Select the topic that you want to know more about.
Get started
Start accepting payments with Adyen.
Online payments
Accept ecommerce payments on your website or in your mobile app.
In-person payments
Accept point-of-sale payments with our terminals and Tap to Pay.
Get insights and build customer journeys across sales channels.
Connect your existing commerce system to our payments platform.
API credentials
Authenticate your API requests with Adyen.
Get updates about your account, payments, and other integration aspects.
Error codes and messages
Learn about error responses to API requests.
Release notes
Keep track of the updates and changes in our products.
More development resources
Learn about testing, integration, and security best practices.
Select the topic that you want to know more about.
See our recommendations for configuring your network.
Handle the Wi-Fi configuration of your terminals from the Customer Area.
Switch to cellular when the terminal cannot access the internet through Wi-Fi or Ethernet.
Let your mobile POS app automatically connect to the nearest terminal.
Troubleshoot the connection with a Bluetooth base station.
Set up a Bluetooth PAN and tethering between a payment terminal and a mobile POS app.
Solve other issues with the network configuration or connectivity.