP 200 result code.

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Web Components/Drop-in v3.10.1


This version will be End-of-Life on October 1, 2025.
We recommend that you upgrade to v6.0.0 or later.

  • Setting only the clientKey property in the configuration object, without the originKey, now works as expected.
Updating to this version

If you implemented SRI in test or with live region-specific URLs, use the same SRI hashes below.

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Web Components/Drop-in v3.10.0


This version will be End-of-Life on October 1, 2025.
We recommend that you upgrade to v6.0.0 or later.

  • Added support for callbackIntents on the Google Pay component. This allows for updating the price dynamically when certain information changes. Refer to PaymentDataCallbacks.
  • Added support for plurals and string interpolation on translations.
  • We now generate one set of SRI hashes, so now you can use the same SRI hash regardless of where you are loading Adyen JS and CSS files from—test or live, including from live region-specific URLs.
  • With Web Drop-in the dropin.submit() is once again working with Google Pay.
  • Fixed an issue in Web Drop-in where selecting "Pay" on stored cards didn't trigger the onSubmit() callback due to the billingAddressRequired property.
  • Chrome autofill on iOS now works as expected, and setting the value of placeholder to null no longer throws an error.
Updating to this version

If you implemented SRI in test or with live region-specific URLs, you can now use the same SRI hashes below.

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Checkout API
  • When risk data are included in the payments request, this no longer results in an invalid signature calculation.

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iOS Components/Drop-in v3.6.0

If you use Xcode 15, use v4.11.1 or later for compatibility.

  • You can now choose to show or hide the security code field, and we added a delegate for onBrand and onBin to the Card Component.
  • AnyCardPaymentMethod now contains CardFundingSource.
  • When the app goes to the background, sensitive form components are blurred in the UI.
  • You can now customize rounded corners, and we added a customized tintColorand separator.
  • We introduced a new issue type Assistance needed on GitHub.
  • We have enabled dynamic font adjustments. When iPhone users change the font size in their settings, our SDK now supports that.
  • We now accept card expiry dates up to 30 years in the future when we validate card data.
  • We made the AmountFormatter public and added a helper function to convert major unit double values into minor unit Int values.
  • We enabled a loading state for the PaymentMethodListComponent.
  • We improved warnings, tests coverage, documentation and translation.
  • While a payment is in progress, you cannot cancel a payment using Drop-in and the open all button is disabled.
  • We adjusted the preselected payment method component height for iOS 10 and fixed bug with the iOS 10 PreselectedComponent.
  • We fixed the background for ListItemView, focusing on CVC field and navigation glitches for half-screen presentation.
Breaking Changes
  • barTintColor and barBackgroundColor in NavigationStyle have been deprecated.
  • We currently present Redirect from the top most viewController on keyWindow and we deprecated RedirectComponent.presenterViewController.

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Web Components/Drop-in v3.9.5


This version will be End-of-Life on October 1, 2025.
We recommend that you upgrade to v6.0.0 or later.

  • When using the Component to collect billing address, countries/regions with state datasets now get correctly validated when the state field value changes.
  • Components for payment methods where you receive an await action type (such as MBWAY and BLIK) now always calls onAdditionalDetails when the Component receives an error.

  • The storePaymentMethod field is now sent in the object as long as enableStoreDetails is set to true (the Save details for next time checkbox is shown in the UI). If the shopper doesn't select the checkbox, the field will have a value of false.

Updating to this version
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Web Components/Drop-in v3.9.4


This version will be End-of-Life on October 1, 2025.
We recommend that you upgrade to v6.0.0 or later.

  • Fixed an issue regarding validation of the billing address in the Card Component where a pre-filled country/region with no states available still waits for a state or province field to be provided.
  • Fixed an issue where the Card Component state does not update the address data until the country/region is changed.
  • Fixed an issue where MBWay Component accepted different names for shopperEmail and telephoneNumber parameters in the request.
  • Fixed an issue regarding validation when a namePrefix is passed to the personalDetails shopper input fields.
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Web Components/Drop-in v3.9.1


This version will be End-of-Life on October 1, 2025.
We recommend that you upgrade to v6.0.0 or later.

  • The field now shows the brand of the stored cards again.
  • We fixed the translation strings for da-DK and added the missing translation strings for ko-KR.
  • If an invalid blikCode is entered on the front-end, the error message is now correctly reflected.
Updating to this version
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Web Components/Drop-in v3.9.2


This version will be End-of-Life on October 1, 2025.
We recommend that you upgrade to v6.0.0 or later.

Updating to this version
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Web Components/Drop-in v3.9.3


This version will be End-of-Life on October 1, 2025.
We recommend that you upgrade to v6.0.0 or later.

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Checkout API

Ratepay Direct Debits payments using Austrian (AT) IBANs is now working.

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Web Components/Drop-in v3.9.0


This version will be End-of-Life on October 1, 2025.
We recommend that you upgrade to v6.0.0 or later.

  • Double-clicking a Google Pay button started a session twice, resulting in an error. We fixed this so you can now double-click a Google Pay button without initiating a new session.
  • The 3D Secure 2 Component no longer tries to parse invalid postMessages.
  • We fixed an issue where the CVC field for saved Maestro cards was required even when it is optional.
  • When a shopper entered a credit card number using copy and paste or auto-fill, the onBinValue callback triggered by the Custom Card Component provided an encrypted BIN number. Now, the onBinValue callback provides the actual BIN number, no matter how the card number is filled in.
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Checkout API
  • onBinValue now works when a card number is pasted into the field. For more information, see Web Components 3.9.0.

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Checkout API
  • We improved the /paymentMethods response when getting a list of available payment methods in Sweden. This means that if you are using Drop-in or Components and send a /paymentMethods request with countryCode: SE, you'll see the following UI improvements in line with Swedish regulations.
    • The payment method title has been changed to Card.
    • From API version v49 and later: If you support Maestro, the icon for Maestro is shown first.

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Checkout API
  • If a Klarna payment request is missing invoice lines, you will now receive the following error message: No InvoiceLines provided.

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Web Components/Drop-in v3.8.1


This version will be End-of-Life on October 1, 2025.
We recommend that you upgrade to v6.0.0 or later.

Updating to this version
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  • Masking on date inputs is now supported on browsers that do not have native support for date inputs (such as Safari and Internet Explorer).
  • Age validation is now supported in the Date of birth field on the Oney3x4x Component.
  • Installment options for credit cards are now hidden when the amount is set to 0.
  • Resolved a Google Pay issue where double-clicking the Google Pay button would initiate two separate payments.
  • Resolved a Google Pay issue where Drop-in would, in some cases, open up a new payment sheet when selecting Continue on the Google Pay sheet.

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Checkout API
  • Optional shopper information sent in an Oxxo payment request will now show up in the Offers tab in your Customer Area.

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Android Components/Drop-in v3.6.6
  • We added a Common issues section on the GitHub README.
  • The new action type sdk replaces the action type wechatpaySDK.

The WeChatPay Component now correctly triggers the observer automatically.

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Checkout API
  • We improved the reliability of 3D Secure 1 authentications after partial payments with gift cards.

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Android Components/Drop-in v3.6.5

The 3D Secure 2 SDK was updated to version 2.1.0-rc08.

  • Whenever CardView is present, we add a FLAG_SECURE to the window.
  • We now accept dates up to 30 years in the future when we validate card data.
  • We adressed a localization issue and now use LocaleUtil.fromLanguageTag() to parse user locale.
  • Fixed a typo in CUP regex validation.

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Web Components/Drop-in v3.8.0


This version will be End-of-Life on October 1, 2025.
We recommend that you upgrade to v6.0.0 or later.

  • allowCreditCards configuration is now available on the Google Pay Component and Drop-in.
  • The PayU NetBanking Component and the PayU CashCard Component now provide drop-down issuer lists.
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Checkout API
  • We fixed an issue where the 3D Secure 2 flow could break when receiving an unsupported screen.colorDepth value on Google Chrome v83 or v84.
  • We fixed an issue where metadata was not being sent back in the webhook event.

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Web Components/Drop-in v3.7.0


This version will be End-of-Life on October 1, 2025.
We recommend that you upgrade to v6.0.0 or later.

  • Drop-in/Components no longer support the native Klarna integration. Klarna is now only supported through the redirect integration.
  • The Card Component/Drop-in now show a visual hint for the location of the CVC/CVV on the card.
  • We added VPay to the card brands recognized by the Card Component/Drop-in.
  • A saved card is no longer breaking if the card type is not recognized.
  • When using Internet Explorer 11, the card number can no longer cause the browser to freeze.
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iOS Components/Drop-in v3.5.0

If you use Xcode 15, use v4.11.1 or later for compatibility.

  • The browserInfo is now included in the PaymentComponentData returned by Drop-in/Component.
  • We added UI customization options to the preselected payment screen rendered by Drop-in.
  • Inline validation for text entry is now supported for the Card Component, the SEPA Direct Debit Component, and others.
  • The Redirect Component can now deal with a native app redirect.
  • We fixed an issue where the Apple Pay Component would freeze in the payment screen rendered by Drop-in.
  • We fixed an issue where the keyboard would cover the UI.

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Web Components/Drop-in v3.6.3


This version will be End-of-Life on October 1, 2025.
We recommend that you upgrade to v6.0.0 or later.


Added support for the Gift Card Component.

  • We fixed an issue where the Custom Card Component would not auto-complete the date when using separate date fields.
  • We fixed an issue where Elo and Hipercard cards were not validating correctly in the Card and Custom Card Components.
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Checkout API

Before this version, the /paymentMethods response would return wechatpayMiniProgram and wechatpaySDK if channel:Web. These payment methods are now only when channel:Android or channel:iOS.

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iOS Components/Drop-in v3.4.1

If you use Xcode 15, use v4.11.1 or later for compatibility.


The CardSecurityCodeValidator and CardSecurityCodeFormatter are now public.

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iOS Components/Drop-in v3.4.0

If you use Xcode 15, use v4.11.1 or later for compatibility.

  • New supported payment methods: WeChat Pay, Qiwi wallet
  • Drop-in has a new, half-screen presentation style.
  • The Card Component shows a visual hint for the location of the CVC/CVV on the card.
  • Support for website cross-origin isolation using COOP and COEP.
  • Drop-in shows the first available stored payment method prominently.
  • We improved the card brand recognition by the Card Component.
  • PaymentMethodDetails now allows encoding without access to the concrete type.
  • You can now use the Apple Pay Component to collect the billing and delivery address of the shopper.
  • The Card Component now only allows card expiry dates from 3 months in the past to 15 years in the future.
  • The Card Component no longer crashes when receiving non-numerical input.

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Web Components/Drop-in v3.6.2


This version will be End-of-Life on October 1, 2025.
We recommend that you upgrade to v6.0.0 or later.


Added a new Component for making donations, using Adyen Giving.

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Checkout API

To force a card transaction to use a debit funding source, you can now include in the /payments request: paymentMethod.fundingSource: debit .

  • The /paymentMethods response now returns ACH also when the request includes amount.value: 0.
  • The deviceFingerprint is now correctly propagated for all payment methods.

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Web Components/Drop-in v3.6.1


This version will be End-of-Life on October 1, 2025.
We recommend that you upgrade to v6.0.0 or later.

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Checkout API

When updating stored payment details, you can now send in an unencrypted expiration date.

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Web Components/Drop-in v3.6.0


This version will be End-of-Life on October 1, 2025.
We recommend that you upgrade to v6.0.0 or later.

  • New supported payment method: Automated Clearing House (ACH). We also support sending in encrypted ACH details.
  • Added support for handleAction in Components integrations.
  • The Custom Card Component now supports brands configuration.
  • We fixed an issue with card holder name validation when auto-completing card details in Chrome.
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Android Components/Drop-in v3.6.4

The 3D Secure 2 SDK was updated to version 2.1.0-rc07.


We removed a warning about string formatting that you might have seen when compiling the app.

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Android Components/Drop-in v3.6.3

Drop-in/Components will now forcefully try to get localized strings from the ShopperLocale set in the configuration object.


If you don't provide a custom array of supported card brands in the cardConfiguration object, CardComponent initialization will now get it from the PaymentMethod object, instead of using the default values as before.

  • We fixed an issue with 19 digit card numbers.
  • We added missing translated strings.
  • We fixed a synchronization issue that could trigger an OOB exception in CardType detection.
  • We added proper return type for some Configuration Builder methods.

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Web Components/Drop-in v3.5.0


This version will be End-of-Life on October 1, 2025.
We recommend that you upgrade to v6.0.0 or later.

  • Support for Subresource Integrity (SRI) hashes

    You can now use SRI hashes to ensure that the files you are loading from Adyen have not been manipulated or tampered with by malicious actors.

    To use the SRI hash, you need to add an integrity attribute when specifying <script> or <link> elements. Browsers will also check for the crossorigin attribute to ensure that the origin allows Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS). If a browser detects that the file's hash does not match the specified hash, the browser will not load the resource. To know which browsers support SRI, refer to this browser compatibility list.

    For example, here is how you specify version 3.5.0 adyen.js and adyen.css resources:

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    <script src=""
    Copy code
    <link rel="stylesheet"

    You can find the SRI hashes for all previous versions of our JavaScript and CSS files added in their corresponding release notes.

  • You can now render billing address fields in Drop-in and Card Component to collect the shopper's billing address for Address Verification System (AVS) implementation.

  • Drop-in and Components for payment methods that support saving payment details for recurring transactions can now show a preauthorization button. Instead of a Pay button, the button prompts the shopper to confirm the preauthorization. The preauthorization button is shown when you send a zero value amount (zero-auth transaction).


shippingOptionRequired and shippingOptionParameters configuration are now available on Google Pay Component and in Drop-in.

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Android Components/Drop-in v3.6.2
  • We improved the error validation design: invalid shopper input will now be highlighted after the shopper clicks the Pay button.
  • ComponentView classes now have highlightValidationErrors() method.
  • Drop-in/Components use the correct separation format for American Express.
  • If the shopper cancels the 3D Secure authentication, you will now receive a Cancelled3DS2Exception.
  • We added new translation string files for supported locales.

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iOS Components/Drop-in v3.3.0

If you use Xcode 15, use v4.11.1 or later for compatibility.

  • We added options for customizing the Component appearance, for example with fonts and text colors.
  • You can now specify a custom localization key separator.

We fixed an issue where a custom localization table name would apply to default localizations.

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Checkout API v52
  • POST /paymentMethods:
    • For giropay, the response now indicates bic as an optional field.
    • In the response, the brands array only contains scheme payment methods. Previously, tokenized cards, such as Apple Pay, were returned in the same array.
  • Native payment method (previously supported through Hosted Payment Pages (HPP)): Swish. Payment method type: swish.

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Checkout API v50

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Checkout API v49
  • Native payment method (previously supported through Hosted Payment Pages (HPP)): Oxxo. Payment method type: oxxo.

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Checkout API v46
  • Native payment methods (previously supported through Hosted Payment Pages (HPP)):

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Checkout API v41
  • Native payment methods (previously supported through Hosted Payment Pages (HPP)):
    • Boleto Bancário. Payment method type: boleto.
    • DOKU. Payment method type: doku.
    • Dragonpay. Payment method type: dragonpay.
    • eContext. Payment method types: econtext_atm, econtext-stores, econtext_seven_eleven, econtext_online.
    • Ratepay. Payment method type: ratepay.
  • For WeChatPay, support for payment method type: wechatpayMiniProgram.
  • For payment methods that require you to present a voucher to the shopper, the response now includes resultCode:presentToShopper.

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Checkout API v40
  • For payments with wallet tokens, you no longer need to include to additionalData prefix in the additionalData object. For example, instead of additionalData.paywithgoogle.token, use paywithgoogle.token.

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Checkout API v37
  • New payment method types for WeChatPay: wechatpaySDK, wechatpayQR, wechatpayWeb.
  • POST /payments:
    • For iDEAL, paymentMethod.issuer replaces paymentMethod.idealIssuer.
    • In the response, details.payload replaces returnUrlQueryString.