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Payment type | Payment flow | Countries | Currencies | Recurring | Refunds | Partial refunds | Multiple partial refunds | Separate captures | Partial captures | Multiple partial captures | Chargebacks |
Online Banking | Redirect | ES | EUR |
Activate Bizum
Before you add Bizum to your integration:
Make sure that you have a contract with a local supported bank (this is the acquirer).
Visit Bizum's official site to see a list of available banks. -
Receive your MID and Terminal ID from the acquirer.
MID is also referred to as FUC. -
Inform the acquirer that Adyen will process payments for you so they can connect your MID with Adyen as a gateway.
Adyen's IPSP number for e-commerce and Bizum operations is 31710.
After you have received your MID and Terminal ID from the acquirer, you can start adding Bizum to your integration.