Terminal-2 icon

Use a standalone terminal

Make payments and other transactions from a standalone terminal.

This page gives instructions for operations using a standalone payment terminal:

  • Make payments, including QR code payments, MKE, MOTO, cashback, and tipping.
  • Cancel a transaction while it is happening.
  • Issue a referenced or unreferenced refund.
  • Use the Totals report.
  • Reprint a receipt.

Make a payment

After the terminal has been set up for standalone use, you can start a payment by entering the value of the transaction on the terminal, then handing it to the shopper to complete the transaction.

To make a payment with a credit or debit card or NFC wallet from a standalone terminal:

  1. Select Payment.
    • On non-Android terminals that use the old menu structure, select Start on the terminal display, or select the Confirm key on the keypad.
  2. Enter the transaction value and confirm to continue.
  3. Hand the terminal to the shopper, so they can complete the payment.
  4. The shopper presents their card or their device with the NFC chip to the terminal and follows the instructions on the terminal to complete the payment.

If the payment is successful, Approved is shown on the terminal display. The terminal also prints a receipt for the transaction.

You can find the details of the payment in your Customer Area, under Transactions > Payments.

QR code payments

Standalone terminals also support wallets like Alipay and WeChat Pay. For these payment methods, a QR code is shown on the terminal display. The shopper uses the app on their phone to scan this QR code and complete the payment.

To make a QR code payment:

  1. Select Payment.
    • On non-Android terminals that use the old menu structure, select Start on the terminal display, or select the Confirm key on the keypad.
  2. Enter the transaction value and confirm to continue.
  3. On the terminal display, select Wallets, then select the shopper's payment method.
    A QR code is shown on the terminal display.
  4. Hand the terminal to the shopper, so they can complete the payment.
  5. The shopper scans the QR code on the terminal to complete the payment.

If the payment is successful, Approved is shown on the terminal display. The terminal also prints a receipt for the transaction.

Manual Key Entry payment

Manual Key Entry (MKE) involves manually typing the details from a shopper's card into the payment terminal. You can use this when the payment terminal fails to obtain the card details from the card's chip or magnetic stripe.

To make an MKE payment:

  1. Select Transactions > New transaction.

  2. Enter your Transactions passcode, and select Continue.

    • On non-Android terminals that use the old menu structure:
      1. Select 8 and then the Confirm key (on legacy models, it is Confirm and then 8.).
      2. Enter your Transactions passcode, and select the Confirm key.
  3. Select Manual key entry.

  4. Enter an amount and confirm to continue.

  5. Follow the instructions on the display to enter the PAN and the card expiry date.

The transaction then follows the normal flow.

MOTO payment

A Mail Order/Telephone Order (MOTO) transaction is a card-not-present transaction where the shopper provides you with their order and payment details by regular mail (not email), fax, or telephone. Before you can make MOTO transactions, you need to enable this feature.

To make a MOTO payment:

  1. Select Transactions > New transaction.
  2. Enter your Transactions passcode, and select Continue.
    • On non-Android terminals that use the old menu structure:
      1. Select 8 and then the Confirm key (on legacy models, it is Confirm and then 8.).
      2. Enter your Transactions passcode, and select the Confirm key.
  3. Select Moto payment.
  4. Enter an amount and confirm.
  5. Follow the instructions on the display to enter the shopper's card number and CVC code. The terminal may also ask you to enter the shopper's postal code (zip code) and house number.

The transaction then follows the normal flow.


The cashback feature lets shoppers get cash in hand from their account when making a purchase.

Issuing a cashback without a purchase, often called cashout, is currently not supported on standalone payment terminals.

To issue a cashback:

  1. Select Transactions > New transaction.

  2. Enter your Transactions passcode, and select Continue.

    • On non-Android terminals that use the old menu structure:
      1. Select 8 and then the Confirm key (on legacy models, it is Confirm and then 8.).
      2. Enter your Transactions passcode, and select the Confirm key.
  3. Select Cashback.

  4. Enter the purchase amount and confirm to continue.

  5. Enter the cashback amount.

  6. Follow the instructions on the display to enter the shopper's card number and CVC code.

The transaction then follows the normal flow.


If our Support Team has enabled tipping for your account, the terminal will prompt for a tip with every payment that you initiate.

  1. Start the payment and enter the transaction value as usual.
    The terminal shows a message asking the shopper whether they want to add a tip.
  2. Hand the terminal to the shopper, so they can select a tipping option, enter an amount, or decline giving a tip.
  3. The transaction then follows the normal flow, and the shopper follows the instructions on the terminal to complete the payment.

Cancel an in-progress payment

Before a payment has finished processing you can try to cancel it:

  • Select the Cancel key on the terminal keypad.
    Or on an Android terminal, select the Cancel key on the display.

If your cancel attempt is successful, the terminal shows a Cancelled message on the display.

If the cancel attempt failed (and the payment was Approved), you will need to issue a refund.

Refund a payment

There are two types of refund you can make from a standalone terminal:

Referenced refunds offer the following advantages over unreferenced refunds:

  • Lower risk of return fraud: a payment cannot be refunded multiple times.
  • Lower risk of human error: store staff cannot enter the wrong refund amount on the terminal.
  • Support for QR code payment methods, such as Alipay and WeChat Pay, which do not allow unreferenced refunds.

When a refund has been processed, it is deducted from your in-process funds and will appear in your shopper's account within a few days.

Make a referenced refund

Before you can make referenced refunds, contact our Support Team team, so they can enable referenced refunds for your Adyen account.

To make a referenced refund:

  1. Select Transactions > History, enter your Transactions passcode, and select Continue.

  2. Select the transaction you want to refund.

  3. Select the action to void (refund) the transaction.

The terminal prints a receipt for the refund.

If successful, the refund is issued directly to the shopper's account.

Make an unreferenced refund

To make an unreferenced refund:

  1. Select Transactions > New transaction

  2. Enter your Transactions passcode and select Continue.

    • On non-Android terminals that use the old menu structure:
      1. Select 8 and then the Confirm key (on legacy models, it is Confirm and then 8.).
      2. Enter your Transactions passcode and select the Confirm key.
  3. Select Refund or MOTO refund.

  4. If the terminal asks for a passcode, enter your 6-digit Refunds passcode and select the Confirm key or Continue.

    If you enter an incorrect passcode three times, you have to wait for 30 seconds before you try again.

  5. Enter the value of the refund and confirm.

  6. Complete the refund:

    • For a regular Refund, the shopper presents the card to the terminal and follows the instructions on the terminal to complete the refund.
    • For a MOTO refund, you manually enter the Card number, Expiry date, and CVC.
      The terminal shows a success screen. In case of a regular Refund, the terminal prints a receipt.

You can find the details of refunds in your Customer Area, under History > Payments.

Use gift cards and other stored value cards

Stored value cards are payment cards with a monetary value that is stored on the card itself instead of in a bank account. Examples are gift cards, mall cards, meal vouchers, and other prepaid cards.

Contact our if you want to use stored value cards on a standalone terminal.

Gift cards and other stored value cards can currently only be used on non-Android standalone terminals.

To use a stored value card on a standalone terminal:

  1. Select 8 and then the Confirm key (on legacy models, it is Confirm and then 8.).

  2. Enter your Transactions passcode, and select the Confirm key.

  3. Select Gift card.

  4. Select the action you want to perform:

    • Redeem: remove the transaction amount from a gift card.
    • Redeem via MKE: use Manual key entry to remove transaction amount from a gift card.
    • Activate: activate a gift card before the shopper can use the card for payment. You can activate the card with and without and amount.
    • Load: add funds to a gift card.
    • Balance inquiry: check the funds remaining on the gift card. It is not possible to cancel this action.
    • Cashout: take funds off the gift card and give this back to the shopper as cash.

      Standalone gift card payments only allow a full cash out of the gift card funds.

  5. Follow the instructions on the display.

The transaction then follows the normal flow of the chosen gift card action.

View, print, and reset totals

The terminal can generate a Totals report. This gives an overview of the total amounts for sales, refunds, gratuities (tips), and cancellations that the terminal processed since the last reset. By resetting the report, you can use this functionality to get day totals or shift totals.

To obtain the Totals report:

  1. Select Transactions.

  2. Select Totals.

  3. You can now:

    • View a Totals report for the period shown at the top of the report.
    • Print the Totals report.
    • Start a new reporting period by selecting the reset button .
      • On a non-Android terminal that uses the old menu structure, select Reset > Yes.

    The totals from the previous period are no longer shown. You can now view and print the last known Totals report.

Resetting automatically

To automatically reset the Totals every day at a specific hour, contact our Support Team.

Reprint transaction receipt

To print another copy of the shopper or merchant receipt for a specific transaction:

  1. Select Transactions > History.

  2. Select the transaction that you want to reprint a receipt for.

  3. Select Receipts and then the receipt you want to print: Shopper receipt or Merchant receipt.

  4. Select Print.

  5. Select Cancel to go back to the point where you can select and print the other receipt, or select Cancel repeatedly until the menu closes.

See also