Payment-method icon

iDEAL Drop-in integration

Add iDEAL to your existing iOS Drop-in integration.

iDEAL is moving to a more centralized infrastructure to process payments.

Adyen merchants currently using iDEAL have a deadline of 01 April 2025 to complete the following:

This page explains how to add iDEAL to your existing iOS Drop-in integration.


Select the server-side flow that your integration uses:

Requirement Description
Integration type Make sure that you have built a Sessions flow iOS Drop-in integration.
Setup steps Before you begin, add iDEAL in your Customer Area.

API reference

You do not need to send additional fields for iDEAL. To see optional fields that you can send for all payment methods, choose the endpoint you integrated:

Drop-in configuration

There is no required iDEAL-specific integration for Drop-in.

Recurring payments

Adyen supports recurring payments for iDEAL through SEPA Direct Debit. To make recurring payments, you need to:

  1. Create a shopper token.
  2. Use the token to make future payments for the shopper.

1. Create a token

We strongly recommend that you request explicit permission from the shopper if you intend to make recurring SEPA payments. Being transparent about the payment schedule and the charged amount reduces the risk of chargebacks.

To create a token, include in your /payments request:

  • amount: The transaction must have a minimum value of EUR 0.01.
  • storePaymentMethod: true
  • shopperReference: your unique identifier for the shopper (minimum length three characters). Do not include personally identifiable information (PII), such as name or email address.
  • recurringProcessingModel: Subscription or UnscheduledCardOnFile

    From Checkout v70, recurringProcessingModel is a required parameter when creating or using a token.

When the payment is settled, you receive a RECURRING_CONTRACT webhook containing:

  • originalReference: The pspReference of the initial payment.
  • pspReference: This is the token that you need to make recurring payments for this shopper.

Make sure that your server is able to receive RECURRING_CONTRACT as part of your standard webhooks. You can enable the RECURRING_CONTRACT event code in the webhook settings page.

2. Make a payment with a token

For each recurring payment for this shopper, make a SEPA payment to the /payments endpoint, specifying:

For more information about the shopperInteraction and recurringProcessingModel fields, refer to Tokenization.

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Copy link to code block
Copy code
Copy code
curl \
-H 'x-api-key: ADYEN_API_KEY' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
"recurringProcessingModel": "Subscription"

If the payment was successfully received, the response contains:

  • resultCode: Received
  • pspReference: a unique identifier for this transaction.

You can track whether the payment was successful using webhooks.

BICs for iDEAL partner banks

Bank name BIC
Nationale-Nederlanden NNBANL2G
Rabobank RABONL2U
Regiobank RBRBNL21
Revolut REVOLT21
Triodos Bank TRIONL2U
Van Lanschot Kempen FVLBNL22
Yoursafe BITSNL2A

iDEAL may update its list of banking partners at any time. Be prepared to adjust your integration if these banking partners change.

Test and go live

The iDEAL test environment is unreliable and may not always work to test your changes. We recommend doing live penny tests to verify your integration.

Request iDEAL for the live environment

Before you can accept live payments, you need to add iDEAL in your live Customer Area.

Live Penny Testing

  1. Get a live bank account from one of the iDEAL issuers.
  2. Create an iDEAL payment on live and redirect to the iDEAL Payment Page.
  3. Scan the QR code on the iDEAL Payment Page or Click Select your bank to navigate to a list of issuers.
  4. Authorise the payment.
  5. Check the status of test payments in your live Customer Area > Transactions > Payments.

Testing on the Test environment

In case the iDEAL test environment is up and running, it may be possible to test using your test account. You are always redirected to a test payment page where you can simulate different iDEAL result codes.

On the payment page:

  1. Click Select your bank to navigate to a list of issuers.
  2. Select the TESTNL2A issuer.
  3. Select the test simulation you want to run according to the following table:

    Test simulation resultCode produced
    Success Authorised
    Cancellation Canceled
    Cancellation before login Canceled
    Expiration Pending or Received
    Failure Refused

When possible, we recommend that you test each scenario before you go live, otherwise you should perform a Live Penny Test to verify your integration.

Check the status of test payments in your Customer Area > Transactions > Payments.

See also