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Japanese convenience stores

Accept payments through convenience stores in Japan.

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Learn more about pricing for payments through Japanese convenience stores on

In Japan, 17% of payments for goods are paid at convenience stores or konbini in Japanese. Through our partner econtext, you can accept payments made through the following convenience stores across Japan:

  • 7-Eleven: Local entity is required.
  • Lawson
  • Mini Stop
  • Family Mart
  • Seicomart
  • PayEasy

How to pay at convenience stores

When a shopper chooses to pay with Japanese convenience stores on your website:

  1. The shopper must provide their full name, telephone number, and email address.
  2. When paying with 7-Eleven, the shopper is redirected to 7-Eleven's page where they see the voucher. When paying with another convenience store, the shopper sees the voucher natively within your website.
  3. The shopper goes to the selected convenience store to complete the payment. They need to provide the reference number and their phone number to get a voucher ticket.
  4. The shopper presents the voucher ticket to the cashier, and pays in cash.
  5. The shopper receives a receipt as proof of payment.

By default, the offer stays open up to 7 days. This means shoppers can complete their payment up to 7 days after the voucher was generated. If you want to change the offer expiry, contact our Support Team.

Payment type Payment flow Countries/regions Currencies Recurring Refunds Separate
7-Eleven Cash and ATM Redirect JP JPY -x- -x- -x- -x-
Other convenience stores Cash and ATM Additional action JP JPY -x- -x- -x- -x-

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