Payment-method icon

UPI Drop-in integration

Add UPI to an existing Drop-in integration.

This page explains how to add UPI to your existing Web Drop-in integration.


Select the server-side flow that your integration uses:

Requirement Description
Integration type Make sure that you have built a Sessions flow Web Drop-in integration.
The minimum required version is 5.27.0.
Setup steps Before you begin, add UPI in your Customer Area.

Import resources for v6

If you are using Web Drop-in v6, import the resources you need for UPI:

Copy code
import { AdyenCheckout, UPI} from '@adyen/adyen-web'

API reference

You do not need to send additional fields for UPI. To see optional fields that you can send for all payment methods, choose the endpoint you integrated:

Drop-in configuration

There are no configuration steps specific to UPI required for Drop-in.

Optional configuration

Property Description
v5.25.0 or later
Configures which payment option is selected by default. Possible values:
- vpa: UPI Collect.
- qrCode: UPI QR.
- intent: UPI Intent ( v5.66.0 or later ).

Test and go live

Depending on your account setup, you may have access to the UPI simulator which you can use to test your UPI integration. Contact your Account Manager or our Support Team if you have questions about the simulator.

You can also use your personal account on a UPI app to test your integration by making live payments with a low value.