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Credit card installments

Learn how you can accept credit card payments in installments.

Paying in installments is a popular form of credit card purchase in Brazil, Mexico, and Japan.

When a shopper makes a purchase in installments, the cost is split into multiple smaller payments, each referred to as an installment. These are charged to the shopper's credit card every 30 days until their purchase has been paid in full. This is popular with shoppers as they receive goods or services immediately, but spread the cost of the purchase over multiple months.

Making an installment purchase is similar to making a regular card payment. The first installment is charged to the shopper's credit card immediately. Following installments are charged automatically.

For cards that support 3D Secure, you can also accept installment payments with 3D Secure authentication.

Country/region Currency Payment type Refunds Partial refunds Separate captures Partial captures Chargebacks
Brazil BRL Credit card -white_check_mark- -white_check_mark- -white_check_mark- -white_check_mark- -white_check_mark-
Mexico MXN Credit card -white_check_mark- -white_check_mark- -white_check_mark- -white_check_mark- -white_check_mark-
Japan JPY Credit card -white_check_mark- -white_check_mark- -white_check_mark- -white_check_mark- -white_check_mark-

Installment options in supported countries/regions

The number of installments you can offer to the shopper depends on their country/region:

Country/region Number of installments
Brazil Any number equal to or greater than 1, and less than 100.
Mexico 3, 6, 9, 12, or 18 monthly installments.
Japan For regular installments, any number greater than 1, and less than 100.

Use these numbers for the values when you create a session, create a configuration object or make a payment.

There are three types of installment plans for Japan:

  • Regular: you decide how many installments are offered at checkout for the shopper to choose. The number of installments must be greater than 1 and less than 100.
  • Revolving: a payment is split into an initial partial payment, and the remaining amount is split in installments. The cardholder must get a prior approval from the issuer.
  • Bonus: this installment type coincides with an employee’s summer and winter bonuses and is settled only twice a year - in the middle of July and in the middle of December.

The type of installment plans that are supported depend on the card network:

Installment Plan Visa Mastercard JCB Diners
Regular -white_check_mark- -white_check_mark- -white_check_mark- -x-
Revolving -white_check_mark- -white_check_mark- -white_check_mark- -white_check_mark-
Bonus (1 Time) -white_check_mark- -white_check_mark- -white_check_mark- -white_check_mark-


Make sure that you have either:

Web Drop-in or Components

When you show installment options, the shopper can choose the type and the number of installments in the payment form.

To do so, either:

Include the installment options object when you create a session

In your /sessions request, include the installmentOptions object, which has following fields:

Field Required Description
values -white_check_mark- An array of the number of installments that the shopper can choose.
preselectedValue The preselected number of installments in the payment form.
plans An array that shows the types of installment plans that the shopper can choose.
Possible values: regular and revolving.
If not included, the default is regular.

When you set installment options in the configuration object for cards, you can either :

Setting installment options for all cards

In this example, the API request configures the payment form to show the following installment options, for all card brands:

  • The choice of 2, 3, or 5 monthly installments.
  • The choice of a regular or revolving installment plan.
/sessions request with installment options for all cards
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Copy link to code block
Copy code
Copy code
curl \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"encryptedCardNumber": "adyenjs_0_1_18$MT6ppy0FAMVMLH...",
"encryptedExpiryMonth": "adyenjs_0_1_18$MT6ppy0FAMVMLH...",
"encryptedExpiryYear": "adyenjs_0_1_18$MT6ppy0FAMVMLH...",
"encryptedSecurityCode": "adyenjs_0_1_18$MT6ppy0FAMVMLH..."
"values": [2, 3, 5],
"plans": ["regular", "revolving"]
"value": 3000

Setting installment options for different card brands

In this example, the API request configures the payment form to show the following installment options:

  • For Visa cards:
    • The choice of 2 or 4 monthly installments.
    • A regular installment plan.
  • For Mastercard cards:
    • The choice of 2, 3, or 5 monthly installments.
    • The choice of a regular or revolving installment plan.
/sessions request with installment options
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Copy code
Copy code
curl \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"encryptedCardNumber": "adyenjs_0_1_18$MT6ppy0FAMVMLH...",
"encryptedExpiryMonth": "adyenjs_0_1_18$MT6ppy0FAMVMLH...",
"encryptedExpiryYear": "adyenjs_0_1_18$MT6ppy0FAMVMLH...",
"encryptedSecurityCode": "adyenjs_0_1_18$MT6ppy0FAMVMLH..."
"values": [2, 4]
"mc": {
"values": [2, 3, 5],
"plans": ["regular", "revolving"]
"value": 3000

Create a configuration object for Drop-in or Card Component

When you set installment options in the configuration object for cards, you can either:

Setting installment options for all cards

Copy code
//example configuration in the Drop-in object
paymentMethodsConfiguration: {
card: {
installmentOptions: {
card: {
// Shows 1, 2, and 3 as the numbers of monthly installments that the shopper can choose.
values: [1, 2, 3],
// Shows regular and revolving as plans that the shopper can choose.
plans: [ 'regular', 'revolving' ]
// Shows payment amount per installment.
showInstallmentAmounts: true

Setting installment options for different card brands

Copy code
//example configuration in the Web Drop-in object
paymentMethodsConfiguration: {
card: {
installmentOptions: {
visa: {
// Shows 1, 2, and 3 as the numbers of monthly installments that the shopper can choose.
values: [1, 2, 3],
// Shows regular and revolving as plans shoppers can choose.
plans: [ 'regular', 'revolving' ]
mc: {
// Shows 1 and 2 as the numbers of monthly installments that the shopper can choose.
values: [1, 2],
// Shows regular and revolving as plans that the shopper can choose.
plans: [ 'regular', 'revolving' ]
// Shows payment amount per installment.
showInstallmentAmounts: true

Make a payment

If you built your own UI for the card payment form, send the installment field in the first payment request.

Brazil, and Mexico

To make an installment payment, additionally include in your /payments request:  

  • installments.value: The number of monthly installments. Include a valid number of installments for the corresponding country/region.

In Brazil, you can charge the shopper interest for paying in installments. To do this, add the interest to the amount.value.

The following example shows how to make a 120 Brazilian Real (BRL) purchase that will be paid in 6 installments of 20 BRL.

Make a payment with installments in BRL
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Copy code
Copy code
curl \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"encryptedCardNumber": "adyenjs_0_1_18$MT6ppy0FAMVMLH...",
"encryptedExpiryMonth": "adyenjs_0_1_18$MT6ppy0FAMVMLH...",
"encryptedExpiryYear": "adyenjs_0_1_18$MT6ppy0FAMVMLH...",
"encryptedSecurityCode": "adyenjs_0_1_18$MT6ppy0FAMVMLH..."
"value": 6

If the payment is successful, the first installment is immediately charged to the shopper's credit card. You receive a /payments response and an AUTHORISATION webhook, same as regular credit card payments. Following installments will be charged automatically.

You will not receive webhooks for subsequent installment payments. You can track whether an installment payment is successful with the Settlement details report. For more information, refer to Reconcile installment payments.


Supported in Checkout API v64 or later.

To make an installment payment, additionally include in your /payments request:  

  • installments.plan: The type of plan. Set this to either regular, revolving, or bonus.
  • installments.value: The number of monthly installments.
    • regular plan: this must be set to greater than 1 and less than 100.
    • revolving plan: this must be set to 1.
    • bonus plan: this must be set to 1.

The following example shows how to make a 3000 Japanese Yen (JPY) purchase that will be paid in 10 installments of 300 JPY.

Make a payment with installments in JPY
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Copy code
Copy code
curl \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"encryptedCardNumber": "adyenjs_0_1_18$MT6ppy0FAMVMLH...",
"encryptedExpiryMonth": "adyenjs_0_1_18$MT6ppy0FAMVMLH...",
"encryptedExpiryYear": "adyenjs_0_1_18$MT6ppy0FAMVMLH...",
"encryptedSecurityCode": "adyenjs_0_1_18$MT6ppy0FAMVMLH..."
"value": 10,
"value": 3000

If the payment is successful, the first installment is immediately charged to the shopper's credit card. You will receive a /payments response and an AUTHORISATION webhook, same as regular credit card payments. All future installments are charged automatically.

You do not receive webhooks for following installment payments. You can track whether an installment payment is successful with the Settlement details report. For more information, refer to Reconcile installment payments.

Getting paid

How installment payments are processed and when you receive the funds depend on the shopper's country/region. For more information, refer to the information specific to the country/region: Brazil, Mexico, or Japan.


In Brazil, you receive funds for each installment as it is settled. There is a settlement delay of 30 days.

We also offer advancements if you need funds sooner. There is an additional fee for this service. Contact your Adyen Account Manager for details. 

For more information on how installments are settled and reconciled in Brazil, see Reconcile installment payments.


For installment purchases made in Mexico, you will receive the funds in full when the first installment is settled.

Adyen currently supports card installment payments made with cards issued by the following banks: Afirme, Banco Azteca, BanBajio, Banjercito, Banregio, Banorte, Falabella, Hey Banco, HSBC, Inbursa, Invex, Konfio, Liverpool, Mifel, Multiva, RappiCard, Santander, Scotiabank, Suburbia.
To accept installment payments made with cards issued by other banks, you must have a legal agreement directly with the bank that issued the card.

You will be charged an additional fee by card schemes for installment purchases in Mexico. Contact your Adyen Account Manager for details.


For installment purchases made in Japan, you will receive the funds in full when the first installment is settled. Only Visa and Mastercard have a settlement delay of 30 days for twice payment for the second installment. Also, Visa and Mastercard settle twice a year for a one time bonus payment in the middle of July or in the middle of December.

Testing credit card installments

Before making installment payments with live credit cards, use our test card numbers to test your integration.

You can check the status of a test installment purchase in your Customer Area > Transactions > Payments.

See also