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Cancel collecting input

Learn how to cancel an in-progress input request.

While an input request is in progress, you can cancel it in the same way that you can cancel an in-progress payment. You can either:

  • Make an AbortRequest from your POS app.
  • Press the Cancel key on the terminal keypad.

Cancel from POS app

To cancel an InputRequest from your POS app:

  1. Make a POST request to a Terminal API endpoint, specifying:

    • MessageHeader: the standard SaleToPOIRequest.MessageHeader object. Specify:

      Parameter Required Description
      ProtocolVersion -white_check_mark- 3.0
      MessageClass -white_check_mark- Service
      MessageCategory -white_check_mark- Abort
      MessageType -white_check_mark- Request
      ServiceID -white_check_mark- Your unique ID for this request, consisting of 1-10 alphanumeric characters. Must be unique within the last 48 hours for the terminal (POIID) being used.
      SaleID -white_check_mark- Your unique ID for the POS system component to send this request from.
      POIID -white_check_mark- The unique ID of the terminal to send this request to. Format: [device model]-[serial number].
    • AbortRequest:

      Parameter Description
      AbortReason MerchantAbort
      MessageReference An object with:
      • MessageCategory: Input
      • SaleID: your unique ID of the POS app component that sent the input request.
      • ServiceID: the ServiceID of the input request being cancelled.

    For more details see the AbortRequest API reference.

    The example below shows how to make a request to cancel an in-progress input request with a ServiceID of 21796.

    A successful AbortRequest returns a response with a 200 OK HTTP status code and no body.

  2. Check whether the cancellation was successful:

    • The screen generated by your InputRequest disappears from the terminal display.
    • The InputRequest returns a response containing:
      • Result: Failure
      • ErrorCondition: Aborted

    The following example shows the response for a confirmation input request that was cancelled.

Cancel from terminal

To cancel an in-progress input request from a terminal:

  • Press the Cancel key on the terminal keypad.

If this is successful:

  • The screen generated by your InputRequest disappears from the terminal display.
  • The InputRequest returns a response. Depending on the type of input, this InputResponse contains:

    Type of input Result ConfirmedFlag
    Confirmation Success false
    Signature Success false
    Type of input Result ErrorCondition
    Menu Failure Cancel
    Digit Failure Cancel
    Text Failure Cancel

See also