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White Adyen point-of-sale test card

How to test point-of-sale card transactions with the white (v1) Adyen test card.

This Adyen test card has several "applications" programmed onto it that each simulate a specific card brand (payment method), language, country/region, and currency, and various Cardholder Verification Methods (CVM).

When making test payments with this card:

  • To test a specific application on the test card, use the corresponding currency in your payment request.
  • To test different CVMs, use different combinations of transaction amount and currency.
  • To test declined payments, use the last three digits of the transaction amount.

You can view the details of test payments in your test Customer Area under Transactions > Payments.

The card simulates Mastercard and Maestro payment methods. To verify that your POS app and terminal are communicating as expected and to test your reconciliation, no other card payment methods are needed. But as an alternative, you can order test card packs from B2PS.

You cannot test contactless payments or Tap to Pay on mobile with this card. To test contactless or Tap to pay, use the Green-blue Adyen test card version 2.4 or later. The version is specified on the back of the test card above the magnetic stripe.

Card applications

Use the table below to see which application on the test card corresponds with the scenario you want to test.

To try a particular application, use the corresponding currency in your payment request. You can also select an application on the terminal: when the terminal shows Present card, insert the card and select the application on the display.

Application Payment method Issuing country/region Currency Expiration date Locale PIN PAN
MC NL Mastercard BE EUR 02/28 Dutch 1234 5413 3300 8909 9999
MS EN Maestro BE EUR 02/28 English 1234 6799 9989 0000 0099 990
MC F Mastercard US USD 02/28 French 1234 5413 3300 8999 9990
MC ES Maestro US USD 02/28 Spanish 1234 6799 9989 0000 0999 991
MSR Mastercard US USD 12/25 English 1234 5413 3300 8902 0037

Testing CVMs

To test different CVMs, use different combinations of transaction amount and currency.

If you enter a wrong PIN multiple times, the card is blocked and cannot be used anymore.

Application Amount Currency CVM
MC NL >200.00 EUR CVM 1: online enciphered PIN
  >100 EUR CVM 2: EMV chip enciphered PIN
  0-100 EUR CVM 3: signature
MS EN >200.00 EUR CVM 1: online enciphered PIN
  >100 EUR CVM 2: EMV chip enciphered PIN
  0-100 EUR CVM 3: signature
MC F All All CVM 1: EMV chip enciphered PIN
MC ES All All CVM 1: EMV chip enciphered PIN
MSR All All CVM 1: service code 101 - Signature

For online PIN, with the card inserted in the card reader, the test system will accept any PIN code you enter.

For offline PIN, with the card inserted in the card reader, the transaction will be declined if you enter an invalid PIN.

Simulating declined payments

In general, test payments generate the result Approved. To simulate declined payments, you can change the last three digits of the RequestedAmount that you specify in the payment request.

For example, to test how your integration responds when the issuer suspects fraud, specify an amount with 151 as the last three digits, such as 101.51 or 21.51.

In a classic library integration you can run the same simulations, but the response returns a generic DECLINED_ONLINE posResultCode in most cases. To verify the details of a simulation, you can:

The following table shows:

  • The last three digits of the amount to specify for simulating a specific response.
  • The Result, ErrorCondition,AdditionalResponse.refusalReason, and AdditionalResponse.message from the Terminal API response.

The refusalReason and message are included for additional insight, and should not be coded against. For instructions on how to handle declines, see Declined payments.

Amount ending in Result ErrorCondition refusalReason message
Amount ending in Result ErrorCondition refusalReason message
121 Failure Refusal 214 Declined online CANCELLED
122 Failure Refusal 124 acquirer fraud ACQUIRER_FRAUD
123 Failure Refusal 214 Declined online DECLINED
124 Failure Refusal 210 Not enough balance NOT_ENOUGH_BALANCE
125 Failure Refusal 199 Card blocked BLOCK_CARD
126 Failure Refusal 228 Card expired CARD_EXPIRED
127 Failure Refusal 214 Declined online INVALID_AMOUNT
128 Failure InvalidCard 214 Declined online INVALID_CARD
129 Failure Refusal 214 Declined online NOT_SUPPORTED
130 Failure Refusal 214 Declined online ERROR
131 Failure Refusal 214 Declined online DECLINED
132 Failure Refusal 214 Declined online DECLINED
133 Failure Refusal 214 Declined online REFERRAL
134 Failure WrongPIN 129 Invalid online PIN INVALID_PIN
Remark: The terminal shows "Incorrect PIN" and then "Enter PIN". Cancel the payment on the terminal to get the failure response.
135 Failure Refusal 128 Online PIN tries exceeded PIN_TRIES_EXCEEDED
136 Failure Refusal 207 Issuer unavailable ISSUER UNAVAILABLE
137 Failure Refusal 211 Withdrawal amount exceeded WITHDRAWAL_AMOUNT_EXCEEDED
138 Failure Refusal 212 Withdrawal count exceeded WITHDRAWAL_COUNT_EXCEEDED
139 Failure Refusal 210 Not enough balance NOT_ENOUGH_BALANCE

Remark: Combined with the tender option AllowPartialAuthorisation, an amount ending in 139 will not fail. Instead, the result is a partial payment.

142 or 143 Remark: Tap the card. The terminal shows Contactless limit exceeded, insert card.
144 Failure Refusal 214 Declined online NOT_SUBMITTED
145 Failure Refusal 214 Declined online DECLINED
The raw response is FRAUD_CANCELLED
146 Failure Refusal 214 Declined online TRANSACTION_NOT_PERMITTED
147 Failure Refusal 214 Declined online CVC_DECLINED
148 Failure Refusal 214 Declined online RESTRICTED_CARD
149 Failure Refusal 214 Declined online DECLINED
The raw response is REVOCATION_OF_AUTH
150 Failure Refusal 214 Declined online DECLINED
The raw response is DECLINED NON GENERIC
151 Failure Refusal 214 Declined online ISSUER_SUSPECTED_FRAUD
152 Failure Cancel 234 No checking account 234 No checking account
153 Failure Cancel 233 No savings account 233 No savings account
154 Failure Cancel 219 Shopper cancelled ctls fallback 219 Shopper cancelled ctls fallback
Remark: Tap the card. The payment falls back to a non-contactless payment. The terminal shows "Present card" again, but this time without the contactless icon. Cancel the payment on the terminal to get the failure response.
Remark: Tap the card. The terminal shows See mobile for instructions.
Note that in the test environment the only option is to cancel the transaction.
156 Intended for internal testing by Adyen. Do not use this for your own test cases.
157 Failure Refusal 212 Withdrawal count exceeded AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED
158 Failure Refusal 235 AID banned BAN_CURRENT_AID
Remark: In a live environment, this is the response when the application is in the penalty box, offline processing is not possible, and there are no other applications on the card.
159 Failure Refusal 214 Declined online ONLINE_PIN_REQUIRED
160 Failure Refusal 214 Declined online TRY ANOTHER INTERFACE
Intended for internal testing by Adyen. Do not use this for your own test cases.
161 Failure Refusal 214 Declined online CHIP_DOWNGRADE_MODE
Intended for internal testing by Adyen. Do not use this for your own test cases.

Raw responses

In our back end, we receive the payment response from card schemes and issuers. In case of a declined payment, we map the raw response to a combination of ErrorCondition, refusalReason, and message and return this in the Terminal API response.

Raw responses provide additional information, but you do not need to test them because you should not code against them. If you base your failure-handling logic on raw responses, that might break your integration because acquirers and issuers sometimes change their raw responses without notice.

If you still want to receive the raw response, you can:

See also