Payment-method icon

Cards Drop-in integration

Add cards to an existing Drop-in integration.

This page explains how to add cards to your existing Drop-in integration.


Choose which server-side flow your integration uses:

API reference

Drop-in configuration

Optional configuration

You can include the following parameters in the configuration object:

Parameter Description
holderNameRequired Set to true to require the cardholder name.
addressMode Specify which address fields are required. Possible values:
-full: require the full address.
-postalCode: require the postal code.
-none: address not required.
showCvc Set to true to show the security code (CVC/CVV/CID) in the payment form.
supportedCardTypes A list of supported card types that you recognize.
socialSecurityNumberFieldVisibility Specify if the social security number field shows. Possible values
-show: show the field.
-hide: do not show the field.
showStorePaymentMethodField Set to true to show the option to store card details for recurring payments.
showCvcForStoredCard Set to true to show the security code (CVC/CVV/CID) of stored cards.
kcpFieldVisibility For Korean cards, sets if the security field shows in the payment form. Possible values:
-show: show the field.
-hide: do not show the field.

You can refer to the CardConfiguration class in Github.

Showing debit and credit cards separately

Drop-in can show separate payment forms for debit cards and credit cards. Here are example use cases for this feature:

  • In Brazil, Mexico, and Finland, many shoppers use combo cards that can make both debit or credit transactions. Separate forms for Debit Card and Credit Card lets the shopper choose the type of transaction.
  • To accept card payments in Sweden, local legislation requires you to show the debit card payment options before the credit card ones.

Combo cards

For debit transactions, we highly recommend using 3D Secure and Automatic Capture due to some issuers' restrictions.


To comply with local legislation, set countryCode to SE in your request. Drop-in shows the payment form for Debit Card before the one for Credit Card.

Card brand recognition

When the shopper is entering their card details, Drop-in tries to recognize the card brand. When successful, Drop-in renders the brand icon and the corresponding input field for the card security code (CVC, CVV, or CID).

Co-badged cards

Co-badged cards are rendered by Drop-in according to the co-badged card regulations for the applicable regions. This means that Drop-in renders all supported brands, and allows the cardholder to choose their preferred brand.

Stored card payments

Use Adyen's tokenization feature to securely store shopper's payment details for future payments.

Test and go live

If your client-side integration isn't ready, you can test API requests with encrypted card details by adding a test_ prefix to the test card details.

Before making live card payments:

  1. Test your integration using our test card numbers. You can check the status of test payments in your Customer Area > Transactions > Payments.

  2. Add the cards that you want to accept in your live Customer Area.

  3. Before you can start accepting card payments in the live environment, you need to assess your PCI DSS compliance and submit the required Self-Assessment Questionnaire A document.

See also