Terminal-2 icon

Print data on the terminal

Print text, QR codes, or images on the payment terminal outside of the payment flow.

A print request allows you to initiate printing on the payment terminal from your POS app outside of a payment flow. You can print text, QR codes, or images. It is not possible to print barcode formats such as EAN-8, EAN-13, UPC-A, Code 25, Code 128 or PDF417.

Here are some examples of how you can use print requests:

  • In a Pay at Table flow, print the bill on the terminal before sending a payment request. This lets the customers decide if they want to split the bill, and how they want to pay.
  • Print entry tickets at a festival.
  • In a quick-service restaurant, print a receipt that allows customers to pick up their order at the counter.
  • Print a QR code with a URL to join your loyalty program or to download an app.

If you want to combine text with a QR code, you need to make two consecutive print requests. There is no prompt to tear off the paper following a print request (like after printing a shopper receipt), so you are able to give the shopper a single slip of paper.

A print request only works on payment terminals with a built-in printer. You can use these models:

  • V240m Plus (in Brazil)
  • V400c Plus
  • V400m
  • S1F2
  • S1F2L

To use the payment terminal to print text content:

  • Make a POST request to a Terminal API endpoint, specifying:

    • MessageHeader: the standard SaleToPOIRequest.MessageHeader object. Specify:

      Parameter Required Description
      ProtocolVersion -white_check_mark- 3.0
      MessageClass -white_check_mark- Device
      MessageCategory -white_check_mark- Print
      MessageType -white_check_mark- Request
      ServiceID -white_check_mark- Your unique ID for this request, consisting of 1-10 alphanumeric characters. Must be unique within the last 48 hours for the terminal (POIID) being used.
      SaleID -white_check_mark- Your unique ID for the POS system component to send this request from.
      POIID -white_check_mark- The unique ID of the terminal to send this request to. Format: [device model]-[serial number].
    • PrintRequest.PrintOutput: the request body. Specify:

      Parameter Required Description
      DocumentQualifier -white_check_mark- Document
      ResponseMode -white_check_mark- PrintEnd
      OutputContent.OutputFormat -white_check_mark- Text
      OutputContent.OutputText -white_check_mark- An array with one or more array items containing the text you want to print.

      Each OutputText array item can have:

      Parameter Required Description
      CharacterStyle Allowed values: Normal, Bold, Underline. If not specified, defaults to Normal.
      Alignment Allowed values: Left, Centred, Justified, Right. If not specified, defaults to Left.
      EndOfLineFlag If not specified, defaults to true. Use false if you want the next array item to continue on the same line.
      Text -white_check_mark- The text you want to print in this array element. For a blank line, specify an empty value.

    Select the tabs below to see how you can use the parameters to print a receipt (with a header, line items, and a footer) or a document (with a title, headings, and paragraphs).

    Copy code
    "SaleToPOIRequest": {
    "MessageHeader": {
    "ProtocolVersion": "3.0",
    "MessageClass": "Device",
    "MessageType": "Request",
    "ServiceID": "050824",
    "SaleID": "POSSystemID12345",
    "POIID": "V400m-346403161"
    "PrintRequest": {
    "PrintOutput": {
    "DocumentQualifier": "Document",
    "ResponseMode": "PrintEnd",
    "OutputContent": {
    "OutputFormat": "Text",
    "OutputText": [
    "CharacterStyle": "Bold",
    "Alignment": "Centred",
    "EndOfLineFlag": true,
    "Text": "THIS IS THE TITLE"
    "Alignment": "Centred",
    "EndOfLineFlag": true,
    "Text": ""
    "Alignment": "Left",
    "EndOfLineFlag": false,
    "Text": "This is key-1"
    "Alignment": "Right",
    "EndOfLineFlag": true,
    "Text": "value-1"
    "Alignment": "Left",
    "EndOfLineFlag": false,
    "Text": "This is key-2"
    "Alignment": "Right",
    "EndOfLineFlag": true,
    "Text": "value-2"
    "Alignment": "Left",
    "EndOfLineFlag": false,
    "Text": "This is key-3"
    "Alignment": "Right",
    "EndOfLineFlag": true,
    "Text": "value-3"
    "Alignment": "Left",
    "EndOfLineFlag": true,
    "Text": "Some explanation about the receipt (# %^& @/: $ £ EUR )"
    "Alignment": "Centred",
    "EndOfLineFlag": true,
    "Text": ""
    "CharacterStyle": "Bold",
    "Alignment": "Centred",
    "EndOfLineFlag": true,
    "Text": "This is the footer"

    You receive a PrintResponse with:

    • DocumentQualifier: Document
    • Response.Result: Success
    Response for printing text
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    Copy code
    Copy code
    "SaleToPOIResponse": {
    "PrintResponse": {
    "DocumentQualifier": "Document",
    "Response": {
    "Result": "Success"
    "MessageHeader": {
    "MessageCategory": "Print",
    "MessageClass": "Device",
    "MessageType": "Response",
    "POIID": "V400m-346403161",
    "ProtocolVersion": "3.0",
    "SaleID": "POSSystemID12345",
    "ServiceID": "050823"

To use the payment terminal to print a QR code that the shopper can scan with their mobile device:

  1. If the QR code needs to contain more than just a URL, convert the content to a URL-encoded string. You'll need to specify the URL-encoded string in the print request.

    For example, if the QR code should have this content:

    Copy code
    Visit www.adyen.com/pos-payments and:
    - Learn about the features we support
    - Choose from a range of terminals

    The resulting URL-encoded string will look like this:

    Copy code

    If the QR code needs to contain only a URL, for example https://www.adyen.com/pos-payments, there is no need to URL-encode that. You'll specify the URL in the print request as a plain text string.

  2. Make a POST request to a Terminal API endpoint, specifying:

    • MessageHeader: the standard SaleToPOIRequest.MessageHeader object. Specify:

      Parameter Required Description
      ProtocolVersion -white_check_mark- 3.0
      MessageClass -white_check_mark- Device
      MessageCategory -white_check_mark- Print
      MessageType -white_check_mark- Request
      ServiceID -white_check_mark- Your unique ID for this request, consisting of 1-10 alphanumeric characters. Must be unique within the last 48 hours for the terminal (POIID) being used.
      SaleID -white_check_mark- Your unique ID for the POS system component to send this request from.
      POIID -white_check_mark- The unique ID of the terminal to send this request to. Format: [device model]-[serial number].
    • PrintRequest.PrintOutput: the request body. Specify:

      Parameter Required Description
      DocumentQualifier -white_check_mark- CustomerReceipt
      ResponseMode -white_check_mark- PrintEnd
      OutputContent.OutputFormat -white_check_mark- BarCode
      OutputContent.OutputBarcode.BarcodeType -white_check_mark- QRCode
      OutputContent.OutputBarcode.BarcodeValue -white_check_mark- The content of the QR code: a URL specified as a plain text string or a URL encoded string.

    You receive a print response with:

    • DocumentQualifier: CustomerReceipt
    • Response.Result: Success
    Response for printing a QR code
    Expand view
    Copy link to code block
    Copy code
    Copy code
    "SaleToPOIResponse": {
    "PrintResponse": {
    "DocumentQualifier": "CustomerReceipt",
    "Response": {
    "Result": "Success"
    "MessageHeader": {
    "MessageCategory": "Print",
    "MessageClass": "Device",
    "MessageType": "Response",
    "POIID": "V400m-34640316",
    "ProtocolVersion": "3.0",
    "SaleID": "POSSystemID12345",
    "ServiceID": "050817"

To use the payment terminal to print a PNG image:

  1. Convert the PNG image to a Base64-encoded string.

    The size limit of the image is 102400 bytes. Therefore, we recommend using 1-bit grayscale images with a maximum width of 384 pixels.

  2. In the XML code sample below, replace <IMAGE_DATA> with the Base64-encoded string.

    XML code sample
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    Copy code
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <img src="data:image/png;base64, <IMAGE_DATA>"/>

    You must include a space between <img src="data:image/png;base64, and the Base64-encoded <IMAGE_DATA>.

  3. Convert the whole XML code sample, including the already Base64-encoded image, to a Base64-encoded string.

  4. Make a POST request to a Terminal API endpoint, specifying:

    • MessageHeader: the standard SaleToPOIRequest.MessageHeader object. Specify:

      Parameter Required Description
      ProtocolVersion -white_check_mark- 3.0
      MessageClass -white_check_mark- Device
      MessageCategory -white_check_mark- Print
      MessageType -white_check_mark- Request
      ServiceID -white_check_mark- Your unique ID for this request, consisting of 1-10 alphanumeric characters. Must be unique within the last 48 hours for the terminal (POIID) being used.
      SaleID -white_check_mark- Your unique ID for the POS system component to send this request from.
      POIID -white_check_mark- The unique ID of the terminal to send this request to. Format: [device model]-[serial number].
    • PrintRequest.PrintOutput: the request body. Specify:

      Parameter Required Description
      DocumentQualifier -white_check_mark- Document
      ResponseMode -white_check_mark- PrintEnd
      OutputContent.OutputFormat -white_check_mark- XHTML
      OutputContent.OutputXHTML -white_check_mark- The Base64-encoded XML code sample with the image data.
    Print request
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    Copy link to code block
    Copy code
    Copy code
    "SaleToPOIRequest": {
    "MessageHeader": {
    "ProtocolVersion": "3.0",
    "MessageClass": "Device",
    "MessageCategory": "Print",
    "MessageType": "Request",
    "ServiceID": "050831",
    "SaleID": "POSSystemID12345",
    "POIID": "V400m-34640316"
    "PrintRequest": {
    "PrintOutput": {
    "DocumentQualifier": "Document",
    "ResponseMode": "PrintEnd",
    "OutputContent": {
    "OutputFormat": "XHTML",
    "OutputXHTML": "PD94bWwgdmVyc2...NUNZSUk9Ii8+"
  5. You receive a PrintResponse with:

    • DocumentQualifier: Document
    • Response.Result: Success
    Response for printing an image
    Expand view
    Copy link to code block
    Copy code
    Copy code
    "SaleToPOIResponse": {
    "DocumentQualifier": "Document",
    "Response": {
    "Result": "Success"
    "MessageHeader": {
    "MessageCategory": "Print",
    "MessageClass": "Device",
    "MessageType": "Response",
    "POIID": "V400m-34640316",
    "ProtocolVersion": "3.0",
    "SaleID": "POSSystemID12345",
    "ServiceID": "050831"

See also